11 Things the Duggars Are Still Hiding

On Sunday, In Touch magazine posted 11 Things the Duggars Are Still Hiding. I hate to say it but once again this tabloid magazine is asking excellent questions and making excellent points. That doesn’t mean I agree with everything in the article, but I do agree with most of it. I’d suggest you read it.
I have no interest in falsely accusing the Duggars; nor do I have an interest in naively excusing the Duggars. Both accusing and excusing are equally evil.
In a previous post, I noted the following pertaining to Josh Duggar.
“There are many disturbing aspects to this story of sexual abuse. For example, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported on May 23.
‘A Washington County Juvenile Court judge ordered the [police] report destroyed on Thursday, saying one of the victims is still a minor and that the child’s identity might be revealed. The Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette obtained the report before it was ordered destroyed.’
“The female victim is still a minor. That means she is not yet 18 years of age. The forcible fondling occurred in March 2003. Therefore, the little girl was under the age of 6.”
To this, I must now add the following.
In her June 3 interview, Megyn Kelly effectively identified the victim as the youngest of five Duggar daughters at the time. This was confirmed by her father, Jim Bob (J. B.) in his response to Kelly.
KELLY: I know that the ultimate one before you really got help involved a very young daughter, and I’ll avoid the age because I don’t want to identify anyone specifically, but a single digit. I mean, what was that like for you to hear? You know, one, you must have thought for some time this is a pubescent boy, I don’t know what he’s going through, but he’s testing. But when it moves to a young daughter --
J. B. DUGGAR: Right.
This was the last of Josh’s five reported victims and represented a serious escalation in his aggressive and deviant behavior. The account is rather graphic but I think it needs to be read (see Offense Report, page 15, paragraph 1 and page 22, paragraphs 1-3.)[i] I agree with the Springdale Police detectives. This was a case of forcible fondling and second degree sexual assault by a 15 year old brother on his five year old sister.
In her interview with Megyn Kelly, however, Michelle Duggar referred to this assault as her son Josh doing nothing more than “improperly touching a young one.” That is a grievous misrepresentation. Along with other misleading and minimizing remarks by the family, it is no wonder the press and the public are outraged.
Just before this incident, Josh also molested a sister in the laundry room (see Offense Report, page 15, paragraph 1; page 20, paragraph 1; and page 23, paragraph 8). The Duggars also told detectives that Josh “admitting to fondling” someone “outside the home on her breasts” (Offense Report, page 11, paragraph 1).
It was no longer, “He was just curious about girls, and he had gone in [4 to 5 times] and just basically touched them [his sisters, Jill and Jesse a year earlier] over their clothes [on the breasts and vaginal areas] while they were sleeping” (cf. Offense Report, page 14, paragraph 2). That description by Jim Bob Duggar to Megyn Kelly of earlier activity no longer applied. Josh’s molestations had become even more serious in degree and nature.
None of this should be minimized because some victims were asleep or other victims didn’t fully understand what happened to them. That is irrelevant. Josh’s exploitation of his sisters and a babysitter was far more than “just [being] curious about girls.” Such is a naïve, unbliblical and woefully inadequate explanation.
Whenever we minimize sin, we offend God and cheapen the death of Christ. Jesus didn’t die for inappropriate touching. He died for sinners who selfishly and deceitfully exploit others in order to fulfill their own sinful cravings.
I am grateful to God for his apparent work in Josh’s life and for evidences of grace in the Duggar family. I am also concerned for how they are presenting the past and responding in the present.
[i] Move your cursor down the sides of the Offense Report and a “Previous” or “Next” page prompt will come up.
Josh Duggar Molestation Scandal: Police Respond to Jim Bob's Claims They Took a Bribe
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New Investigation Launched Against Duggar Family - 911 Called
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Duggars Facing Lawsuit from Non-Family Molestation Victim
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Duggars could face civil suit from non-family abuse victim, report says (FoxNews.com)
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Josh Duggar checks into rehab, family says
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