A Return to Pastoral Ministry & Curtailment of Blogging After Ten Years

I was converted to Christ in 1972. I was 18. Two years later, I was blessed to start a campus ministry in college. Amazingly, it grew. During that time, I felt a call to ministry. After I graduated, I went off to seminary where I earned my Master of Divinity.
In 1980, I became the first pastor of a new church in the college town where I did my undergraduate studies. Two years later, my wife and I moved to Wheaton, Maryland to help start Sovereign Grace Ministries where I served for 27 years. During those years, I led, planted, or helped plant numerous churches. I left SGM in 2009 as a matter of conscience due to its ethical demise.
For the last ten years, I’ve been addressing leaders inside and outside of Sovereign Grace Ministries for all kinds of corruption and compromise including the cover-up of sex crimes against children and youth. See My Story. In each situation, the Lord sovereignly provided the evidence I needed to write as a matter of fact; which I did after private appeals for repentance failed. This work has been hard and involved costly suffering.
One primary goal of my work is best illustrated in an important email to Al Mohler, Mark Dever, and Ligon Duncan regarding John MacArthur from earlier this year. I think it addresses the most critical issue of our day in the evangelical Church – upholding the character qualifications of Scripture for men in ministry. You can read it here.
The past decade, I’ve also been “helping Christians to judge righteously, think biblically, and live courageously” to the best of my ability. That too is vital. It is my tagline on BrentDetwiler.com.
People have reported I was the first “whistleblower” in the Christian Church when I sent out The Documents in 2011. Since then, the Lord has raised up untold numbers of people are who willing to address leaders who are not above reproach and call them to account when fellow leaders or denominational officials fail to do so. I hope my attitude and careful approach has set an example to follow.
Now, I’d like to return to pastoral ministry and Christian education. My resume is below. You can also print a professional copy online. Existing churches in need of a pastor-teacher, or groups of people interested in planting a church, are welcome to contact me via email. I plan to cut back on my blogging or bring it to a close. I’d love to begin caring for souls and expositing God’s word in the context of a local church again.
A. Brent Detwiler
Davidson, NC
abrentdetwiler@gmail.com (c): 704.497.7986
Summary of Qualifications
~ Strong organizational skills – effective planner, administrator, & manager.
~ Excellent communication skills – proven writer, teacher, & preacher.
~ Commendable character – reliable, honest, & trustworthy leader.
~ Good interpersonal skills – caring, concerned & compassionate pastor & advocate.
Professional Experience
Survivors of Abuse / Davidson, NC
Advocate & Blogger/ October 2013-Present
~ Provide care, counsel and encouragement to victims and their families.
~ Work with law enforcement in making cases against perpetrators.
~ Work with national press and media on newsworthy stories about abuse.
~ Blog at BrentDetwiler.com in effort to educate the Church & expose abusers and those who cover up their abuse.
Aletheia Ministries / Davidson, NC
President / October 2010-Present
~Church consultant, speaker, and writer.
Grace Community Church / Mooresville, NC
Senior Pastor / March 2008-July 2009
~Founded and led new church plant.
CrossWay Community Church / Charlotte, NC
Founder – Senior Pastor / June 1991-January 2002
~ Led church and staff from 1991-2002.
~ Grew to 600 average attendance.
~ Led process in acquisition of 21.4 acres of prime property at 6400 Prosperity Church Road in Charlotte, NC in 1997. Directed fundraising, programming, design, and building of 33,000 square foot, 3.85-million-dollar facility completed in 2002.
Sovereign Grace Ministries / Gaithersburg, MD
Board of Director / August 1982-November 2007
~ Helped start this family of churches and served on its Board of Directors for 25 years.
~ Grew ministry from several hundred people in two churches to 30,000 people in 64 US churches and 24 nations with an 8.0 million budget.
~ Oversaw 23 of the churches and their pastors as Regional Director for the southeast.
~ Directed international ventures and outreach in Asia and the Caribbean.
~ Managed the extensive Master Calendar of Events for the entire organization.
~ Planned and help lead approximately 100 large conferences often with 1,000 to 2,000 people in attendance.
~ Writer and Associate Editor for Sovereign Grace Magazine.
~ Founded the Pastors College for training new and existing pastors.
~ Taught Systematic Theology and other courses in the Pastors College for two decades.
Lord of Life Church / Indiana PA
Founding Pastor / March 1980-July 1982
~ Led and established this new church as its first pastor.
~ Grew to 200 average attendance.
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship / Indiana, PA
Campus Minister at Indiana University of Pennsylvania / June 1979- August 1980
~ Began, led and established this campus ministry.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania / Indiana, PA / December 1976
Bachelor of Arts in Biology
Anaheim Christian Theological Seminary / Anaheim, CA / June 1979
Master of Divinity
Classes & Certifications
~ Computer Empowerment Course, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College – December 2010
~ Computer Applications Course, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College – December 2010