A Timely Call to Help the Detwilers

Hello Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am Lu Webb and like many of you, a friend and longtime recipient of Brent Detwiler’s apostolic and pastoral care. Though I am initiating this communication with you on my own accord, I have Brent’s permission to do so.
Brent will soon be reaching his third anniversary of being unemployed from any meaningful full-time employment – hardly a cause for celebration! Several months ago I asked him how he was doing financially. After hearing his answer, I asked if I could help by letting other people know of his need.
Brent received a severance package from his last church employment in 2009 that covered living expenses for 9 months. Since then Brent and Jenny have been forced to deplete their savings and retirement accounts while Brent has felt called to address the wrongs and injustices he perceives in SGM. I don’t need to remind you that this has been not only for the benefit of those directly involved, but also for those of us in the body of Christ. Brent has worked when and where he could while simultaneously holding SGM and those in its leadership positions accountable. Sometimes he was a lone voice crying in the wilderness.
Data gathered reveals that tens of thousands have read his materials and thousands have claimed to be helped through Brent’s written efforts over the last 3 years. SGMwikileaks alone is coming up on 100,000 hits.
Brent purposed to not place commercial advertising on his blog. He has never begged for money or charged a fee for access to his materials. All have been free. He did not want anyone to reject his writings on the basis of thinking he wrote them for money and was taking advantage of the situation.
He and Jenny have been through so much! One can only imagine the temptation to utterly despair having dedicated 30 years of one’s life to a ministry and then be faced with evident betrayal, misrepresentation, slander, and isolation from friends, brothers-in-Christ, and colleagues. Yet, he has persevered to ferret out the truth and share with us the nature of the emperor’s clothes. He has worked day and night to bring about reform and help those that have been harmed. This “ministry” has been costly.
Brent is not perfect. He has admitted to his failures in leadership and practice. Who of us could stand up under the avalanche of suffering they’ve endured?
For these reasons, I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to write my fellow brothers and sisters to prayerfully consider giving a financial gift to the Detwilers to help them recover some of the financial losses they have incurred over the last 3 years. We all have been served so faithfully for decades by Brent as a pastor, teacher, apostle, counselor, and friend in many circumstances. Can we now serve them when they need us most?
Please know that helping them is not a statement of complete agreement with Brent or all he’s written. You may wish to consider it an act of mercy. You can be assured that your name will be kept in strict confidence under all circumstances. Neither I, nor the Detwilers, will interpret your financial help as unconditional approval, just an act of benevolence and care.
Time is running short before the Detwiler’s face bankruptcy. I am asking that you prayerfully consider agreeing with me that we will be led by the Spirit in not allowing the Detwiler’s to continue to be victimized. Some have attacked Brent publicly asking why doesn’t he just go out and get a job. With our current economy, I don’t have to tell you that there are few prospects for a nearly 60 year-old man who has been in ministry his entire working life for a very unique “denomination” that blackballed him from his last employment.
There are three ways we can help the Detwiler family financially:
- Prayerfully consider a one-time gift of benevolence by sending a check directly to them or by using the Please Help on BrentDetwiler.com. Or if you prefer, make a tax deductible contribution to Aletheia Ministries which is a non-profit charitable organization. A receipt for your donation will be sent to you for tax purposes at the end of the year.
- In addition to a one time gift, if you have the means, consider giving on a monthly recurring basis as the Spirit leads.
- Enjoin others that you know have been touched by the Detwiler family and ask them to consider this as well.
Please note that I am not communicating that we set Brent up with a salary for the rest of his life. I am simply suggesting that we come alongside a brother and sister in need and help them get back on their feet.
Acts 2:44-47 exhorts us all to be a peculiar people in that we demonstrate our love not as the world would, but, as people sharing all in common with glad and generous hearts. Please read this passage as you consider my request and ask yourself is this an opportunity for you as well to stand up and be counted when the needs of our brother are serious. What the world sees as a painful, interruptive sacrifice the Spirit views as gladness and joy.
John 15:12 – “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”
Brent Detwiler
117 Tilton Drive
Mooresville, NC 28115
Aletheia Ministries
117 Tilton Drive
Mooresville, NC 28115
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or write.
Lu Webb