Ambassadors of Reconciliation Lifts Requirement for Confidentiality

News Alert! Ambassadors of Reconciliation has suspended their requirement that participants in the Group Reconciliation Process be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. This is good news!
I’d encourage people around the nation and world to participate as a result. It’s taken a lot of work and persistence but this lifting of AoR strictures allows people to share their concerns, observations, offenses, and grievances with AoR without taking an oath that restrains them from doing the same in others contexts.
Thanks to everyone who appealed to the SGM Board and AoR to lift these sanctions.
October 10, 2011 9:00 AM
Bethany Grover asked a similar question in our blog comments about confidentiality, so I just responded there so others could see it as well ( Regarding the form, Ted told me that they’re in the midst of creating a new form for SGM’s GRA, and that he won’t hand out a final version until the seminar (after which we will also post a web-based version on our site).
Much grace to you,
October 10
Hi Bethany—good question.
“Confidential” means that AOR won’t share any identifying information with SGM without a participant’s permission. This allows people to share things more comfortably for the purpose of giving SGM feedback.
When I asked Ted Kober to summarize the issue, here is what he said: “Those attending an interview will not be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement. Nevertheless, AoR will not report the identity of sources of the information it collects from the interviews without the express permission of the individuals. The statement currently proposed for the form states: ‘The general substance, but not identifying details, of information collected by the Ambassador team will be shared with SGM in a report. You may provide your name and contact information on this form, which will be helpful if the AoR Team has questions or if you request reconciliation assistance, but individual names will not be shared with SGM leadership unless you indicate otherwise.’”
In other words, the confidentiality is binding on AOR, not the person being interviewed.
Is that helpful?
From: Brent Detwiler
Date: October 9, 2011 7:18:43 PM EDT
To: Ted Kober
Cc: Jim @ SGM Refuge;; Guy; Edgar Keinath; Bryce Thomas; Ken Sande; Adam Malcolm; Ben Wikner; Bob Schickler; Braden Greer; Corby Megorden; Dave Brewer; Don DeVries; Eric Sheffer; Eric Simmons; Grant Layman; Greg Somerville; Issac Hydoski; Jamie Leach; Joe Lee; Jon Smith; Joshua Harris; Kenneth Maresco; Mark Mitchell; Matt Maka; Robin Boisvert; Aron Osborne; Craig Cabaniss; John Loftness; Mark Prater; Mickey Connolly; Pete Greasley; Rick Gamache; Steve Shank; C. J. Mahaney; Dave Harvey; Jeff Purswell
Subject: Questions regarding Confidentiality
You must be inundated with email and requests for answers. I am sorry to bother you again but would you supply an answer to the question about confidentiality and the Group Reconciliation. I assume you’ve not had time to read or consider my emails. I understand your delay but people have only five more days to register.
Maybe I can make it easy for you. Yes or no answers will suffice. Will rule 16 from The Rules of Confidentiality apply? Will rule 12 from An Introduction to Christian Mediation apply?