Charles Schmitt Is a False Shepherd, Predatory Homosexual, & Divisive Deceiver - He Is Starting a New Church & Must Be Stopped!

Charles Schmitt was invited by Larry Tomczak and C.J. Mahaney to become part of Gathering of Believers (aka Covenant Life Church) in the early years. They respected him as an apostle and received him as a teacher. They also knew he had a homosexual history.
While there Schmitt seduced and sodomized young men in the church. In time, he was excommunicated by the elders for the stated reason of divisiveness. The church was never told about his predatory homosexuality because Tomczak and Mahaney sinfully feared a lawsuit.
I also have significant evidence Schmitt had “dirt” on Mahaney and may have used it against him if Mahaney revealed his homosexuality. There is good reason to believe Mahaney was silenced. I am still investigating.
As a result, they let Schmitt start a new church and take people with him. For the last 34 years his predatory homosexuality has continued in Immanuel's Church which grew to 4,000 in the Washington D.C. area.
This is the same kind of approach Mahaney took with known or suspected child abusers in Covenant Life Church and Sovereign Grace Ministries. He did not report them to law enforcement out of concern for financial and reputational harm.
There is much to learn from the following story. I hope you will read it in entirety.
Charles Schmitt was forced to resign as senior pastor of Immanuel’s Church (IC) last November having been caught in an exploitive homosexual relationship with a young man he was mentoring. Once removed from his position of power, other men came forward like his worship pastor who confessed to a five-year homosexual relationship with him from c. 2010-2015. This pattern of sin has been on-going in Charles’ life for nearly sixty years.
As a result, the Board of Trustees hired Metanoia Ministries in February to do an assessment of the church. They produced a 70-page report which was shared with the church in June. It contained 23 recommendations. Those were adopted by the Board of Trustees.
Charles and a “handful of people” are now attacking this assessment and Jim Van Yperen, the Founder and President of Metanoia Ministries. This comes as no surprise to me. When Charles was excommunicated by Gathering of Believers in 1982 for lying, divisiveness, and homosexuality, he sought to discredit those that took righteous action against him. He is doing the same thing now.
Moreover, he started a church two weeks ago and is seeking to divide Immanuel’s Church and draw disciples after himself. He is a wolf. He must be stopped. Paul the apostle, perfectly describes what is going on in his warning to the elders in Ephesus.
Acts 20:28-30 “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. [29] I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; [30] and from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.
The following opinions, perspectives and conclusions are based upon a carefully reading of the evidence in my possession (far more than I can produce in this article) and personal interactions with victims and knowledgeable individuals regarding allegations of homosexual predation, seduction, harassment, assault and rape by Charles Schmitt over a period of 50 plus years.
There is no intent to malign, only to present the truth in keeping with the teaching of Scripture for the benefit of those who have been harmed and for the good of Immanuel’s Church. I am also concerned about future victims. By victims, I mean young men Charles will groom for sexual exploitation be it romantic kissing, fondling, or sodomy.
I consider Charles a false shepherd even though he has been a longtime Bible teacher and pastor of a 4,000-member church in the Washington D.C. area. I’ll explain the biblical basis for this conclusion later. I hope he comes to repentance, acknowledges his sin, experiences the gospel in his soul, and steps down from all ministry.
I have written about him in three previous posts.
Charles Schmitt’s 50 Plus Year History of Homosexual Sex with Young Men While Married & in Ministry
Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 5:26 PM
My Interaction with a Victim Who Alleges He Was Raped by Mega-Church Pastor Charles Schmitt as a Child
Saturday, July 15, 2017 at 4:31PM
The On-Going Defiance of Charles & Dotty Schmitt – Trustees Ready to Act Against Them
Sunday, July 23, 2017 at 9:12AM
This new post will go much farther in documenting his depraved history. I will also lay out recommendations for Immanuel’s Church going forward. I fervently hope the church succeeds in the fullest biblical sense.
Charles must be exposed in order to protect the Church of Jesus Christ. Long ago, his sins should have been told to Immanuel’s Church (Matt 18:17a) in conjunction with a strong public rebuke by the elders (1 Tim 5:20) and removal from ministry. An elder/overseer/pastor must be above reproach (1 Tim 3:1-7; Tit 1:6-9). He has lived a life of reproach.
Charles has never repented of his deceit, arrogance, predation, or homosexuality. Predatory means “seeking to exploit or oppress others.” He has continued in these sins and listened to no one for decades. Matthew 18:17b “And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.” Instead of being treated as an unrepentant sinner, he was put forward by his wife, family and staff as a man of God. Most of all, Charles has promoted himself “as a man who deeply loves the Lord” and “so deeply love[s] our heavenly Father” (Letter to IC, May 7, 2017). No, he doesn’t according to the clear teaching of Scripture. For example, 1 John 3:5 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments.
Charles should have been removed from ministry and from Immanuel’s Church long ago. Not only for his homosexuality but also for his constant abuse of power. Furthermore, he should have been righteously judged and turned over to Satan according to 1 Corinthians 5:1-13. That may sound harsh but that is the explicit teaching of Paul the apostle. Charles’ immorality with men has been on-going all his adult life. From before he was married in 1963, until the present. Paul’s instructions are clear. 1 Corinthians 5:13 Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.
Charles should also be dealt with by the State of Maryland if he has committed crimes (Rom 13:1-5). If you believe you were sexually preyed upon, seduced, harassed, assaulted, abused or raped by Charles Schmitt, please contact Detective Angel Haynes. She would like to hear your story. It doesn’t matter if this occurred when you were a child, juvenile or adult. In the same way, anyone with information about alleged victims or crimes is encouraged to contact her via phone or email.
Detective Angel Hayes
Special Victim Investigation Division
Child Abuse Section/Team 2
7300 Calhoun Drive Suite 300
Rockville, MD. 20855
Throughout this article I quote Scripture. It is our only sure guide. Unless otherwise noted, I use the New American Standard Bible. I’ve also inserted explanatory notes in brackets [ ] and provided commentary in bold letters.
Morris Watson’s Letter Regarding Charles Schmitt – February 13, 1982
In 1981, Dotty Schmitt, Charles’ wife, wrote a book titled The Delight of Being His Daughter. In the book, she vaguely refers to his homosexuality in the 1960’s as a “period of spiritual and moral defeat.” More on that later. She also refers to Morrie Watson and his wife, Gisela, throughout the book. No one is mentioned more often.
The Watson’s were best of friends with the Schmitt’s. From what I can surmise, Morrie was Charles’ longest and closest friend. They met in Bible College in Canada as single men around 1960 according to Dotty. They started a “small fellowship” in Deer River, MN around 1962. They moved to Grand Rapids, MN area and married two weeks apart in 1963. They began a restaurant business and continued to grow Fellowship of Believers. In 1966, the Schmitt’s moved into a large house in Grand Rapids where they had “up to nine young men” living with them” (Delight, p. 108).
In 1968, Charles was mildly disciplined by Calvary Bible Church in St. Paul, MN for a homosexual relationship that involved blackmail. It had no effect upon his conduct or character. In 1969, he returned to pastoral and apostolic ministry.
In 1982, he was mildly disciplined again by Gathering of Believers (GOB) in Wheaton, MD for lying, divisiveness, and homosexuality though only his divisiveness was cited publicly. He was caught exploiting young men under the pretense of mentoring or discipling them. The insipid discipline had no effect upon his conduct or character. Almost immediately, Charles began Immanuel’s Church 15 minutes away.
His friend of 22 years, Morrie Watson, wrote (and copied) an extremely important letter to the leaders who were dealing with Charles at the time. The letter exposed the real Charles Schmitt. What has been happening at Immanuel’s Church in Silver Spring, Maryland is a repeat of what has happened in the past.
Here is Morrie’s letter with commentary added in bold letters.
13 February 1982
Dear Brethren of Ben Israel,
I greatly appreciated my visit with you in January and felt my time to be well spent.
This letter was addressed to the “Brethren of Ben Israel.” “Ben” is the Hebrew word for son. He is writing to the leaders in this Jewish-Christian community of which Arthur Katz was the founder. Morrie and Charles were friends of Art. Ben Israel in Laporte, MN was 55 miles west of Fellowship of Believers in Grand Rapids, MN. These three men also ministered together at a conference center called Camp Dominion.
Yesterday I received your letter of 2 February 1982. I can say that I rejoice in what transpired on the 31st of January with Charlie [Charles Schmitt]. I am especially grateful that there has been established some basis of truth in regard to his condition so that those working with him can more properly judge.
Charles was excommunicated by Larry Tomczak, C.J. Mahaney and the elders of Gathering of Believers in Wheaton, MD primarily for divisiveness but also for homosexuality on Sunday, January 17, 1982. They did not tell the church about his homosexuality, however, for fear of a lawsuit (I’ll explain later). Two weeks later, Morrie met with Art Katz and the leaders of Ben Israel. In a letter, they reported that Charles was miraculously delivered from the demons that compelled his homosexuality.
I trust you will receive my following response to your account of Charlie’s deliverance as rightful concern and not skeptical disregard. I truly want to believe that he is delivered. It might interest you to know that I am aware of at least two previous such experiences that Charlie has had with the same basic manifestations accompanying it [i.e. of demons being cast out]. The most recent being about 10 years ago [1972] when he requested help from Derek Prince and some brothers with him, in regard to his homosexual tendencies. The first was about 20 years ago [1962] in Deer River, though we were not at that time dealing with this specific problem.
Morrie remembers “at least two previous” deliverances when demons were cast out of Charles “with the same basic manifestations accompanying it.” The first in 1962 after Charles moved to Deer River, MN with Morrie. The second in 1972. Derek Prince was well known for casting out demons including those involved in “homosexual tendencies.” Morrie said, “I truly want to believe that he is delivered.”
The point I am making is that with past similar experiences of deliverance as well as with at least four heavy confrontations and many minor ones by leading brethren in the body of Christ, his basic behavior has not change, but rather worsened. My fear at this point is that one might now conclude that all along it was “the devil that made him do it” and thus absolve him personally of responsibility.
The devil tempts us to sin but he never causes us to sin. Furthermore, our primary temptation does not come from the devil, it comes from the sinful desires of our hearts. James 1:14 (NIV) But each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. And we must remember that when we are tempted by the devil, circumstances or our sinful hearts, God always makes a way to escape sin, not excuse sin.
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.
Demons may have invaded Charles’ soul (he was that evil) but that was not his fundamental problem. Our “flesh” or sinful nature is the problem. It must be put to death by picking up our cross, denying our self and following Christ daily. You can cast out demons but you can’t cast out the flesh. Deliverance is never a substitute for the Spirit-enabled hard work of sanctification. Each day we must painstakingly crucify the flesh, walk in the Spirit and obey God’s written Word.
Morrie’s fear that leaders would “absolve him personally of responsibility” and “conclude that all along it was ‘the devil that made him do it’ was well founded. Morrie also points out that even “with at least four heavy confrontations and many minor ones by leading brethren in the body of Christ, his basic behavior has not change, but rather worsened.” That is the testimony of the man who knew Charles best. Morrie is describing the arrogant fool in the book of Proverbs who hates correction and those who correct him.
Proverbs 9:7-8 He who corrects a scoffer gets dishonor for himself, and he who reproves a wicked man gets insults for himself. [8] Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you, reprove a wise man and he will love you.
Many times, over the years, men have accepted his expression of deep repentance at face value (with the exception of Calvary Bible Church in St. Paul., Mn.) and allowed him to continue on only to learn later of his almost total disregard for the authority of the brethren and his continuation in his sins.
Charles has pretended repentance for over five decades. How do I know? Because biblical repentance always produces definitive and lasting fruit. There has been none of that in Charles’ life. He has been a habitual homosexual while married for more than 50 years. He has betrayed his wife and violated his marital vows innumerable times.
If you continue in sin, you have not repented. You may be sorry, feel guilty, regret getting caught, cry, acknowledge what you did was wrong or want to be a better person, but that is not repentance. That is worldly sorrow. See 2 Corinthians 7:8-11 for a biblical definition of repentance. Charles has honed his skill at putting on “expression[s] of deep repentance.” Many are deceived by his pretensions. In short order, he returns to his sins.
Morrie refers to Calvary Bible Church in St. Paul, MN and commends them for standing up to Charles. That’s because an elder from Fellowship of Believers went to them and exposed Charles for blackmailing him into having sex with him. The story is disgusting.
Later in the letter Morrie refers to “a span of over 22 years” during which he tried to unsuccessfully “effect a lasting correction in Charlie’s life.” That includes 1959-1965, during which he had sexual challenges and experiences with Charles.
During these 22 years, Charles did not confine his predation exclusively to young men per evidence in my possession. For instance, a “young boy” (now a mature adult) contacted me in July and told me his alleged story of being repeatedly raped. Later he wrote, “Charles should never [be] a pastor. He is a rapist and a child molester. Charles started raping me at the age of seven and raped me multiple times.” I encouraged him to report this to police but he didn’t feel he would be believed since there were no eyewitnesses.
The main question continues to be one of trust! Even if the present repentance and deliverance is genuine, it does not forgo the need for a period of time in which he must now prove his trustworthiness. As encouraging as your report was, it nevertheless brought into the open the fact that Charlie has been able to quite freely lie over the past several years to say nothing of his effective manipulation of men to cover his tracks using many deceptive methods. These things, my brethren, are evidence of deep moral character flaws and moral character does not change overnight.
Morrie describes an evil individual. Charles had freely lied for several years and effectively manipulated men to cover up his homosexuality by “using many deceptive methods.” That has continued for the last 35 years at Immanuel’s Church.
Not only had Charles lied for years, he specifically lied to Art Katz and the other leaders in Ben Israel on January 30, 1982. Larry Tomczak wrote me and other leaders about this occasion of hellacious lying.
“Two weeks later [Feb 2] I received a letter from Art Katz and some fellow-leaders who stated that during a meeting [Jan 31] with Charles where they confronted him with some ‘new information obtained from a partner in Charles’ transgression of full, blatant homosexual acts,’ Charles finally admitted ‘It was true and that he had lied to us and concealed his real condition the night before [Jan 30].’”
Let me restate this for the sake of clarity. The night before his supposed “repentance and deliverance,” Charles “lied” and “concealed his real condition.” During the 24-hour period that followed this deception, Art Katz and fellow leaders discovered “new information obtained from a partner in Charles’ transgression of full, blatant homosexual acts.” Having been caught in his lie, Charles “finally admitted” to them that “it was true.” Take note, this was a homosexual “partner” with whom Charles was engaged in “full, blatant homosexual acts.” It was not an isolated incident or a short-term relationship.
It was necessary for Larry Tomczak to write about this incident because two weeks earlier, Christopher Johnson and Guy Carey from The Fellowship Church in Miami had written leaders saying a previous confession written by Charles was “full and accurate.” Sorry, I know it gets complicated.
“We find his confession to be full and accurate to date. We wish therefore to urge all men everywhere in Christ to receive this confession and with the graciousness of Jesus our Lord, to extend mercy and forgiveness to our brother Charles.” (Jan 7, 1982)
Of course, his written confession was nothing of the kind. It was pure deception. Charles was covering up his homosexual sin and boldly lying to everyone. Johnson and Carey also wrote,
“We find him currently to be walking in uprightness of heart and that the seeds for lasting transformation of certain character traits have been planted and watered. … We wish to report that we have to date found him of repentant spirit in all identified areas of sin.” (Jan 7, 1982)
The same day, Johnson and Jim Burck also wrote leaders saying, “We strongly object to and oppose the process of currently applying the excommunication passage of Matthew 18:15-20.” (Jan 7, 1982)
The moral of the story? Johnson, Carey, Burck and others were Charles’ willing pawns. His confession from January 7 was neither full nor accurate. As a matter of fact, it was deceitful. It was rejected by the Gathering of Believers elders. On Sunday, January 17, Charles’ excommunication was announced to GOB.
After the fact, Johnson, Carey, Burck and others (e.g. Dick Kline, John Mears, Peter Waldron, James Taylor, Larry Brooks, Stan Telchin, Thurlow Switzer, Dan Juster, Wayne Lawton, Alonzo Doan, John Towell, Arlie Whitlow, Amos Dodge, Jack Kane, et al.) worked hard to discredit the excommunication, condemn the GOB elders, and quickly reinstate Charles in ministry. Sure enough, Charles and Dotty started Immanuel’s Church in their home in 1982 despite all the above. But hold on, it gets worse!
On March 16, 1982, Larry Tomczak also wrote the following in his letter to me and other leaders. The underlining is Larry’s.
“In the past weeks God has allowed more specific information to come to our attention which simply confirms and amplifies what basically has been known all along. Two young men Charles was allegedly “discipling” in the D.C. area have come forth and confessed Charles’ homosexual activity with them. His acts with them were not “mere flirtation” but they were gross in nature (“it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret” Eph 5:12) and took place repeatedly during this past year. One of them admitted that Charles’ involvement continued with him even after Charles was “marked” and put under discipline.”
All of this had been covered up by Charles. The GOB elders first discovered Charles was involved in a homosexual relationship with a young man in August 1981. In a letter to over 100 leaders on October 5, 1981, Charles referred to this as “engaging in dangerous flirtation in the area of homosexuality.” In a second letter to leaders on January 7, 1982, Charles referred to this as the “unfortunate and indiscriminate incident of mid-August” which “was not a duplication of the issues of sin [full blown homosexuality] in my life some fifteen years ago.” About this comment, he said, “I can only state in the presence of God the following to be accurate and true.”
Charles blatantly lied to leaders across America. Nothing about his phony confessions on October 5, 1981 and January 7, 1982 were “accurate and true.” He was involved in repeated “acts” that were “gross in nature” with two very young men during 1981. In fact, this perversity continued with one of them after Charles was “marked and put under discipline.” That is, excommunicated from Gathering of Believers on January 17, 1982.
Larry Tomczak also told me about this new development in some detail on March 5, 1982. I memorialized the conversation in written notes. It concerned homosexual relations with three very young men. I have given those notes to law enforcement.
Here is a summary as it pertains to one of the men who was being “discipled” by Charles. Larry told me Charles had been involved with him in “oral” and “anal sex in cars” and “bedrooms” over the “last couple years.” That is, during 1980 and 1981.
Larry shared one specific illustration which highlighted Charles’ audacious hypocrisy. This “disciple” of Charles was driving him to preach at Jesus 81 in Pennsylvania. That was a large outdoor event where thousands gathered to hear Christian musicians and popular Bible teachers. Charles taught on the subject of “moral purity.” During the trip, Charles had “oral sex in car” with this young man according to Larry. Larry ended the conversation with me by stating, Charles is a “homosexual pervert.”
Back to Morrie’s letter.
It is my solid conviction that to restore Charlie to a place of ministry or responsibility in the body of Christ on the basis of his expression of repentance, outward signs of deliverances or short term behavior would be the height of folly. All those in a position of authority in dealing with him (and that includes those who have had much dealings with him in the past) have a responsibility before the people of God to see that these things do not happen again. This must be the first priority. It would also do us well to note what happened to Ananias in Acts 5 to get a little idea of the Lord’s attitude to such things.
It was the “height of folly” “to restore Charlie to a place of ministry” but that is exactly what happen. A lot of men and women are guilty before the Lord for allowing this to happen contrary to the clear teaching of Scripture. They let “these things…happen again.”
Getting back to Charlie’s current expression of repentance. I have a few things to ask. Because, in the past he has rarely offered information or expressed repentance until after being boldly confronted with solid evidence. I wonder if he has done any more than that now. Has he revealed his involvement with the other young men? Is he now open enough to truth to reveal the whole truth of his involvement with a certain S.S. In the G.R. [Grand Rapids] area? Is he finally willing to go back and do what needs to be done with those that he has wronged in the past? Will he and Dotty ever sit with Dominick and Bobby and hear them out? This list could go on, but for now it should suffice to let you know that there are some of us who are still waiting for fruits from previous repentances. Also what will he do in regard to the way in which he has treated the Grand Rapids leaders over the past few years as they have steadily brought pressure on him to do right. His high-mindedness and disdain for them appears doubly obnoxious now that their concerns and convictions have been vindicated. It should here be noted that the truth of Charlie’s condition would probably still not be known had not one of the leaders in G.R. shown concern for the restoration of the young man involved. This cost no money and very few man hours, whereas the great cost and thousands of man hours spent over Charlie’s restoration failed to bring the truth to light. I think we can learn a great lesson from this. It is the least among us that must have first priority? Respect of persons has been an obvious flaw in dealings of the past few months.
This is another damming paragraph. First, Morrie points out that Charles “has rarely offered information or expressed repentance until after being boldly confronted with solid evidence.” There is nothing contrite or forthcoming about Charles. He engages in disgraceful sin and covers it up until he is forced to acknowledged what has been exposed with “solid evidence” that cannot be denied.
Second, Morrie asks this important question. “Has he revealed his involvement with the other young men?” He mentions three individuals and then says, “This list could go on, but for now it should suffice.” Charles has exploited many, many men for his perverse sexual pleasure over the last six decades. At age 80, he has not stopped. I have not included all my evidence of his reprobation during his years at Fellowship of Believers (1962-1978) which includes blackmailing a person for homosexual sex and alleged repeated rapes of a child. As Morrie points out, “This list could go on.” It sure could!
Third, Morrie points out his arrogance in relation to the “Grand Rapids leaders” in Fellowship of Believers. “His high-mindedness and distain for them appears doubly obnoxious now that their concerns and convictions have been vindicated.” The same was true with the leaders in Gathering of Believers. The same is true today with the Board of Trustees at Immanuel’s Church and Jim Van Vperen from Metanoia Ministries. His gross hypocrisy makes his pride and distain “doubly obnoxious.”
Fourth, Charles has taken up so much time by so many leaders for so many years that should have been used caring for his victims. He was the priority, not those he exploited.
Before concluding this letter, I will give my personal recommendation regarding Charlie’s future; but before I do that I want to express some personal feelings. I still love him as much as I ever did. I have never to this date really considered “dropping” him. Most of all, I yearn to see him really walk in and experience the fulfillment of the “Vision” that the Lord had many years ago given him. To that end I am still committed, only now there are hundreds or thousands more with whom I feel the same, and I would be without the love of God if I did not equally care for them.
Morrie’s love for Charles is sincere. Charles can’t trash him as some hateful, vindictive, or ignorant adversary. Charles had a “vision” for the restoration of the church but he did not “really walk in and experience the fulfillment” because of his pride, deceit and perversity.
Because of seeming failure of all past efforts to effect a lasting correction in Charlie’s life (for me this covers a span of over 22 years), I have no choice but to recommend stern measures. We owe it to the innocent and weak as well as to our own credibility.
For over 22 years (1959-1982), Morrie tried to “effect a lasting correction in Charlie’s life.” He is speaking about Charles’ homosexuality which he first discovered in Roseau, MN in 1959 when Charlie attacked him and came after him for homosexual sex according to the account Morrie told me. He literally had to fight Charles off. I told Morrie he should have reported this assault to police. He had seen Charles exploit “the innocent and weak” for over two decades. Needless to say, “stern measures” were in order.
First, it should be without question that he has disqualified himself from extra-local ministry. At present he would not qualify as an elder or even as a deacon. His sexual behavior has proven him untrustworthy with the young and weak. His lying has proven his words to be untrustworthy. His manipulating of the brethren has proven him to be incapable of flowing with men of leadership and his high-mindedness has proven him to be incapable of flowing with the lowly. The only course left is to start again where everyone must start, simply as a brother who must learn to walk in the ways of the Lord and begin to truly take on the mind of Christ. This would naturally be worked out as a functioning member of a local body of believers. He must be submitted to that eldership and in order for them to be a practical covering, they must be fully informed of his past record. His priority then should be to first become trustworthy (by the bringing of all his members under the control of the Spirit and then through continuous righteous behavior proving his trustworthiness to those around him, while at the same time making every effort to make right the damage done to those he has harmed.
Morrie describes a debased person. He exploits “the young and weak” for homosexual sex. He lies and manipulates “the brethren” and is “incapable of flowing with men of leadership” because of his “high-mindedness.” He is unqualified for any form of leadership. Therefore, he “must start” by becoming a “member of a local body of believers” where he is “submitted to that eldership” and that eldership is “fully informed of his past record.” Furthermore, he must prove his trustworthiness “through continuous righteous behavior” and by “making every effort to make right the damage done to those he has harmed.” Charles did not follow any of this advice. Instead, he and Dotty started Immanuel’s Church the same year.
The same thing is happening now. Charles is starting a new church but “his basic behavior has not change, but rather worsened” over the last 35 years. Michael McDermott (the new senior pastor at IC), Metanoia Ministries, and the Board of Trustees must oppose him and warn the Body of Christ in the Washington D.C. region.
After all this has been accompanied, and only then, should he begin to think of following the normal channels and steps to positions of responsibility, leadership and ministry. He must, without question, cease all relationship with young men and keep a healthy distance. This should be dealt with the same as with one who would have a history of heterosexual problems.
Charles did the exact opposite. He continued to defiantly, deceptively, and determinedly pursue relationships with young men and draw them into his den of iniquity.
The duration of time necessary to accomplish these things is difficult to say. In one way, time is not the issue, but the actual transformation of character and restoration of trust. If his attitude has not appreciably changed, it would take decades or the rest of his life; but if his attitude has greatly changed and he faces reality with the mind of Christ, it could be accomplished in a comparatively short time. Of course, to think it can be done in a month while on vacation is unthinkable.
On this point, I strongly disagree with Morrie that it is possible to see an “actual transformation of character and restoration of trust” “accomplished in a comparatively short time.” We are talking about a 22-year history of extremely serious sin that had gotten worse. I would not restore Charles to ministry. I’d tell him to find another vocation. I’d say the same thing to a heterosexual “pastor” who was repeatedly caught using his position over two decades to seduce young women into immorality while married.
I have felt for some time and recent events have proved to me that Charles has put his ministry and personal concerns ahead of the welfare of the Lord’s people. Charlie’s responses to discipline in the past four months have served to polarize and divide many. If he has truly repented and changed his attitude, he will do all in his power to defuse the situation. Without question, his early return to ministry, before many brethren would have time to regain confidence in him, would only serve to divide and destroy that which he has worked so long to build. I hope and pray that he can see that. Also I hope he sees his responsibility for the deplorably high cost in time and money over the last months and that he must take decisive steps to end that drain on the Lord’s treasury.
There is no greater condemnation than this one. “I have felt for some time and recent events have proved to me that Charles has put his ministry and personal concerns ahead of the welfare of the Lord’s people.” That is so true. He is willing to “divide and destroy” for his own selfish gain. This is precisely what he has sought to do at Immanuel’s Church the last 10 months.
Until Charlie can show that he truly loves and cares for the people of God above his ministry, he should not consider a ministry. I have said to him on several occasions that one cannot build his own ministry and build the body of Christ at the same time, and I am more convinced now.
These words were written 35 years ago. Charlie has never shown, “He truly loves and cares for the people of God above his ministry.” What he has shown is his willingness to devour unsuspecting young men.
Romans 13:10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
Well brethren, this is a thumbnail sketch of my convictions. I must add that if Charlie fulfilled all of my requests to the letter, I might not even then be satisfied because what we are looking for is a spontaneous righteousness from the heart, which when it is there, will take care of many things I have not mentioned here.
Righteousness is not external conformity to a set of directives because you got caught or want to appear holy. Rather, “spontaneous righteousness” (which is not instant transformation) comes from a sincere heart that wants to be like Christ and glorify God in thought, word and deed. This results in progressive sanctification over a life time.
We stand with you in these days and pray that God give you wisdom and grace.
Your brother,
Morrie Watson
copies to: GOB [Gathering of Believers] Elders, Charles Schmitt, Maynard Howe, Christopher Johnson, Grand Rapid [MN] Elders, Brainerd Elders, Jim Burck, Roger Davin, Lattie McDonough, Ted Evans, Bill Britton, Buck Woodward, Bob Weiner and others that I deem vitally involved.
P.S. I want to make it clear that this letter is only intended to cover general recommendations and principals, and not the many specific requirements that should be demanded of Charles by those immediately involved in this discipline.
A Summary Statement from Jerri Engleman Regarding Charles Schmitt’s Predatory Sexual Abuse
I appreciate Morrie Watson’s letter and efforts in 1982 but he, like many others, allowed Charles to return to ministry in 1969 having insufficiently dealt with him in 1968. Morrie also allowed him to be a pastor and apostle for the next 13 years.
Over the last seven months, I have interacted with victims, members and leaders who were once part of Fellowship of Believers (FOB). I’ve learned so much from them. Here is a summary sent to me by one of them. She “was informed of seven young men that Charles preyed upon sexually” and says, “All the elders of the FOB and their wives, including Terry [her husband] and me [Jerri], covered and were collusive with Charles’ predatory sexual abuses.” This summary is published with her permission.
Summary Statement
August 2017
My Name is Jerri Engleman. My husband, Terry Engleman, was an elder in the Fellowship of Believers in Grand Rapids, MN, a church founded by Charles Schmitt and Morrie Watson.
My husband was an elder from approximately 1977 or 78 – 1990. About the same time that my husband became an elder, we were first informed by another more senior elder about Charles’ history of sexual predation of young men. This elder, and other elders, continued to be sources of information for my husband and me about Charles’ ongoing sexual predation spanning the entire time my husband was an elder, and continuing after Charles and Dorothy moved to [Gathering of Believers in] Washington DC in 1978 or 79, and also continuing after my husband left the eldership and we left the FOB in 1990.
All the elders and their wives knew about Charles’ sexual predation all throughout this time period and after. I was informed of seven young men that Charles preyed upon sexually. The reported incidents varied from attempted seduction to fondling, body rubbing, and some included full anal and oral intercourse. I suspect the elders could have been knowledgeable of even more incidents.
During our whole time in the FOB, and up until this present time, none of the elders or their wives have ever taken any clear, definitive action to stop Charles’ sexual abuse, and to protect FOB participants and other associated groups that Charles had contact with. His sexual abuses were never completely exposed to all FOB adults, and no one ever took action to make sure he was separated from and barred from access to FOB participants. Even after his exposure and discipline in 1981 in DC, elders, their wives and others from the FOB visited with Charles and Dorothy when they continued to hold summer camps at Dominion in northern MN into the later 1990’s.
So, all the elders of the FOB and their wives, including Terry and me, covered and were collusive with Charles’ predatory sexual abuses. Each one of us was individually morally compromised. Thus, all of us agreed to and gave our permission for Charles’ ongoing sexual abuses, and we all share in responsibility for all the harm he has perpetrated upon others. This was, and is, criminal.
My husband, Terry, died refusing to totally expose these sexual abuses, and it’s taken me a long time to come clean myself.
Hopefully this helps,
Jerri and Terry Engleman
I can’t put into words the respect I have for Jerri and her profound humility. She has taken responsibility for covering up and colluding with Charles’ predatory sexual abuses. This is what the Schmitt family and all the former executive pastors (and other leaders) at Immanuel’s Church must do.
Charles & Dotty Schmitt’s Don’t Reference Charles’ Homosexuality in Her 1981 Book, The Delight of Being His Daughter
There are many things in Dotty’s book about Charles that are concerning. For example, the sterile manner in which he related to her (“Through It All,” chapter 12) and proposed to her (“The Beginning of a New Day,” chapter 14). There appears to have been no affection for Dotty. Typical of their pre-marital relationship, she says, “And so Charles was home [Queens, New York], as impersonal as ever; but at least he was home” (p. 59).
Or for example, the harsh way he related to Dotty and his oldest daughter, Laura.
“You [Dotty] will either submit to me as the Bible says, and we’ll walk together in serving Him, or you’ll have to lag behind. You will not hinder me from serving the Lord as He has called me to do!’ … I cried myself to sleep that night, choosing to lie on the small, uncomfortable couch rather than share the same bed with an unreasonable, dictatorial husband” (Delight, p. 77).
“’And Charles—O Lord, he appears to be so different lately. He’s becoming almost a stranger to me [Dotty]. He’s more quiet than usual, and also more irritable. And how angry he is with me for having gained those thirty pounds over the past few years!’” (Delight, p. 82)
“My little daughter, Laura Lea, then about three [1968], began writing on the wall with her crayons! (Now when I [Charles] was single, that was one thing I had vowed would never happened with any of my children. They would never write on the walls with crayons!) And so I severely warned Laura of the consequence of her actions, only to find that the next time she did it, she wrote on the bedspread with her crayons! And I was furious. I thrashed her; I broke all the crayons in half and slammed the door behind me.” (Delight, p. 85)
These examples are indicative of sin issues in Charles’ heart. Not just then, but now. There is a history of harshness with Dotty, the daughters, and the staff at Immanuel’s Church. But these are just glimpses. The book hides the most serious patterns of sin in Charles’ life.
Charles and Dotty never refer to Charles’ homosexuality by name nor his immoral “span of over 22 years” in her book. They craftily confine their remarks to what happen in 1968. Dotty uses generic language like “this period of spiritual and moral defeat.” Charles refers to it as “a dark valley of sin.” They are never specific about the sin or the duration of the sin (eight years or longer) leading up to 1968.
“Some ten years after this period of spiritual and moral defeat, Charles was to write a little testimony touching on what had happened. I [Dotty] will let him describe in his own words something of the situation.
“Nearly ten years ago now [1968] I passed through an experience in which I learned for myself the reality of the precious Fatherhood of my God. I had walked through a dark valley of sin and despair and disillusionment and defeat. I had fallen flat on my face and virtually saw no hope for myself. I closed my Bible and could not pray. I saw the purposes of God ended in my life.” (Delight, pp. 83-84)
As you continue reading in the book, you are left to believe some miserable failure happened long ago from which Charles and Dotty emerged victorious and “much transformed.”
“Yes, the Lord knew we had miserably failed Him. He also knew more accurately than anyone else that apart from His triumphant grace operative in our lives, we would have been destroyed as a couple and as fruitful servants in His kingdom. … We emerged out of the despair and despondence of those months much humbled, much pruned, and much transformed. As husband and wife we came into an honesty and transparency between us which drew us even closer.” (Delight, p. 92)
In 1968, Charles agreed to step down from ministry for a year for blackmailing one of his elders in Fellowship of Believer into having sex with him. Thirteen months later, he returned to ministry. No one stopped him. As a result, he continued to use his position to exploit young men. In a conversation on October 5, 2017, I told Morrie Watson this too should have been reported to police.
Here is how Dotty describes Charles’ return to ministry in 1969.
“A little more than a year has passed since we experienced that crisis in our lives which had almost destroyed us. We had done virtually nothing in terms of public ministry during the time.” (Delight, p. 94)
“The voice of our longtime friend, Kencil, came over the phone with firm and zealous conviction.
‘Look, you know I know everything that has happened in your lives during these past couple of years. But as some of us have been praying down here, we just feel that the Lord is saying you are now to begin sharing again the word He has placed on your hearts. You have gone through the fires so that you might be purified, not that you might be destroyed from His purposes in this hour.’
“And so the arrangements were made for us to go the next month [ca. Feb 1969] to Lincoln, Nebraska.” (Delight, pp. 94-95)
“I quietly wept as I sat listening to Charles give his testimony of the Lord’s dealings and leadings in his life. It was such a long time [13 months] since I had last heard him publicly share from the Scriptures. That same anointing which had first draw me to him as a twelve-year-old was still upon him, but with a far greater authority.” (Delight, p. 96)
Rather than obeying the authoritative teaching of Scripture regarding the qualifications of leadership, a foolish pastor “with firm and zealous conviction” tells Charles “we just feel that the Lord is saying you are now to begin sharing again the word.” This kind of subjectivism destroys lives and allows men in ministry who do not qualify.
The written word of God was not followed. For example, 1 Timothy 5:22 Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, and do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure. When elders prematurely return a fallen elder to ministry, they share in his sins when he falls again. They act impurely because they are not holding the fallen elder to the qualifications of Scripture (e.g. 1 Timothy 3:1-7). As in the case of deacons, elders must be tested and proven to be blameless. 1 Timothy 5:10 And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless.
Dotty and Charles are not truthful in the book about the nature and the extent of his sin. Not just in the 1960’s but in the 1970’s. After his return to ministry in 1969, Charles continued to seduce males. In 1978, the Schmitt family moved to Gathering of Believers in Wheaton, Maryland. Today it is Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
The Elders from Fellowship of Believers Tell Larry Tomczak & C.J. Mahaney about Charles Schmitt’s Homosexual History in 1978
In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, Larry and C.J. considered Charles an apostle and mentor. They were impressed with his teaching, ministry and writings. They spoke at his Camp Dominion in northern Minnesota. Charles also headed up an affiliation of apostles and prophets. I attended his Apostolic and Prophetic Conferences in November 1980 and May 1981 at Larry’s invitation and with Charles’ approval. It was a “select” group of about 20-30 men. Larry was an apostle. C.J. was a prophet. I was an up and coming “Timothy.”
In August 1982 (seven months after Charles was excommunicated), my wife Jenny and I moved from Indiana, PA to Wheaton, MD so I could join the emerging “apostolic team” with Larry and C.J. and help start People of Destiny International (aka Sovereign Grace Ministries/Churches). That is my early connection to Charles.
In 1977 and 1978, Larry and C.J. were “courting” Charles. They wanted him to relocate to Gathering of Believers in Maryland and join them in ministry. In 1978, the elders from Fellowship of Believers in Minnesota asked Larry and C.J. to meet with them before the Schmitt family moved. The elders called for this meeting so they could tell them about Charles’ history of homosexual abuse including a most recent one. By abuse, I mean using his high position to groom young men for sex that “included full anal and oral intercourse.”
I’ve been told the FOB elders thought Larry and C.J. were very cocky, dismissive and condescending during the meeting; believing they could provide a true and effective “spiritual covering” for Charles unlike the FOB elders.
Two years later in mid-August 1981, Charles was caught in bed French kissing a young man in Larry and C.J.’s church. They returned to the FOB elders (I hope humbled) to gather more evidence on Charles’ homosexual activity. Larry and C.J. never told me about these meetings.
Soon after this second meeting, Larry Tomczak wrote the following in a confidential letter to leaders like myself on October 19, 1981. He now knew Charles’ homosexuality had “surfaced repeatedly over a 20-year period.”
“His sin in the area of homosexuality was not merely “dangerous flirtation” but overt sex sin (immoral physical contact) which again was exposed as recently as August of this year [1981]. This has been an area of sin that has surfaced repeatedly over a 20 year period. The Directive given to Charles from the elders and the council of the extra-local brothers reads: ‘Involvement in activities of a homosexual nature, which includes both sporadic overt sexual sin and sinful physical contact and flirtation with men, over the past 20 years – and as recently as August, 1981. He has also overtly covered up and shielded his sin in this area.’”
Larry and C.J. should never have allowed Charles to come to Gathering of Believers to establish a base for his apostolic ministry, teach the church, and disciple young men knowing his history of homosexual exploitation and marital infidelity. What possessed them to do such a thing? Certainly, they coveted the added recognition that came from Charles’ apostolic network and notoriety. With Charles in their midst, they could build a vast apostolic ministry. But I also wonder, why would they be attracted to a man with such a crooked and perverse life style. They should have been wholly repulsed.
Charles Schmitt Threatens Legal Action Against Larry Tomczak, C.J. Mahaney & Gathering of Believers
On the evening of September 27, 1981, Charles was publicly reproved for his divisiveness in the church. He was turning members against the pastors through secret meetings and slanderous accusations. The same thing that is going on now at Immanuel’s Church.
“In 1981, Charles Schmitt was marked for divisive conduct. (Romans 16:17-18 ‘Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.’) … Charles Schmitt was eventually excommunicated for his continual divisive conduct, both locally and extra-locally, by the church that initially “marked” him six months prior. … It should be noted that persistent sowing of discord was the primary reason for the action taken against Charles, not homosexuality.” (Larry Tomczak, “Abbreviated Chronology of Events,” c. 1984)
When rebuked, Charles tried to take over the meeting and railed against the GOB elders. Only then, did Larry battle with Charles and say he had done some inappropriate things with young men and had lied to them about his past behavior. Larry made no explicit reference to homosexuality but it was enough to stop Charles. People in Gathering of Believers were never told about his homosexually history or behavior in their midst. Why? The threat of a lawsuit.
Here is what Larry wrote Charles in a letter a few months later.
“On Sunday, September 27 [1981], after a period of extreme difficulty and personal confrontation with you, we, the elders of the Gathering of Believers Christian Community publicly rebuked you for certain unrepented sins in your life. Prior to the meeting, you threatened us with legal action if we were to go ahead.” (Dec 31, 1981)
Retracting the threat of a lawsuit was also one of “Directives for Charles and Dorothy Schmitt” to prove their repentance and avoid excommunication.
“Charles will retract his threat of legal action against the Gathering of Believers community and the elders of this community.” (Nov 3, 1981)
And a couple years later, Larry addressed the issue again in a letter to Charles.
“When I confronted you with your divisiveness and inquired into your homosexual entanglements, you not only denied both but attempted to intimidate me with soulish threats (“If you try this I’ll exhaust every legal recourse at my disposal to stop you!”). Your recent letter continues in similar fashion.” (Nov 9, 1983)
Charles never retracted his threat. And Larry and C.J. never publicly exposed his homosexuality or warned others about his exploitive grooming of young men. Larry told certain leaders about Charles’ homosexuality but only in confidence. For example, here are excerpts from a letter he sent leaders around 1984.
“The following is an abbreviated chronology of events leading up to and following the discipline of Charles Schmitt. … Because of the highly sensitive nature of the following information and out of loving concern for Charles Schmitt, I request that you uphold the confidentiality of its content. … During a meeting with Charles, Art Katz and some fellow leaders confronted him with ‘new information obtained from a partner in Charles’ transgressions of full, blatant, homosexual acts.’ Because of this revelation of sin, Charles finally communicated to Larry Tomczak and C.J. Mahaney that he had been lying and was now ‘miraculously delivered’ (of homosexuality).”
Only those leaders Charles was trying to turn again the GOB elders were told Charles was excommunicated “for his divisive conduct, both in and outside of the city, his homosexual activity, and deliberate distortion of truth” (Larry Tomczak, July 30, 1984). The “deliberate distortion of truth” refers to Charles denying and covering up his homosexual perversion.
Gathering of Believers (aka Covenant Life Church) was never ever told about his history of predatory homosexuality. They were only told about his divisiveness. Why? The elders wrongly feared a lawsuit. Larry and C.J. even allowed people from GOB/CLC to leave and go to Immanuel’s Church without warning them or informing them. This was a grave disservice to say the least.
This fear of lawsuit is one of the reasons, C.J. Mahaney never reported the known or suspected sexual abuse of children and boys to law enforcement at Covenant Life Church in the decades that followed. Joshua Harris did the same. They wanted to avoid financial harm and reputational harm. As a result, abusers continued to abuse. I wrote this in March.
Charles Schmitt’s 50 Plus Year History of Homosexual Sex with Young Men While Married & in Ministry
Brent Detwiler
Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 5:26PM
Schmitt is an accomplished liar and pretender like all sexual predators whether the predation is criminal or not. Larry Tomczak and C.J. Mahaney should have done far more to stop him after he was excommunicated from Gathering of Believers (aka Covenant Life Church) in 1982. Instead they let him start Immanuel’s Church where his homosexual agenda deceitfully played out for the past 35 years. They knew of his on-going abuse at Immanuel’s Church but would not intervene. Tomczak even publicly “reconciled” with Schmitt in May 1998 and later spoke at the church.
While Dotty Schmitt Was Writing Her Book, Charles Schmitt Was Involved in Gross Immorality
Dotty finished writing her book in September 1981. It was published in December 1981. The whole time she was writing, Charles was involved in repeated acts of a gross nature with two young men.
Remember what Larry Tomczak wrote.
“Two young men Charles was allegedly “discipling” in the D.C. area have come forth and confessed Charles’ homosexual activity with them. His acts with them were not “mere flirtation” but they were gross in nature … and took place repeatedly during this past year [1981].”
Charles knew Dotty was putting forth a narrative in her book that was utterly false but he did not stop her. He allowed her to present his problem with homosexuality as long gone when in fact it was going on as she wrote. That is Charles Schmitt in a nutshell. He is a deceiver.
Here again is the picture she paints in her book.
“We emerged out of the despair and despondence of those months much humbled, much pruned, and much transformed. As husband and wife we came into an honesty and transparency between us which drew us even closer.” (Delight, p. 92)
I hope Dotty didn’t know about these two homosexual partners in 1981 as she was writing. I think Charles hid that from her. But she certainly knew about his homosexual engagements after 1968 until 1978 while still in Minnesota. She also knew about his “unfortunate and indiscriminate incident of mid-August” in 1981. That is the incident when Charles was caught French kissing a young man in bed.
But all that aside. Here is the main point everyone must apprehend. While Dotty is writing her book, and talking about the intimate “honesty and transparency” between her and Charles, Charles is secretly and repeatedly committing indecent acts with two homosexual partners over the course of 1981. These two young men came forward to confess in March 1982.
Charles Schmitt’s Deceptive Response to Morrie Watson’s Letter – June 7, 2017
When I heard Charles was forced to resign as senior pastor in November 2016 having been caught again in an exploitive homosexual relationship, I felt it necessary to write an article centered around Morrie Watson’s letter. Once completed, I sent it and the following email to Immanuel’s Church.
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 5:58 PM
Subject: Letter from Morrie Watson re: Charles Schmitt's Long-Term Homosexuality
Please forward this link to the article below which I wrote. In the article, I include a letter from Morrie Watson. Morrie was one of Charles’ closest friends. The letter documents Charles’ long term homosexual life style going back decades. I retyped the letter for my article so I have attached the original for authenticity.
Charles Schmitt’s 50 Plus Year History of Homosexual Sex with Young Men While Married & in Ministry
Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 5:26PM
Ephesians 5:6-14 perfectly addresses your situation. I am praying godly and courageous leaders expose Charles’ deeds of darkness, stand firm against the opposition from family members, care for the victims, and put the interests of Jesus Christ first.
If I can be of assistance, please contact me.
Brent Detwiler
One of Charles’ victims, who goes by the pseudonym Mark Mark, forwarded my post to the following pastors and staff at Immanuel’s Church: Angel Cooper, Beverly Schneider, Charles Schmitt, David Black, Guy Carey, Jen Schmitt Childers, and Jamie Dixson. The subject line read, “I was molested by Charles Schmitt and told Dotty Schmitt as well as other Leadership.”
From: Mark Mark []
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2017 4:27 PM
To: Angela Cooper ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Fwd: I was molested by Charles Schmitt and told Dotty Schmitt as well as other Leadership
Charles Schmitt and Dotty Schmitt and Immanuel’s Church, Silver Spring, Maryland
Morrie Watson’s letter was also picked up by another individual and forwarded to people in Immanuel’s Church under the heading of “historical perspective.” Two questions introduced the letter.
1. Why did Charles resign..?
A documented 40 year history of sinful relationships with other men…including in recent years a relationship with our former Worship Pastor and another man he was “mentoring.” The behaviors engaged in were clearly sinful and out of bounds for a Godly monogamous heterosexual marriage.
2. Why isn’t Charles restored to ministry yet?
Charles has had a restoration and deliverance and healing process multiple times over the years before starting Immanuel’s Church (see attached letter [by Morrie Watson]) and while at Immanuel’s Church in past years with a gifted and anointed spirit filled counselor. Forgiveness is always given right away but the fruits of repentance takes time. Our concern is each time he has believed he has been set free and the bondage of this sin has fallen off only to continue the pattern. The history of this deep pattern requires extensive time to show the fruits of repentance.
The ones wounded as a result of these sinful relations have asked the leadership to not allow Charles to use his position of public influence to wound another person. They [the “wounded”] felt like his position as pastor meant they could trust him but this trust was used for harm. The leadership is deeply repentant for too quick a restoration in the past that ended up deeply wounding other people as a result of continued sin and are committed to not allowing that to occur again.
From March 13 to June 7, my post and Morrie’s letter, were widely read and circulated in the church. Charles Schmitt reacted.
From: Charles Schmitt
Sent: Wed, Jun 7, 2017 01:19 PM
To: [Redacted]
Subject: Morrie Watson’s letter of 1982
The letter of Morrie Watson to Ben Israel dated 1982 has been recently circulated in our midst under the heading “historical perspective”. The letter as you notice is 35 years old and is commenting on things that happened 55 years ago! The only one that I know of who dabbles in such a “historical perspective” is the accuser of our souls, Satan himself. Our God is the God who has blotted out our transgressions and who remembers them no more! On another note, when Dotty and I returned from Arizona [Dec 2016] so full of faith and joy over what the Lord had done for us in our intense days out there we were not permitted to share our experiences in public, and even when I put printed copies of our testimony out in the rotunda [May 7, 2017], all hell broke loose over it. “How could you dare do such a thing?”
This may not deeply disturb you but it does deeply disturb me. These actions have thrown the Gospel to the ground and trampled on it. And this is not the Immanuel’s Church that was birthed in our living room on Springlock Road 34 years ago. I share Paul’s grief over some of the Galatians, “O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you....” and that is the way I believe Jesus feels about some among us today. May God Himself deliver all His saints and restore us all to the foundations of the true Gospel of God’s grace.
Your Pastor Charles
This is so typical of Charles. Nothing has changed in 55 years. He continues to bully, deceive and distort Scripture. For example, he says, “The letter as you notice is 35 years old and is commenting on things that happened 55 years ago!” He intentionally lies and makes it sound like Morrie is writing about something that happened in 1962 rather than from 1959-1982. Furthermore, Charles had just been involved in homosexual sex with three young men from Gathering of Believers from 1980-1981.
Charles also intimidates people from Immanuel’s with his perverted and abusive use of Scripture. This in nothing new. He quotes Galatians 3:1 completely out of context. The text has to do with false apostles who were “bewitching” the Galatians with a false gospel of works-righteousness. These false apostles were deceivers. Just like Charles. He is the only one bewitching anyone. Not those individuals holding him accountable for his unrepentant sin of homosexual abuse, gross hypocrisy, and unending deception.
Charles also goes on to pervert the “grace” of God and use it to cover up his sins which have continued to the present day. He says, “May God Himself deliver all His saints and restore us all to the foundations of the true Gospel of God’s grace.” In other words, don’t bring up my sins which have continued for nearly six decades (though he wants his readers to believe they happened 55 years ago)!
Charles knows nothing about the true grace of God. He has perverted grace and used it as a license for sin (Tit 2:11-14; Jude 1:3-4). He also dams David Black for not allowing his “testimony out in the rotunda.” More on this later.
Charles Schmitt’s On-Going Coverup of Homosexual Practice & Predation
Charles’ exploitation of young men did not end with his excommunication in January 1982. As pointed out by Larry Tomczak, “One of them admitted that Charles’ involvement continued with him even after Charles was ‘marked’ and put under discipline.” Being marked as divisive and put under church discipline made absolutely no difference in his life. He continued to be divisive and sexually unclean.
Over the past 35 years Charles has unashamedly pursued homosexual lovers and liaisons in Immanuel’s Church. Most have been exploitive. Some have been “consensual.” All are evil. In the next section, I will share several examples. The complete list is much longer.
When Charles “resigned” as senior pastor on November 20, 2016, all he told Immanuel’s Church was there were areas of his life he neglected to take care of and he was going away for healing. He did not acknowledge his 57-year history of homosexual seduction, exploitation and degradation.
The same is true when he wrote a letter to Immanuel’s Church on February 2 and second letter on May 7. There is no mention of his homosexuality or all the lying and deception that accompanied it. More on this later.
Here is another example of Charles’ obfuscation. It comes from Todd Wilhelm who blogs at Thou Art the Man.
From: Todd Wilhelm []
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 1:39 AM
To: charles schmitt
Subject: Re: Immanuel’s Church
Hi Pastor Schmitt,
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my email. … I am sure that any investigative reporter worth his salt always has a follow-up question or two. Such is the case with me. I noticed in your email that you did not deny that you have homosexual tendencies. Would I be correct in stating that you have, in the past, been involved in homosexual relationships?
From: charles schmitt <>
Date: Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 06:18
Subject: Re: Immanuel’s Church
To: Todd Wilhelm <>
Hi Todd! … On the homosexual issue, I have had to walk very cautiously on the path of life; the snare is ever there.
This is laughable. On the homosexual issue, Charles has walked very deceitfully and intentionally on the path of sexual perversion throughout his life!
Homosexuality is celebrated in our culture but we must remember it is an abomination to the Lord (Lev 18:13; 20:13) and contrary to his design for men and women created in his image (Rom 1:26-27). Charles has chosen a way of life that is deeply offensive to the Holy One.
“The snare is ever there” for one reason. He loves his homosexual perversion. He does not love the Lord Jesus Christ.
Charles has never come clean about his sin. He has always covered it up with lies and deception. He has sought to hide it from others, including his wife and daughters, all his life. For instance, I assume he concealed his five-year homosexual relationship with his worship leader. God forbid Dotty knew about it and lived with it! You will never hear the truth from him. He has lying lips.
Proverbs 12:22 (NIV) The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.
Here are some examples of the horrendous sin Charles has tried to coverup at Immanuel’s Church. There are many other illustrations in my possession.
The Testimony of Mark Mark – “I am a Victim of Charles Schmitt”
I posted Charles Schmitt’s 50 Plus Year History of Homosexual Sex with Young Men While Married & in Ministry on March 12, 2017. Six days later, “Mark Mark” (a pseudonym) published his story. He was a naïve 19-year old and new Christian when Charles “groomed” him to molest him. The evil and sinister way Charles went about this should provoke holy anger. Mark Mark is still traumatized 30 years later. I believe crimes were committed. Also, note the deceptive ploy Charles used in trying to take him on trips so they could “sleep together.”
When confronted by Mark Mark and his parents, Charles was “crafty as a snake.” Mark Mark also “told Dotty Schmitt and one of Charles’ daughters what happened (full and direct details)” and “several other Church leaders at Immanuel’s Church [e.g. Guy Carey] and at Camp Sonshine” [e.g. David Black]. They all covered it up and did nothing. The molestation should have been reported to police. Charles should have been immediately fired and made to confess to the church. Not a chance. Why? Because they were all concerned (especially Dotty) about their “money train” – that is, Charles. He was the key to their power and prosperity.
Mark Mark says:
March 18, 2017 at 12:42 pm
I am a victim of Charles Schmitt and his sexually inappropriate behavior. During 1989-1991, I worked and volunteered at Immanuel’s Church in Silver Spring, Maryland. Schmitt showed an interested in me as a newly converted Christian and found ways to be alone with me for a “special hug” to show how much God loved me. Schmitt’s behavior was a slow increase of the heat (frog to boiling water) as I did not initially realize what was happening. I did appreciate the attention and felt very honored to be even noticed by a Church leader of such high standing, the Head and Founder of a mega-church. I had only been a Christian for approx. 1 year and I was not mature or wise enough to know what I was being groomed for … I was a naive 19 year old and so desperate to be in God’s good graces after a life of worldly sin. Schmitt rubbed my back over and under my shirt. Schmitt massaged my butt and rubbed his erection against my leg and pelvis. Schmitt rubbed my head and hair and told me how special I was and how much he and God loved me.
The last day Schmitt did this to me I remember extremely vividly. We were in the Sanctuary behind the main stage curtain and in the Baptismal tub area. Schmitt had asked me to come back to this location to “talk and show me something.” Schmitt touched me all over … and in my head I was freaking out … screaming inside but silent outside. I was not being raped but I was being molested. After it was over I ran … I ran away physically and mentally. Later that same day, as I completed my workday at Immanuel’s, Schmitt asked me into his office and asked if I would be interested in traveling with him. He asked if I would be OK going with him on mission outreach trips. He asked if I would be OK with staying with him, in his room, on these trips and then he asked me if I would be OK with “sleeping with him” in the same bed on these trips. He said the Church did not have the money for two hotel rooms and that many of the Apostles traveled in twos and slept together under tough conditions when the circumstances dictated it, while serving the Lord.
On that day … I had had enough. I was so ashamed and disillusioned with God, religion, and the Church leadership but I knew this was very wrong and had to be dealt with. I hated Charles Schmitt and I was suffering from what he had done to me. I am still suffering from the trauma today (2017), sum 30 years later. I told my parents the sorted and horrific facts of this sexual molestation as I sobbed like a small child. My parents accompanied me to confront Charles Schmitt in his office at Immanuel’s Church. He did not deny anything I accused him of … but … nor did he directly admit to my accusations either. He was crafty as a snake in his words and responses. He referred to his wife’s book (Dotty Schmitt) and to his own non-public writings which discussed his “struggles with certain things of a sexual nature.” I left the meeting with no resolution but at least I felt as though I tried. My parents offered to help me further but I retreated into my own closed and broken world.
Over the next month I told Dotty Schmitt and one of Charles’ daughters what happened (full and direct details) and how their husband/father had been with me. I told several other Church leaders at Immanuel’s Church and at Camp Sonshine, which is a closely affiliated children’s camp with shared leadership and physical property at the Immanuel’s Church location, off New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Then I left the Church and never looked back on this until March 2017.
Back then I was just too young and too uneducated and too damaged to handle any of this sexual and Church and God related darkness. I felt that it was likely that Charles Schmitt was going to continue to have sexual relations with young men. I felt that it was likely that the Schmitt family, specifically Dotty Schmitt, was going to continue to protect their money train and cover-up Charles Schmitt’s conduct. I felt that it was also likely that Immanuel’s Church leadership was going to continue cover-up Charles Schmitt’s behavior as the Sunday congregation numbers grew each week and the money came in for building projects, salaries, and other outward growth facade reasons. I knew all the people who were in positions of power to stop Charles Schmitt’s sexual misconduct where also in positions where their careers and professional futures and support income were tired [tied] to making sure the Church (Immanuel’s Church) did not have any failings (public or private) which stopped the people coming and therefore the associate money flow.
It could be said that “Hiding the Truth” was in everyone’s best interest except for God’s, the Body’s and the victim’s. We all know this to be the case and if you do not agree, I would refer you to Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Peter Popoff, Tony Alamo, Eddie Long and the non-comprehensive list at or (These lists are the evidence of what has happen in a Christian context, how it happens at Churches/Ministries, and how silent bystanders (perhaps you or me) let it happen then and into the future).
Immanuel’s Church should not survive … the doors should close … it is not a Sanctuary nor place of God.
Immanuel’s must immediately remove Charles Schmitt and Dotty Schmitt and the entire complicit Schmitt family (remove the limbs lest the body die) from any and all leadership positions and bar them from the property and all future contact or involvement with Immanuel’s Church.
Immanuel’s Church has experienced sexual scandals with senior membership, suicide in the Church building, financial misconduct by senior leadership, as well as many others signs from God that something is very wrong there (these are just the things I know about but I am sure there are others which never made it public).
Perhaps it’s time we listen to God and close this place down for Good … for God … and for the good of the Body … once and for all time.
Thank God, “Charles Schmitt and Dotty Schmitt and the entire complicit Schmitt family” were removed in July “from any and all leadership positions” by the Board of Trustee at the recommendation of Metanoia Ministries.
Head Counselor Openly Fondled by Charles Schmitt at Camp Sonshine in 2002 or 2003
Here is one example of Charles brazenly abusing at head counselor at Camp Sonshine in 2002 or 2003 according to two extremely credible eye witnesses. They provided this account. I also know the identity of the young counselor. Camp Sonshine was formally affiliated with Immanuel’s Church until recently. David Black was the Founder and remains the President. David was also an Executive Pastor at IC until forced to resign in July. Head counselors were usually young college students.
“I was at a camp HC [head counselors’] meeting once and Charles was there, I’m not sure why. Somehow he was sitting opposite me and he started fondling this male HC next to him. It was the most bizarre thing I had ever seen. I could not believe what I was seeing. I checked with someone else if they had seen it too, they had and were just as shocked. That HC was also a year round staff member, next thing he was fired for something the camp wouldn’t disclose. It was all very hush hush and super weird. I didn’t know nearly enough then to put it all together.”
Three observations. First, this kind of groping does not occur in a vacuum. You don’t sit down next to someone by chance and start fondling them. There must be a history. I don’t know the before and after but there is more to this story. Hopefully, law enforcement will find out.
Second, Charles is a bold sinner. It was bizarre, unbelievable and shocking. He does what he pleases even when the risk of getting caught is high. He doesn’t fear consequences. He has beat the system all his life.
Third, it is frightening to think Charles is around boys and young men. Camp Sonshine is for children ages 4-17. One of the eye witnesses says, “Charles was there, I’m not sure why.” It seems obvious, he was there for the young man who was a head counselor and staff member even though Charles had no formal responsibilities in Camp Sonshine or reason to be at the meeting.
Anonymous Postcard Sent to Members of Immanuel’s Church Regarding Charles Schmitt’s Abuse of Two “Mentorees” in 2004
In December 2004, I was given a copy of the following postcard by C.J. Mahaney. At the time, Charles could not be removed from his position except by death per the constitution according to C.J. Charles refused to “step down quietly and discreetly.” The pastors and elders who “questioned the cover-up and damage control” resigned or were fired. Most of the pastors and elders covered up for Charles to keep their paychecks and powerful positions. Those cowards and compromisers continued to enable Charles in his abuse until the present.
As a member of Immanuel’s Church you have the right to know.
(This is not persecution of Charles P. Schmitt (CPS) or his family.) Please do not be deceived.
CPS had mentoring relationships that progressed beyond pastoral care to pastoral abuse. The mentoring relationships turned sexual in nature and went beyond the bounds of “back massages only”. cps
Two men (mentorees) lodged complaints to Immanuel’s pastors and elders. Most of these pastors and elders whom questioned the cover-up and damage control of these occurrences have resigned or been fired.
Both victims were lacking healthy father figures. One had a long history of abuse, of which CPS had full knowledge. CPS has not helped these men in his role as mentor. The fact is that they have been abused by their association with him.
IC is paying for these men’s psychotherapy. “I have taken full responsibility for my relationship with our mentorees”. cps
CPS repeatedly rejected counsel from fellow pastors and congregation members to step down quietly and discretely. He is protecting his office and ministry ignoring the destruction in the church body.
This has not been an isolated incident. CPS’s career has been marred with allegations and innuendoes dating back 25+ years. There is a pattern. CPS is not a victim.
1 Tim 5:19 & 20 “Do not received an accusation against an elder except of the basis of 2 or 3 witnesses. Those who continue in sin rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also may be fearful of sinning.”
Matt 18:17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listens even to the church treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.” You are the church. Please help CPS make the right decision.
I think two crimes may have taken place. Sexual harassment or assault and workplace discrimination. You will also notice, “IC is paying for these men’s psychotherapy.” That is an acknowledgement of harm and the use of church funds to treat those harms. A victim could sue Charles and his conspirators for those harms in a civil court. A couple of pastors resigned and left the church. Most of the pastors stayed and covered up.
This anonymous postcard was sent out by Trashed and Burned. I know his identity and a lot about him. He is now deceased. Charles really did trash and burn him.
The Tragic Account of “Trashed and Burned” as “The Sexual Toy of Pastor Charles Schmitt” During 2000 and 2001
One of the two young men being mentored wrote about his experience in 2005. He titled his article, “Do Not Understand.” It was written under the pseudonym, ‘trashedandburned.” He refers to himself as “the sexual toy of Pastor Charles Schmitt.” I learned the identity of this victim in recent months. Last week, I also learned the identity of his “good buddy and brother in the faith” who had “the same experiences.”
These young men were abused by Charles during 2000-2001. They brought charges against Charles to the IC pastors in 2003. Trash and Burned wrote about it in 2005. Being “victimized” by Charles caused him “to develop post-traumatic stress syndrome.”
Do Not Understand
By Trashed and Burned
April 23, 2005
I do not understand why upon giving up drugs and wild crazy ways and giving my life over to God. I got involved in a church in Maryland and gave everything that I could to change and be different. Met some great friends and felt like I had a family here in Maryland.
The pastor [Charles Schmitt] quickly made me feel loved and special, like I was really important.
I became friends with a good buddy and brother in the faith and found that he too had the same experiences with this pastor in Silver Spring. I began to realize that what I thought was special in reality was that I as well as my friend today were being victimized.
He would get us alone and tell us how much he loved us, he would hug us and then he would let his hands squeeze our buttocks. I never realized that he was using me and my past and even my friends bad self image for his advantage. This pastor would tell us it was alright to pull our pants down and get back rubs and pull our underwear down exposing our rears so that he could rub. He would hug me and my friend tell us of his love, one could feel his stiffness [erection] pressed up on us.
Why did he use us after awhile we tried everything to not be alone with him. He has set himself up as the sole leader of the church and all have to fit and adhere to him. Since he started the church no one can make him step aside. I have found out that he manipulates all crisis and makes it so that he is never the one who has hurt and used his flock. Caused me to develop post traumatic stress syndrome.
Why? I just wanted to change and be used by God. Now this man carries on like nothing is amiss.
Since I am of age and all his victims that I know are of age, we cannot do anything about it. He preys on on young men who do not have a father that was there or abused them and never invested in their sons. He has lied to me and others. I went for help and a strong father figure. I was dupped and used and have found out that he was kicked out of a church [Gathering of Believers] where he was caught in a comprising circumstance. I learned that the gay community refers to him as the Gay Pastor in Sandy Spring/Sliver Spring Maryland. Why is he allowed to pastor. He can start his own church and write the rules and still be in power. It would be ok if he stated that he is a homosexual and that his church is a refuge and haven for those who need a church like that. Don’t pretend to be my best friend and use me and others for his own gratification while ruining there lives istead of restoring their lives. Its hard to go on from here, its hard to believe that he will not take responsibility for his actions. He used his position and used his pastorial role as a method of rapeing young men psychological, spiritual, emotional and physical. Yet he is allowed to go on because he has manipulated the law and his position.
I found some answers at a great website The site has a place for the cost of abuse. I was abused when I was a little boy and to think that someone who I cared for and trusted exploited my past. By Gods grace I am climbing the mountain. No longer the sexual toy of Pastor Charles Schmitt of Immanuels Church Sliver Spring New Hampshire Ave Maryland. I pray that no one else will be exploited again. I just wish he would stand up and tell all that his congregation allows openly gay people and that he himself has bisexual and homosexual tendencies, that truth would help others in choosing a church. With that regard I would not have wasted 11 plus years of my life. I was dupped and lied too. Now I am in recovery for my own being God bless all those who listened.
This is Charles’ typical mode of operation. It is wicked beyond description. He is no shepherd of the sheep. He only pretends to be so he can devour them. In my opinion, he is like the devil who “comes only to steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10). Listen again.
“Don’t pretend to be my best friend and use me and others for his own gratification while ruining there lives istead of restoring their lives. … He used his position and used his pastorial role as a method of rapeing young men psychological, spiritual, emotional and physical. Yet he is allowed to go on because he has manipulated the law and his position.”
Three Recent Developments that Exposed Charles Schmitt & Resulted in Changes at Immanuel’s Church
A couple months ago, I wrote about the Schmitt’s defiance. Here is a short excerpt.
The On-Going Defiance of Charles & Dotty Schmitt – Trustees Ready to Act Against Them
Brent Detwiler
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Metanoia Ministries got involved with Immanuel’s Church in February 2017 to bring about change (metanoia is the Greek noun for repentance) related to the abusive activity of Charles Schmitt. As a result, multiple victims came forward. The ministry has done a good job from what I can tell. They produced a 70+page report that included 23 recommendations. Nevertheless, they only scratched the surface.
Metanoia Ministries did not do an investigation. They did not try to find more victims. They had enough evidence from those victims who came forward on their own to understand the abusive, predatory and homosexual behavior of senior pastor, Charles Schmitt. That included the man who exposed Charles in November 2016 and forced him to “get help” and the worship leader who exposed Charles in January 2017.
More needs to be done. I know law enforcement has been contacted. I hope the Board of Trustees does an extensive investigation with the help of a forensic lawyer. Those involved in Immanuel’s Church or recently left IC should encourage this action. There are many more victims. They need to be helped.
Here is a little more information about three recent developments that exposed Charles and forced change. I am not sharing all I know. I hope all Charles’ victims and “partners” come forward and tell their stories. Charles and his inner circle are seeking to divide IC and damning all the evidence against him as “untruth,” “unsubstantiated accusations,” and “gossip.” This is the same devilish tactic he has used going back to the 1960’s. Is anyone more dishonest?
John 8:44 “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
Charles Schmitt Caught with Man Who Requires Resignation – November 2016
In November 2016, Charles was forced to resign when caught with a man in his early 30’s. This man assisted Charles and was mentored by him. I am told Charles preyed upon him. When caught with Charles, he went home and told his wife. They hired a lawyer and the lawyer went to the church building to confront the situation. This couple may have sued Charles for damages and signed a non-disclosure agreement. Their legal action against Charles required he resign, confess his deception and seek help.
Worship Leader Confesses to Homosexual Relationship – January 2017
The worship leader had a five-year homosexual relationship with Charles that the worship leader ended over 2 years ago. He has said the relationship was sinful and unholy. In January 2017, he wrote a letter of confession and gave it to the executive pastors at Immanuel’s Church. This was done out of a desire to come clean and get right with the Lord. He was also very sick and feared for his death. The letter exposed Charles. Some of the information about this “partnership” was shared with Immanuel’s Church on Sunday, January 22.
Attempted Molestation Reported to Law Enforcement – February 2017
This individual works for a highly respected agency of the United States government. Charles allegedly tried to molest him a decade ago in his 20’s. I am told he ran away so it couldn’t become sexual. He went to the IC executive pastors in February 2017. Then he contacted law enforcement and told them the story. It got their attention. Law enforcement followed up with me.
Cecil Bray’s Comments to Immanuel’s Church Regarding Charles Schmitt’s Restoration - December 4, 2016
On November 20, 2016, Charles told Immanuel’s Church he was stepping down because there were areas of his life that he neglected to take care of and he was going away for healing. He acknowledged living in some deception but there was no reference to his long history of homosexuality or recently getting caught. People had no idea how vast, long and serious Charles’ sins were. As a result, people began to press for a quick restoration to his position as senior pastor.
Two weeks later on December 4, Cecil Bray, a retired IC pastor, addressed the congregation on the timing of Charles restoration (cf. Gal 6:1). I have a copy of his remarks. There is absolutely no reference in them to the nature and extent of Charles’ sins. Here are several important excerpts with a few comments.
In his comments to you 2 weeks ago, Pastor Charles told us he was stepping down as Senior Pastor acknowledging and accepting the necessity to allow the Holy Spirit to shepherd him through a process of healing and restoration.
Cecil should have said “a process of repentance, confession, discipline and restitution” (i.e. restituting victims).
Like God and you, we love Pastor Charles and that love required the presbytery to lovingly confront him. And grace led him to submit to leadership and to what God requires which is genuine repentance so restoration can be accomplished.
Charles didn’t have a choice. He was forced to submit to the demand for his resignation. It wasn’t “grace led him to submit.” He had no alternative.
Since Cecil’s comments, Charles has steadfastly refused to submit to the grace of God. There has been no “genuine repentance so restoration can be accomplished.” Only defiance and deception.
One of the most important aspects of this healing and restoration process is time. Always, the question is: “How long is this going to take? How much time is required and who decides when the process is completed?
Members of the church, including his family, were pressing for his quick return to ministry. Even Cecil, a longtime ally of Charles, and one familiar with his abuses over the years at IC, had to imply “this healing and restoration process” will take time. He is not explicit however.
We want you to prayerfully stand with us in asking the Holy Spirit to complete his work of healing and restoration. For in such unity of agreement, we have no doubt that restoration can be accomplished. And, when it is accomplished, Pastor Charles will be enabled to serve in those giftings God gave him … without any hindrance to their use.
There is disunity in the church because the members have not been told the truth about Charles’ sins. The Holy Spirit just needs some time “to complete his work of healing and restoration.” That means, Charles will be back. Of that, “we have no doubt that restoration can be accomplished.” What a foolish thing to communicate to the church.
It’s also important for you to know that there are no explicit biblical guidelines regarding the amount of time necessary for specific restoration. … There are two major considerations to be aware of: 1) avoiding any preoccupation focused on a quick return out of a desire to affirm the person being taken through the process … all of us must allow the Holy Spirit to set and control the time and; 2) a self-announcement made by the individual, in this case Pastor Charles, is not a biblical pathway to being restored to leadership because of the nature and requirements of spiritual leadership.
Okay, no “quick return” but what does that mean? And, no “self-announcement” by Charles that he is “restored” and ready to return as senior pastor. Why? Because of “the nature and requirements of spiritual leadership.” In other words, fellow leaders determine whether you meet the requirements of Scripture.
The Bible shows that all ministry is to be confirmed by “a presbytery”; that is, a group of elders who: (1) meet the requirements of character and conduct qualifications; and (2) are committed to lay hands on and endorse only others who do. That is what Immanuel’s had done in the past, is doing now in this present process, and I pray, will continue to do so in the future.
I must be honest. This makes me sick. The “presbytery” or executive pastors or leadership team have NEVER held Charles accountable to “the requirements of character and conduct qualifications” found in Scripture. If they did, he would have removed from ministry long ago.
For instance, Guy Carey would have supported his excommunication in 1982 rather than oppose it and justify Charles as “upright.” Guy has knowingly enabled Charles to prey upon young men and pursue a homosexual life-style for 35 years. Cecil is not being honest. He too knows they have not held Charles accountable to the qualifications of Scripture like being “above reproach” (1 Tim 3:2) and “blameless” (Tit 1:7).
Cecil was an executive pastor in 2004 when Trash and Burned came forward. Like Guy, he was part of the cover up.
David Black on The Restoration of Fallen Leaders – January 13, 2017
A month later on January 13, David Black sent a five-page email to an inner circle of leaders at IC regarding “The Restoration of Fallen Leaders.” Of course, he was talking about Charles Schmitt. It was later sent to all the pastors, ministers, and Board of Trustees. David founded Camp Sonshine and was a top executive pastor at Immanuel’s Church.
People were pressing for Charles’ return to ministry because Charles was manipulating them. The leaders were asking about guidelines for his restoration. I’ve added comments.
From: David Black
Sent: Fri., Jan 13, 2017 at 4:45 AM
To: David Black
Subject: Restoring Fallen Leaders
What guidelines do we have?
First, beware of any preoccupation with too quick to return. Such a disposition by the fallen one probably signals a resident presumption or shallow repentance, and such a disposition by those sincerely wanting to affirm the fallen usually indicates an immature perspective on the nature and requirements of spiritual leadership.
Charles is not “preoccupied” with the seriousness of his sin or the well-being of his victims. He just wants to be back in power. Definitely “a resident presumption” and a “shallow repentance.”
Second, beware of overlooking the depth of the fallen’s injury [i.e. sin]. … A truly restored person is open to his restoration team and will see them as allies rather than ‘enemies.’” …
Typical for Charles. Those correcting him are viewed as “enemies.”
Third, beware of unilateral or “pop” methods of reinstatement. Self-announcement is no the biblical pathway to leadership; neither is demagoguery.”
Charles’ arrogance is on full display in his “self-announcement.” That he is free of sin and ready to return as senior pastor. This is three weeks after his “inner healing” at a treatment center in Arizona. David knows he is a demagogue.
There is a “pop” way of “playing to the crowds” of one’s sympathizers or supporters, and by this ploy a leader can manipulate his supporters and seek to justify his premature, unscriptural return to ministry on the grounds of the general acceptance or insistence of his followers.” …
Charles is a master manipulator and David points it out.
It is not without reason that so many groups require from one to two (or even four or five years) for the recovery of fallen leaders to be fully released again into public ministry. This is often difficult and painful because one’s significance and worth have been tied to public ministry. This is the very root God desires to pull out for true freedom and restoration. The presenting issue [homosexuality] is not the only issue but the spiritual roots of a lifestyle of lying and deceit take time to restore and be proven. The effective restoration process must not only deal with the what visible sin was exposed [exploiting much younger men for sexual pleasure] but the spiritual internal preexisting weaknesses that causes it. Choices are not made in a vacuum.
David refers to “a lifestyle of lying and deceit.” Morrie Watson did too. So did Larry Tomczak. These sins, like homosexuality, have characterized his life. Metanoia Ministries told IC the same thing.
Immanuel’s Church Told About Charles Schmitt’s “Inappropriate Sexual Contact” on Sunday, January 22
Charles was “playing to the crowds.” He was manipulating his supporters in order “to justify his premature, unscriptural return to ministry on the grounds of the general acceptance or insistence of his followers.” As a result, it was necessary to tell IC about the nature and duration of his sins. The congregation had long been kept in the dark by the Schmitt’s and the executive pastors.
The following was publicly reported on January 22.
“Immanuel’s confirmed during their service today that Charles Schmitt has struggled with ‘inappropriate sexual contact with adult males for many years.’ They stated that there had been ‘multiple victims and co-participants’ and asked for any other victims to contact them.”
The church was also told about Charles’ sinful homosexual relationship with the worship leader which lasted five years (c. 2010-2015). He is approximately 45 years younger than Charles. He came clean in January 2017 after he quit the staff because of ill health due to cancer. He is now “cancer free.”
Charles was in the process of dividing the church. The leaders had to be more explicit to stop him. The statement to the church was helpful but should have been worded more strongly. I would not have used the word, “struggled.” I would have used the word “engaged in.” And what is “inappropriate sexual contact”? Inappropriate means “not suitable or proper in the circumstances.”
They should have said “immoral sexual sin” not “inappropriate sexual contact.” The evidence showed Charles had “engaged in immoral sexual sin.” The strength of announcement was the reference to “multiple victims” and asking additional victims to come forward. Some did but not all of them.
The First Letter from Charles Schmitt to Immanuel’s Church - February 2, 2017
Soon after this public statement, Charles wrote a manipulative and deceitful letter to IC.
Letter from Charles P. Schmitt
February 2, 2017
I have, with brokenness of heart, repented before God for sin that has long held sway in my life and I sincerely ask forgiveness for the pain that I have caused my family, and the Body of Christ and those I have injured as a result of my sinful violations of ungodly boundaries.
This is nothing but deception. He is not broken. He is not repentant. He is covering up. Asking forgiveness for “sinful violations of ungodly boundaries” is meaningless. He should be confessing nearly six decades of homosexual sex which he has sought to cover up his whole life. And we must remember the Seventh Commandment. “You shall not commit adultery.” Charles has been involved in sexual sin with dozens of men throughout his 53-year marriage to Dotty.
For weeks in December of 2016, with Dotty by my side, the Lord in his mercy used the therapists at PCS (Psychological Counseling Services) in Scottsdale, Arizona, to help me uncover especially the deep soul wound that I have carried since I was six years old. I previously had given little thought to the severe trauma caused by the sexual abuse that I experienced at such an impressionable age. My life, as I grew up, consequently has been beset by sinful wrong choices. As a man who deeply loves the Lord, I especially needed to understand the deception of how I could compartmentalize areas of compromise in my life, while at the same time so deeply loving our heavenly Father. To that end, the weeks spent in Scottsdale were transforming for me, as chains that held me captive for years dropped to the ground and light came into dark corners of my thinking. What an amazing experience this was of God’s grace and truth!
The trauma of sexual abuse as a child is real. I’m sure it was for Charles. It can shatter your world, cause severe pain, inflict false guilt, effect your ability to trust, tempt to grave fear, produce great confusion, and leave horrible memories. It can devastate a child. It can leave a “deep soul wound.” Victims of childhood abuse often need professional help.
But being abused as a child does not make you into a child abuser. It doesn’t cause you to rape boys or sodomize men. It doesn’t destine you to break your marriage covenant with homosexual lovers.
Charles claims his entire life has been “beset by sinful wrong choices” because of a “deep soul wound” he just discovered. Honestly, this is despicable. None of us are ruled by sinful choices because of something done to us no matter how horrible. Charles’ abominable lifestyle is not due to a wounded heart but to an evil heart that he has knowingly and intentionally indulged all his life.
All of us have been sorely sinned against in this life. We all have “soul wounds.” But a “deep soul wound” never causes you to be “beset by sinful wrong choices.” Such thinking is utterly unbiblical. Again, injustices (“wounds”) we have suffered may tempt us to sin but they never cause us to sin.
Charles refers to “the deception of how I could compartmentalize areas of compromise” “while at the same time so deeply loving our heavenly Father.”
Compare this to the teaching of John the apostle.
1 John 1:5-9 This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. [6] If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; [7] but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. [8] If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. [9] If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Charles has walked in the darkness and not practiced the truth. He is characterized by “a lifestyle of lying and deceit.” Yet he claims to “have fellowship with Him.” John the apostle makes it clear. Charles is a liar. He does not love the Lord because he does not obey the Lord or walk in the light. He will never experience God’s cleansing until he openly confesses his sin and practices biblical fellowship. See 1 John 2:3-6 also.
And consider this text.
1 John 3:7-8 Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; [8] the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning.
John’s first epistle was inspired by the Holy Spirit with people like Charles in mind. He has deceived many people with his claim to love the Lord while practicing sin. He is of the devil. That is the truth if you believe the Bible.
As a man who deeply loves the Lord, I especially needed to understand the deception of how I could compartmentalize areas of compromise in my life, while at the same time so deeply loving our heavenly Father.
Charles has never been deceived about the reason for compromise in his life. He knows he has flagrantly disobeyed God’s word. He knows what it says about homosexuality, moral purity and marital fidelity. His compromise is willful. It is called hypocrisy in the Bible. He is actually trying to deceive people into believing his double life is due to a “father wound.” It is not! It is due to extraordinary hypocrisy. The kind Jesus condemns and pronounces eight “woes” of judgement upon in Matthew 23. Here is one.
Matthew 23:27-28 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. [28] So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.”
Charles has knowingly and willfully transgressed God’s Word in innumerable ways. He is a consummate hypocrite, not a wounded victim. He knows he does not love God. He just pretends to love God.
Today, I continue to seek healing in my inner man with the help of a wise and seasoned therapist in our area recommended by PCS. Most of all, I daily cherish spending time in God’s presence seeking from Him His delivering, healing grace. I so identify with Jamie Buckingham, who wrote in his book, “Where Eagles Soar” – “I am no longer satisfied with my imperfection. Nor, thank God, am I intimidated by it,” for I am more than a conqueror through Him who so dearly loves us.
Charles does not need healing in his inner man. He needs cleansing from sin in his inner man. How? By confessing it rather than excusing it. By walking in the light rather than darkness. By obeying God’s commands rather than disobeying. And by practicing true fellowship rather fake fellowship with staff he controls.
My heart’s cry is to continue to become that whole and healthy man of God He has designed me to be.
Charles doesn’t have a disease. He has a corrupt heart. He needs holiness, not wholeness; so he can become a godly man, not a healthy man.
I love you, and I thank you for your mercy, understanding, encouragement and love to me and to my family. May God bless you for that, as I bless you!
-- Yours. Charles P. Schmitt
Laura Uecker (Schmitt’s Oldest Daughter) Condemns Leadership of Immanuel’s Church for the Termination of Her Father – March 10, 2017
After Charles’ letter on February 2, new by-laws were written and approved which placed final authority for the governance of IC in the Board of Trustees (not Charles or his handpicked executive pastors). Six of the eight trustees were lay people; not pastors, ministers, or staff.
Laura posts the following on her Facebook page. She tells people to read her father’s letter above and wildly condemns “the current leadership” for terminating her father’s employment.
Laura Uecker
March 10 at 6:31pm
The purpose of this post is to make members of the Church and the wider Body of Christ aware of the ungodly actions being carried out against my family by the current leadership.
The “current leadership” is finally doing what they should have done long ago. Remove Charles from the ministry. Laura calls this an “ungodly action” against the Schmitt family. Like her father she goes on the attack and seeks to discredit the leaders.
I am the first to acknowledge that my father, Pastor Charles Schmitt, has made mistakes. Mistakes he publicly admitted, accepted responsibility for and asked forgiveness Sunday, November 20, 2016. He fully understood that he needed to step down for a season from his day-to-day responsibilities and get help. Unfortunately, while he was doing so, the current leadership devised a coup. The decision was made to terminate my father’s employment at IC. He was further asked to sign a document that stated, among other things, that no member of the Schmitt family would start a new church within a 100 miles of IC. (Not that we would want to or even considered doing!) A few in the current leadership saw my father’s failures as an opportunity for self-promotion and have run unchecked, while you, the church members, are unaware of what is happening.
Laura calls what her has father has done mere “mistakes.” That is incredible. And as I’ve already pointed out, when Charles “resigned” as senior pastor on November 20, 2016, all he told Immanuel’s Church was there were areas of his life he neglected to take care of and he was going away for healing. He did not acknowledge his 57-year history of homosexual seduction, exploitation and degradation. He has never acknowledged, taken responsibility for, or asked forgiveness for his sins as defined by Scripture.
My father, the founding pastor, has not been permitted by the current church leadership to speak publicly on a Sunday morning since November. To no avail, my father has repeatedly requested to share the information below with the congregation that he loves so dearly and poured his life into for the past 34 years.
For good reason, Charles was not permitted by the majority “to speak publicly on a Sunday morning.” His repeated request “to share the information below” is a reference to his February 2 letter above. The letter is the work of a master manipulator. Of course, you don’t want to give him the bully pulpit.
Please read my father’s letter for yourself. If you have questions about how this whole situation is being handled, I encourage you to please call 301-989-HOPE and speak with someone in leadership. (You can visit to find the names of the current leadership.)
Laura, like her father, tried to instigate a revolt. She says the IC leadership “devised a coup,” to “terminate” her father.
I had no idea Laura posted her diatribe on her Facebook page on March 10 when I posted Charles Schmitt’s 50 Plus Year History of Homosexual Sex with Young Men While Married & in Ministry two days later in the providence of God. I sent the post to IC leaders not knowing what was going on. The Lord in his wisdom and sovereignty was providing more evidence so the Schmitt family could not return to power and cover up the truth. Here is an excerpt from my post.
“I have not been able to follow the story closely but wanted to provide this piece of evidence demonstrating his 57-year history of perversion according to a close friend. Schmitt’s practice of homosexual sex did not end with his excommunication in 1982. It continued. It was also covered up by his wife of 50 plus years who is co-pastor and co-founder of Immanuel’s Church. Schmitt is an accomplished liar and pretender like all sexual predators whether the predation is criminal or not.”
The Second Letter from Charles Schmitt to Immanuel’s Church – May 7, 2017
Charles put his second letter in the rotunda (i.e. lobby) of the church building on May 7, 2017 without permission. It was removed by David Black and the Board of Trustees. Charles was furious. The following Saturday, May 13, he posted it on Facebook for everyone to read. He also sent it to the pastors, ministers and Board of Trustees. The second letter is a whitewashed version of the first letter with additional excuses added for his heinous sin. Charles’ deceit and false doctrine is on full display.
From Charles P. Schmitt
The following is my story about the grace of God in my life—
The following paragraph found in the first letter is entirely removed by Charles in the second letter. Why? He doesn’t want any reference to the “sin that has long held sway in my life” or “sinful violations of ungodly boundaries” that have caused injury to his family, the Body of Christ and his victims.
“I have, with brokenness of heart, repented before God for sin that has long held sway in my life and I sincerely ask forgiveness for the pain that I have caused my family, and the Body of Christ and those I have injured as a result of my sinful violations of ungodly boundaries.”
For weeks in December of 2016, with my wife Dotty by my side, the Lord in His mercy used a counseling center in Arizona to uncover a deep soul wound that I have carried since I was six years old [when he was molested by a cousin]. I previously had given little thought to the severe trauma caused by the sexual abuse that I experienced at such an impressionable age. My life, as I grew up, would consequently be beset by violations of boundaries in my relationship with others. As a man who deeply loves the Lord, I especially needed to understand how I could compartmentalize this area of my life, while at the same time so deeply love our heavenly Father. To that end, the weeks spent in Arizona were transforming for me, as chains of sin that held me captive for years dropped to the ground and light came into dark corners of my thinking. What an amazing experience this was of God’s grace!
He changes the sentence, “My life, as I grew up, consequently has been beset by sinful wrong choices“ (first letter) to “My life, as I grew up, would consequently be beset by violations of boundaries” (second letter). “Sinful wrong choices” is removed.
He also changes “I especially needed to understand the deception of how I could compartmentalize this area of my life” to “I especially needed to understand how I could compartmentalize this area of my life.” Reference to “the deception” (i.e. hypocrisy) is removed.
And typical of Charles, he starts off with misleading information when he claims he was in counseling “for weeks in December of 2016.” That implies 3 or 4 weeks. He was there for two weeks or less. He wants to make it sound more in depth than it was. This is a minor point but an illustrative point.
Today I continue in the healing in my inner man with the help of a wise and seasoned, Spirit-filled counselor in our area, recommended by the Arizona counseling center. Speaking of my counselor, Dr. Dee Bissell, founder of the “Ephesian Five” ministry wrote me: “This was an excellent choice.”
Charles does not need “healing in my inner man.” He needs the fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge. He also needs a biblical counselor who is thoroughly grounded in the doctrine of sanctification which is the biblical teaching on how a person genuinely changes for the glory of God.
It is important under the direction of my spiritual counselor for me --
1. To establish wholesome boundaries in my relationships.
For over 50 years, Christian leaders have repeatedly demanded Charles “establish wholesome boundaries” in his relationships with boys and young men. For over 50 years, Charles has repeatedly promised to do so. But the truth is, for over 50 years, he has violated his word every time. His word regarding “wholesome boundaries” means nothing.
2. Also important would be the healing of the wounds of being an Adult Child of an Alcoholic Father (ACAF) and the healing of the “Father Wound” itself – of not having a viable father in my childhood years.
Charles is 80 years old and he is still blaming his homosexuality on his alcoholic and absentee father. Such circumstances are difficult but they do not cause evil thoughts, adultery or sexual immorality (e.g. homosexuality).
Matthew 15:18-20 (ESV) But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. [19] For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. [20] These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone.”
3. And finally, the healing of the devastation caused by my having been sexually molested as a child.
During a phone call on October 5, 2017, Morrie Watson told me, Charles Schmitt told him, he was molested by a cousin when he was six years old and the cousin died of AIDS at a young age. Schmitt never told Watson anything about being sexual abuse by his father.
Dotty Schmitt tells the story in her book of hearing Charles preach for the first time at age 14 in Queens, New York. Here is an excerpt.
“I soon learned that this youth group in the Trinity Reformed church basement consisted of young teens from many other churches who had all had the same salvation experience. From among them all was one fourteen-year-old who to me especially stood out. … I slouched back down into my chair as this young man continued to preach fervently to us about our witness to the world. … What an unusual and zealous young man! There was undoubtedly a spiritual fire burning within him for the Lord. I couldn’t help but wonder who he was.” (Delight, pp. 5-6).
That was 67 years ago and yet Charles is supposedly still devastated from his sexual molestation at age 6. This young man with a “spiritual fire burning within him” has been sexually involved with males for nearly six decades.
Remember what Charles said about his therapy above. “The weeks spent in Arizona were transforming for me, as chains of sin that held me captive for years dropped to the ground.”
This means his “devastation” was far more powerful than the death and resurrection of Christ, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, and the living and active written Word of God. None of these were able to set him free! I wonder if he blames his longtime history of lying, deceit, lording, hypocrisy, arrogance, independence and verbal abuse on his sexual molestation too.
My testimony is that “by the power of Jesus’ blood and by the power of the Holy Spirit, coupled with the tools of truth given to me in Arizona, I have been set free, just as Jesus promised—“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free,” and “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”—from sin, from deception and from shame!”
Charles gives lip service to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They did nothing to free him from his captivity. The key to his “chains of sin” dropping to the ground was the therapy center which cost $20,000 and was paid for by the people of IC. That’s where he experienced “the healing of the devastation” that set him free.
Charles was not given “truth” in Arizona. He was given error – that is, an unbiblical diagnosis of his problem and unbiblical course of action that will never cleanse his soul of sin. This is all psychobabble. It is not the language or remedy of Scripture. Charles needs to follow the teaching of Paul the apostle.
1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 Finally then, brethren, we request and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us instruction as to how you ought to walk and please God (just as you actually do walk), that you excel still more. [2] For you know what commandments we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus. [3] For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; [4] that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, [5] not in lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God; [6] and that no man transgress and defraud his brother [or wife] in the matter because the Lord is the avenger in all these things, just as we also told you before and solemnly warned you. [7] For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but in sanctification. [8] So, he who rejects this is not rejecting man but the God who gives His Holy Spirit to you.
Based upon his supposed healing of wounds, Charles also pronounces himself miraculously set free from sin, deception and shame. He’s ready to return as senior pastor. Charles has been making these self-proclaimed announcements every time he is caught going back to at least 1968.
If my past actions have in any way caused you pain or hurt, I sincerely ask for your forgiveness. And if you need to speak with me personally, please feel free to come see me at the end of one of our Sunday services. Thank you.
This last paragraph is reprehensible! First, he says, “If my past actions.” He is not convicted of hurting anyone. The “wounded” one is unwilling to say he has wounded anyone. But, IF you were hurt you can talk to him on a Sunday morning. Second, he acknowledges no sin. Remember, this is a highly sanitized letter. He refers to “past actions,” not past sins. Charles has never shown compassion for his victims.
Charles is unwilling to take any initiative in meeting with those he has “caused…pain and hurt.” They must come to him because he is not going to them. He is so hard hearted. And he is also being manipulative. He will only talk to them on a Sunday morning. A brief conversation in the lobby is no place to talk about being his “sexual toy.” Furthermore, no one in their right mind would meet with Charles alone.
Metanoia Ministries was hired in March to do an assessment of Immanuel’s Church. That same month, Founder and President, Jim Van Yperen, along with others, met with Charles for two hours to see if he was willing to make restitution to those he sinned against. He said no.
In May, they met with Charles again and asked if he was willing to make things right with those he exploited. Charles said no. He was not willing to walk through a process guided by others whereby he asked forgiveness and made restitution for sins he committed. He was running from accountability that could lead to transparency, confession, repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation and restitution. If he genuinely loved those he harmed, he would have gladly embraced this process.
Charles was under pressure from Metanoia and the Board of Trustee to make restitution. His phony response in this May 7 letter. Talk to me on a Sunday morning if you think I did something wrong.
Gratefully yours,
Charles P. Schmitt
David Black Emails IC Leaders Regarding Charles Schmitt’s Second Letter – May 14, 2017
Charles put his “testimony” letter in the rotunda (i.e. lobby) on May 7 without permission. He sent it to pastors, ministers and Board of Trustees on Saturday, May 13. It caused a lot of division. That same day, David Black talked to Charles about his actions. The following day, David sent this email to the pastors, ministers, and Board of Trustees.
From: David Black <>
To: [Pastors, Ministers, & Board of Trustees]
Sent: Sun, May 14, 2017 08:50 AM
Subject: RE: A clearer copy
I believe all of us rejoice any time God brings healing and hope to someone’s life..My concern is not what is written but that it is being handed out on a Sunday morning in our rotunda. By God’s grace and redemptive power the message will be shared instead from the pulpit on a Sunday morning ...when the time is right and it’s been confirmed by the leadership. Cecil shared with the congregation that a self announcement made by Charles is not the biblical pathway to being restored. As I spoke to Charles yesterday I spoke of my concerns that I’m expressing here of the timing due to a long history of this sinful pattern of sin…redemption...grooming...sin. (I ask you to please carefully read the attachments)
David says, “My concern is not what is written.” That shows no discernment. He should be extremely concerned about the content of Charles’ letter.
His concern is the timing of the self-announcement. The message of “God’s grace and redemptive power” in the life of Charles should wait until “it’s been confirmed by the leadership.”
Remember, Charles declared “the chains of sin that held me captive for years dropped to the ground” and “I have been set free… from sin, from deception and from shame!” I totally agree with David. That “is not the biblical pathway to being restore.”
Most importantly, David spoke to Charles about his “long history of this sinful pattern of sin…redemption...grooming...sin.” He knows all about it! So do all the executive pastors. And yet they never exposed him or removed him from ministry. More on that later.
This synopsis is very important. Charles groom’s males so they will be receptive to his homosexual seductions. Groom is a morally neutral term for preys upon or deceptively exploits. He may take two years before he acts. When caught he claims “redemption” (i.e., repentance, healing, transformation). Then he starts “grooming” again. This is his “long history” and “sinful pattern.”
And I should also add that he often targets those most likely to succumb to this mode of operation. Remember the words of Trashed and Burned.
“He preys on young men who do not have a father that was there or abused them and never invested in their sons. He has lied to me and others. I went for help and a strong father figure.” (April 23, 2005)
There is a big difference in the communication process of restoring an individual and restoring a Pastor with a public influence. As I’ve stated To all of you [i.e., the pastors, ministers, trustees] my motivation is not to repeat my mistakes of the past and as was put in the letter to us from one of the wounded to ”not allow Charles to use his position of authority and influence to deceive, exploit, and hurt others.”
David references his “mistakes of the past.” More on that later.
One victim put it this way after I sent out Morrie Watson’s letter in March.
“The ones wounded as a result of these sinful relations have asked the leadership to not allow Charles to use his position of public influence to wound another person. They felt like his position as pastor meant they could trust him but this trust was used for harm.”
Take special note when David affirms that Charles used “his position of authority and influence to deceive, exploit, and hurt others.” This encompasses criminal activity in my opinion. Charles took advantage of staff, pastoral assistants, mentees, and members. David doesn’t want to let this kind of conduct to continue like he did in the past.
God has a plan for Immanuel's Church to triumph in this...lets take the time to be certain we do! Being confident that He who has begun a good work in all of us will complete it.
The Lord does have a plan for Immanuel’s Church but it does not include a false shepherd who grooms, deceives, exploits and harms the flock of God.
Charles Schmitt’s Immediate Reaction to David Black’s Email Regarding His Unholy History – May 14, 2017 at 4:56 PM
Charles wastes no time and immediately emails the leaders and trustees.
“Just a brief response to David Black’s email of today. You received a copy of ‘My Story’ yesterday afternoon because David Black asked me to send it to you. I did that in good faith. Little did I expect his reaction to “My Story” to come today seeking to discredit what I had written.
Charles’ letter caused even more division and distrust among the leaders over his transformation and restoration to leadership. He claims David discredited what he wrote.
David should have discredited what Charles wrote but he did not. Instead, he affirmed what Charles wrote. That was a grave mistake. He only differed with how and when an announcement of “God’s grace and redemptive power” was made from the pulpit. This is an example of Charles’ use of fabricated accusations.
The Scriptures contain testimonies by grateful people for the Lord’s delivering power in their lives. When such a testimony is given the godly will surely rejoice in it rather than pull it apart.
Of course, Charles is not going to acknowledge his history of claiming “the Lord’s delivering power” only to continue in sin. Instead, he besmirches David as ungodly for not rejoicing in his deliverance and for “pull[ing] it apart.” Here again is what David said. “I believe all of us rejoice any time God brings healing and hope to someone’s life… My concern is not what is written but that it is being handed out on a Sunday morning in our rotunda.” Charles loves to twist what people say to his advantage.
In Luke 15 Jesus also taught us how we are to receive someone home--- as the Father received his son home in contrast to the begrudging attitude of the elder brother. As Dotty and I recall how we were received home from Arizona in mid-December by David Black it certainly was not the Father’s kind of welcome home. We were forbidden to speak, even though the saints had collected $13,000 to send us to Arizona and would surely have wanted to hear what the Lord had done for us.
Charles continues to attack David and go on the offensive. Luke 15 is the Parable of the Prodigal Son. He pretends to be the repentant prodigal and makes David out to be the self-righteous older brother. Nothing about the parable applies to Charles. He didn’t voluntarily go to Psychological Counseling Services, Ltd. in Scottsdale, Arizona. He was forced to when caught with a young pastoral assistant in November 2016 who hired a lawyer, filed formal charges, and required Charles step down, confess his deception and get professional help.
And unlike the prodigal son, Charles didn’t return contrite and repentant. He returned with excuses and a demand to be recognized and restored to ministry. He demonstrated no humility like the prodigal. Just the opposite. Charles was angry no one showed up at the airport to celebrate his triumphal return. And unlike the prodigal who “squandered his estate with loose living” and “with prostitutes” one time, Charles has done it many, many times.
A $13,000 offering was taken up for Charles. IC provided an additional $7,000. Tragically, all a waste of money from my perspective. The leaders didn’t give him the opportunity to speak to the church knowing he would use it to manipulate the church.
Dotty sought to encourages us this morning to remember our DNA as a church and part of the DNA is that we are called to be a redemptive, restorative church. We need to return to the foundation. We are far removed from it unfortunately.
Dotty is using “redemptive” and “restorative” in the same manipulative way Charles has for decades. It is a way of keeping him in ministry. I am reminded of Jude’s warning in his epistle. Jude 1:4 They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality. People who talk about “grace” but continue in sin turn grace into a license (excuse) for immorality. Here is what the true grace of God accomplishes in our lives.
Titus 2:11-14 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. [12] It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, [13] while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, [14] who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.
Dotty should be leading the way in publicly rebuking her husband as a co-founding senior pastor according to 1 Timothy 5:20-21. Truth be told, however, no one has enabled Charles in his spiritual abuse and homosexual practice more than her. She has excused, denied, enabled and covered up his sin throughout their married life. She shares responsibility for the wake of victims left in their path.
I humble ask you to consider these issues before the Lord. And may He give us all a repentant heart. Your, Charles Schmitt.
Charles can’t deny the long history of “sin…redemption…grooming…sin” or “deceive, exploit, and hurt” because David and the leaders have the evidence. He just ignores these long-standing patterns of serious sin, focuses on the supposed sins against him, and exalts in his certain (but utterly unproven) deliverance from “violations of boundaries.”
None of this stops Charles from trying to deceive Immanuel’s Church into believing his transgressions occurred 55 years ago. He sends out the following email to members on June 7. I’ve covered most of this already but want to draw attention to the part I have underlined. In particular to his “all hell broke loose” comment about putting his testimony in the lobby on May 7. Charles is dividing the church again. He is “deeply disturbed” and the church has been “bewitched” by David and others. He goes on an abusive rant.
From: Charles Schmitt
Sent: Wed, Jun 7, 2017 01:19 PM
To: [Redacted]
Subject: Morrie Watson’s letter of 1982
The letter of Morrie Watson to Ben Israel dated 1982 has been recently circulated in our midst under the heading “historical perspective”. The letter as you notice is 35 years old and is commenting on things that happened 55 years ago! The only one that I know of who dabbles in such a “historical perspective” is the accuser of our souls, Satan himself. Our God is the God who has blotted out our transgressions and who remembers them no more! On another note, when Dotty and I returned from Arizona [Dec 2016] so full of faith and joy over what the Lord had done for us in our intense days out there we were not permitted to share our experiences in public, and even when I put printed copies of our testimony out in the rotunda [May 7, 2017], all hell broke loose over it. “How could you dare do such a thing?”
This may not deeply disturb you but it does deeply disturb me. These actions have thrown the Gospel to the ground and trampled on it. And this is not the Immanuel’s Church that was birthed in our living room on Springlock Road 34 years ago. I share Paul’s grief over some of the Galatians, “O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you....” and that is the way I believe Jesus feels about some among us today. May God Himself deliver all His saints and restore us all to the foundations of the true Gospel of God’s grace.
Your Pastor Charles
Recently some devotees of Charles wrote this about the Metanoia Ministries assessment report.
“Mr. Van Yperen on page 25, several times accuses Pastor Charles of “bullying people through texts and emails using spiritually loaded language to accuse them of betrayal or acting in concert with ‘the Accuser’.” The truth of this matter should be easy to verify. Let these produce the texts and the emails for open evaluation, to verify what is truth or untruth in these accusations.” (Response, Sept 8, 2017, p. 6)
They are correct, it is easy to verify that Charles is a bully.
The Metanoia Ministries Report – June 15, 2017
One week later, Metanoia Ministries presented their findings in an oral report to IC. They also distributed a 70-page written report. By all accounts it was damning. It referenced nearly a dozen reports, accusations, or complaints of sexual contact by Charles. It was based upon the testimony of those who had sinful relations with Charles and leaders or people who had knowledge of the same.
Metanoia Ministries did not investigate to find additional homosexual liaisons or relationships. They only interreacted with people who came forward in IC.
The report also highlighted Charles’ long history of pride, deceit, control, slander, defiance, domination, and abuse of power. All these sins are disqualifying in nature. Homosexuality aside, Charles should not have been in ministry because he did not meet the most basic qualifications of Scripture. For example, Titus 1:7-8 (ESV) For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered…a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.
Charles has often claimed he is not a homosexual and his relationships with men are not sexual. He has frequently insisted these relationships have been platonic like the godly friendship between King David and Jonathan. He has also sought to deceive people claiming his “love” or “brotherly affection” for men has been misunderstood by them. He is a liar with no shame. His homosexual exploitation of males has absolutely nothing in common David and Jonathan.
Charles is like Bill Clinton. Dotty is like Hillary Clinton. On January 26, 1998, President Clinton, standing with his wife, spoke at a White House press conference, and issued a forceful denial in which he said:
“But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me! I am going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky! And I never told anybody to lie. Not a single time. Never! These allegations are false and I need to go back to work for the American people! Thank you.”
The next day, Hillary Clinton appeared on NBC’s The Today Show, in an interview with Matt Lauer. She blamed a “vast right-wing conspiracy” for “conspiring against my husband.”
Matt Lauer: “You have said, I understand, to some close friends, that this is the last great battle, and that one side or the other is going down here.”
Hillary Clinton: “Well, I don’t know if I’ve been that dramatic. That would sound like a good line from a movie. But I do believe that this is a battle. I mean, look at the very people who are involved in this — they have popped up in other settings. This is — the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president.”
Charles has been involved in oral and anal intercourse with some of his homosexual lovers, but not all of his lovers, over the years. Charles has never publicly acknowledged the former and he uses the latter to cover up. For instance, he recently wrote, “None of these have ever accused me of ‘having sex’ with them.”
By “having sex” he means anal intercourse. He is just like Bill Clinton. “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky!” Clinton and Lewinsky had all kinds of sex – just not vaginal intercourse. Of course, Clinton had a “sexual relationship” with her though he adamantly denied it. He was impeached on the charge of perjury and obstruction of justice in 1998.
Charles and his devotees are blaming his removal on a “vast right-wing conspiracy” while claiming he did not have “sexual relations” with men. Absolutely despicable like our former President.
The Serious & Eternal Consequences of Homosexuality According to Charles Schmitt
In June 2012, Charles wrote an article titled, The Stand of Immanuel’s Church – Life and Marriage. It was well-done. It was also the epitome of hypocrisy. Here are some crucial excerpts.
“Long before the present controversy erupted, the Lord made it clear that we as a church were to stand firmly on two moral issues—the Sanctity of Life and the Sanctity of Biblical Marriage. …
“And now the gay/lesbian/transgender/same-sex marriage issue has been pushed to the forefront by our government officials. In a recent meeting of Christian leaders in Kampala, Uganda, I was asked how America, as a world leader, could have taken such an ungodly stand on the issue of marriage. I could only tell those leaders that I shared their deep disappointment and their deep anger over America’s moral waywardness. …
“Loving people, however, does not mean loving their sin. Our government officials, seeking to be compassionate, have gone seriously astray in this regard. They have crossed the line of their own “separation of church and state.” Biblical marriage and the Sanctity of Life are biblical and moral issues. And it is the Church and not the State, who is called to be “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world,” the moral conscience of the world.
“The Scriptures are clear that all immorality (including homosexuality) is sin that carries serious and eternal consequences (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).”
At the time Charles wrote these words, he was in the middle of a five-year gay relationship with his pastor of worship. It is hard to comprehend the hypocrisy of these men preaching and leading worship side by side, Sunday after Sunday from c. 2010 to 2015. Charles was also involved with other young men during this time-period.
Nevertheless, he has no problem telling Christian leaders in Uganda in 2012 that he shares “their deep anger over America’s moral waywardness.” That is, over “the gay, lesbian, transgender, same-sex marriage issue” because the Church is “the moral conscience of the world.”
But he goes even further when he writes, “The Scriptures are clear that all immorality (including homosexuality) is sin that carries serious and eternal consequences (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).” That is true.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, [10] nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.
You can’t be a practicing homosexual for nearly six decades like Charles and claim to be a born-again Christian. It is impossible. Charles is right, there are eternal consequences for the unrighteous. I don’t believe he will inherit the kingdom of God.
Paul the apostle makes clear in the next verse that true believers are transformed by the power of the gospel.
1 Corinthians 6:11 Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.
See also Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:3-14; Revelation 21:7-8.
Charles claims Immanuel’s Church stands for the sanctity of marriage. That may be true of the church but it is not true of Charles, his family or the former executive pastors.
Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.
If “all” are committed to honor marriage, you don’t allow your husband, father and senior pastor to desecrated it with homosexual lovers. In the case of Guy Carey for 35 years. In the case of Dotty for 50 years.
Moreover, the writer of Hebrews commands, “Let the marriage bed be undefiled.” The marriage bed is holy. That is the place a one flesh union is consummated between a new husband and wife.
In Charles’ case, he has literally and figuratively been in bed with men for decades. That probably includes his marriage bed. In any case, he has repeatedly defiled his marriage with repeated sex outside of it. The bed you share with your wife is holy. If you use it with another man or woman for the purpose of sex, God will judge you.
Charles claims a belief in the sanctity of marriage and the marriage bed. Yet, he has dishonor the institution and defiled his marriage bed for the last 50 years. He has repeatedly sinned against his wife in the most wicked way possible. He can claim he loves her (like he does the Lord) but he does not. He has despised her with his betrayals and immoralities. Charles is no reflection of Jesus Christ who commands husbands to love their wives as he loves the Church.
Charles Schmitt Is a False Shepherd - John 10:1-18
A true shepherd of God’s flock would never harm any of Jesus’ sheep. He is called to protect them and beat off any that would seek to wound or devour them.
John 10:11-13 “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. [12] He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. [13] He flees because he is a hired hand and is not concerned about the sheep.”
Shepherds have a rod and staff. The staff is used to guide the sheep when they stray. The rod is used to beat off predators when they attack. The shepherd is unconcerned for his life. He will lay it down for the sheep. He is a good shepherd. He would never devour or scatter the sheep. A hireling, on the other hand, doesn’t care about the sheep. He flees in the presence of danger.
Charles is not a hireling. He is something worse.
We have all heard the phrase, “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Strictly speaking that doesn’t apply to Charles. Why? Because he is a wolf in shepherd’s clothing. I am reminded of Ezekiel’s words.
Ezekiel 34:11 (NIV) This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock. I will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them.
Young men have been food for Charles to satiate his sensual appetite. Thank God, he has been removed from tending the flock at IC. Now he must be stopped from “tending” any flock.
Though a wolf in shepherd’s cloths, this definition is still apropos.
“A wolf in sheep’s clothing is an idiom of Biblical origin used to describe those playing a role contrary to their real character with whom contact is dangerous, particularly false teachers” (Wikipedia).
Charles Schmitt Is a False Teacher – 2 Peter 2:1-22
I think Charles is also a false teacher. He plays a role as a Bible teacher that is contrary to his real character. Sometimes, he teaches sound doctrine he does not live (Matt 23:3). Other times, he teaches false doctrine to excuse or cover up his sin. For example, his doctrine of sin, grace, and sanctification. Or his errant approach to leadership, accountability, and church discipline. Read for example his paper, “Concerning Accusation, Investigation, and Church Discipline in Immanuel’s Church.”
But false teachers are not only identified by their erroneous teaching but by the ungodly fruit in their lives that results. Here are some of the characteristics of false teachers supplied by Peter the apostle. They readily apply to Charles.
2 Peter 2:2-3, 10, 13-14, 18-19, 22 (NIV) [2] Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. [3] In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. … [10] This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority. Bold and arrogant, they are not afraid to heap abuse on celestial beings … [13] They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you. [14] With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed—an accursed brood! … [18] For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. [19] They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.” [22] Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.”
This is how Charles should be described. These are authentic biblical categories. “Depraved conduct…exploit you with fabricated stories…follow the corrupt desire of the flesh…despise authority…bold and arrogant…heap abuse…blots and blemishes… reveling in their pleasures…eyes full of adultery…never stop sinning…seduce the unstable…experts in greed…an accursed brood…empty, boastful words…entice people…slaves of depravity…a dog…a sow.” There are even more apt descriptions in the book of Jude.
In Charles case, his eyes are not full of adultery with women. They are full of degrading passions for men that lead to indecent and shameful acts.
Romans 1:26-27 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, [27] and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
Charles has burned with a perverse desire for men and committed many indecent acts. Even after he is exposed and reproved, he does not stop.
2 Peter 2:22 Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.”
This is the story of Charles’ life. That is not a slanderous statement. It is clearly documented and covers a span of nearly six decades. He has always returned to his vomit and wallowing in the pigsty.
Charles can teach about grace, talk about the gospel, and refer to his “precious heavenly Father” but there is no compelling evidence he has been born again (cf. 1 John 3:6, 10).
Charles Schmitt Remains Unrepentant – Matthew 18:15-18
Charles has not repented, confessed, asked forgiveness, or made restitution. He refuses to listen to anyone including Immanuel’s Church. He should be treated like a pagan or tax collector, not a believer. In other words, he should be confronted with the claims of the gospel and commanded to repent. Until he does, there should be no fellowship with him.
Matthew 18:15-17 (NIV) [15] “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. [16] But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ [17] If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
The third step of Matthew 18 is “tell it to the church.” That is tell his sin to the church so the church can appeal for his repentance. I hope everyone in IC has been admonishing Charles to turn from his wicked ways.
1 Timothy 5:19-22 Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses. [20] Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning. [21] I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality. [22] Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thereby share responsibility for the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.
Charles and Dotty have been defiant from the time Charles was exposed last November until the present. Charles has continued in his sin. Of that there is no doubt. I don’t mean his homosexuality. No one knows if he has continued in that sin most recently. I mean his lying, deceit, hypocrisy, arrogance, divisiveness and independence.
Metanoia Ministries gave their oral report to IC on June 15, 2017. It should have included instructions for the church to appeal to Charles. At that time, the Board of Trustees should have publicly rebuked Charles “in the presence of all” for his continuation in sin. One of the reasons for doing this is so the rest of the pastors will be “fearful of sinning.” I don’t know if this happened or not. It needs to happen now.
Turning Charles Schmitt Over to Satan – 1 Corinthians 5:1-13
1 Corinthians 5:1-13 is another passage that should have been followed with Charles. I quote from the text and then add commentary.
[1] It is actually reported that there is immorality among you, and immorality of such a kind as does not exist even among the Gentiles, that someone has his father’s wife. [2] You have become arrogant and have not mourned instead, so that the one who had done this deed would be removed from your midst.
The Corinthians arrogantly thought they were spiritual or grace filled in allowing this immorality. They should have been mourning the sin and removed the sinner from their midst.
[3] For I, on my part, though absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged him who has so committed this, as though I were present. [4] In the name of our Lord Jesus, when you are assembled, and I with you in spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus, [5] I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
In conjunction with the assembled church, Paul judges this immoral person and turns him over to Satan to destroy his body in hopes his soul will be saved.
[6] Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough? [7] Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed. [8] Therefore let us celebrate the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
Allowing the leaven of immorality adversely effected the entire church. Immorality, along with malice and wickedness, must be cleaned out and replaced with sincerity and truth.
[9] I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; [10] I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. [11] But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one. [12] For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? [13] But those who are outside, God judges. REMOVE THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES.
We are not to associate with any “so-called brother if he is an immoral person.” Not even to eat with one. Christians are commanded to exercise righteous judgement within the church by removing and turning over to Satan such people because they are wicked.
“Why Is He Allowed to Pastor?” - The Failed Attempt to Discipline Charles Schmitt in 2004
In 2003, Trashed and Burned and his “good buddy and friend in the faith” went to the pastors and elders. They told them how Charles preyed upon, exploited, victimized and used them as sexual toys during 2000-2001 while they were being “mentored.”
I am sharing this story again because all the pastors and elders in Immanuel’s Church failed to obey Scripture in dealing with Charles despite the horrendous nature of his sins. I’ve underlined to emphasize a few points.
Do Not Understand
By Trashed and Burned
April 23, 2005
I do not understand why upon giving up drugs and wild crazy ways and giving my life over to God. I got involved in a church in Maryland and gave everything that I could to change and be different. Met some great friends and felt like I had a family here in Maryland.
The pastor quickly made me feel loved and special, like I was really important.
I became friends with a good buddy and brother in the faith and found that he too had the same experiences with this pastor in Silver Spring. I began to realize that what I thought was special in reality was that I as well as my friend today were being victimized.
He would get us alone and tell us how much he loved us, he would hug us and then he would let his hands squeeze our buttocks. I never realized that he was using me and my past and even my friends bad self image for his advantage. This pastor would tell us it was alright to pull our pants down and get back rubs and pull our underwear down exposing our rears so that he could rub. He would hug me and my friend tell us of his love, one could feel his stiffness [erection] pressed up on us.
Why did he use us after awhile we tried everything to not be alone with him. He has set himself up as the sole leader of the church and all have to fit and adhere to him. Since he started the church no one can make him step aside. I have found out that he manipulates all crisis and makes it so that he is never the one who has hurt and used his flock. Caused me to develop post traumatic stress syndrome.
Why? I just wanted to change and be used by God. Now this man carries on like nothing is amiss.
Since I am of age and all his victims that I know are of age, we cannot do anything about it. He preys on on young men who do not have a father that was there or abused them and never invested in their sons. He has lied to me and others. I went for help and a strong father figure. I was dupped and used and have found out that he was kicked out of a church [Gathering of Believers] where he was caught in a comprising circumstance. I learned that the gay community refers to him as the Gay Pastor in Sandy Spring/Sliver Spring Maryland. Why is he allowed to pastor. He can start his own church and write the rules and still be in power. It would be ok if he stated that he is a homosexual and that his church is a refuge and haven for those who need a church like that. Don’t pretend to be my best friend and use me and others for his own gratification while ruining there lives istead of restoring their lives. Its hard to go on from here, its hard to believe that he will not take responsibility for his actions. He used his position and used his pastorial role as a method of rapeing young men psychological, spiritual, emotional and physical. Yet he is allowed to go on because he has manipulated the law and his position.
I found some answers at a great website The site has a place for the cost of abuse. I was abused when I was a little boy and to think that someone who I cared for and trusted exploited my past. By Gods grace I am climbing the mountain. No longer the sexual toy of Pastor Charles Schmitt of Immanuels Church Sliver Spring New Hampshire Ave Maryland. I pray that no one else will be exploited again. I just wish he would stand up and tell all that his congregation allows openly gay people and that he himself has bisexual and homosexual tendencies, that truth would help others in choosing a church. With that regard I would not have wasted 11 plus years of my life. I was dupped and lied too. Now I am in recovery for my own being God bless all those who listened.
Let’s review the timeline. Trashed and Burned and his friend were sexually exploited during 2000-2001. They reported their abuse to the IC leadership in 2003. Nothing effectual was done to stop Charles in 2003-2004. Trashed and Burned published his story in April 2005 while trying to recover from his trauma. Here is his central point.
“Now this man carries on like nothing is amiss. … Why is he allowed to pastor? … He used his position and used his pastorial role as a method of rapeing young men psychological, spiritual, emotional and physical. Yet he is allowed to go on because he has manipulated the law and his position. … I pray that no one else will be exploited again.”
The pastors and elders allowed Charles to continue as senior pastor and thereby continue in his sin. That is reprehensible!
I realize two pastors and several non-staff elders “questioned the cover-up and damage control of these occurrences.” They even resigned and left the church in 2004. That was good but inadequate. They should have gone public and informed the church of Charles’s sins and the unwillingness of the remaining pastors and elders to follow through with church discipline which was clearly required.
One of the pastor’s that left was Jim Burck. He was the head of counseling. Jim should never have worked for Charles in the first place. He was one of the men who defended Charles back in 1982 when he was disciplined by Gathering of Believers. Jim received a copy of the Morrie Watson letter back then. He knew about Charles’ homosexuality going back to 1960. And he knew of his on-going homosexuality after 1982 as a pastor in IC. Incredulously, Jim returned this past May to preach at Immanuel’s Church (and promote his book) as an expression of support for Charles. At the same time, Charles was defying Metanoia Ministries and the Board of Trustees while attempting to come back as senior pastor.
I also realize the pastors who remained offered correction to Charles in private. And yet, this falls far short of what should have been done. Approaching Charles in private is the first step. The Bible commands a second, third and fourth step. These are not optional. Dotty referred to Charles as her “dictatorial husband.” He was also a dictatorial leader. I get it. But this is not an excuse for disobeying Scripture and doing what is commanded.
The example of John the Baptist is instructive. He confronted Herod Antipas on his adultery and it ultimately cost him his life. He didn’t care about his position or his pay check or keeping his head. The latter was cut off at Herod’s command.
Mark 6:17-18 Herod himself had sent and had John arrested and bound in prison on account of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, because he had married her. [18] For John had been saying to Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.”
John the Baptist revered the holiness of God and loved the law of God. “You shall not commit adultery.” He calls the most powerful political leader in the region to account knowing it could cost him everything.
Of course, Jesus is the best and highest example. Zeal for his Father’s house consumed him. He cleaned out the temple at the beginning of his ministry (John 2:13-17) and at the end of his ministry (Mk 11:15-19).
John 2:15-17 And He made a scourge of cords, and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen; and He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables; [16] and to those who were selling the doves He said, “Take these things away; stop making My Father’s house a place of business.” [17] His disciples remembered that it was written, “ZEAL FOR YOUR HOUSE WILL CONSUME ME.”
When you refuse to drive out and overturn the sexual exploitation of young men by the senior pastor you turn the Father’s house into a place of business. You are not concerned about the holiness of God; you are concerned about the size and financial prosperity of your church. Therefore, you pretend godliness, cover up evil, and tell falsehoods to preserve a phony reputation for financial gain. The remaining pastors did these things.
John’s zeal and Jesus’ zeal is the kind of righteous zeal that should consume all Christians.
Matthew 6:33 “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
The pastors and elders that remained at IC did not seek first God’s righteous rule. It was way down the list in terms of priorities. They feared Charles far more than they feared the Lord. And they coveted their jobs more than they longed for God’s glory. They were unwilling to risk their jobs and suffer Charles’ wrath.
Charles should have been publicly rebuked, removed from ministry, excommunicated from the church, and turned over to Satan in hopes he would repent. He should also have been reported to the law enforcement for all alleged crimes. No matter the cost, he needed to be stopped even if it meant “off with your head.” At the heart of Christian discipleship is the call to suffer for the sake of righteousness.
John 7:5-8 For not even His brothers were believing in Him. [6] So Jesus said to them, “My time is not yet here, but your time is always opportune. [7] “The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil.
Charles Schmitt Consolidates Power & Chooses Seven Executive Pastors in 2004
Soon after these events, another charge of homosexual sin was brought against Charles in 2004. At that point, Charles consolidated his power. He chose seven executive pastors. They were extremely “loyal” to him and included his wife and his daughter, Dianna.
This “leadership team” more than anyone except Charles are responsible for the on-going exploitation of young men by him over the next 12 years. They were not ignorant. They were well informed. Nevertheless, they intentionally chose to cover up for Charles by withholding information about his sinful behavior and promoting falsehoods about his innocence. They deceived the church for many years.
On June 15, Metanoia Ministries recommended all the executive pastors resign. The recommendation was accepted by the Board of Trustees. The effective date was set for July 23. It applied to Dotty Schmitt, David Black, Dianna Schmitt Whittle, Guy Carey, Jamie Dixson, and Beverly Schneider. Cecil Bray retired from ministry a few years ago.
None of them is trustworthy in my opinion. None of them should be in ministry from my perspective. All of them need to stand before Immanuel’s Church and ask forgiveness for their cowardice, compromise, and corruption. I know they registered concerns with Charles in private but that is far short of what Scripture requires.
Guy Carey Quits & Moves to Florida – Asks for Money to Fund His Apostolic Ministry to the “Nation and Abroad”
Guy Carey didn’t wait until July 23 to resign like everyone else. He just quit. Then he out a “Farewell Letter” on July 10 asking for money to start his new nationwide apostolic ministry in Florida. He moved immediately. I’ve underlined for emphasis.
From: Immanuel’s Communications <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017, 4:34:47 PM EDT
Subject: Farewell Letter from Pastor Guy C. Carey
Dear Immanuel’s Family,
It has been an honor and privilege for Betty, my children and I to serve you over the last 18 nearly 19 years. We are so thankful and grateful for the opportunity to have served the Lord among you.
For years we have been praying for our future and the call of God to this nation. We now believe, in our hearts, that our Father is stretching out our tent pegs to include the whole nation. Therefore, we wanted to share with you that our Father has directed our hearts to Florida to launch new church plants, work with national and local leaders and establish a base for apostolic ministry to this nation and abroad.
Heeding his voice, we are immediately launching out in faith selling our residence and much of our possessions as he has told us to travel light. To ensure Francesca’s education may continue uninterrupted, at this time, we plan to move to eastern central Florida. The exact future location where we will settle the family is yet to be determined. Kristen will be wed in September in Virginia so we will be back and forth to the area tending to ministry and personal matters and hope to see you.
Over the years we have made so many new friends and been blessed and enriched by this church family. We remain available to this church family as friends and co-labors in Christ and trust you will always have us in your hearts as you will be in ours.
We also consider ourselves an extension of your lives and ministry to the world and ask you to please join us in believing God for great things.
As we enter this new adventure we would love to stay in touch with you and share what God is doing; therefore, we are planning to provide ministry content online and build a network of likeminded souls hungry to move in God’s power and grace.
For now, if you wish to stay in touch and or join us please follow us on Facebook at our official page or visit and sign up for email link. When we have mailing information and ministry links we will share that publicly with you.
Some folks have also mentioned that they would like to assist us financially in our new venture. We are very appreciative because as you are aware a new church startup will take lots of resources and we will in fact be missionaries right here in the United States.
If you feel inclined to help with a single gift or ongoing support please visit For now, your gifts will not be tax deductible but know they will be utilized to help us fulfill the destiny of God. As soon as we have a ministry base established all support will channel through that non-profit.
Please stand with us in prayer, faith and support for God’s grace and strength as we desire to continue to be a blessing to you, build bridges of life to many ministries and leaders in the Metro DC area and throughout the nation for Kingdom Expansion.
Ever yours in Christ,
Guy and Betty Carey
Pastor Guy, Betty and Family
After Charles and Dotty, no one is more responsible for the near destruction of Immanuel’s Church than Guy Carey. And yet he shamelessly asks for money. People throughout the church were disgusted and offended by his farewell letter, I mean fund raising letter.
It was Guy who defended Charles in 1982 when he was excommunicated from Gathering of Believers for his divisiveness, homosexuality and lying. Like Jim Burck, he received Morrie Watson’s letter at the time. He knew about Charles’ homosexuality going back to 1960. Nevertheless, he foolishly wrote in 1982, “We find him currently to be walking in uprightness of heart and that the seeds for lasting transformation of certain character traits have been planted and watered.”
Except for Dotty, I don’t think anyone knows more about Charles’ evil behavior over the last 57 years than Guy. There has never been any lasting transformation and he knows it. He has enabled Charles to exploit young men and lied about the nature and extent of Charles sins over many years. For those who may not know, Guy became Charles right hand man at IC. After Dotty, no one was more powerful. He regularly preached on Sunday mornings when Charles traveled.
Guy should not be in ministry. He doesn’t meet the qualifications of Scripture. But this is totally lost upon him. Not only does he ask for money, he promotes himself as an apostle “to this nation and abroad.” I find the letter full of manipulation. That is not surprising. He is like Charles in that regard.
Instead of building “bridges of life to many ministries and leaders,” Guy should return to Immanuel’s and build a bridge of life to each of Charles’ victims – those he “groomed.” I am serious. But like Charles, he is not interested in restitution or accountability. He got out of town as soon as he could after the news he must resign. Forget the victims he did not help or protect. Instead, support his apostolic ministry and “build a network of likeminded souls hungry to move in God’s power and grace.”
If he were sincere, Guy would demonstrate “God’s power and grace” by returning to IC to confess his sins, ask forgiveness, tell the truth about Charles, and help those who were exploited because of his cowardice and corruption. Enough of the hypocrisy and religious jargon.
Holding the Former Executive Pastors Accountable
In 2005, the average attendance according to the website was over 4,000. In August, it was under a 1,000. Thousands of dear people have been stumbled and disillusioned. That is due in part to Guy Carey’s compromised leadership as the most powerful executive pastor after Dotty. Current and former members of IC should contact Guy and appeal for his repentance. They should do the same with Dotty, David Black, Cecil Bray, Dianna Schmitt Whittle, Jamie Dixson, and Beverly Schneider.
David Black is also the Founder and President of Camp Sonshine. He says the following on the website.
“Parents are busier than ever, but Camp Sonshine has become a staying pillar in the community, providing a safe and unforgettable experience for thousands of kids every summer.”
In contrast, he did not provide a “staying pillar” and “safe experience” in Immanuel’s Church. He was well acquainted with the long and “sinful pattern of sin … redemption ... grooming ... sin.” I hope David emerges as a valiant warrior in this present conflict with Charles and his factious group. He should tell all he knows about Charles and his history of homosexual predation.
Cecil Bray is retired from ministry.
Beverly Schneider has begun her own life coaching business. Here is an excerpt from her website.
“Working with a life coach greatly increases your chances of reaching your life goals. Statistically, you will be more apt to reach those goals, if you have someone holding you accountable to the goals you have set for yourself. We see the role a sponsor plays in recovery programs. Studies show that having a sponsor to hold us accountable for recovery areas, brings a greater success than trying to implement these goals on our own.”
She did not hold Charles accountable. I hope she holds herself accountable and returns to Immanuel’s Church to ask forgiveness.
Jamie Dixson is not doing anything related to ministry.
Charles and Dotty are on the attack and starting a new church. Dotty and Dianna Schmitt Whittle are also doing a Bible study together.
This leadership team failed to hold Charles responsible for his sin. They did not care about the victims or future victims. As a result, Charles continued to sin, harmed more people, and brought greater reproach to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Holding the Founding Family Accountable
The Schmitt’s are commonly referred to as the founding family in Immanuel’s Church. Charles was the church father. Dotty was the church mother. Four of the five members including Charles were employed by the church as pastors. Keeping their husband and father in power was the key to keeping their own power, prestige, and positions. If their husband and father was removed, the dynasty ended. All the notoriety went away.
Moreover, four paychecks vanished. Charles was the golden goose who laid the golden egg. That is why Scripture requires an overseer be “free from the love of money” (1 Tim 3:3) and not be “greedy for gain” (Tit 1:7 ESV). Financial security and advancement must be sacrificed when corruption must be addressed.
Proverbs 19:1 (ESV) Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.
The Bible always says it best. God honoring integrity comes before the god of mammon. One of the reasons the founding family protected Charles was because they were protecting their riches.
Two week ago, Charles wrote this about the Metanoia assessment report.
“The unjust accusations against my precious wife and my three daughters and my fellow pastors for ‘covering up’ my sins are also a grave untruth. For some of our pastors and my wife and my daughters to be painted with that brush is untrue. They were there to warn me, but I was the one who did not listen. They saw things that I could not see; they saw the opportunists; they saw the boundaries violations; and they were faithful to confront me, but I was the one who was in no place to hear. But when the deception that blinded me was finally broken in Scottsdale in early December 2016, I saw the issues clearly and was myself deeply broken over my prior blindness.” (Response, Sept 8, 2017, p. 4)
When have Dotty or his three daughters ever spoken about Charles’ long term history of homosexuality and exploitation of young men? Never! The only “grave untruth” is the one Charles is telling. Dotty has been covering it up all their married life. I’ve already demonstrated this in reference to her book, The Delight of Being His Daughter.
Charles says they warned him and confronted him. Okay, on what? On “the opportunists” and “the boundaries violations.” Is he really saying the men he preyed upon were “opportunists”? In other words, they took advantage of him, not the other way around. I think so.
And what are the boundary violations? We know because his victims have told us. The fact the Schmitt family is hiding behind “boundaries violations” is an evidence of the on-going cover up. In using this terminology, the entire family is covering up the fact he has had sex with men throughout his life. And the cover up has only worsen. In February, it was “sinful violations of ungodly boundaries.” Now it is “violations of boundaries.”
But here’s what really provokes me as it should everyone. Charles blames his violation of boundaries on “deception that blinded” him until last December when his supposed wounds were discovered and healed. Only then did he see “the issues clearly.”
What issues? We know! And notice, he is not broken over any sins committed against others, he is broken over his morally neutral “prior blindness.” Only a master manipulator would attempt such deception.
Here is Charles’ latest explanation for what he has done wrong.
“Over the 34 years of our church history, I know of specific individuals who felt I did not respect their boundaries and I have gone to these, when I have been able to do so, and have sincerely asked for their forgiveness.” (Response, Sept 8, 2017, p. 6)
This is a complete denial of all wrong doing over 34 years. Instead, he puts himself forward as virtuous and humble. He went to “individuals who felt” he “did not respect their boundaries.” The onus is those who misunderstood his intentions. What a diabolical denial of homosexual sin!
Like the executive pastors, I hope Charles, Dotty, Laura, Dianna and Jen return to Immanuel’s Church to confess their sins and ask forgiveness. People in the church rightly asked Metanoia Ministries and the Board of Trustees to remove all on staff because of their corruption. They felt betrayed by the “founding family” for not taking a stand and demanding Charles come clean and submit to church discipline. Instead they covered up for him and defended him. They did not stand for the truth. They stood with evil.
Charles & Dotty Schmitt Are Starting New Church Which Must be Opposed for the Good of Others & the Glory of God
In the early 1980’s, I was called to pastor a new church in western Pennsylvania. This was the same time everything was on going on with Charles in the Washington D.C. area. I was facing an identical situation. A very charismatic pastor was using his “charisma” to prey upon and seduce men under the guise of caring for them.
I did four simple things. First, I confronted him. Second, I confronted his leaders who were covering up for him. Third, I went to the Ministerial Association in town and informed fellow clergy. Fourth, I opposed the church publicly and told people to leave or not attend.
In a totally expected move, Charles and Dotty are starting a new church. For the past several weeks they have been contacting people in IC. It started on September 10 with an invitation over to their house for “communion.”
As I’ve outlined above, Charles Schmitt needs to be formally excommunicated, turned over to Satan, and treated like an unbeliever under the wrath of God. Furthermore, clergy in the greater D.C. area need to be informed. Charles needs to be publicly opposed. These are not malicious designs. They are biblical actions in the face of evil for good of others including Charles.
Back in March, his oldest daughter, Laura said this on her Facebook page.
Laura Uecker
March 10 at 6:31pm
He was further asked to sign a document that stated, among other things, that no member of the Schmitt family would start a new church within a 100 miles of IC. (Not that we would want to or even considered doing!)
According to my sources, he never signed it. Of course, we don’t have to worry according to Laura. No one in the founding family would want to or even consider starting a church with 100 miles of IC. They have far too much integrity to engage in such an self-serving enterprise! They would never siphon off people from IC! So not true.
Charles has not responded to the discipline of God over the past 50 years (Heb 12:1-18). That is why he has gone from bad to worse. His conscience is seared (1 Tim 4:2), his mind is reprobate (Rom 1:28), and his foolish heart is darkened (Rom 1:21). He is full of sin (Rom 1:29) and under the judgement of God (Eph 5:1-7). That assessment is based upon his actions and the teaching of Scripture.
I believe Charles is a deceitful worker and false apostle who pretends righteousness.
2 Corinthian 11:13-15 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. [15] No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. [15] Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.
I hope and pray Michael McDermott, the IC Board of Trustees, and the entire church, stand against him in righteous indignation. His seduction and exploitation of young men will continue the same way his pride, deceit, arrogance, hypocrisy, and divisiveness continue.
Charles has always disguised himself as a servant of righteousness like Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. I believe this final passage applies to him.
Matthew 7:15-23 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. [16] You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? [17] So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. [18] A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. [19] Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. [20] “So then, you will know them by their fruits.
[21] Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. [22] Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ [23] And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’”
Charles Schmitt & His Followers Should Be Marked as Divisive & People Should Keep Away from Them
Charles Schmitt and a handful of people are seeking to divide Immanuel’s Church. They recently wrote this about the Board of Trustees.
“And so what was Mr. Van Yperen offered $100,000 to do? He was hired by the Board to dismiss the church’s gifted and anointed pastors and teachers who have so faithfully served for so many years, in favor of bringing in new faces (as fine as they may be) to replace them.” (Response, Sept 8, 2017, p. 9)
These people are false witnesses (Ex 20:16). Metanoia Ministries was not hired to “dismiss” anyone. They were hired to do an assessment of strengths and weaknesses and based upon their findings of fact, make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for how the church can grow.
This factious group claims the firing of pastors and teachers was prearranged by the Board of Trustees. That Van Yperen was “offered $100,000” upfront to get rid of them. Van Yperen in turn accepted the assignment like a hit man. I don’t believe this scenario for a second. I hope the Trustees forcefully address this evil fabrication by Charles and his followers.
Charles also adds this comment in reference to the Board of Trustees and Metanoia Ministries.
“Only God knows what the future of “Immanuel’s Church” holds. Insidious forces from within and without have sought to destroy our church, but we can trust in our Sovereign God that no weapon will prosper that is formed against His people (who are His true church).” (Response, Sept 8, 2017, p. 10)
Charles, his family, and his followers are the insidious ones trying to destroy the church. That is apparent.
Charles’ devotees also had this choice observation of me.
“On page 19, Mr. Van Yperen speaks of an ‘online search’ and draws support from the ‘scandal blogs’, 99% of which come from the same source - wounded people like Brent Detwiler who came out of SGM (Sovereign Grace Ministries) as ‘survivors’ of that group. Only undiscerning and uniformed people would give any credence to the unbelievable distortions and outright lies found on those ‘scandal blogs.’ Also true is the fact that just recently the Metanoia Assessment (which was declared a confidential church document) was sent to the SGM blogsters and now is quoted on their deranged site. (Response, Sept 8, 2017, p. 5)
You can find my “deranged site” at I’ve written three articles about Charles. I have never quoted the Metanoia Assessment. In fact, I’ve never been contacted by anyone at Metanoia Ministries, anyone on the staff at Immanuel’s Church, or anyone from the Board of Trustees. In the same way, I’ve never been asked for any information from these groups.
I helped Larry Tomczak and C.J. Mahaney start Sovereign Grace Ministries in 1982. I served on the Board of Directors for 25 years. I left because of the growing corruption I observed. I am not “wounded.” I am doing well.
Charles’ disciples also say this about my “scandal blog.”
“Only undiscerning and uniformed people would give any credence to the unbelievable distortions and outright lies found on those ‘scandal blogs.’
Over the last eight years, I have written over 400 articles in approximately 10,000 pages. No one, not even my worst enemy, has ever tried to make the case my writings contain “unbelievable distortions and outright lies.” I’ve written all of them like I have written this one. With the highest integrity. With compelling evidence justly presented.
Charles has always attacked those who try to hold him accountable. That was true in Fellowship of Believers, Gathering of Believers and Immanuel’s Church the last 34 years. It is true today.
And he has always built his ministry around himself and the first family. That too continues.
“And yet others want to know what we, as the founding family, will do. We will seek to follow the Lamb wherever He is going. In whatever He is doing. And we will offer, as He leads, our God-given gifts to you and the wider body of Christ in our area. And always, we will love you and seek to serve you. If you wish to keep in touch with the Schmitt family, and know what they are doing, you can do so by emailing us at We bless you so very much! By his grace, Your pastor Charles” (Response, Sept 8, 2017, p. 10)
This is the last paragraph in Charles response to the Metanoia Ministries assessment. He pretends humility and service. He disguises himself as a servant of righteousness but is a wolf in shepherd’s clothing trying to pick off sheep at Immanuel’s Church. “We love you.” “We seek to serve you.” “Keep in touch.” “We bless you so very much!” “Your pastor Charles.”
Charles is no shepherd and he has no interest in following the Lamb. He uses spiritual jargon to deceive. By the way, I changed the numbers in the email address to 666. Charles is his own god.
The Lord has rejected Charles for his rebellion like he rejected King Saul. All God’s people should reject him also.
1 Samuel 15:23 (KJV) For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
This is what should be done with Charles and his followers.
Romans 17:17-20 (NIV) [17] I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. [18] For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. [19] Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I rejoice because of you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. [20] The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
I imagine Michael McDermott, the Board of Trustees and the leadership team are busy contending for the truth and seeking to protect the sheep. May the God of peace crush Satan under their feet.
The following recommendations are not urgent but I hope they are helpful.
Some Recommendations for Senior Pastor Michael McDermott
Metanoia Ministries made 23 recommendations to the Board of Trustees. They were all accepted. I commend the six non-staff trustees who live busy lives and work full time jobs outside the church. They are Allen Bruce, Juliet Kintu, Junior Cox, Walt Harders, Richard Erhiawarien and Tony Goodman. They have faced extraordinary challenges and done much good in leading the church during this crisis. Charles has condemned them as “insidious forces.”
Michael McDermott is the new senior pastor at Immanuel’s Church as of August 13. Previously, he was the senior pastor at Life Source International Church in Baltimore. He has preached four sermons thus far. I’ve listened to three of them. Michael is called, gifted and graced by God. He is an anointed preacher and a no-nonsense leader. He has stated a commitment to build a leadership team and not build the church around himself. He has a heart for the lost and a zeal for the Lord. I hope he succeeds and builds a godly church by the grace of God for the glory of God. Here are some humble recommendations for him.
Call All Former & Current Leaders to Account
The leaders at Immanuel’s Church have been unaccountable. No one has called them to account for their sins. Some may object to this statement since Charles, Dotty, and all the executive pastors have been forced to resign. That is a good and necessary thing but it does not fulfill the commands found in Matthew 18, 1 Corinthians 5 or 1 Timothy 5.
Michael and the Board of Trustees should ask these former leaders to return to IC to confess their sins and ask forgiveness. Not in vague generalities but with specificity. They caused great injury to the church and reproach to the name of Jesus Christ. If they have humility and integrity they will return. These confessions should be written out and approved in advance. Michael and the Board of Trustees should also require Dotty, Dianna, Jen, Guy, David, Jamie, Beverly, et al., to make restitution to those exploited and victimized for not exposing, disciplining and removing Charles from ministry.
It is also critical for Michael and the Board to enact and enforce the excommunication of Charles Schmitt. Any church he attends should be contacted. Any church he seeks to start should be opposed. Otherwise, his sins will continue. There will be more victims. Of this we can be sure. The writers of Scripture publicly opposed evil men and drew attention to sinning brethren by name (e.g., Phygelus & Hermogenes - 2 Tim 1:15; Hymenaeus & Philetus - 2 Tim 2:17, Demas - 2 Tim 4:10; Alexander - 2 Tim 4:14-15; Diotrephes - 3 John 1:9-10; Euodia & Syntyche - Philip 4:2-3). That needs to be done with Charles as wide as necessary.
Even Peter was reproved in public for his hypocrisy.
Galatians 2:11-14 But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. [12] For prior to the coming of certain men from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he began to withdraw and hold himself aloof, fearing the party of the circumcision. [13] The rest of the Jews joined him in hypocrisy, with the result that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy. [14] But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in the presence of all, “If you, being a Jew, live like the Gentiles and not like the Jews, how is it that you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews?”
Michael has called for a Solemn Assembly on Friday, September 29 at 7 pm. He plans to put the past behind and call the church to move forward in its mission. It is a night of demarcation. A drawing of boundaries. A time to get on the train or off the train as he put it.
That is not bad provided he openly addresses the past and seeks to hold former leaders accountable. It is not enough to fire them. If they are unwilling to return and humble themselves at the Solemn Assembly, Michael should make clear the sins committed by them so all can learn. Then he and the current staff should solemnly pledge not to repeat their sins and explain what is new about leadership accountability in IC. He must also deal with current pastors and leaders who knew about Charles but did not take a stand due to cowardice or compromise.
1 Corinthians 10:1-13 is a good guide. You don’t forget the past. You retell the past and learn from the past. The Lord records in holy Scripture his dealings with those who sinned for our instruction and good.
Psalm 51 would also fit the occasion well. As the subtitled indicates, “For the choir director. A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came to him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba.” David didn’t mind his sin being recounted or his repentance recorded. In fact, he made certain the extensive telling of his sins occurred by providing details to Samuel the prophet (2 Samuel 11:1-12:15). Charles has spent a life time concealing his sins and yet he has always compared himself favorably to King David and repudiated any comparison to King Saul the apostate. He is no David.
Don’t Over Emphasize the Devil
The biggest problem for IC is not the devil, though he is active, it is the Lord. You say, “What? That doesn’t make any sense!” I don’t deny Satan’s evil powers but we must remember they are ever so finite compared to the Almighty.
Furthermore, we should be far more concerned about the opposition of God.
James 4:5-10 Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: “He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us”? [6] But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.” [7] Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. [8] Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. [9] Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom. [10] Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.
It is quite simple. The Lord opposes the proud! The Lord gives grace to the humble! If you don’t want God as your opponent you know what to do.
Also notice the sequence of the verse. After you submit to God, you resist the devil. Resisting won’t work unless you are willing to “cleanse your hands” and “purify your hearts.” In so doing, you draw near to God. That is the emphasis of the passage and that is how we resist the devil. We don’t resist him by yelling at him or binding him or blaming him.
The same truth is taught in 1 Peter 5:5-11 and Ephesians 6:10-17. For example, Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (Eph 6:14). The truth talked about is not just sound doctrine. It also includes personal integrity. And the breastplate of righteousness refers to holy living. These protect our vital organs so to speak. Leaders who are dishonest and hypocritical embrace evil rather than resist evil. This opens the door to the evil one.
The Solemn Assembly should start off as a time for everyone to “be miserable and mourn and weep.” The goal: pure hearts and humble hearts. Then the Lord will exalt you and the devil will flee. God has been opposed to Immanuel’s Church. That should be highest concern and greatest focus. Not the devil.
Emphasize the Holiness of God
Holiness is the fundamental fact about God. No other attribute receives more attention in the whole of Scripture than the holiness of God. It is basic to our entire understanding of God and Christianity. You can’t appreciate the love of God or the grace of God until you have encountered the holiness of God.
Holiness is the only attribute elevated to the superlative degree in Scripture. No other attribute of God is referred to in triplicate.
Isaiah 6:3 And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”
Revelation 4:8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.”
In our day, people have no regard for the holiness of God. They don’t revere his greatness or tremble at his righteousness. He is not esteemed as completely other in his moral rectitude. There is no fear of God before their eyes (Ps 36:1; Rom 3:18). People don’t think God would ever judge them in this life or the life to come. Hell may be real but no one is going there, or so they think.
Unbelievers must be confronted with God’s holiness and their sinfulness. They need to understand the wrath of God rests upon them (John 3:36). Only Jesus can remove it He is the propitiation for our sins (Rom 3:25; Heb 2:17; 1 John 2:2; 4:10). This fearful reality must be a part of all evangelism at Immanuel’s Church. The good news is only good if you are terrified by the bad news.
Scripture says we were all “sons of disobedience” (Eph 2:2) and “children of wrath” (Eph 2:3). What a miracle of grace to be a child of God. We are reconciled to God and have peace with God through the cross of Christ. Nevertheless, we must not lose sight of the holiness of God as Christians.
Hebrews 12:28-29 Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; [29] for our God is a consuming fire.
IC would do well to study the seven churches in chapters 2 and 3 of the book of Revelation. For example, this warning to the church in Thyatira.
Revelation 2:20 “But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray so that they commit acts of immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.”
Leaders across IC tolerated the man Charles who called himself a pastor. That needs to be acknowledged to God at the Solemn Assembly. No church will tolerate sin if they love righteousness. We must learn to love what God loves and hate what God hates.
Charles’ followers made this heretical statement in their response to the Metanoia Assessment.
“But thankfully the God we serve is not a God of “assessments.” ... The assessment file of God is empty today and it is sealed shut by the Blood of Jesus Christ!” (Response, p. 9)
Evidently, they have never read Revelation 2-3 or any of the epistles which were occasional documents. That means, there were issues of sin or false doctrine in the churches that occasioned the writer to bring reproof and correction. Like immorality! Charles would have been sternly “accessed” by Paul the apostle. The quality of our works will also be accessed on the final day (1 Cor 3:10-15).
The holiness of God is the most essential aspect of his being. It was a non-essential for Charles Schmitt, his family, and the executive pastors. I suspect there was little to no teaching on the holiness of God in IC. I hope that changes under Michael. Why? First, God is holy and we are called to be like him. Second, holiness magnifies the grace, mercy and love of God in Jesus Christ. Third, it is the fuel for evangelism.
Acts 4:12 “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”
I’d recommend every member in Immanuel’s Church read, The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul. And I’d love to see Michael do expository messages on Roman 1-5. That is, go through these chapters, verse by verse. It would transform the church!
Preach the Full Gospel
The full gospel is not salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit, healing and deliverance. The full gospel is the good news about the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. If we only get one thing right in the Christian life, it must be the gospel! Otherwise, we are cursed by God (Gal 1:8-9).
At the heart of the gospel is Christ crucified. Paul reminded the Corinthians in his first letter, For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified (1 Cor 2:2). The substitutionary death of Christ on the cross for our sins must be at the center of all we teach and preach. He took our sins and died our death. On the cross, he suffered the wrath of God in full as the just payment for our sins.
And we must not confuse our response to the gospel, though essential, with the gospel.
Telling people to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior is not the gospel. It is our response to the gospel. Before they accept Jesus, they must know who he is and what he has done.
For instance, evangelists often ask, “Are you saved?” That is a befuddling question unless people understand what they need to be saved from. The answer - they need to be saved from God. Specifically, from his holy wrath. The death of Christ magnifies the love and grace of God but it also demonstrates the retributive justice of God in punishing sin (Rom 3:21-26). That is why Christ died! To take our sin and satisfy God’s justice. That’s what it means to accept Jesus as Savior. You can’t be saved unless you understand the gospel.
Isaiah 53: 5-6 But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. [6] All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit, healing and deliverance are “good news” but they are not THE good news. The good news is about Jesus and his holy history. Don’t confuse the blessings of the gospel with the gospel. And don’t preach man’s response to the gospel as the gospel. It is true, man must repent and believe, but that is not the gospel.
We must press upon unbelievers their need for the gospel. That is, God is holy and man is sinful. Therefore, man stands under the justified wrath of God. Then we preach the glorious gospel. Jesus is God incarnate, he lived a perfect life, he died for our sins, he rose from the dead, and he ascended into heaven where he sits at the right hand of God the Father and will return again.
Teach the Doctrine of Sanctification
Before we teach on progressive sanctification – that is how we grow in godliness – we must teach on regeneration, justification and adoption. These are the immediate fruits or effects of the gospel.
Regeneration is the new birth. It occurs when we receive the gift of eternal life. That is, the life of God himself in the person of the Holy Spirit. It changes us at the core of our being. Justification also occurs the moment we believe Jesus died for our sins. That means God the Father forgives our sins and declares us righteous in his sight on the basis of Jesus’ earned righteousness which is given to us as a gift (Rom 5:17). Once justified, the Father adopts and accepts us as sons and daughters forever.
In consequence, we embark on a life lived for the glory of God by walking in the Spirit, denying our old self, putting sin to death, picking up our cross daily, fleeing temptation; reading, studying and obeying God’s word; praying without ceasing, setting our minds on the things of God, and fellowshipping with God’s people. These godly disciplines must be preached and practiced but they are NOT the basis of our acceptance by God. That is based on the finished work of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, they are the vital means by which we grow in the likeness of Christ and the holiness of God.
Most Christians do not understand the doctrine of sanctification. That is why they are susceptible to false doctrines like inner healing or extreme views of deliverance from demons. It is why they pursue worldly psychology or therapeutic recovery. These will not transform your life. Charles is a prime example. They actually become an excuse for sin and a cover for sin. Avoid psychobabble. Stick to the terminology of Scripture. Pursue holiness not wholeness.
Hebrews 12:14 (HCSB) Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness -- without it no one will see the Lord.
If you want to be a “whole” person – a fully integrated and functioning human being – grow in holiness. It is also the evidence you have been born again and reconciled to God. You will see him in heaven and not be separated from him in hell.
Root Out Selfish Ambition, Fear of Man & Man Pleasing
These sins have plagued the “founding family” and leaders at Immanuel’s Church.
James 3:14-16 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth. [15] This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. [16] For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.
This is an astounding passage. Where you find jealousy and selfish ambition your find disorder and every evil thing. That is a mouthful! To deny this was a major factor in IC is to be arrogant and lie against the truth.
Jealousy of others getting positions or promotions causes all kinds of disorder. Being motivated to climb the church ladder brings about every evil thing. The key to getting ahead in Immanuel’s Church was adoring and worshipping Charles. Those who did climbed to the top. Then you stayed on top by going easy on him and covering up his sins.
Christian leaders are called to be servants. Servants are not concerned about titles or recognition. They love anonymity, not the praise of men. They love the Lord and do not fear man. Why? Because they have nothing to lose or gain. They are only concerned about faithfulness to Jesus Christ.
Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is safe.
The ESV Study Bible says, “One who acts primarily out of a fear of man shows that he does not trust the Lord to preserve and protect him.” That amounts to idolatry.
The fear of confronting Charles and suffering consequences ensnared people in IC. I understand the temptation. He was demagogue and he would punish you. But this reveals a lack of faith in the Lord and an unwillingness to suffer for doing what is right.
Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:11-12 “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. [12] Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
I am familiar with Charles’ attempts to intimidate. In 1982, I confronted his hypocrisy, divisiveness and homosexuality in two letters. He wrote back a predictable note.
“Brent--- I would request that you do not continue to correspond with me in the fashion you have these two times. You know no facts, having only listened to distorted reports, secondhand. ... exactly what are [you] trying to protect or perpetuate. Certainly, seemingly not the truth of our Lord Jesus. I feel sorry for you, Brent. Do not respond” (March 18, 1982).
Of course, I had the facts. And of course, he attacked the credibility of the victims. Always has. Still does. He recently called their charges against him “untruth,” unsubstantiated accusations,” and “gossip.” He has no problem using the Lord’s name in vain to cover up his sin. He had absolutely no interest in the truth of Jesus Christ. Two weeks before this note, he was exposed for repeatedly sodomizing two young men in 1981. And he asks, what am I trying to protect or perpetuate? He is one of the most devilish liars I have ever known.
The fear of what men will do to you brings a snare. For example, I am sure Charles has threatened people with lawsuits over the years at IC. He did with Gathering of Believers in 1981. It deterred Larry Tomczak and C.J. Mahaney from publicly exposing his homosexuality and opposing his starting of Immanuel’s Church.
Matthew 10:28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
The fear of man and man pleasing are not the same but are similar. Leaders at IC also didn’t want to get on Charles’ bad side so they remained silent. They pleased him in order to keep their positions, be promoted, and receive salary increases. The surest way to be fired, demoted, or held back, was to cross Charles’s will. Man pleasers are not God pleasers. They live to be liked and praised. They care far too much about what people think of them. Of course, we are called to serve those over us; but, we are not called to flatter them or appease them or sinfully please them.
Hold Leaders Accountable to 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9
When I graduated from seminary, I had to prove my doctrinal acumen before I could be ordained. I was tested and examined. The same cannot be said about my character. No one investigated my life. I could have been an orthodox crook! No one would have known.
Michael should be examined by his fellow elders in IC and he should examine all the leaders in IC to make sure they meet the qualifications of Scripture. This requires intimate knowledge of one another. Leaders must know the personal lives of fellow leaders. And they must deal with them without partiality or favoritism if they sin (1 Tim 5:21).
This is why Paul exhorted the elders from Ephesus to “be on guard for yourselves.” No one in IC applied 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 to Charles. He was allowed to carry on though clearly disqualified by God. There are 21 different qualifications in the Greek. Everyone on staff must be assessed. If someone does not meet the qualifications they should be removed from leadership until they do.
When these passages are not followed, churches are ruined. Don’t be fooled by someone’s spiritual gifts or even their sound doctrine. You can have both and yet not have the godly character required by Scripture. An overseer must be called, gifted, sound in doctrine and above reproach in all respects. None of these vital elements can be missing. It is a high calling.
James 3:1 (ESV) Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
Teachers are to model the faith. They must live what they teach. When they don’t, they should be “judged with greater strictness.” In other words, they should experience greater consequences for their hypocrisy. Charles was not judged to a greater extent. He was judged (rebuked, reproved, and disciplined) to a far lesser extent. In fact, he was not judged at all.
Invite Open Communication & Honest Disagreement
No one felt free to correct Charles. That must not be the case with Michael or the new group of leaders God is raising up at IC. Leaders are called to lead but they are not called to dismiss the input and observations of the church.
They must be open to correction from anyone. They must allow for disagreement on non-essentials. They must not label people grumblers and complainers when they share genuine concerns. People must feel free to express share their perspectives with the leaders. Honesty is not disunity and it is not disloyalty. Humble leaders will invite input.
There must be much more openness between the members and the leaders. It should be easy to approach a leader without fear of retribution. Leaders may not agree with a member’s perspective but they will not abuse them for it. This doesn’t mean leaders allow for slander or gossip but sometimes those labels are used to silence, not correct sinful behavior. Nor does it mean they don’t deal with divisiveness factions.
Let it never be said again, “He has set himself up as the sole leader of the church and all have to fit and adhere to him. Since he started the church no one can make him step aside.” That applies to the senior pastor, the executive pastors, the staff pastors, the ministers (deacons), and the Board of Trustees. All must be teachable.
There is no greater need in the church than for godly leaders who are committed to preach the New Testament gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit. That is my fervent prayer for Immanuel’s Church in Silver Spring, Maryland. God be with you in Gospel centered truth, power and holiness!
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