Exploration Films Halts “I Survived I Kissed Dating Goodbye” Distribution Saying Joshua Harris “Lacked Transparency to Partners” Before Public Statements.

I am glad the documentary is gone but I am sad for all those who worked on the project for over two years. Joshua Harris has destroyed their work and any income from its sale. He only cares about himself. Add them to the list of people he has betrayed which includes his wife, children and especially Jesus Christ.
Exploration Films
August 26 ·
~Press Release~
Exploration Films Halts “I Survived I Kissed Dating Goodbye” Distribution Saying Joshua Harris “Lacked Transparency to Partners” Before Public Statements.
Monument, CO, August 26, 2019—Exploration Films announced Monday that they will end their roll in distribution of the documentary film featuring Josh Harris, I Survived ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye.’ The film will remain available on some platforms. The rights will be returned to filmmaker Jessica Van Der Wyngaard.
The news comes weeks after Harris took to Instagram publicly, announcing a separation from his wife of almost 20 years, and later deconstructing his faith in Jesus Christ. “I have undergone a massive shift in regard to my faith in Jesus. By all the measurements that I have for defining a Christian, I am not a Christian,” Josh posted.
“Unfortunately, Josh did not tip off his film team partners of these surprising changes before his public post--nor how this would change our company’s distribution efforts of the film he had worked with us on to promote,” said Stephen Penn on behalf of Exploration Films.“
“When director Jessica Van Der Wyngaard brought the film to us for distribution, she and Josh requested that a free version be available to the public for a period of time, highly unusual in our business, but we agreed,” said Exploration Films president Steve Greisen. “Regular interactions occurred with Josh and the film team on a daily and weekly basis to coordinate our efforts as part of the agreement. Exploration Films just finished recording a podcast with Josh slated for later release, so these statements only days later caught us off guard and damaged our efforts together.”
“Personally, we still wish Josh the best. We know he is searching for answers,” Stephen Penn affirmed, “But due to the lack of transparency from Josh, we have no other choice but to halt promotion of the film. Hundreds of DVD’s have already been returned [to Exploration Films] as a result of his statements.”
Penn went on to explain, “Josh’s current position on Christianity counteracts his authority to speak on how Christians should approach relationships. Discussions of this nature happen throughout the film, and the former pastor’s public statements on marriage and especially Christianity undermine key parts of the film. It puts our team in an awkward position to promote it.”
In the film ISIKDG, Harris listens to readers impacted by what he got wrong--and right 20 years ago. He shares conversations with other authors and ministry leaders on today’s hook-up culture, Church pressure on purity, and the unintended outcomes many single and married Christians experience.
As a leading indie film distributor, Exploration Films brings quality faith and family documentaries and feature films to market. The Colorado-based team strives to deliver inspiring content that elevates the culture, and evokes the best in the human soul. “Integrity in business is something that is very important for us” Stephen said.