Getting Rid of Specks Is Expensive

Ted Kober from Ambassadors of Reconciliation charges $150 per hour. I assume the same is true of his co-worker, Ed Keinath. There may also be additional expenses for support staff from AoR. This doesn’t include travel expenses and incidentals. People who give to SGM should know how much all of this is costing. From my perspective, donor’s hard earned money is being wasted because C.J. and the SGM Board will not come clean and repent. Instead they have taken control of the evaluation process and are currently focused on the wrong Joshua Harris and the Covenant Life pastors have done to C.J. History is repeating itself once again.
To confront C.J. inevitably means you will be confronted by C.J. or his messengers. I’ve seen this happen time and time again. Correction from C.J. comes back upon the person who provides correction to C.J. The focus changes from C.J.’s concrete wrongs to their real or perceived wrongs. This is a long standing pattern.
During his leave of absence C.J. is supposed to be focused his own heart. If so, there is no indication that enterprise is bearing fruit based upon the public statements from the SGM Board and CLC pastors over the last two months. The same conclusion is true based upon my private interaction with the SGM Board and CLC pastors.
C.J. has never acknowledged his hypocrisy. This was one of my major concerns in The Documents. He ends up focused on specks when logs are protruding from both eyes. When C.J. starts confessing widely and profusely you can have some assurance he is changing.
For now a lot of money is being spent on getting after the specks in others. C.J. could save a ton of SGM money for gospel proclamation if he just took the logs out of his own eyes.