Josh Buice & G3 Ministries Advertise Live Interview with John MacArthur but All a Ploy! Then Cover Up with Lies When Exposed!

G3 Ministries is headed by Dr. Josh Buice. G3 stands for “gospel, grace, and glory.” Here’s its history.
From the very beginning, G3 had a goal of helping local churches. One of the ways we determined to do this was to invest in pastors. Dr. Josh Buice had a vision to start a theology conference that would focus on God’s Word as opposed to the pragmatism and techniques that are so often the focus of evangelical conferences.
In 2013, our first G3 Conference was held in Douglasville, Georgia on the campus of Pray’s Mill Baptist Church—the church where Dr. Josh Buice serves as pastor. The G3 has grown into one of the largest evangelical conferences in the United States. G3 stands for gospel, grace, and glory.
The G3 Conference as an annual event grew from 750 people to 5,600 from 2013 to 2020. Since then, we have transitioned into a 501(c)(3) organization under the name G3 Ministries. Our purpose is to educate, encourage, and equip local churches with sound biblical theology for the glory of God.
Today, we offer local churches more than a yearly event. We provide resources in form of online articles, podcasts, expository preaching workshops, and we’re excited to be in production mode for new local church based curriculum for Sunday school and small groups. While we will still be offering events such as our large national conference, regional conferences, study cruises, and church history tours—we are very excited about offering resources to local churches and individual Christians.
This is just a little about our history with a look to our future.
The national G3 Conference is later this year in Atlanta. Its theme, “Christ Is Supreme Over All.” Here are the speakers.
- Steve Lawson
- Voddie Baucham
- Paul Washer
- Anthony Mathenia
- Josh Buice
- John MacArthur
- Hensworth Jonas
- Mike Riccardi
- Justin Peters
- Joel Beeke
- Phil Johnson
- Nathan Busenitz
- James White
- Bob Kauflin
- Devon Kauflin
These men are staunch defenders and unabashed promoters of John MacArthur. It includes Bob Kauflin and his son Devon. They will lead worship for the event.
Bob was a dear friend. We planted a church in Charlotte, North Carolina. He served as my associate and led worship. Then we sent him out to be with C.J. Mahaney in Gaithersburg, Maryland to head up Sovereign Grace Music. Bob has been at the center of the corruption surrounding Mahaney and the child sexual abuse coverup in Sovereign Grace Churches.
Together for the Gospel severed ties with Kauflin in 2020, the same year they severed ties with Mahaney and John MacArthur. I can’t believe Bob is identifying with MacArthur now. So many doors have closed to Sovereign Grace since their adamant refusal to do an independent investigation of the widespread abuse in their churches. They’re desperate to accept invitations for the revenue that results from music sales. Bob is also leading worship at the MacArthur’s Shepherds’ Conference in March. It breaks my heart.
“Where Does Bob Kauflin Fit Into All the Things You Write About?”
Wednesday, April 17, 2019 at 5:45PM
Together for the Gospel Severs All Ties With C.J. Mahaney, Bob Kauflin & Sovereign Grace Churches & Also With John MacArthur
Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 10:15AM
Let me also draw attention to two other speakers. First, Voddie Baucham. You can read this article about him.
Will Voddie Baucham Answer My Questions & Call John MacArthur & Phil Johnson to Repentance for Their Audacious Lying & Bullying or Cover Up with Silence?
Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 11:02AM
Second, Steve Lawson. He preached at MacArthur’s Grace Community Church on January 3. Here is what he said about MacArthur in his introduction. I consider these remarks idolatrous praise disconnected to reality. Lawson may replace MacArthur upon his death or retirement due to health.
“Well what a glorious Sunday morning this is at Grace Community Church and what a great worship service. This has been, and as I step into this pulpit, the Bible says to give honor to whom honor is due. And the Bible says to esteem your leaders. And I just want to say I love John MacArthur [applause]. You have the greatest pastor on planet earth [applause]. And not only is he your pastor but he has been so uniquely been raised up by God in this hour of church history that he really is America’s pastor. And he is the leading voice of evangelicalism. He is the last man standing. God always has the next generation and they are out there somewhere standing in the shadows but right now there is one strong man who is an Atlas. Who is upholding the faith once and for all delivered to the saints? And that is the man who stands in this pulpit. May God bless him, may God strengthen him, may God hold him up, may God give him another hundred years [applause]. He is going to outlive all of us.” (mins. 32:28-34:32)
A couple comments are necessary though more could be made.
First, “America’s pastor” has divided churches throughout the country over Covid-19. Local pastors trying to lead their churches in wisdom have been undermined by MacArthur’s incendiary rhetoric, defiant actions, and faulty information about the virus. This has resulted in members leaving godly churches if pastors asked them to social distance or wear masks out of love for neighbor and respect for authority.
Second, John MacArthur cannot be trusted. He has a long history of lying about his role in the civil rights movement and accomplishments in sports. He has also cover-up sexual assault and rape. In addition, he has created an abusive leadership culture in the church, university, seminary and media ministry. These are documented realities. See my blog and search “MacArthur” or read here for starters.
Lawson is wrong. He is not “the greatest pastor on planet earth,” “the leading voice of evangelicalism,” “the last man standing,” or the “one strong man who is an Atlas.” Those kind of superlatives belong to JesusChrist.
MacArthur was scheduled to preach on December 27 and January 3 according to the church bulletins but was unable. Pastor Austin Duncan told the church he stayed home to rest the first Sunday. The following Sunday, pastor Tom Patton told the church he stayed home to rest and prepare for the upcoming Shepherds’ Conference. Nothing was said about any illness. He missed a third Sunday on January 10 but there was no explanation for his absence. He finally preached on January 17 but looked weak and sounded ill.
Understandably, many people assumed he was sick and the elders at Grace Community Church did not deny it or address it. That is poor leadership. Nor did they ask for prayer on his behalf.
Remember, an ordinary church member would be corrected for skipping church three Sundays in a row because they were tired and needed to work on the Lord’s Day. Not true with John MacArthur. He freely skips church when he does not preach. Everyone else needs “indoor worship” with God’s people. The church is essential!
Brent Detwiler
So MacArthur can forsake the means of grace for 2nd Sun that uniquely comes from gathering in person to “get more time to rest & prepare for Shepherd’s Conf.” (8½ wks. away). Does he only show when he preaches? Gets to skip church to rest? Then works at home on Lord’s Day?
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
January 3, 2021 AM Service Grace Community Church
Tom Patton says, “This gives our pastor a little bit more time to rest and prepare for Shepherd’s Conference. I know that seems kind of early. But Shepherd’s Conference is right around the corner.”
3:11 PM · Jan 3, 2021
Brent Detwiler
Replying to @BrentDetwiler
MacArthur was scheduled to preach on Dec 23. Abruptly canceled for “rest.” Then scheduled to preach today (Jan 3). Abruptly cancelled for “rest” & “to prepare.” No mention of sickness. I don’t believe them & why he’s allowed to skip mtg? He should be in front row. Hypocrisy all!
3:45 PM · Jan 3, 2021
I bring this up for a reason. People in the Grace Community Church and around the country wondered and asked about MacArthur’s health for nearly a month. No one answered. Why? They couldn’t let the world know “Atlas” was sick and especially not with COVID-19 if that was the case.
Therefore, it was thrilling news for followers of John MacArthur to hear that Josh Buice was doing a live interview with him in California the day after the Capitol Hill riots on January 6. They wanted to hear his perspective and it was assuring to know he was healthy. One problem, it was all a ploy to get more listeners and seemingly present MacArthur alive and well. Follow along.
G3 Ministries does podcasts. For example, Virgil Walker and Josh Buice did “a live pastor-talk event” on Friday, January 8. Walker is the Executive Director for G3 Ministries. He works for Buice.
G3 Conference
Would you like to engage in a live pastor-talk event with G3? Join Virgil Walker and Josh Buice to discuss pastoral ministry, church network, social justice, and more this Friday at 11am EST. We will gather on Zoom for the talk. RSVP:
9:25 AM · Jan 5, 2021
The conversation between Walker and Buice was live in fact.
The next day Buice and Walker posted the following advertisements about Buice’s supposed live “hosting” of “Special Guest John MacArthur.” Buice lives in Georgia. That means he traveled to California to interview MacArthur.
G3 Conference
January 6 at 12:34 PM
We will be hosting John MacArthur for the G3 Podcast on Thursday at 2pm on Facebook. Join us!
The next day, they reminded everyone that Buice would interview MacArthur “at 2pm today” and it “will stream from the G3 Facebook page.”
G3 Conference
January 7 at 10:55 AM
REMINDER: At 2pm today, Josh Buice will interview John MacArthur on the G3 Podcast. It will stream from the G3 Facebook page at 2pm.
They also sent out this email to their followers the day of the supposed interview. It said in part.
“Join us today at 2pm EST on our Facebook page where Dr. Josh Buice will be sitting down with Dr. John MacArthur for a live edition of the G3 Podcast. … Click the link below at 2pm and you may need to refresh your page if you don’t see the live event.”
Notice, it does not say Buice sat down (past tense) with MacArthur but “will be sitting down” (future tense). In reality, however, the podcast was prerecorded 3 months earlier. It was not a “live edition” or “live event.” These were lies.
Let me interject another observation. MacArthur’s comments during the interview about COVID-19 were reckless, misleading, and dangerous. Listen to minutes 22:02-31:05. It was utterly irresponsible of Buice to even use the interview knowing the statements about Grace Community Church were no longer true and the information about COVID-19 was always untrue. Buice was advancing falsehoods. For example:
“But we haven’t had any outbreak of anything. … The church is the reflection of the fact that it’s being proven all through society. People aren’t sick. Our people are not sick.”
“In California you have 1/100 of 1% chance of getting COVID. … If you live in California, you have one chance in 19.1 million that you’re going to die from COVID if you’re over 50. If you’re under 50, you have no chance.”
“And the masks, it’s so foolish. Most doctors would tell you it’s not going to help you to wear a bacterial zoo in front of your face. That makes no sense. So once our people realized that, there was no real danger here.”
For up to date information read here.
One more note. MacArthur compares his heroic standing “against the authorities” to the actions of Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox and the Puritans. There is no comparison. The man craves greatness.
“If you go back in church history, every place you find a preacher who stood against the authorities, you make a hero out of him, right? I mean, that’s church history. If you study church history, the heroes are all those guys who took issue with the powers-that-be, whether you’re talking about Luther or Calvin or John Knox or the Puritans in the expulsion. They were all thrown out of their churches. … And as we go back in church history and find those locations, we have always made heroes out of those men who stood against the government intruding on the church. Now, that’s just what’s happening today.”
I wrote Buice with questions on January 11. I included his fellow pastors Adam Burrell and Buck Braswell at Pray’s Mill Baptist Church in Douglasville, Georgia. They are also on the Board of Directors for G3 Ministries.
When no answers were forthcoming I continued to research the matter. Why? Because Josh Buice is another nationally recognized leader that has demonstrated a willingness to lie and deceive for personal gain. This is the plague that infects so much of celebrity evangelicalism which includes John MacArthur. These men will do a national conference on the “Supremacy of Christ in All Things” while Christ is far from supreme in their lives and the conduct of their ministries.
Therefore, I took the time to write Buice and his fellow pastors again in hopes of repentance. I sent the email to Elizabeth Laney, Buice’s personal assistant, and asked that it be forwarded to all the men “upon receipt.”
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2021 7:44 PM [MT/5:44 EST]
To: Pray’s Mill Baptist Church
Subject: Confidential Letter to Josh Buice & Fellow Pastors Adam Burrell & Buck Braswell
Importance: High
I’ve attached an important and confidential letter for Josh, Adam, and Buck. Please forward it to them upon receipt. Thanks for your kind assistance.
I sent “the important and confidential letter” in obedience to Scripture. I was going to my brother in private in hopes of winning him over (Matt. 18:15). It follows below.
January 15, 2021
Dear Josh,
This letter is written to you but I have also in mind those at G3 Ministries [e.g. Virgil Walker] who conspired to lie and cover up with you. I do this with a sincere desire to see you and the ministry honor Christ as supreme by acknowledging the deceitful presentation surrounding the “live” interview of John MacArthur.
On Monday, I emailed you, Adam and Buck with questions about this matter. You did not answer which is often a sign of guilt.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021 1:07 PM
To: Pray’s Mill Baptist Church
Subject: Questions
Importance: High
Please forward this to Josh and copy it to Adam and Buck. Thank you.
Please help me out.
Last week, you said you were doing a “live event” interview with John MacArthur but in fact that was not the case. Can you explain why you said the interview would be live when it was pre-recorded?
Further, when this faulty claim was brought to your attention, you answered it was recorded “a few weeks ago” but that was not true. In fact, it was recorded 14 weeks earlier. This too was brought to your attention but you provided no clarification. Therefore, please explain why you said the recording was done in mid-December when it was done the beginning of October?
Answers to these simple questions would be extremely helpful. I want to understand your assertions. Therefore, my sincere request for honest answers.
Since you purposed not to answer I decided to research the matter further. Here are the facts. You expressly and repeatedly claimed you were “live” interviewing John on Thursday, January 7 at 2:30 PM. After being exposed for this lie, you claimed you interviewed him “a few weeks ago” and “a few weeks back.” That too was a lie. You were exposed a second time. As a result, you were forced to admit the interview was in early October but you acknowledged no deception. These are serious matters. I’ve added comments and notes in brackets [ ].
G3 Conference
REMINDER: Join us today at 2pm as @JoshBuice will be interviewing @johnmacarthur on the G3 Podcast. It will stream from our Facebook page. We hope to see you there!
10:40 AM · Jan 7, 2021
Julie Roys
Replying to @G3Conference @JoshBuice and @johnmacarthur
Is this interview live or pre-recorded?
11:53 AM · Jan 7, 2021
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
Replying to @JoshBuice
Is this live? Why won’t G3 say?
12:24 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
Replying to @reachjulieroys @G3Conference and 2 others
It’s pre-recorded. RE: COVID, [MacArthur said] “our people are not sick”
12:26 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Julie Roys
Oh my. @johnmacarthur just said on @G3Conference FB Live broadcast that “our people are not sick.” A GCC [Grace Community Church] attender and @MastersSeminary student has just died! G3 Conf not answering questions about whether the broadcast is live.
12:32 PM · Jan 7, 2021
At this point, “ModernDayZorro” (hereafter Zorro) posts devastating evidence. He was the first to expose your lie about a live interview. He puts up your tweet from October 4. That was two days after your actual interview of MacArthur. He confronts you and G3 Ministries.
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
You liar. G3 and the whole lot of you, liars. You stated that this was live! Do you people have any shame for the total disregard for your listeners?
Quote Tweet
𝙅𝙤𝙨𝙝 𝘽𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙚
@JoshBuice · Oct 4, 2020
It was a joy to sit down with John MacArthur last week for a G3 Podcast interview. At 81 he’s leading the charge within evangelicalism against government overreach and social justice. His mind is sharp as a razor! I’m looking forward to its release in the upcoming days.
12:39 PM · Jan 7, 2021
After this journalist Julie Roys from The Roys Report presses you for answers. Having been exposed by Zorro, you finally answer her but with another lie. You were emphatic, “just to be clear, my interview with Dr. MacArthur was a few weeks ago.” There was no doubt about it.
Julie Roys
Replying to @G3Conference @JoshBuice and @johnmacarthur
I and others on your FB Live thread have asked numerous times whether the recording is live. You are answering other questions. Why not this one? Also, if it’s not live, why aren’t you correcting those in the thread who say it is?
12:47 PM · Jan 7, 2021
G3 Conference
We recorded the interview with Dr. MacArthur a few weeks ago, and it premiered today as preplanned with our schedule which was set weeks ago.
Quote Tweet
Julie Roys
Jan 7
Oh my. @johnmacarthur just said on @G3Conference FB Live broadcast that “our people are not sick.” A GCC attender and @MastersSeminary student has just died! G3 Conf not answering questions about whether the broadcast is live.
1:11 PM · Jan 7, 2021
𝙅𝙤𝙨𝙝 𝘽𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙚
Replying to @G3Conference @reachjulieroys
just to be clear, my interview with Dr. MacArthur was a few weeks ago and dropped today as a premiere as we’ve launched season #2 of our podcast.
1:14 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Julie Roys
Replying to @reachjulieroys @G3Conference
finally got back to me. The interview was recorded “a few weeks ago.”
1:16 PM · Jan 7, 2021
You also responded to Zorro with the same lie. In his case, you said it was “a few weeks back.” Few means “a small number of.” More than a couple. Less than several. I take it to mean three. If so, December 17 to be precise.
𝙅𝙤𝙨𝙝 𝘽𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙚
Replying to @ModernDayZorro
We recorded the interview with Dr. MacArthur a few weeks back and scheduled it to premiere as the second episode of season #2 of the podcast.
1:33 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Zorro had exposed both your lies but people were not connecting the dots. They realized the interview was not done live but did not realize it was done the beginning of October. That’s because you led them to believe it was done recently by repeatedly and adamantly asserting the “a few weeks ago” “to be clear” timetable.
“Fredericka” was the second person to provide concrete evidence. She exposes your lie of “a few weeks ago.” That time frame is when you and your family were sick with COVID-19 according to your tweet from December 13. You could not have flown from Atlanta to Los Angeles to do an interview because you were exposed, ill, or quarantined from the virus. I hope friends like Costi Hinn reprove you for your lying. He was praying for your whole family.
Replying to @reachjulieroys @johnmacarthur and 2 others [@G3Confernce & @MastersSeminary]
Did he [MacArthur] say that when he was being interviewed by Josh Buice or before? That’s when I tuned into it. Josh Buice said back in Dec. that he had it [COVID-19]. Odd to say our people are not sick when he’s [MacArthur] talking to somebody [Buice] that had it:
1:09 PM · Jan 7, 2021
After this Zorro sent out the October 4 tweet again but also attaches a photo and provides an explanation. You were not in California in mid-December to interview MacArthur, you were there in early October. It was not “a few weeks back,” it was 14 weeks back. You lied to Roys. You lied to Zorro. Still, not everyone is picking up on the evidence put forth by Zorro.
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
Replying to @reachjulieroys and @G3Conference
Quote Tweet
𝙅𝙤𝙨𝙝 𝘽𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙚 @JoshBuice · Oct 4, 2020
It was a joy to sit down with John MacArthur last week for a G3 Podcast interview. At 81 he’s leading the charge within evangelicalism against government overreach and social justice. His mind is sharp as a razor! I’m looking forward to its release in the upcoming days.
1:17 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
Replying to @TrisagionSeraph @reachjulieroys and 3 others
He [Buice] had taught at @mastersuniv as well in a room with hundreds of students. They had an outbreak there. 22 cases total. He also was at @MastersSeminary where they openly mocked COVID regulations and guidelines. He knew what he was doing.
1:17 PM · Jan 7, 2021
A clarification is asked for by Saanichton Ministries in British Columbia, Canada.
Saanichton Ministries Canada
Replying to @ModernDayZorro
Sorry what is the lie?
1:19 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
Replying to @SaanichtonM
They said it was “Live”, now they’re saying this was recorded a few weeks back. Of what benefit is it to lie when this was recorded?
1:31 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Modern Day Zorro: Happy New Year and God Bless
Of what benefit is it to lie? People were expecting John to say something regarding yesterday’s events [at the Capitol]. They [G3 Ministries] said, we “will be” interviewing John MacArthur.
1:35 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
Replying to @G3Conference @JoshBuice and @johnmacarthur
“will be”- future tense. Let’s be clear. I’m not a professional writer, but you all know Greek and are linguists and knew what you were doing.
1:37 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Finally, you come clean after all the evidence posted above was seen by you, Julie Roys, and 10,000 plus followers. The interview wasn’t a few weeks ago. “It was early October.” At this point, you should have confessed to lying but you were too proud.
Julie Roys
Jan 7
Replying to @JoshBuice and @G3Conference
I see. Would have been nice to see a disclaimer somewhere. Also, just to clarify... This was recorded in September, right?
1:22 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Julie Roys
Replying to @ModernDayZorro and @G3Conference
So “a few weeks” is more than 3 months?
1:25 PM · Jan 7, 2021
𝙅𝙤𝙨𝙝 𝘽𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙚
It was early October.
1:30 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Later in the day I added this remark. Zorro followed.
Brent Detwiler
Replying to @ModernDayZorro and @SaanichtonM
They may be trying to give the impression MacArthur is physically well & able to do a live interview when in reality he may be sick. As you know, he did not preach the last two Sundays [Dec. 27 & Jan. 3] & is not preaching this Sun [Jan. 10]. Yet, he did a “live” “streaming” interview today [Jan. 7] which was a lie.
4:50 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
Replying to @BrentDetwiler and @SaanichtonM
Exactly. Julie’s story hit yesterday [about The Master’s University & COVID], then the events at the Capitol, and Al Mohler’s responses...with everything going on, I was hoping it was live, but when I heard him talking about being in court “a week ago”, I knew. Then, they just continued to make it worse by saying 6
4:52 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
Replying to @ModernDayZorro @BrentDetwiler and @SaanichtonM
or 7 times that it was recorded “a few weeks back”. I don’t see the point, but your theory here has a lot of merit. In the October 4th Tweet, he said that it was going to air “in a few days”. Strange.
4:54 PM · Jan 7, 2021
You were now exposed as a liar on two counts. First, the interview was “live.” Second, the interview was “a few weeks ago” (Roys) and “a few weeks back” (Zorro).
Throughout this exchange trolls like Adam Coleman were defending you and MacArthur. I finally had to respond. So did Zorro and Erin Harding.
Adam Coleman
Replying to @jonathanahlgren @JoshBuice and 2 others
Deceitful by who? You? Minutes after the video ended both G3 & Josh confirmed that the video was pre-recorded. They were clearly not trying to hide anything or be deceitful in any way.
1:36 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Brent Detwiler
Replying to @adamdcoleman @jonathanahlgren and 3 others
That’s only because they were exposed by @reachjulieroys & @ModernDayZorro & myself for their flagrant lying. They said they were “hosting” a “live event” with “special guest” & “live streaming” it today at 2PM. They were exposed before they showed [played] the recording [of the interview] from ca. Oct 2.
5:52 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Adam Coleman
Replying to @ModernDayZorro @reachjulieroys and @G3Conference
No one lied.
1:40 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
Replying to @adamdcoleman @reachjulieroys and @G3Conference
Check the record. Both G3 and Josh Buice claiming they were in California recording this. Those...are lies. They had COVID.
1:48 PM · Jan 7, 2021
For a third time, Zorro references your October 4 tweet. People were [still] not following. This time he provides an explanation and responds to Erin Harding, Julie Roys and G3Conference. He adds a photo of you teaching at The Master’s University the week of September 28 through October 2.
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
Replying to @ErinMHarding @reachjulieroys and @G3Conference
Josh and G3 are saying that they were in California “a few weeks back” recording this podcast. Complete rubbish! This was October 4 for both pics. [The second photo is of you teaching at The Master’s Seminary]
𝙅𝙤𝙨𝙝 𝘽𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙚 @JoshBuice · Oct 4, 2020
It was a joy to sit down with John MacArthur last week for a G3 Podcast interview. At 81 he’s leading the charge within evangelicalism against government overreach and social justice. His mind is sharp as a razor! I’m looking forward to its release in the upcoming days.
1:50 PM · Jan 7, 2021
In the tweet you say, “I’m looking forward to its release in the upcoming days.” Obviously, it was released by you and G3 Ministries on January 7.
After this Erin Harding supplied additional evidence citing your unequivocal claim of a “live event” “live edition” “G3 Podcast” from an email. She posts the email you and G3 Ministries sent out to followers the day of the supposed interview. It was more evidence documenting your purposeful lie.
Eɾιɳ Hαɾԃιɳɠ !⃝ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴅɪꜱᴘᴜᴛᴇᴅ
Replying to @ModernDayZorro @reachjulieroys and @G3Conference
It pays to be a subscriber to G3’s stupid emails. Here is your answer Julie [Roys].
1:52 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Eɾιɳ Hαɾԃιɳɠ !⃝ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴅɪꜱᴘᴜᴛᴇᴅ
Replying to @jonathanahlgren @adamdcoleman and 3 others
It [the deception] was intentional. I subscribe to their emails. They advertised it as such.
1:55 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
Replying to @ErinMHarding @reachjulieroys and @G3Conference
You’re the best, Erin.
1:55 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Julie Roys
Replying to @ErinMHarding @ModernDayZorro and @G3Conference
1:56 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Julie Roys is now clear. She sees through your lies and begins to tweet out the same evidence.
Julie Roys
Accdg to @G3Conference email, the FB “LIVE” interview btwn @johnmacarthur & @JoshBuice today was a “live” event. After FB [Facebook] broadcast, G3 told me the interview was recorded “several weeks ago.” It was recorded 3 months ago. TY [thank you] @ErinMHarding
2:15 PM · Jan 7, 2021
I added my voice and addressed you directly.
Brent Detwiler
Just to be clear @JoshBuice, you lied in no uncertain terms. Yesterday, you explicitly said, “We will be hosting John MacArthur for the G3 Podcast on Thursday at 2pm on Facebook.” You did not “host” him today. Further, it was not a “few weeks ago.” The interview was Oct. 4, 2020.
2:15 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Brent Detwiler
It’s amazing how these men will lie about anything. John MacArthur may be sick. No one is saying. He didn’t preach last 2 wks. & won’t in coming wk. Now G3 is making it sound like they did a live interview & “hosted” the “special guest.” Reprehensible deception @JoshBuice & rest.
2:25 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Modern Day Zorro: Worst Week Ever, Prove Me Wrong
Replying to @BrentDetwiler and @JoshBuice
And continued to confirm/perpetuate the lie.
Quote Tweet
𝙅𝙤𝙨𝙝 𝘽𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙚 @JoshBuice · Jan 7
Replying to @ModernDayZorro
We recorded the interview with Dr. MacArthur a few weeks back and scheduled it to premiere as the second episode of season #2 of the podcast.
2:26 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Brent Detwiler
Replying to @ModernDayZorro and @JoshBuice
As you know @ModernDayZorro, the recorded interview of MacArthur was three months ago on Oct 4 [correction: Oct 2], not “a few weeks back” in mid-Dec. He’s only off by 10 weeks! @joshbuice @G3Conference
3:27 PM · Jan 7, 2021
All of this was “troubling” to say the least. Roys writes G3 Conference, “Maybe a published correction is in order?” Of course, there was no correction then and there has been so correction since. Zorro was right, “Nothing more from the peanut gallery.”
Julie Roys
Replying to @G3Conference
I also find troubling that you stated in your email about the event that it was “live.” Maybe a published correction is in order? Several on the live feed were referencing the email, stating that the event was clearly live.
4:46 PM · Jan 7, 2021
Modern Day Zorro: Happy New Year and God Bless
Nothing more from the peanut gallery?
5:28 PM · Jan 7, 2021
I asked you one final question which you did not answer. This was a great opportunity to confess your sin and walk in the light.
Brent Detwiler
Josh Buice @JoshBuice, why did you tell Julie Roys, “We recorded the interview with Dr. MacArthur a few weeks ago” when it was 14 weeks ago? @adamcoleman; @reachjulieroys, @ModernDayZorro
8:05 PM · Jan 7, 2021
It is now a week later. Thousands of people around the nation know about your deceit. Yet you hide in the darkness and refuse to come to the light. All the while Adam and Buck remain silent. So too G3 Ministries and the men affiliated with it: John MacArthur, Phil Johnson, Chris Lawson, et al. Unlike Nathan the prophet, or Peter the apostle, no one is willing to call you to account. They are complicit in your evil doing.
When Ananias and Sapphira deceived the Christian community in Jerusalem (Acts 5:11-11), Peter asked, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit? … You have not lied to man but to God.” He was not given time to answer. “When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and breathed his last.”
You are still alive by the mercy of God. He has given you time to answer the question, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit. The answer is obvious. You wanted more people to listen to your podcast and you wanted to protect your reputation once exposed. You may also have been putting forth a false narrative for others that John MacArthur was well.
David coveted Bathsheba for his sinful pleasure and committed adultery. Then he murdered Uriah to take her as a wife. Yet Nathan, a faithful prophet, confronted him on his hypocrisy. David proved to have a heart after God. He repented immediately. Then he openly confessed his sins in Psalm 51 and gave an account of his sins in 2 Samuel 11-12. He was not concerned about his reputation.
I hope you do the same. If so, it will be evident. Moreover, it will be immediate.
Josh, God’s glory and your good are my concern. A contrite response will bring grace and honor from the Lord. That is my prayer for you and those who are complicit with you.
I did not hear back from Buice after this presentation of facts so I sent a third email to all three men on January 16.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2021 5:56 PM
To: Pray’s Mill Baptist Church
Subject: RE: Confidential Letter to Josh Buice & Fellow Pastors Adam Burrell & Buck Braswell
Please forward to Josh, Adam, and Buck.
Hi Josh,
You are acquainted with the teaching of Matthew 18:15-17. I came to you in private. I came to you with witnesses. My question. Have I won you over to repentance? That would bring great joy to my heart.
Please let me know.
Once again, there was no response from Josh or Adam or Buck.
At this point, I noticed comments by Virgil Walker on the G3 Facebook page promoting the same deception. He works for Buice as his Executive Director. I wrote him with a question. He refused to answer. It is no wonder he works for Buice. These men are unaccountable.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2021 5:06 PM
To: Virgil Walker
Subject: Can You Explain the Discrepancy for Me?
Importance: High
Hello Virgil.
Why did you tell Julie Roys on the G3 Conference Facebook page, “We recorded the interview with Dr. MacArthur a few weeks ago and it premiered today.” That was not true. It was recorded 14 weeks earlier. See below.
Can you explain the discrepancy for me?
G3 Conference
Welcome to the G3 Podcast w/ John MacArthur. Thanks for joining us. For more great content check out our website:
G3 Ministries | Events + Resources for the Local Church
1w Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 12:01 PM
G3 Conference
This is Virgil Walker, Executive Director of Operations. Share this on your page. Spread the word. I’ll be here to chat with you along the way.
1w 12:04 PM
Julie Stern Roys
Would you please confirm is this broadcast is live or recorded?
1w 12:17 PM
G3 Conference
This is Virgil Walker, Executive Director of Operations. Share this on your page. Spread the word. I’ll be here to chat with you along the way.
1w 12:10 PM
Julie Stern Roys
Hi Virgil. Would you please confirm whether this broadcast is live or recorded? Thank you.
1w 12:15 PM
Julie Stern Roys
If it is live, I don’t know why Virgil won’t just say so. Several people have asked. It’s relevant because MacArthur was scheduled to preach the past two Sundays, but was absent. And there are reports of a COVID outbreak at GCC.
1w 12:23 PM
Julie Roys
Would you please answer the question as to whether this broadcast was aired live today or whether it was pre-recorded? Thank you.
G3 Conference
Julie Roys
Thank you for the question. We recorded the interview with Dr. MacArthur a few weeks ago and it premiered today.
1w 1:03 PM
I wasn’t certain Walker received the email at so I sent him a message on Facebook. He responded but did not answer my question. Then he blocked me on Facebook so I sent him an email asking for a copy of our interaction. He refused to provide it and then went into hiding.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2021 1:39 PM
To: Virgil Walker
Subject: Facebook Exchange
Importance: High
I see you have blocked me from using messenger on Facebook. That is fine. I prefer email but I would like to have a copy of our exchange today on FB. It was important. Would you please copy and paste and send to me via email?
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2021 2:18 PM
To: Virgil Walker
Subject: RE: Facebook Exchange
In my FB message to you this morning, I asked if you received my email from last night regarding “Can You Explain the Discrepancy for Me?”
You told me you received the email but asked me not to use this “format” to contact you. I was uncertain what you meant so I asked what format you’d like me to use. You said I could you use but not FB messenger, which was for personal, not professional, exchanges.
That’s why I explained I used FB messenger only because I did not know if you received my email at the admin address.
In addition, you told me you had talked to Josh about his response to me but did not explain. Then you conveyed the matter was closed. I forget your exact words.
I’d sure appreciate if you provided the written exchange.
Most importantly, however, is whether you will answer my original question.
Hello Virgil.
Why did you tell Julie Roys on the G3 Conference Facebook page, “We recorded the interview with Dr. MacArthur a few weeks ago and it premiered today.” That was not true. It was recorded 14 weeks earlier. See below.
Can you explain the discrepancy for me?
I await your answer.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2021 7:04 PM
To: Virgil Walker
Subject: Not Answering / Blocked Me
You are digging a deeper hole by not answering an honest and legitimate question. I see you also blocked me on Facebook today. Your unwillingness to be transparent and accountable is concerning and disheartening. I hope you change course.
Walker was covering up for himself and Buice. He could not answer the simple question unless he was willing to acknowledge their dishonesty. Time after time, I’ve encountered this same kind of refusal to answer questions by national leaders. They just ignore you or slandered you or say the matter is closed! But the matter is never closed. We serve a Sovereign God who hates deceit and exposes evil.
After my “Can You Explain the Discrepancy for Me?” email to Walker I emailed Adam Burrell and Buck Braswell for the fourth time. I copied Walker.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2021 5:28 PM
To: Pray’s Mill Baptist Church
Cc: Virgil Walker
Subject: RE: Confidential Letter to Josh Buice & Fellow Pastors Adam Burrell & Buck Braswell
Adam and Buck,
I just saw you are on the Board of Directors for G3 Ministries. I hope you will soon contact me to let me know that Pray’s Mill Baptist Church is appealing to Josh (Matt 18:17) as is the G3 Board of Directors. If Josh had already repented, I would have heard from him and he would have posted a confession on Twitter and Facebook.
I am also concerned for Virgil Walker. I just wrote him the following.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2021 5:06 PM
To: Virgil Walker
Subject: Can You Explain the Discrepancy for Me?
Importance: High
Hello Virgil.
Why did you tell Julie Roys on the G3 Conference Facebook page, “We recorded the interview with Dr. MacArthur a few weeks ago and it premiered today.” That was not true. It was recorded 14 weeks earlier. See below.
Can you explain the discrepancy for me?
G3 Conference
Welcome to the G3 Podcast w/ John MacArthur. Thanks for joining us. For more great content check out our website:
G3 Ministries | Events + Resources for the Local Church
1w Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 12:01 PM
G3 Conference
This is Virgil Walker, Executive Director of Operations. Share this on your page. Spread the word. I’ll be here to chat with you along the way.
1w 12:04 PM
Julie Stern Roys
Would you please confirm is this broadcast is live or recorded?
1w 12:17 PM
G3 Conference
This is Virgil Walker, Executive Director of Operations. Share this on your page. Spread the word. I’ll be here to chat with you along the way.
1w 12:10 PM
Julie Stern Roys
Hi Virgil. Would you please confirm whether this broadcast is live or recorded? Thank you.
1w 12:15 PM
Julie Stern Roys
If it is live, I don’t know why Virgil won’t just say so. Several people have asked. It’s relevant because MacArthur was scheduled to preach the past two Sundays, but was absent. And there are reports of a COVID outbreak at GCC.
1w 12:23 PM
Julie Roys
Would you please answer the question as to whether this broadcast was aired live today or whether it was pre-recorded? Thank you.
G3 Conference
Julie Roys
Thank you for the question. We recorded the interview with Dr. MacArthur a few weeks ago and it premiered today.
1w 1:03 PM
This matter of lying and deceit by Josh must be addressed by you. You know what the Scripture commands.
1 Timothy 5:19-21 19 Do not accept an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses. 20 Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning. 21 I solemnly exhort you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality.
I pray you will act in submission to the authority of Scripture and show no favoritism. Please get back to me quickly. You are welcome to call me to discuss these matters.
(704) 497-4986
Over the course of seven days, I wrote Josh Buice, Adam Burrell and Buck Braswell four times (Jan. 11, 15, 16, 17). I also wrote Virgil Walker four times (Jan. 17, 18 [twice], 19). None answered me.
Finally, I decided to contact Adam and Buck on Facebook. Here is my correspondence with Adam. The plot thickens. He claims he did not receive my first email from Monday, January 11 until Sunday, January 17.
Adam Blake Burrell
You’re friends on Facebook
Lives in Douglasville, Georgia
Associate Pastor of Families at Pray’s Mill Baptist Church
Monday, January 18, 2021 at 9:21 AM
You sent Today at 9:21 AM
Good morning Adam. I’ve sent you several emails via the office address. Did you receive them? Thanks.
Adam sent Today at 9:32 AM
I got the first one yesterday [Jan. 11]. I also got Pastor Josh‘s response to you. I feel that that is an adequate response to your questions. There was no ill intent or deceitful desires in anything that has been done. I don’t believe there is an further need for discussion on the matter.
*That it was
You sent Today at 9:38 AM
I’ve not received any response from Josh to date. Please send it to me at a
Adam sent Today at 9:44 AM
Brent, I just forwarded you his response to your e-mail yesterday.
He, nor anyone was aware of any e-mail not [nor] contact from you until 5:00 yesterday [Sun., Jan. 17] afternoon, just to be clear.
I am sorry for the misspelled words. I guess I have fat fingers today and I was too quick to respond before reading over my message to you.
This was astonishing for numerous reasons.
First, Adam claims Josh and everyone else was completely unaware of all my correspondence from January 11, 15, 16 & 17 until 5:00 PM on January 17. That was certainly not true of Josh.
Second, he only received “the first one,” not the other three which were withheld until forced to provide them.
Third, he says, “I also got Pastor Josh‘s response to you.” This is crazy! I received no response from Josh to my first email on January 11 with the two questions! More shortly.
Fourth, Adam says, “That it was an adequate response to your questions.” Therefore, “I don’t believe there is an further need for discussion on the matter.” He is shutting down further inquiry.
Fifth, he defends Josh’s innocence. “There was no ill intent or deceitful desires in anything that has been done.” He is part of the cover-up.
Josh Buice knows who I am. I don’t buy the scenario he did not read my emails for 7 days. For example, I wrote his personal assistant Elizabeth Laney on January 11 asking for his email address. She would have asked him how to respond to my request.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021 11:59 AM [MST]
To: [Elizabeth Laney]
Subject: Email Address for Josh
Hello. I’d like to write Josh in private. Could you provide me an email address so I can contact him directly?
Thanks for your help.
One hour, eight minutes later I followed up with the two questions. Six minutes after Elizabeth received the email, she forwarded it to Josh with an important note. I am on Mountain Standard Time in AZ. They are two hours ahead on Eastern Standard Time in GA.
On Jan 11, 2021, at 3:22 PM [EST], Elizabeth Laney <> wrote:
Please find below an email sent with questions about the interview your [you] did with John MacArthur. I have not copied the other pastors in it. I wanted to leave that decision up to you.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Mon, Jan 11, 2021, 3:06 PM [EST]
Subject: Questions
To: <> [Elizabeth Laney]
Please forward this to Josh and copy it to Adam and Buck. Thank you.
Please help me out.
Last week, you said you were doing a “live event” interview with John MacArthur but in fact that was not the case. Can you explain why you said the interview would be live when it was pre-recorded?
Further, when this faulty claim was brought to your attention, you answered it was recorded “a few weeks ago” but that was not true. In fact, it was recorded 14 weeks earlier. This too was brought to your attention but you provided no clarification. Therefore, please explain why you said the recording was done in mid-December when it was done the beginning of October?
Answers to these simple questions would be extremely helpful. I want to understand your assertions. Therefore, my sincere request for honest answers.
I asked for my email to be forwarded to Adam and Buck. She withheld it from them and left the decision to copy them up to Josh. There is no doubt my January 11 email was read by Josh well before January 17! And there is little doubt he chose to keep it from Adam and Buck.
The same holds true for my January 15 email of high importance with the subject line: “Confidential Letter to Josh Buice & Fellow Pastors Adam Burrell & Buck Braswell.” This too would have been forwarded to Buice by Laney.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2021 7:44 PM
To: Pray’s Mill Baptist Church
Subject: Confidential Letter to Josh Buice & Fellow Pastors Adam Burrell & Buck Braswell
Importance: High
I’ve attached an important and confidential letter for Josh, Adam, and Buck. Please forward it to them upon receipt. Thanks for your kind assistance.
Now, Adam sends me Josh’s response but reiterates, “There is no need for further discussion on this matter.” Wow! After I read the response I asked a follow up question, “When did you receive them?” That’s when he accused me of a witch hunt. I confronted him.
From: Adam Burrell
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2021 9:43 AM
Subject: Regarding the MacArthur Interview
I am not sure why you didn’t get his response yesterday, but I am forwarding you his response now. He copied we fellow elders in this yesterday. I hope this provides answers to your questions. There is no need for further discussion on this matter.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2021 9:48 AM
To: Adam Burrell
Subject: Re: Regarding the MacArthur Interview
Thanks Adam.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2021 2:27 PM
To: Adam Burrell
Subject: RE: Regarding the MacArthur Interview
I never received Josh’s response because he didn’t send it to me. That’s why there is no time stamp on “his response yesterday” that you include below. You’ll notice, there is no From, Sent, To or Subject. That’s because it was never sent. You can confirm this by checking Josh’s sent email.
I sent the questions to Josh on Jan. 11 and asked they be forward to you and Buck. When did you receive them? It appears you did not see the questions until he responded yesterday (Jan 17). Is that the case?
From: Adam Burrell
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2021 2:46 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: RE: Regarding the MacArthur Interview
Friend, stop looking for something that isn’t there. I deleted everything except the message itself. He didn’t open your mail until yesterday and he sent it directly to us. Please give up the witch hunt. The issue is resolved. This will be the last response that you get from me. Thank you.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2021 4:10 PM
To: Adam Burrell
Subject: RE: Regarding the MacArthur Interview
Importance: High
You missed the point. I said he did not send it to me. That’s why there is no time stamp that shows he did. You should ask him for a copy of the supposed email he sent to me. There is none as a matter of fact. The question is why? Why did he send it to you but not to me? Was this a ruse?
I would not have known Josh provided you and Buck a response if not for my “witch hunt.” That is, asking questions. And let me add, my most important questions have not been answered.
Adam, there is no witch hunt but there is a cover up. Josh and G3 knowingly misled people into thinking his interview of John MacArthur on January 7 was a live event. When exposed, they said it was done a few weeks earlier. That too was a lie. Finally, Josh was forced to say it was early October. That was only after he was exposed with overwhelming evidence.
Furthermore, the response to me that Josh gave you last Sunday (Jan. 17) was full of deception. I wonder if that is why he did not send it to me. Adam, Josh clearly deceived you in his response to me.
You say, “The issue is resolved. This will be the last response that you get from me.” If you take that stand, you are a fool in the biblical sense. If you were wise, you’d be researching the matter. In fact, I’ve done that for you. Therefore, all you have to do is read the evidence I sent you on January 15 and 17. That is the easy part, however.
The hard part is serving Christ by setting aside self-interest, suffering the loss of reputation, and risking your job. It’s called picking up the cross. Josh (and Virgil) are guilty of the most serious deception. Don’t join them.
Rather, the Word of God commands you to be an impartial fellow elder and examine the evidence. Then reprove Josh for his deceit, require a public confession, and exercise appropriate discipline in Pray’s Mill and G3.
I have little hope this will happened based on your responses but I pray and hope you change course and obey Christ Jesus as Lord for the good of the gospel and Josh.
Three times in one day, Adam shuts down further discussion. “I don’t believe there is an further need for discussion on the matter” (9:32 AM). “There is no need for further discussion on this matter” (9:43 AM). “Please give up the witch hunt. The issue is resolved. This will be the last response that you get from me” (2:46 PM).
Buck Braswell told me the same thing. Here is my Facebook interaction with him.
Buck Braswell
You’re friends on Facebook
Lives in Douglasville, Georgia
Studied at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Monday, January 18, 2021
You sent at 9:19 AM
Good morning Buck. Have you received the emails I sent to you, Josh, and Adam via the office?
Buck sent at 10:45 AM
Yes, and was copied on the response Josh sent.
You sent at 10:56 AM
Did you receive just one email from me?
You sent at 11:02 AM
I’d appreciate an answer.
Buck sent at 11:04 AM
I believe so, but I am at work today and have not had time to sort through personal emails.
You sent at 11:06 AM
Okay. Please let me know once you have time to review your email. Thanks.
At this point in time (Mon. morning, Jan. 11), Buck only had the “one email from me.” Two days later I followed up. Now he has the three additional emails (Jan. 15, 16, 17).
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
You sent at 3:29 PM
Hey Buck...what did you discover when you looked over your emails?
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Buck sent at 7:32 AM
Best I can tell by forwarded emails I see what looks like 3 emails.
You sent at 8:10 AM
Thanks Buck. Can I get your email address? I may write again. That way you will get immediately.
Buck sent at 8:31 AM
It is best you keep communicate as you have been. I will be copied as needed. I believe the concerns have been addressed. Thank you.
You sent at 8:32 AM
Okay. I appreciate the response.
Buck is a lay-elder in the church. He works a regular job for a utility contractor. He is aloof. “I will be copied as needed.” Further, “I believe the concerns have been addressed.” And yet, it doesn’t appear he read the remaining emails or evidence. “I see what looks like 3 emails.”
Josh Buice has surrounded himself with a puppet eldership at Pray’s Mill Baptist Church and a puppet board at G3 Ministries. Adam Burrell and Buck Braswell do not have the courage or integrity to address these serious issues. I have no doubt they are following Buice’s instructions to cut off communication with me. “The concerns have been addressed.” Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.
After all the above, I turn my attention back to Buice once last time. It is likely he never intended to send me his response. Given his extensive deception, I think it probable he only sent it to Burrell and Braswell so they thought he responded to me and then directed them to end all interaction and close out the matter. If so it didn’t work. I write a response to his response.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2021 2:45 PM
Subject: Response to Initial Questions
I am told you wrote a response to my initial questions from Jan 11 but you did NOT send it to me. What happened? In any case, I’d appreciate a copy from you.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2021 4:39 PM
Subject: My Response
Importance: High
I wrote you, Adam and Buck on Monday, January 11. My email with questions was immediately forwarded to you by your assistant Elizabeth Laney. She withheld the email from Adam and Buck. You did not share it with them until Sunday, January 17. That same day you supposedly wrote a response to me but never sent it to me. You did send it to Adam and Buck. I got it from Adam on Monday, January 18.
On Jan 11, 2021, at 3:22 PM, Elizabeth Laney <> wrote:
Please find below an email sent with questions about the interview your did with John MacArthur. I have not copied the other pastors in it. I wanted to leave that decision up to you.
Here is my response in bold lettering. I hope for your repentance.
Dear Brent,
I have received your letter and I will attempt to respond accordingly.
Why didn’t you send me this response? I never received it. You provided it to Adam and Buck but not to me. What happened? And why won’t you send me a copy from your own hand?
When we interview someone for the G3 Podcast, we do so by recording, post-production to reduce file size for buffering, and then stream it. Most of the time during the year, it’s within a day or two of the recording. But, since we were in our off-season and gathering interviews for our second season release, it was captured in October when I was in Los Angeles for meetings.
We always stream our recordings (video) of the G3 Podcast live. It’s due to the nature of the way FB and YouTube operate. Rather than dumping it on a site where it’s buried beneath other videos, we always stream them for production purposes. We had absolutely zero intention to “deceive” anyone. In fact, I published a picture on my Instagram of the interview back in October stating it was coming soon.
Nothing in the paragraphs above address my questions. Most of what you write is totally irrelevant. You did deceive and that is what you don’t address. Your October 4 picture on Instagram was unknown to your Twitter audience on January 7. And you made no attempt to make them aware. Indeed, it was Modern Day Zorro who dug it up to expose your lies about the interview being a “live event.”
Regarding the comments section, it was hammered by people who were inquiring about Dr. MacArthur’s health - even insisting that he was bunkered down and sick with COVID. It was not true, but it was also not our role to comment on the particulars of Dr. MacArthur’s health. That would be the role and responsibility of his staff. Therefore, we were not commenting on such questions. Once we determined what was going on with the questions, we immediately responded with a statement about it being recorded in October and streamed on our regularly scheduled calendar date. We likewise immediately responded via Twitter.
I’ve read all the comments several times. You were not “hammered by people who were inquiring about Dr. MacArthur’s’ health…” No one was asking you “to comment on the particulars Dr. MacArthur’s health.” They were simply and repeatedly asking whether the interview was live as advertised. You refused to answer until forced by the evidence showing it was not live. You also say, “We likewise immediately responded via Twitter.” That is absolutely false! You did not respond until exposed for your lies. I demonstrated that in subsequent emails.
If you have any other questions for us, we will be happy to respond, but please refrain from falsely accusing the motives of our heart which you cannot know. You asked, and I’ve provide the clearest explanation to you. I hope this helps.
I asked you two questions on January 11. First, “Can you explain why you said the interview would be live when it was pre-recorded?” Second, “Please explain why you said the recording was done in mid-December when it was done the beginning of October?” You did not answer either of these questions directly or forthrightly. Yet you say, “I’ve provide[d] the clearest explanation.”
And of course, you and your staff (Virgil, Adam, and Buck) have not been “happy to respond” to “any other questions for us.” Just the opposite is true. You have refused to answer even a simple question like this one. “I am told you wrote a response to my initial questions from Jan 11 but you did NOT send it to me. What happened?”
You also charge, “Please refrain from falsely accusing the motives of our heart which you cannot know.” I did not falsely accuse you in my January 11 email. I wrote, “Answers to these simple questions would be extremely helpful. I want to understand your assertions. Therefore, my sincere request for honest answers.”
If you have questions regarding Dr. MacArthur’s health or anything to do with him personally, I would refer you to his staff. I would also point out that he preached from his pulpit to his congregation today [Jan. 17], which should help with any of the rumors regarding his health.
I did not and would not ask you questions about MacArthur’s health but I can tell you he has been ill for over a month and “his staff” refuses to be honest about it. That was evident when he preached on January 17.
Thank you,
I’ve taken the time to write this article because this kind of deceit and hypocrisy is rampant among leaders in John MacArthur’s circles. Josh Buice, Virgil Walker, Adam Burrell, and Buck Braswell are doing exactly what MacArthur, Phil Johnson, et al. have done for decades at Grace Community Church, Grace to You (the media ministry), and The Master’s University and Seminary. It is all documented.
Phil Johnson & Tom Chantry Charge Me with a “Hit & Run” for Not Answering the Question, “Did You Know about Sexual Abuse in SGM?”
Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 4:49 PM
John MacArthur Refuses to Follow His Own Teaching in Dealing with Phil Johnson’s Egregious Sins
Friday, June 30, 2017 at 3:54 PM
My Most Important Article Ever! John MacArthur’s Renowned Story He Stood on the Blood of Martin Luther King Jr. with Iconic Civil Rights Leaders Within Hours of Assassination in 1968 a Complete Hoax! Phil Johnson, MacArthur’s Executive Director, Verbally Assails Reporter Who Broke Story in Attempted Cover-Up! And Much More!
Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at 9:23PM
The Account of John MacArthur & Rick Holland’s Horrific Handling of “Jane’s” Rape in Conjunction with Officials from The Master’s University
Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 8:02PM
My Work the Last Ten Years Best Described in Letter to Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan & Al Mohler Regarding John MacArthur
Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at 6:16PM
An Appeal to Beth Moore to Use Her “Bully Pulpit” to Expose John MacArthur & Phil Johnson for Their Corruption, Hypocrisy & Abusive Leadership Not Their Trivial Insults of Her
Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 7:25PM
Will Voddie Baucham Answer My Questions & Call John MacArthur & Phil Johnson to Repentance for Their Audacious Lying & Bullying or Cover Up with Silence?
Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 11:02AM
John MacArthur & Phil Johnson Learned Alexey I. Kolomiytsev (Deceased) Was Contagious with COVID-19 at the Shepherds’ Conference But Withheld Information from Pastors in Attendance
Saturday, March 28, 2020 at 7:20PM
Like C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches, they can’t be open and honest. They must remain silent, or cover up with lies, or silence with slander. Bloggers are “evil bloggers” as MacArthur stated this past Sunday. So too “the survivor-blog community.” They deserve to be mocked. Listen to Phil Johnson. He made this comment on The Wartburg Watch (April 15, 2016). It is typical for him.
Phil Johnson The problem with this particular swarm of rancor monsters is that there are lots of people who self-identify as victims of “abuse” when in reality they just despise all authority, starting with the authority of Scripture. They profess to hate bullying, but their actions betray an eagerness to berate, accuse, and impute the worse possible motives to anyone who fails to affirm their omni-directional resentment. It is a potent flavor of spiritual abuse all its own, and it is as sick as any other form of spiritual abuse.
My heart goes out to *real* victims, but the survivor-blog community is heavily populated with people who are the Bruce Jenners of spiritual abuse. I’m not inclined to legitimizes their resentment, any more than I’m inclined to lend Bruce the artificial “dignity” of calling him a “she.”
The G3 Conference is on “Christ Is Supreme Over All.” No doubt there will be some fine teaching on the subject but much of it will done by men who “do not practice what they preach.”
Matthew 23:1-3 1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.
If the elders of Pray’s Mill Baptist Church, the Board of Directors for G3 Ministries, and the speakers at the G3 Conference are serious about Christ’s supremacy, they will discipline Josh Buice, direct him to confess his sins, and remove him from leadership. He is not a man above reproach.
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Brent Detwiler
2237 E. Bel Air Lane
Gilbert, AZ 85234