Mark Prater & Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. Violate Confidentially Agreement with Rachael Denhollander to Manipulate Journalists & Church Members Into Thinking All Is Well

Last night, Rachael Denhollander posted this update on her Facebook page regarding her recent interaction with leaders from Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. People should also read the illuminating comments made on her page.
Rachael Denhollander
February 13, 2019
As many have become aware, I did have a meeting with leadership from Sovereign Grace Churches (SGC) several months ago. I appreciated their time. I have not said anything about this meeting because confidentiality was requested, and I felt it was important to honor that promise. To my knowledge, the contents of that meeting remain confidential and I continue to honor that as well.
However, because SGC has chosen to communicate that this meeting happened and did so in a way that left at least some members [were] confused about whether that alleviated my concerns, I believe it is important to make clear that each of my concerns expressed last year remain.
I have continued to urge SGC to conduct an independent investigation and suggested methodology for doing so. I have also offered to help them locate a skilled group that can perform this and that offer still stands. My detailed posts from last year, linked below, speak for themselves, and I continue to stand by them.
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
It is important to note that “many have become aware” of the “meeting with leadership from Sovereign Grace Churches (SGC) several months ago” because Mark Prater, the Executive Director, and other top ranking leaders from SGC are blabbing about it. Why? They are using it for propaganda purposes.
This meeting was strictly confidential. Rachael, her husband, Jacob and a couple of their pastors, met with Mark Prater and other SGC leaders. Rachael’s group agreed to keep the meeting confidential at the request of SGC. Both the fact of the meeting and the contents of the meeting were to be sealed. No one was to know.
Rachael Denhollander Jessica Prather, it wasn’t an NDA [Non-Disclosure Agreement], I would never agree to it and counsel survivors to never retain attorneys who would allow them to sign one. I simply agreed to speak confidentially with them about my concerns, nothing more.
SGC broke the agreement in a major way. “Many” members in SGC churches were told about the meeting at membership only meetings. These closed meetings have been used time after time to deceive church members over the last 8 years. Journalists were also mislead in off the record conversations.
Hohn Cho They asked for confidential treatment, and then they shared about it without checking back in with you?? Wow. If publicly available, I’d be interested in seeing links to what they said.
Rachael Denhollander It happened in member’s meetings and in private conversations with journalists.
Therefore, Rachael was forced to expose the violation of this agreement “because SGC has chosen to communicate that this meeting happened and did so in a way that left at least some members [were] confused about whether that alleviated my concerns.” That is an understatement.
Mark Prater and SGC leaders have been telling people, including journalists, that this meeting occurred and was “amicable;” thereby giving the impression things were resolved and Rachael’s concerns were alleviated. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is the kind of “false advertising” that is typical of Prater. Read this article to learn more about him.
Mark Prater "the Best Choice" to Restore Trust & Unity - Dave Harvey the "Most Crafty of All"
Sunday, April 28, 2013 at 2:09PM
That’s why Rachael states emphatically, “I believe it is important to make clear that each of my concerns expressed last year remain.” Nothing was resolved and none of her concerns alleviated but this is how Prater and the Sovereign Grace Leadership Team operate. They mislead the pastors, who mislead the members with disinformation. The pastors are without excuse, however. They have seen this deceitful mode of operation employed countless times over the years.
Furthermore, it is important to underscore that “each of [her] concerns…remain.” She has not softened, modified or retracted her views.
I made the following comments last night on Rachael’s Facebook page under her update.
“I am aware of what Rachael is talking about with regard to giving false impressions to journalists and church members that her concerns for C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. have been alleviated based upon their “amicable” meeting using a mediator. That is how they operate. They will break a confidentiality agreement for their advantage. I have literally documented hundreds of examples of deceit by Mahaney and his surrogates over the last 8 years. That includes a hush fund set up by top leaders, Mark Prater, Tommy Hill, and Paul Buckley under Mahaney’s oversight as President, to prevent a family from joining the lawsuit whose young son was abused by a senior pastor’s son.
“Without exaggeration, these men will lie and deceive whenever necessary to protect their selfish interests. That has been proven time after time. Their consciences are seared. That is why they can call victims liars, when in fact, they know the victims’ accounts are truthful. That is why they call Rachael a false witness despite her meticulous work. That is why they call me everything imaginable. They must discredit the messengers because they cannot argue against the evidence.
“As a matter of fact, C.J. Mahaney has covered up sexual assault and sexual abuse since 1981 starting with Charles Schmitt. I’ve documented this in hundreds of pages. And those who have read my work know the free fall into corruption began in August 2004 when I led a meeting to lovingly correct C.J. on serious patterns of sin including his pervasive pride and love of reputation. Afterward, C.J. put into play a vicious scheme to preserve his place. Then in 2011, I was forced to send out 600 pages of evidence in The Documents as C.J.’s deceit was put on fully display when giving a devious announcement regarding the reason for his “leave of absence.” Another vicious scheme followed to suppress the evidence and defame me. Thankfully half the people in Sovereign Grace churches saw through it and left the movement. So did 100 pastors, 40 churches and most of C.J.’s closest friends including his protégé, Joshua Harris.
“But things took another turn for the worse when the Second Amended Complaint (lawsuit) came out in May 2013. Eleven plaintiffs/victims alleged a conspiracy to commit and cover up their sexual abuse. The lying, deceit and defamation surged. The response was demoniac.
“In 2016, Rachael contacted me for evidence and I put her in touch with victims. I’ve continued to provide her evidence and am so grateful she spoke out boldly against SGC in January 2018 at the Larry Nassar sentencing hearing and in the Christianity Today interview. There is still so much to expose in Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. Like Rachael, none of my concerns have been alleviated. They have only increased. I am not surprised they are deceitfully spinning the private meeting with her to their advantage. Thanks for your prayers as we continue to work for justice.”
Mark Prater and the Leadership Team of SGC has now been exposed for breaking the confidentiality agreement and mispresenting the outcome of the meeting. If they had any integrity they would return to Rachael and ask forgiveness. They would also make a public statement acknowledging their misleading of journalists and church members. Of course, this never happened! They are happy to deceive people.
After last night, I’m sure Prater has already put the brakes on anyone in SGC talking further about the meeting with Rachael several months ago. Now they’ll go silent and just hope no church members read what Rachael said on her Facebook page. I suspect a few church members will discover it but most will continue under the deception that things are fine between Rachael and Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc.
Those that find out and call for an investigation with her are in for trouble. Other church members have tried.
Sovereign Grace Pastors Crack Down on Godly Dissent of Members Asking for an Investigation & Expressing Concern Over Response to Rachael Denhollander
Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 4:45PM
Church members in Sovereign Grace have been treated like cult members. They been told, “If you don’t trust us, and you read the blogs against us, you must leave us!” Such is the instruction of Mickey Connolly to the members of CrossWay Community Church in Charlotte, NC. I kid you not.
Ten Common Cult-Like Characteristics Evident in Mickey Connolly’s Leadership
Sunday, August 12, 2012 at 5:44PM
Rachael said, “I have not said anything about this meeting because confidentiality was requested, and I felt it was important to honor that promise.” That is the differences between her and Mark Prater and his Leadership Team. She has integrity. They do not.
Rachael closes her statement reiterating her on-going appeals for an independent investigation.
“I have continued to urge SGC to conduct an independent investigation and suggested methodology for doing so. I have also offered to help them locate a skilled group that can perform this and that offer still stands.”
Mark Galli, in concert with the editorial staff of Christianity Today, also called for an independent investigation a year ago. The idea was immediately and adamantly rejected by Mickey Connolly at Together for the Gospel 2018. Connolly is Mahaney’s closest confidante. He is the Director of Church Development and most powerful leader after Prater. I’ve written about him at length. He has repeatedly acted in a corrupt and heavy-handed manner in covering up for Mahaney.
Rachael's last sentence is an important one. “My detailed posts from last year, linked below, speak for themselves, and I continue to stand by them.” Nothing has changed. All her documented observations and allegations against C.J. Mahaney and the Leadership Team stand. Bear in mind, it was the entire seven-man Leadership Team that condemn her on February 13, 2018.
Here are the links again with the titles and dates added for your convenience.
Public Response to Sovereign Grace Churches
Monday, February 5, 2018
Response to Sovereign Grace Churches
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Response to CJ Mahaney Stepping Down as T4G Speaker
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
C.J. Mahaney and the Leadership Team comprised of Mark Prater, Mickey Connolly, Tommy Hill, Bob Kauflin, Ian McConnell, Jeff Purswell, and Rich Richardson continue to defy the appeals for an investigation because an investigation would be the end of them! The conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children over decades is real. They will never allow for an independent investigation by professionals under any circumstances.
I appreciate Rachael’s earnest attempts but there was no chance they would come to fruition. It is time for a different strategy – a public platform from which victims can speak out with clarity and force with Rachael standing by their side.