Mike Bickle’s Manipulative Confession of “Inappropriate Behavior” (i.e., Sexual Immorality) Is Nothing but a Spiritual Con Job!

There is much more I could say about Mike Bickle’s manipulative confession from Tuesday but here are few thoughts regarding his spiritual con job and the way he uses false visions and prophecy to seduce, threaten, and control others. But first, let me begin with a history lesson to set the stage.
In his confession Bickle refers to his sin as 20+ years ago. Nineteen years ago he disciplined Paul Cain for homosexuality and drunkenness. Cain was removed from ministry. He was the top prophet associated with Metro Christian Fellowship (a Vineyard church) where Bickle was the senior pastor and the International House of Prayer which Bickle started in 1999. They are located in Kansas City, Missouri.
Twenty plus years ago was around the same time Bickle began having sex with young women (what he calls “inappropriate behavior”) beginning with “Jane Doe” (a pseudonym). This underscores his hypocrisy.
Rick Joyner and Jack Deere were also involved with Bickle in the discipline of Cain. Here’s the question that needs to be answered. Did Bickle tell them about his own immorality or did he conceal it from them? If so, what did Joyner and Deere do? IHOP needs to investigate and address the issue.
Bob Jones was also a top prophet closely associated with Bickle. He too was debauched and manipulated women into sex using prophecy. Here is what John Wimber wrote about Jones to all the Vineyard Churches in November 1991.
“The sins for which Bob has been removed from ministry include using his gifts to manipulate people for his personal desires, sexual misconduct, rebelling against pastoral authority, slandering leaders and the promotion of bitterness within the body of Christ.”
In Bickle’s deceptive confession, he does not tell us the nature of his sin, whether he confessed to his wife and staff back then, how many teenage girls or young women he took advantage of and for how long. He says nothing about ever committing sexual immorality.
When you confess sin, you define the sin. For example, “I was involved in immorality. I committed adultery. I abused my pastoral position. I deceived my wife. My sin involved multiple women over a period of several years. I am not trustworthy. I will not be returning to ministry.”
I know Mike. I knew Paul Cain. Mike is not coming clean. He is using all kinds of religious jargon and even Scripture to appear spiritual while he acts with duplicity. I also know Larry Tomczak. I worked with him in ministry for 18 years. He has recklessly defended Mike Bickle. Read 40-Year Friend: Beware of Evil Reports Regarding Mike Bickle — Charisma News. Or better, listen to this unhinged verbal defense with odd mannerism. Further, Larry has never been persecuted or the victim of evil reports.
L-R: Larry Tomczak, Diane Bickle, Mike Bickle
Larry has a long record of covering up sin including sexual assault and sexual abuse. This is what I wrote about him recently. I have all the documentation to back it up. I hope Larry repents. Mike asked Larry to replace him as senior pastor at MCF when he started IHOP.
Brent Detwiler
Dec. 2, 2023
You right Steve. Larry covered up sexual assault and statutory rape including by one of his sons. He paid out money for silence to two of the girls - both minors. He is utterly untrustworthy. He is covering up for Bickle like he did for homosexual predator Charles Schmitt. He quotes Bill Gothard of all people when talking about evil reports. Gothard used this teaching to control reports about his evil deeds. Larry also traumatized his daughter Renee with harsh and extreme discipline. He has also padded his resume with outlandish claims. Further, he is a plagiarist. He loves the limelight. You see that in his article. Always namedropping and putting himself forward (e.g., Bickle asking him to lead church). He is a con artist. It is shameful Charisma ran Larry’s article. They are covering for Bickle who will do all in his power to cover up his sexual sin and spiritual abuse of young women.
The gross hypocrisy of Mike Bickle is evident in the statement below. He was overseeing the discipline of Paul Cain while sexually involved, or recently involved, with a teenage girl.
Special Bulletin by Rick Joyner, Mike Bickle, and Jack Deere
October 19, 2004
Paul Cain has been used mightily by the Lord to touch many lives in our times. He is esteemed by many around the world as a major prophetic voice and as a spiritual father. It would be hard to estimate the number who have been healed, delivered, or saved through his ministry. We have especially benefited from his friendship and ministry in too many ways to count. It is therefore with great sorrow that we publish the following.
In February 2004, we were made aware that Paul had become an alcoholic. In April 2004, we confronted Paul with evidence that he had been recently involved in homosexual activity. Paul admitted to these sinful practices and was placed under discipline, agreeing to a process of restoration which the three of us would oversee.
However, Paul has resisted this process and has continued in his sin. Therefore, after having exhausted the first two steps of Matthew 18:15-17, we now have a responsibility to bring this before the church. Our sincere hope remains to see Paul restored. We are deeply committed to Galatians 6:1, which states, “Brethren, even if a man is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, lest you too be tempted.”
We do not believe that Paul has committed anything that places him beyond the grace of God. We are hopeful that there are those who are more spiritual and wiser than we are who can help Paul through a process of restoration in which we failed. We remain desirous of helping in this in any way that we can. If restored, we believe that Paul can once again have an extraordinary ministry and be a significant blessing to the body of Christ.
We apologize to the body of Christ for our lack of discernment in promoting Paul’s ministry while he had these significant strongholds in his life. We failed to see them until this year. It is also a mistake to assume that others who were close to Paul or worked with him shared these same problems. We also do not feel that this should in any way negate or reduce the great benefit that Paul’s ministry has been to so many in the past. We hope that Paul can yet be restored and used again for the glory of God in the wonderful way that so many of us have been blessed to see in the past.
With our deepest regrets and sincerity,
Rick Joyner, Jack Deere, Mike Bickle
Paul Cain was a drunk, sodomizer, deceiver, and arrogant. I would not restore him to prophetic ministry even if he was apparently “restored” to Christ.
Mike Bickle’s confession on December 12 has no substance to it. He doesn’t even state he has been accused of sexual immorality. And it comes after he was first exposed on October 28 and then again on November 30. His excuse for taking so long is lame. He blames his lawyers.
International House of Prayer Founder Mike Bickle Confesses to ‘Inappropriate Behavior’ 20 Years Ago
By Julie Roys
December 12, 2023
Bickle’s confession comes seven weeks after he was publicly accused of sexually abusing multiple women over several decades.
It also comes a week and a half after an alleged victim told her story to The Roys Report (TRR) in an exclusive interview. According to the woman, Bickle’s abuse began when she was 19 and he was in his 40s and continued for several years.
Men like Bickle, Larry Tomczak, and C.J. Mahaney confess to nothing until they are forced to confess to something but then it is as little as possible while they simultaneously justify themselves and focus on supposed “enemies” who slander them. It is a predictable pattern.
Note again these words by Bickle about Cain.
“We apologize to the body of Christ for our lack of discernment in promoting Paul’s ministry while he had these significant strongholds in his life. We failed to see them until this year. It is also a mistato assume that others who were close to Paul or worked with him shared these same problems.”
It is amazing Bickle could pen these words when he was guilty of sharing similar “problems” (i.e., sexual sin). And of course, nobody discerned the strongholds of lust, deceit, infidelity, fake spirituality, and the use of his position to seduce young women. These prophets were not like biblical prophets who see sin and denounce it.
The same is happening again. Will the prophets at IHOP call out sin or cover it up? They have hired a law firm to do an “independent” investigation but that is impossible. When you retain lawyers they are bound by law not to share anything of an incriminating nature with anyone. They are sworn to silence by the attorney-client contract unless it is waived. IHOP has refused to answer questions about whether they are willing to waive attorney client privilege so their findings can be made public.
Otherwise, they function as defense attorneys for Mike Bickle. If he broke the law, and is guilty of clergy sex abuse, they will withhold the evidence. The same is true as it pertains to evidence that could be used against Bickle and IHOP leaders in a civil trial involving lawsuits.
I know. This is exactly what Covenant Life Church (C.J. Mahaney’s former church) did in Gaithersburg, MD. They hired a law firm to do an “independent investigation” but it was a complete fraud. Read this article to get an education on how these bogus investigations are used to conceal abuse and protect leaders!
IHOP leaders have also said they will investigate. But thus far, they have covered up for Bickle. How? By allowing him to put out this deceitful and self-serving statement on Tuesday. They should have made clear they do not endorse it and have serious concerns about it. The kind I am raising. Instead, they commend it. More later.
Below is Bickle’s confession. I have added notes and broken it into sections separated by ##. I also quote from this excellent article written by Rebecca Hopkins for The Roys Report (TRC). I’d highly recommended you carefully read it.
Woman Says Mike Bickle Used Prophecy to Sexually Abuse Her (julieroys.com)
By Rebecca Hopkins
November 30, 2023
Mike Bickle’s Personal Statement
December 12, 2023
To my Family and Friends,
With a very heavy heart I want to express how deeply grieved I am that my past sins have led to so much pain, confusion, and division in the body of Christ in this hour. I sadly admit that 20+ years ago, I sinned by engaging in inappropriate behavior—my moral failures were real. (I am not admitting to the more intense sexual activities that some are suggesting). I hate my sin and I see it as serious and grievous before a holy God. I take all sin seriously, so on those occasions I quickly and sincerely repented in a way that resulted in receiving assurance from God followed by a daily resolve to live holy in all of my ways. God graciously helped me to respond in those times with a broken and contrite heart that was filled with godly sorrow. To this day, I remain sorrowful about those past failures.
NOTE: They are “past sins” but are they newly discovered sins? Did IHOP leaders know about them 20 years ago? Were they confessed then? Was there discipline? Did his wife Diane know about them when they occurred? Or did Bickle cover them up? Why didn’t he step down from ministry? Was there any accountability? He purposely leaves out all of this vital information.
Furthermore, he doesn’t define his “inappropriate behavior” and “moral failures.” Nor does he reveal he has been accused of sexual immorality by multiple women over 20 years. He denies “more intense sexual activities.” This implies less intense sexual activities but he does not tells us what they are. Jane says their sexual relationship included everything but intercourse. Bickle’s sin is ever so serious but he refuses to acknowledge it. And his sin is not confined to sex. He abused his position and took advantage of her. He also made sure to cover it up. She was told to tell no one.
He references “occasions.” How many occasions? How long did these moral failures go on? He doesn’t say but gives the false impression they were momentary. How? He says, “I quickly and sincerely repented” (i.e., I stopped sinning) and “daily resolved to live holy in all of my ways.”
Jane Doe says the sexual immorality, excluding intercourse only, began in 1996 and continued until late 1999 or early 2000.
Nor does he tell us if he was sexually involved with other women. Several have come forward with accusations that his “moral failures” continued over the past two decades. He waters it all down.
This is a quote from the TRR article. I’ve added a few notes in brackets. Jane is the main figure in the account. She was 19, he was 42, when it all began.
A few weeks later [1996], Bickle called Doe from Asia to say the Lord spoke to him about her, she said. This time, though, she said he sounded drunk.
“He begins to tell me that the Lord has spoken to him and that Diane [his wife] is going to die and that we’re going to get married,” she said. “As he’s talking to me, I’m thinking, ‘Is he drunk?’ And he did start talking about the alcohol that was in the fridge that he had been drinking.”
From 1996 to 1999 [4 years], Doe said Bickle put her up in an apartment by herself, gave her a key to his office, engaged in sexual interactions with her, and told her about the dream, again and again.
“That line that Diane, his wife, is going to die and that we’re going to get married—he at least said that to me 100 times,” Doe said.
This a second quote from the article. I’ve condensed it.
In the fall of 1997, she said Bickle invited his research team—five women and one man—to travel to Europe. … When Doe finally got back to her room that night, she said Bickle called her. … He invited her to eat alone with him at a restaurant. … At the restaurant, she said he ordered her a couple rounds of cocktails. At the time, Doe was 20 and Bickle was 43. After dinner, she said he took her to an alley and kissed her “full on.”
“The next thing I remember, I was waking up in my hotel room the next morning,” she said. “I definitely blacked out. . . I remember I was clothed. That’s all I remember, and just being very disoriented.”
[Mike] Sullivant, who said he was a close confidant of Bickle at that time, said he knew about Bickle’s travels, but had no idea Bickle was taking mostly young women with him. “We would’ve intervened if we had known that was going on,” Sullivant said.
When they got back home, Doe said the dynamic with Bickle “progressed.” He would cross the line and kept crossing it more severely sexually,” she said. … The sexual interactions included everything but intercourse, Doe told TRR.
“I have a few memories in hotel rooms,” she said. “I don’t—I just—they were way worse than Paris.” … In late 1999 or early 2000, she said she had one more physical encounter with Bickle in a hotel room in Dallas.
I believe Jane Doe. This is not the kind of detailed account you make up. Nor is this the kind of information you reveal about yourself to the world unless there is a moral imperative to expose a sexual predator (in my opinion). Furthermore, she could be sued for libel if untrue. None of what she says is addressed by Bickle in his “confession.”
Bickle is so self-exalting. He says, “I quickly and sincerely repented.” If that is true, there would not have been “occasions of sin” and “moral failures.” His sin continued. How many are we talking about Mike? How about four years of sex with someone age 19-23 when you were 42-45.
Repentance also involves confession, discipline, and restitution. Did he confess to the girls? To their parents? Did he confess to the elders? Did he confess to the church? Why didn’t he step down?
Did he confess to his wife? When did see find out? And how did he restitute the young women he took advantage of? Did he ever ask their forgiveness? He makes no mention of ever doing so.
There is a reference above to Mike Sullivan. He was Bickle’s “close confidant.” He prophesied over me in 1994. It was a good word. I wrote him in 2018.
January 6, 2018
Hi Michael...I was just reviewing some files from the past and discovered a prophecy you gave me in Oct 1994. It was very accurate and strengthen me again today. I hope you are well in the gospel of grace. Thanks.
How wonderful for us both! Our Lord is so good. Great to connect.
If Bickle confessed anything to anyone it certainly would have included Mike Sullivant. Bickle continues with his emotional manipulation.
[UPDATE: Sam Storms and Michael Sullivant put out a statement on Mon., Dec. 18. Though confidants and friends, Bickle hid his sins from them. They have talked to Jane Doe and her husband. They believe her story. It is a must read. See here.]
The Roys Report article adds.
By 2000, Bickle had taken the prayer ministry out of MCF [Metro Christian Fellowship], Sullivant said, adding: “I think that he separated from our church because he didn’t enjoy the kind of scrutiny and accountability that was built into our church. … In my view, (Bickle) has regularly used claims of urgent prophetic revelations to trump the ethics of biblical love and relationally healthy processes,” Sullivant said.
Exactly. Bickle had no accountability. This is confirmed by another top leader who also vouches for Jane Doe’s integrity. Mike on the other hand “will always tell his own story.”
By August [2023], Doe and her husband also reached out to former IHOPKC leader Dwayne Roberts, his wife, Jennifer Roberts … “We’ve known her to be a person of integrity and character… It’s not in her nature to come up with something remotely close to this to gain something. (Doe) will always tell the truth and Mike will always tell his own story.”
Roberts, who was part of IHOPKC since its earliest days, told TRR that he didn’t know about Bickle’s secret meetings with women in their 20s in the late 1990s.
BICKLE: I am anguished that my past sins have caused great pain for my wife and family along with the IHOPKC family, and others. I am deeply sorry that my sin put the IHOPKC leadership and community in a very painful and difficult position. I asked my family for forgiveness. I now ask for forgiveness from the IHOPKC family and many in the body of Christ.
NOTE: It doesn’t appear he ever asked forgiveness of his wife, family, IHOP, or others in the past. No one knew about his sexual sin. Mike, when did you ask forgiveness of your family? Just now because you were exposed? Did you keep this from your wife and children? IHOPKC must investigate and answer but I doubt they will.
The Roys Report says,
Doe said speaking out to the media was her last resort.
“In spite of the fact that IHOPKC thoroughly knows my story, they have consistently minimized and denied their knowledge of real evidence from the victims,” she said. “I am devastated that men and women who have been my friends for 25 years have completely shunned me since they were first made aware. I had hoped we could all work together to do the right thing. . . . How I have been treated has broken my heart.”
There is a conspiracy in the works. Jane Doe is no trouble maker but she had no choice but to speak out for “the victims.” Not just herself. This is the price one pays but it is worth it because Jesus Christ did the same. He testified that men’s deeds were evil (John 7:7). It got him killed. The Lord Jesus will reward Jane on the final day.
BICKLE: Some may wonder why I am just now making a public statement 20+ years later? It is because I was recently confronted about things that I said or did 20+ years ago—things I believed were dealt with and under the blood of Jesus. Since this has now become public, I want to repent publicly. On October 28, 2023, I wrote the first draft of this statement but at that very same time, false allegations of sexual abuse were being circulated against me. I was given legal advice to wait to make my statement public for several important reasons—including creating the misunderstanding that I was confessing to the false allegations that were circulating. I am very sorry that it took so long for this personal statement to come out. This delay created additional pain, anguish, division, and more for so many people that I love. I am deeply sorry for this.
NOTE: This is a lame excuse for not immediately confessing when confronted. His “public statement” was forced upon him because he was exposed. But more importantly, why are victims confronting him 20 years later if everything was resolved in a godly manner like he claims? “I quickly and sincerely repented.” If so, why is it coming up now? Bickle doesn’t tell us why he is being confronted. An honest and contrite person would tell us about the confrontation and why it was necessary.
BICKLE: Since late October terrible things have been written against me in various communications (blogs, articles, posts, etc.) that describe me and various sinful things that I allegedly did. There are many misrepresentations of my words and actions in these communications including statements that are out of context, greatly exaggerated, or blatantly false.
NOTE: This can be easily rectified. Tells us what sinful things you did do, and what didn’t you do? Be specific. Instead, he dismisses the “many misrepresentations” as “out of context, greatly exaggerated, or blatantly false.” This is a manipulative way of deflecting blame onto those calling him to account and watering down his sin which he does not state except in the most general terms.
Here is the first communique to come out on October 28. It appears to be well sourced. Not “out of context, greatly exaggerated, or blatantly false.” But if they are, Bickle makes no attempt to refute them. He just damns them. If Mike were innocent he would go through this Public Statement line by line and prove his points. Instead he hides.
Public Statement concerning recent allegations on Mike Bickle
October 28, 2023
Nor has he ever been willing to answer questions asked by The Roys Report. “We also emailed Mike Bickle, but he did not reply.”
International House of Prayer Founder Mike Bickle Accused of Clergy Sexual Abuse ‘Spanning Several Decades’
By Julie Roys
October 28, 2023
The Roys Report continued to reach out for over a month. Here’s what they wrote on November 30.
“TRR reached out to Bickle repeatedly for comment, but he did not respond to our requests. TRR also reached out to IHOPKC but did not receive an on-the-record response.”
Now comes the super-spiritual manipulation. It is detestable in the sight of God.
BICKLE: I ask that my family and friends do not defend me. I have confidence that the Lord will speak concerning what He sees and says about me in His timing. Please do not engage in debates on social media to defend me and please do not criticize those who are voicing their disdain for me. Please only speak blessing to them and about them (Mt. 5:44). In this way, we can minimize some of the divisiveness that the enemy has planned—and we can continue to stay focused on loving Jesus and one another. I am deeply committed to respond to those with complaints against me in the spirit of Psalm 18:35—both now and in the years to come. Some who are have spoken against me are friends (I will continue to view them as friends).
NOTE: This is pure manipulation. He claims family and friends don’t need to defend him because the Lord will in His timing. That’s because Mike is righteous. He is free of sin (except for “inappropriate behavior” long ago). He views the correction of others as “distain for me.” And characterizes friends as “against me.” He says nothing good about anyone who has raised “complaints against me” including Jane Doe and the other women. They are all betrayers inspired by Satan.
No, he is the epitome of piety. He references Psalm 18:35. People should read it in context (vv. 30-36). He is saying he is blameless; therefore, the Lord will fight for him because the Lord has made him great. Then he exhorts that only blessings, not cursings, be pronounced upon his enemies. That is the context of Matthew 5:44.
So often I’ve seen corrupt leaders not “defend” themselves. This is a con. It means they won’t answer hard questions. Instead they pretend to be spiritual and hope the news cycle passes while they remain silent. Mike is also deluded. He has an extremely high opinion of himself.
Next up. Bickle's coercion.
Mike Bickle's Email to Jane Doe's Husband
October 9, 2023
On October 9, Bickle emailed Jane Doe’s husband It was full of spiritual manipulation by which he attempted to coerce their silence. He talks about “the greatest betrayal of my life.” He is referring to Jane going public with her “narrative” including his repeated “prophecy” about his wife dying so he could marry Jane. Other women claim he used the same line with them. He denies it all and calls this charge an attack by Satan, the dragon and black horse in the book of Revelation. Here is an excerpt. I’ve added notes and broken it into sections. The emphases are Bickle’s.
BICKLE: What is painful is the thought of others being told a certain narrative … that would constitute the greatest betrayal of my life from one of my dearest friends [Jane] that I have trusted 100%. …
NOTE: Jane told her story to Rebecca Hopkins. It was published on The Roys Report on November 30.
BICKLE: I realize that she [Jane] has not betrayed me at this point (so forgive me for using such ugly language “as betrayal”) but even the chance of her doing this creates great pain in me (but not anger at her)—that a most trusted friend did this to me at the end of my life after 40 years of being in prayer meetings many hours a day (6 days a week). …
NOTE: Bickle had plenty of time to come clean. Nearly two months. Jane went public as a “last resort.” He is the real betrayer. He seduced her as a 19 year old and covertly engaged in sexual immorality with her over four years. All the while he told Jane she would be his wife because he wife Diane would die. Diane is founder and CEO of Glad Heary Reality in Kansas City. If the truth about Mike got out, it would surely be detrimental to her business.
Bickle is 68 years old. He doesn’t want his reputation damaged “after 40 years of being in prayer meetings many hours a day (6 days a week.).” He is a spiritual giant and that is how he promotes himself. Just like the Pharisees constantly letting people know how much they pray. Bickle doesn’t want the truth about his immorality and prophetic seduction to get out. He frames it as a Satanic attack and betrayal.
BICKLE: If by chance she [Jane] has whispered this story to any others—the evil result that enemy wants in this can still avoided—if she will only speak His narrative to any who might ask her about this in the future by simply saying only that the Spirit told her, it might be something like “I have peace that the Lord is…blah, blah, blah”- That sort of approach would cuts off the Black Horse inflaming distortions and exaggerations and many false narratives in peoples minds.
NOTE: “His narrative” is God’s narrative that Bickle is an extraordinary man of God. Now he instructs Jane to promote this fabrication of spiritual greatness and then lie when asked about her story. She is to tell people “the Holy Spirit told her” she has “peace that the Lord is” taking care of everything or whatever. In other words, there is no need to say anything further.
This is pure evil. First, she is to lie about his greatest. Second, make up a prophesy. Third, conceal his sin. Bickle is a master manipulator! He continues. If they don’t do what he says Satan will destroy them. No, God will bless them though they suffer.
BICKLE: “I am very aware that Satan (the dragon/black Horse of Rev. 12:10 will use his supernatural ability to inflame accusations against me, you [Doe’s husband], [Doe] and many others who will get involved in this. He wants all of us to be destroyed. Satan is an expert at taking whispered innuendoes and turning them into hostile accusations.”
NOTE: This is an attempt to control them. They will be destroyed. Therefore, don’t get others involved or go public. An innuendo is a disparaging insinuation. Whispering refers to gossip. In other words, Satan will empower people to whisper about him being involved in sexual sin over a period of years with multiple women and using prophecy to seduce them. But that is not the word of Satan. That is the word of several women including Jane Doe who have spoken to various investigative journalists, IHOP leaders, and former confidants of Mike Bickle.
In a sermon on October 20 (11 days after the email), Bickle described this “black horse” as a Satanic attack that would come against him in the form of betrayal. He is referring to Jane Doe and other women who have made allegations against him. He claims God told him this would happen in advance. He is alerting the church.
In reality, he makes up this supposed supernatural revelation from God in order to deceive his audience into believing he will be sinfully attacked, slandered, and betrayed in the near future. He disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14) but he is evil.
Mike has always been a poor interpreter of Scripture. That is one reason I recommended to Larry Tomczak and C.J. Mahaney that we pull back from him in the 1990’s. For example, his teaching that the Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon) is about Jesus and the church. It has nothing to do with our relationship with Christ. It is never quoted or alluded to in the New Testament. Nor is it an analogy. It is about the romantic and sexual love between a husband and wife.
In the quote above he refers to Satan as the black horse in Revelation 12:10. No, the black horse is found in Revelation 6:5-6 and brings about famine. Further, the reference in 12:10 is a reference to devil who accuses us before God but has been thrown down in defeat and judgement. It is not a reference to people slandering people.
In addition, Bickle has always been preoccupied with Satan and his demons and their “supernatural ability.” Yet God is supremely sovereign over the devil! He only does what God permits.
Here’s the point. Satan is not going to destroy Bickle. That is totally the wrong focus. But God will surely punish, oppose, and bring him low. The Bible says submit to God and the devil will flee. That is the key to spiritual warfare. Obedience to God’s written word. For instance, “Flee immorality” (1 Cor. 6:8). And, “Do not lie to one another” (Col. 3:9).
That means you don’t get a young lady drunk at a fancy restaurant in Paris so you can take her to “an alley and kiss her full on,” or rent an apartment for her by herself so you can have sex, or shack up in hotels in places like Dallas.
Worst of all you do not tell her God said she will be your wife because your current wife is going to die. That is wicked beyond comprehension. Clearly, that is a way to manipulate her into sex since she is destined to be your wife.
BICKLE: For an extended season, I will not engage in my public preaching ministry (conferences, social media, zooms, etc.)—I see this as God’s “delayed” loving discipline on my life (Heb. 12:6, 11). I will look to other leaders to determine how long this season will last—it may be long and it may even be permanent. I will only reengage in my public preaching ministry, if God confirms it through others. I am at peace with whatever He wants (2 Sam. 15:25-26). Jesus, I love and trust You!
NOTE: Why would God be disciplining Bickle now if he handled everything in the past as perfectly as he claims. “Other leaders” should produce a full accounting of Bickle’s past sins and whether he covered them up but that won’t happen. The current leadership is compromised. That is why they allowed Bickle to make this deceptive statement without rebuke. In fact they commended the statement. Eric Volz is the lead spokesman for IHOPKC.
Eric Volz
We are glad to see a public statement from Mike Bickle addressing the allegations against him.
He admits to engaging in inappropriate behavior 20 + years ago. This is a step in the right direction.
At the same time Mike Bickle says he is not admitting to some of the sexual activities that are being suggested and calls many of the allegations ‘greatly exaggerated’ and ‘blatantly false.’ …
2:40 PM · Dec 12, 2023
If Bickle loved and trusted Jesus he would be giving a full confession of sin in this statement, not one that conceals and manipulates his audience with superficial acknowledgments only after he was exposed. So Mike, what do you have to say about Jane? Were you sexually involved with her from 1996-1999?
And please stop lying by claiming Jane misunderstood your prophecy repeatedly.
“Jane’s husband told TRR that Bickle denied the allegations when they met and said Doe had misunderstood his prophecy. Bickle said God wanted Doe and Bickle to work together in ministry after Diane died, not in marriage, Doe’s husband said.”
This is crazy. So your wife needs to die so you can “work together in ministry.” No, I believe Jane. She didn’t misunderstand anything.
“That line that Diane, his wife, is going to die and that we’re going to get married—he at least said that to me 100 times,” Doe said.
Let’s get honest, Mike. Stop the con! This is spiritual witchcraft, not prophecy!
BICKLE: I honor and love the IHOPKC community and will forever be grateful for them. They are a most remarkable people—they are truly marvelous comrades. I know the Lord is with them and that His favor and grace will continue to rest on them.
NOTE: This is spiritual flattery. Will Bickle “honor” those in the IHOP community who are calling for an independent investigation. He says nothing about cooperating with one if it is done. He doesn’t welcome that kind of scrutiny. Just the opposite. Bickle is covering his tracks and seeking to manipulate the masses. He is like Paul Cain, Bob Jones, Larry Tomczak, and C.J. Mahaney.
BICKLE: Pray for me, Diane, and my beloved family.
They have expressed their love and support for me in extravagant ways. With much sorrow yet with prayerful confidence in God’s perfect leadership,
Mike Bickle
NOTE: I am praying for your repentance. I am praying for Diane and your family to hold you accountable and be comforted by the Holy Spirit given your betrayal.
Mike, “God’s perfect leadership” is found in God’s perfect Word. You should be removed from all ministry and all financial support. You are disqualified for long term sins of a serious nature. And this manipulative confession makes clear you should not be restore to it in the future.
Soon after I posted my article this statement was published highlighting the attempt by IHOPKC to prevent a bona fide and transparent independent investigation from occuring.