Mike Bullmore Preaches in C.J. Mahaney’s Church & Teaches in Sovereign Grace Pastors College Despite Overwhelming Evidence of Sex Abuse Cover-Up

[NOTE: This is an article I wrote but never posted until now. Mike Bullmore taught at the Pastors College on February 9-12, 2021. Then he stayed for the weekend and preached at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville. Todd Wilhelm wrote him about it. He dodged Wilhelm’s excellent questions.]
Last week, Todd Wilhelm contacted Mike Bullmore asking how he justified preaching in C.J. Mahaney’s church and teaching in the Sovereign Grace Pastor College. He also asked Bullmore to confirm what he was paid for these engagements. He was doing the work of a good investigative reporter.
From: Todd Wilhelm tlwdxb@protonmail.com
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2021 9:16 AM
To: mike.bullmore@cwc.church; info@cwc.church
Subject: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
Hi Mike,
I write for the blog “The Wartburg Watch” and am conducting research for an upcoming update on the status of Sovereign Grace Churches and the influential leaders outside of the SGC denomination who continue to support them.
I assume you are aware of the overwhelming evidence that Sovereign Grace Churches have covered up the sexual abuse of children for years. If not, I have attached 2 files for you to view.
I am curious to know how you justify your ongoing participation of preaching at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville and teaching for one week every year at the Sovereign Grace Churches “Pastor’s College?”
I have been told that guest preachers at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville receive an honorarium of $1,000 - $2,000. Could you please confirm this? I also discovered that 15 years ago guest teachers at the “Pastor’s College” received $2,500 for the week. I would imagine this fee is now $5,000 as a minimum. Could you please confirm this?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Kind Regards,
Todd Wilhelm
The two attached files were Rachael Denhollander’s devastating 12 page response to Sovereign Grace Churches and a video of her on the Fox News broadcast, “The Story with Martha MacCallum” summating her findings of fact. You’ll find them below.
Response to Sovereign Grace Churches
Rachael Denhollander
March 1, 2018
Rachael Denhollander discusses Sovereign Grace Scandal on The Story with Martha MacCallum - YouTube
March 16, 2018
Bullmore responds but completely ignores Wilhelm’s question about how he justifies involvement with Mahaney and the Pastors College given ”the overwhelming evidence that Sovereign Grace Churches have covered up the sexual abuse of children for years.”
From: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 9:58 AM
To: Todd Wilhelm tlwdxb@protonmail.com
Subject: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
Hi Todd,
I’m sure you want accurate information for your research. Your current perception is off by quite a bit. Here’s a couple things that might help: 1) I’ve been teaching at the Pastor’s College for 20 years and have received virtually the same amount every year from the beginning. There was a small uptick several years back but nothing anywhere near what you’ve imagined. 2) The amounts you’ve ventured for both preaching and teaching are considerably beyond what is being paid. What I am paid is well within appropriate standards. Your information, wherever you got it from, is unreliable.
Hope this helps.
Mike Bullmore
Wilhelm followed up regarding his “unreliable” source and asked again if Bullmore was “at all conflicted.”
From: Todd Wilhelm tlwdxb@protonmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 10:44 AM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church; info@cwc.church
Subject: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
Hi Mike,
Thanks for responding to my email. Yes, I am always interested in accurate information. I obtained my financial information from Brent Detwiler, the man responsible for the establishment of the Sovereign Grace Pastor’s College. One of Detwiler’s responsibilities while serving in Sovereign Grace leadership was overseeing their finances. Detwiler advised me that the men who preached at Sovereign Grace churches typically received an honorarium of $1,000. If the man was a bigger celebrity C.J. Mahaney may insist he receive an honorarium of $2,000. Further, Detwiler advised me guest instructors at the Pastor’s College received $2,500 for one week of teaching. Of course, their airfare was also paid for, as was their accommodations and meals. Additionally guest speakers were provided with a “gift basket.” Does this reflect your experience in your 20 years of preaching and teaching at Sovereign Grace?
I am curious to know whether you are at all conflicted preaching at C.J. Mahaney’s church and teaching at the Sovereign Grace Pastor’s College knowing that they have covered up sexual abuse in their church for years?
In case you have not read Dr. Mohler’s statement concerning C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches, I offer this link for your thoughtful consideration.
Statement from R. Albert Mohler Jr. on Sovereign Grace Churches | News - SBTS
In the recent Ravi Zacharias scandal we have seen many prominent leaders admit they dismissed factual evidence of Ravi’s sinful life way too easily because of his great reputation. I submit that any man who continues to prop up C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches in light of the overwhelming evidence of not only covering-up criminal sexual abuse, but in some cases actually participating in the abuse, does so at his own peril.
[NOTE: The link above is to Mike Winger’s excellent commentary on the Ravi Zacharias sexual abuse scandal.]
Another Sovereign Grace Survivor Tells Her Shocking Story of Sexual Abuse! | The Wartburg Watch 2022
[NOTE: The article above is about Shannon Clark. She was abused by her older sister Suzanne who was sexually abused by her father Jeff Truesdale. C.J. Mahaney, John Loftness, and Gary Ricucci knew about the abuse and did nothing to stop it. I wrote about it here. He was never reported to law enforcement.]
Kind Regards,
Todd Wilhelm
Bullmore responds. He was not conflicted in the least. Why? He has “a different understanding of things.” Exactly. Al Mohler is wrong. Rachael Denhollander is a false witness. The victims are liars. Those are the official positions of C.J., his pastoral staff, and the denomination. Further, he avoids “the recent Ravi Zacharias scandal” which is analogous to the Sovereign Grace scandal. He is totally unconcerned about propping up C.J. and SGC “at his own peril.”
From: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 12:50 PM
To: Todd Wilhelm tlwdxb@protonmail.com
Subject: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
The information you got from Brent does not reflect my experience.
I am aware of and have already read the material you’ve referenced. You and I would have a different understanding of things. I’ll leave it at that.
“I’ll leave it at that.” That is not the high road. That is the low road. He won’t address the evidence. Rather, he dismisses it. He is not concerned about justice. Bullmore should be demanding an independent investigation.
Here is what the editorial board of Christianity Today said in relevant part three years ago.
Mark Galli, Editor in Chief of Christianity Today, Calls for a Fresh & Thorough Independent Investigation of Sovereign Grace Ministries
Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 4:56PM
To repeat: While we find Denhollander’s and Detwiler’s allegations compelling, we are not ready to say each of their charges is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And we are hardly ready to conclude SGC and the accused congregations and leaders are guilty of every charge brought against them. We are grateful that SGC says (in its statement to CT), ‘It is our desire to walk transparently, to grow in our ability to better address this risk, and to honor Christ in the way we care for those who have experienced abuse.’ Still a number of its explanations for past events remain inadequate and leave too many questions unanswered.
We desperately need a fresh and thorough independent investigation by an organization that specializes in these matters. … We call for this on behalf of potential victims who may have yet to be heard. And for the sake of SGC and for the integrity of evangelical churches everywhere. And especially for the sake of the gospel.
Here is what Al Mohler said in relevant part two years ago. He was deceived by Mahaney and when Mahaney refused to do an independent investigation he severed ties.
Statement from R. Albert Mohler Jr. on Sovereign Grace Churches - News - SBTS
February 15, 2019
I wrongly believed that an investigation had been done, and relied on that assurance and the court dismissal of the civil suit, along with my personal knowledge of CJ, when I issued my statement of support in 2013. … When this issue resurfaced a year ago [2018], I was made painfully aware of my serious mistakes. I immediately urged that an independent investigation be conducted and agreed that CJ needed to step down from public ministry until that took place. This resulted in a severing of all personal and ministry ties, and I have had no relationship with CJ or SGC since that time.
Furthermore, Bullmore doesn’t care that 12 churches with top leaders left Sovereign Grace Churches in 2019 and 2020 over their lack of accountability and arrogant refusal to do an independent investigation despite the compelling evidence. Here are a couple excerpts from articles I wrote. I’ll leave it at that.
Seven More Churches Leave Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. Over Prideful Refusal to Do an Independent Investigation of 35-Year History of Sexual Abuse & Assault
Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 11:59AM
This week seven churches were removed from the list of Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. on its website. These were influential churches with influential pastors. They left over the pride and refusal of C.J. Mahaney and SGC leaders to do an independent investigation of its 35-year history of conspiring to commit and cover up the sexual assault of young men and the sexual abuse of children. An eighth church left in March for the same reasons.
A Split Off Denomination Forms with “Many Seasoned Pastors & Some Very Gifted Leaders” from Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc.
Sunday, May 24, 2020 at 6:36PM
Over the last seven months, 11 churches have left Sovereign Grace Churches. They have joined together to start a new denomination. Daniel Baker says, “It’s a group with many seasoned pastors and some very gifted leaders.” I have written about the prominence of these men in the articles above.
This is a “brain drain” and financial drain. It represents the departure of more than 30 full-time pastors and approximately 4,000 members. It also means a loss of roughly 800k in annual income to Sovereign Grace Churches.
Wilhelm ends his correspondence with Bullmore by sending him a prophetic poem by Matt B. Redmond.
From: Todd Wilhelm tlwdxb@protonmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 2:01 PM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church; info@cwc.church
Subject: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
I will leave it at this:
What Kind of Hard Heart?
Matt B. Redmond
June 1, 2013
“His heart is hard as a stone,
hard as the lower millstone.” – Job 41:24
What kind of hard heart are we witnessing in the SGM abuse scandal?
What kind of hard heart sides easily with a wealthy pastor against those who suffered at the hands of sexual abusers under his watch and then does so in the name of the One Who had no place to lay his head?
What kind of hard heart winks at a pastor who demanded an accountability of pastors and then ran from it to a church outside of his network of churches?
What kind of hard heart says we must not believe the accuser against the sexual abuser till all the evidence is put forward?
What kind of hard heart publicly says a pastor has not even been accused of wrongdoing when the truth is the very opposite for all those who are curious enough to see?
What kind of hard heart wants the statute of limitations to be in effect and not hear the evidence from 11 plaintiffs presented?
What kind of hard heart needs it to happen to them or their own children before they speak out?
What kind of hard heart says, “we will not go to the civil authorities for the sake of the abused” and then is relieved when the civil authorities dismiss a case in favor of the alleged abuser?
What kind of hard heart goes and preaches in the pulpit of the accused and seeks no audience with the accusers?
What kind of hard heart refuses to listen and then says those who would cry out for justice and help are divisive and gossips?
What kind of hard heart could read the Second Amended Complaint and not think the leader of such an organization should step out of the limelight?
What kind of heart is so hardened it would publicly insult the blogs that have given a voice to the sexually abused while publicly embracing one who is accused of conspiring to cover up and silence the abused?
What kind of hard heart are we witnessing?
At this point, I personally followed up with Bullmore. See Mike Bullmore Strains Out Gnats While Swallowing Camels (Matt. 23:24). Fellow-Elder Says the Aroma of Hell Is on My Work.