More Thoughts on the Ever So Serious & Widening Mike Bickle Scandal

This is a quick post comprised of tweets I sent out today. I copied I’d also encourage people to read the following article and statements for the latest.
Mike Bickle Refused to Meet with Francis Chan to Discuss Allegations of Sexual Abuse | The Roys Report (
Julie Roys
December 18, 2023
Sam Storms: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma > A Response to the Allegations against Mike Bickle from two former Colleagues
Sam Storms with Michael Sullivant
December 18, 2023
Statement from Victim Representatives - Bozlawpa
Boz Tchividjian & Caleb J. Aponte
December 18, 2023
You can also read my recent article.
Mike Bickle’s Manipulative Confession of “Inappropriate Behavior” (i.e., Sexual Immorality) Is Nothing but a Spiritual Con Job!
Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 6:23PM
I’ve not added commentary to the tweets below for the sake of time. I want to get this posted today. This much is obvious however, there is so much more to this scandal than Mike Bickle being at fault for “inappropriate behavior” over two decades ago.
I copied Joel Richardson, Francis Chan, Sam Storms, Julie Roys, IHOPKC, and Mike Bickle.
Brent Detwiler
And he made up a fake vision & told Jane Doe his wife will die so he can marry her. She believed him. That was a set up for sex. He also told her to make up a prophecy all was well if things got out. Third he made up a revelation he would be betrayed knowing truth would come out.
Joel Richardson
@Joel7Richardson · 6h
We've all heard Jane Doe's testimony. We've all read Mike's confession. An internationally revered minister in his 40s took a 19 year old girl to Paris, gave her alcohol, kissed her, and entered into a years long sexualized relationship. You: "If there are victims..." Stop it!!…
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11:25 AM · Dec 19, 2023
Brent Detwiler
Mike Bickle should be investigated & charged with crimes for using ministry funds to hire, lure, & seduce women with gifts, meals, trips, apartments, & stays in hotels where he'd have sex w/ them.
@Joel7Richardson @crazylove @Samuel_Storms @reachjulieroys @ihopkc @mikebickle
12:13 PM · Dec 19, 2023
Brent Detwiler
When you go to IHOPKC website a pitch for $ comes up first. Bad sign. Bickle should be investigated for private inurement (the use of church funds for personal benefit & pleasure) & excessive income.
@Joel7Richardson @crazylove @Samuel_Storms @reachjulieroys @ihopkc @mikebickle
12:24 PM · Dec 19, 2023
Brent Detwiler
After pitch for $ this comes up on IHOPKC website. It's a boasting of greatness like Mike is fond to do. No wonder God is humbling. "Far be it that I should ever boast except in the cross" (Gal 6:14).
@Joel7Richardson @crazylove @Samuel_Storms @reachjulieroys @ihopkc @mikebickle
12:33 PM · Dec 19, 2023
Brent Detwiler
Did Bickle use church $? If so, he broke law. "Bickle soon told her the apartment was no longer a good place for her & rented a different apartment for her, five miles away, she said." (TRR, Nov 30) @Joel7Richardson @crazylove @Samuel_Storms @reachjulieroys @ihopkc @mikebickle
1:44 PM · Dec 19, 2023
Brent Detwiler
Another example of Bickle's deceit. "He told her that someday they’d have their own house, 'but that it needs to be conservative in the front and could be bigger on the back,' she said." (TRR, Nov 30).
@Joel7Richardson @crazylove @Samuel_Storms @reachjulieroys @ihopkc @mikebickle
1:48 PM · Dec 19, 2023
Brent Detwiler
Mike Bickle is guilty of many things. That includes misuse of church funds. People should demand a forensic audit be done that includes his total income & benefits. His deceit is not confined to sex.
@Joel7Richardson @crazylove @Samuel_Storms @reachjulieroys @ihopkc @mikebickle
1:57 PM · Dec 19, 2023
Brent Detwiler
Bickle wrote a book titled "Passion for Jesus" but his passion is for himself. He has been confronted by many friends & yet refuses to repent. @7MountainsInc is another example. By now, Mike should have articulated all his sins & asked forgiveness. Instead he rebels against God.
6:31 PM · Dec 21, 2023
Brent Detwiler
Mike Bickle's sin: disobeys God, hypocrisy, phony confession, asks no forgiveness, hid from wife & kids, no accountability, deceived friends, involved multiple women over many yrs, illegal use of IHOP monies, use of false vision, prophecy & revelation to seduce, coerce & deceive.
7:06 PM · Dec 21, 2023
"Since taking over the management of the crisis the executive committee has received new information to now confirm a level of inappropriate behavior [immorality & more] on the part of Mike Bickle that requires IHOPKC to immediately, formally, and permanently separate from him."
Eric Volz
@EricVolz· 23h
Leadership Transition and Community Update at @ihopkc
10:05 PM · Dec 22, 2023
Brent Detwiler
It appears corruption/immorality is pervasive among ldrs. “IHOPKC has engaged in inappropriate behavior from the beginning... They tried to amputate the leg [Bickle] to save the body [IHOP], but we know it’s more than just a leg; it’s the whole body.” Read
10:12 AM · Dec 23, 2023