Multiple Trials of Nathaniel Morales Set to Begin Next Week

Multiple criminal trials of Nathaniel “Nate” Morales will begin on Monday, May 12 and conclude on Friday, May 16 at the Montgomery County Circuit Court in Rockville, Maryland.
After a three year investigation, Morales was arrested on October 15, 2012 on multiple counts of child sex abuse committed against boys at Covenant Life Church when C.J. Mahaney was the senior pastor. C.J. had a full and complete knowledge of these crimes but did not report them to law enforcement or instruct his staff to report them. Instead, Morales was sent to Teen Challenge in 1991 for the rehabilitation of alcohol abuse. The organization was never told about his history of sexual abuse going back to 1979.
After Morales finished the yearlong program at Teen Challenge, he continued to abuse boys. That continued up until his arrest. For over 30 years, Morales preyed upon minors. He was never stopped because C.J., Grant Layman, and other pastors at Covenant Life Church never reported him, warned youth in harm’s way, or followed up on him. As a result, Morales went into the ministry, started churches, and became a bishop. He used these venues to exploit children.
Sovereign Grace Ministries has denied all allegations that C.J. and other SGM leaders failed to report sex crimes or sought to cover them up out of concern for fear of lawsuits, reputational harm, financial repercussions, or decline in membership. I doubt any leader from SGM will at the trials next week to hear the evidence. I don’t expect to see Mark Prater, the Executive Director for SGM, in attendance.
Powerful evangelical leaders like Don Carson, Kevin DeYoung, Justin Taylor from The Gospel Coalition and Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever from Together for the Gospel, have also fully exonerated C.J. of any and all wronging. The same is true of Wayne Grudem, John Piper and others. I recently asked to meet with these men or talk to these men individually in order to lay out the evidence against C.J. None of them were willing. It breaks my heart that these godly men have acted with such partiality and favoritism. I have little hope any of them will be in attendance either.
There is so much more to say but I will wait until after the trials. Here’s what I’ve said in the past which makes for a good refresher course. These posts will help you understand the history, the issues, and all that is at stake next week.
Grant Layman & the Conspiracy Surrounding Nathaniel Morales
Friday, July 26, 2013 at 5:10 PM
10 Fast Facts Regarding Grant Layman & the Nate Morales Sex Abuse Trial
Wednesday, March 5, 2014 at 2:38 PM
The Photo Promotion of C.J. Mahaney at Together for the Gospel
Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 303 PM
Judge Rules Nate Morales Is Fit to Take the Stand
Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 1:46 PM
Commentary on Letter from the Covenant Life Pastors Regarding Lawsuit & Morales Trial
Friday, April 25, 2014 at 2:40 PM
I’ll be attending the proceedings next week even though I can’t afford it. Would you consider a gift?
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