My Story - Updated

I have updated My Story with the advent of a new year. I do so as I finish up my last dose of Paxlovid for COVID-19. The afflictions of the body can be severe. So too the afflictions of the soul we suffer in this life. I think of those who have lost loved ones to the virus.
I also think of those who have been the victims of sexual abuse. Especially those who were not believed or were silenced by pastors who protected their predators. It is doubly heinous when this occurs in the church. Such is the case with Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc.
Over the past ten years, the denomination has continued to put forth deceptive talking points and blanket denials. The greatest being that made by C.J. Mahaney.
“Let me be clear about this: I have never conspired to protect a child predator, and I also deny all the claims made against me in the civil suit.” (May 22, 2014)
That lie has been repeatedly and roundly exposed but that doesn’t mean the truth has reached everyone. In this update, I’ve sought to provide the clearest and most concise summary possible.
Sovereign Grace Churches is playing the long game. They hope old people forget. They hope new people are indifferent. But the Lord Almighty is not fooled. He has kept a record for himself and he rules in righteousness.
I was one of the four men that began Sovereign Grace Ministries (now Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc.) in 1982. I served on its Board of Directors for next 25 years. I left SGM as a matter of conscience in 2009 having spent ten years trying to bring about internal reform of an ethical nature. Soon after my departure, I began to write a set of documents for C.J. Mahaney that I hoped would bring about godly change. That effort failed.
As a result, it was necessary to send those documents to the SGM pastors in July 2011. Though never my goal, the hard evidence contained in those documents contributed to the departure of approximately 40 churches, 100 pastors, and 12,000 people in SGM churches over the next three years. Despite this reality, the leadership of SGM never acknowledged any of the sinful wrongdoing brought to its attention by me or this vast array of pastors and former members.
In October 2012, a civil lawsuit was brought against SGM and other parties alleging a conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children. It was expanded in January 2013 and again in May 2013. Unfortunately, the lawsuit was dismissed by a Maryland judge on technicalities but not on its merits. As a result, the allegations of fact in the lawsuit were never argued in a civil court.
Though the civil lawsuit failed, criminal cases did not. Five of the abusers in the lawsuit are convicted felons. Many other criminal acts occurred that are not included in the lawsuit. Several were tried and resulted in multiple convictions. In two cases brought to my attention, I instructed the senior pastor to exercise church discipline and report the sex crimes to law enforcement. Both cases resulted in long sentences.
In addition, a score of victims did not prosecute their abusers due to shame or the trauma involved or because there was insufficient evidence to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury of 12 peers.
Major leaders throughout the Body of Christ have asked Sovereign Grace Churches to do an independent investigation but C.J. Mahaney and the Leadership Team have adamantly refused. As a result, relationships have been severed and four prominent SG churches published letters in 2019 reproving the Leadership Team for their refusal and arrogance.
In 2019-2020, 11 more churches left SGC as a result and started a new denomination. Today, scores of major leaders who once supported C.J. have pulled away from him. There is little support for Sovereign Grace Churches around the nation. This article is my most helpful and interesting overview in that regard. Together for the Gospel No More – A Photo History With Commentary
I was a church planter, pastor, and teacher for 30 years. I gave up those wonderful callings in 2009 in order to address the growing corruption in Sovereign Grace Ministries and elsewhere in the Body of Christ that has harmed the gospel and injured many souls.
I am a conservative evangelical. I want to see the Church prosper but that cannot happen unless her leaders are above reproach and held to that standard. It is not enough to teach sound doctrine. It must be backed up by sound living.
Therefore, I continue to hold Sovereign Grace Churches accountable, write about lessons to be learned, work for criminal justice, seek reform in the Body of Christ, inform the national press of newsworthy stories, and care for those who have been harmed including victims of child abuse and rape.
Lord willing, I will write a book in my lifetime titled No Time for Silence. It will be a condensed version of the story I have told since 2011 in thousands of pages. As stated in my tagline, I’ve been helping Christians to judge righteously, think biblically, and live courageously.
In July 2021, I wrote a commemorative article that gives a short summary of my labors. They have not been easy as the title indicates. Yet the Lord God has been good to keep me by his grace.
Marking the 10th Anniversary of Sending Out The Documents – Struck Down (But) Still Not Destroyed
Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 1:57PM
In October 2021, I returned to preaching, teaching, and leadership training. In my remaining years, I want to do all I can to advance the good news of Jesus Christ. That begins with a right understanding of the gospel. So many in our day preach a false gospel or confused gospel. Let me illustrate. I've asked hundreds, if not thousands of professed Christians, "What is the gospel?" Inevitably, they cannot tell me.
In this message, GETTING THE GOSPEL RIGHT - YouTube, I explain what it is and what it isn't. It will help you understand the greatest and most important news in all the world! You can also read my testimony at God Almighty, Billy Graham & My Conversion to Christ - - (
I recently set up a YouTube channel at Brent Detwiler - YouTube. You can subscribe there. It currently lists four messages that build upon each other. I hope they will be a blessing to you.
Getting the Gospel Right
John 3:16-21
The Great Exchange
2 Corinthians 5:11-21
God, Be Merciful to Me, the Sinner!
Luke 18:9-14
The Propitiation of God & the Justification of Sinners
Romans 3:21-26
If you care to help me in my advocacy and teaching of God's Word, you can give at PayPal.Me/BrentDetwiler. Thank you.
Summary of Qualifications
~ Expertise as pastoral theologian – formally taught the Bible and Christian doctrine over three decades.
~ Strong organizational skills – effective planner, administrator, and manager.
~ Excellent communication skills – proven writer, teacher, and preacher.
~ Commendable character – reliable, honest, and trustworthy leader.
~ Good interpersonal skills – caring, concerned, and compassionate pastor and advocate.
Professional Experience
Evident Life Church / Gilbert, AZ
Bible Teacher - October 2021-November 2022
~ Taught 53 week course on "Christian Doctrine - A Systematic Study of What We Believe."
Survivors of Abuse / Gilbert, AZ
Advocate & Blogger/ October 2013-Present
~ Provide care, counsel, and encouragement to victims and their families.
~ Work with law enforcement in making cases against perpetrators.
~ Work with national press and media on newsworthy stories about abuse.
~ Blog at in effort to educate the Church and expose abusers and those who cover up their abuse.
Aletheia Ministries / Gilbert, AZ
President / October 2010-Present
~Church consultant, speaker, and writer.
Grace Community Church / Mooresville, NC
Senior Pastor / March 2008-July 2009
~Founded and led new church plant.
CrossWay Community Church / Charlotte, NC
Founder – Senior Pastor / June 1991-January 2002
~ Led church and staff from 1991-2002.
~ Grew to 600 average attendance.
~ Led process in acquisition of 21.4 acres of prime property at 6400 Prosperity Church Road in Charlotte, NC in 1997. Directed fundraising, programming, design, and building of 33,000 square foot, 3.85-million-dollar facility completed in 2002.
Sovereign Grace Ministries / Gaithersburg, MD
Board of Director / August 1982-November 2007
~ Helped start this family of churches and served on its Board of Directors for 25 years.
~ Grew the ministry from several hundred people in two churches to 30,000 people in 64 US churches and 24 nations with an 8.0 million budget.
~ Oversaw 23 of the churches and their pastors as Regional Director for the southeast.
~ Directed international ventures and outreach in Asia and the Caribbean.
~ Managed the extensive Master Calendar of Events for the entire organization.
~ Planned and help lead approximately 100 large conferences often with 1,000 to 2,000 people in attendance.
~ Writer and Associate Editor for Sovereign Grace Magazine.
~ Founded the Pastors College for training new and existing pastors.
~ Taught Systematic Theology and other courses in the Pastors College for two decades.
Lord of Life Church / Indiana PA
Founding Pastor / March 1980-July 1982
~ Led and established this new church as its first pastor.
~ Grew to 200 average attendance.
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship / Indiana, PA
Campus Minister at Indiana University of Pennsylvania / June 1979- August 1980
~ Began, led, and established this campus ministry.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania / Indiana, PA / December 1976
Bachelor of Arts in Biology
Anaheim Christian Theological Seminary / Anaheim, CA / June 1979
Master of Divinity
Classes & Certifications
~ Computer Empowerment Course, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College – December 2010
~ Computer Applications Course, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College – December 2010