No One Does More Dirty Work for John MacArthur Than Bill Shannon Except Phil Johnson – Check Out My Correspondence with Him

Bill Shannon is a bully just like Phil Johnson. As Julie Roys recently pointed out he was "cleared by arrest...meaning he was ordered to appear at a city hearing, but not charged" for not reporting the horrific abuse of David Gray to law enforcement. Other victims like Karen Cardwell and “Jane” have also named him in the horrific handling of their rape cases.
Here is what I tweeted out yesterday about Karen.
Brent Detwiler
Replying to @karen__cardwell
I’ve interacted with Karen over the years regarding her story. It is entirely true. This is another account that reveals the base corruption & insidious abuse of John MacArthur & the men that surround him. They only care about their legacy. They will do anything to protect it.
7:58 PM · Mar 10, 2022
“Jane” became a friend. I wrote about her story in June 2019.
The Account of John MacArthur & Rick Holland’s Horrific Handling of “Jane’s” Rape in Conjunction with Officials from The Master’s University
Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 8:02PM
Bill Shannon is part of John MacArthur’s inner circle. He is on the powerful 12 man leadership team at Grace Community Church and oversees the biblical counseling ministry. He is a disgrace to genuine biblical counseling.
“Bill has served on staff since 1989, and he is the co-pastor of Anchored, a Sunday morning adult fellowship group. Bill oversees and is actively involved in the biblical counseling ministry—he teaches discipleship counseling and marriage and family classes through Logos Equipping Ministries and provides formal and informal counseling for church members and regular attenders of Grace Church.”
He is one of the national leaders on my extensive list to whom I sent the following email in September 2019 after Together for the Gospel severed ties with C.J. Mahaney, Bob Kauflin, and John MacArthur.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2019 2:41 PM
To: National Leaders
Subject: Together for the Gospel Severs All Ties With C.J. Mahaney, Bob Kauflin & Sovereign Grace Churches & Also With John MacArthur
Here are a few excerpts from my article. Click on the link to read it in entirety.
Together for the Gospel Severs All Ties With C.J. Mahaney, Bob Kauflin & Sovereign Grace Churches & Also With John MacArthur
Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 10:15AM
C.J. Mahaney, Bob Kauflin and Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. used to be the centerpiece of Together for the Gospel. Mahaney was a featured speaker and panelist. A fan favorite. He provided all the attention-getting humor and entertainment. He was the charismatic Calvinist. Kauflin led worship at each conference since it began in 2006. He also produced albums of the singing.
Mark Prater, Ian McConnell, and Jeff Purswell from the SGC Leadership Team did break out sessions promoting church planting and the Pastors College. Prater is the Executive Director (i.e. President). He is demonstratively corrupt. He even arranged an illegal hush fund be set up to keep a victim & his family from joining the lawsuit against C.J. and SGC [Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc.].
All these men are all gone from T4G! Thank God! There has never been a more corrupt organization than SGC in evangelicalism. I hope this sends a message to everyone in the Body of Christ. Not even Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, or Al Mohler want a trace of participation from them. No one from SGC is even doing a breakout session! …
The issues with John MacArthur, Phil Johnson and the elders at Grace Community Church are ever so serious! If you doubt me read the articles in this post. You will be stunned!
I am glad Dever, Duncan and Mohler have broken fellowship with MacArthur. I am glad he is not participating in T4G 2020 and they are not participating in the Shepherds’ Conference 2020. But that is not enough. They must work to see him repent or be removed from ministry. So must others.
He responded in a predictably arrogant fashion.
From: Bill Shannon
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2019 4:03 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: RE: Together for the Gospel Severs All Ties With C.J. Mahaney, Bob Kauflin & Sovereign Grace Churches & Also With John MacArthur
Please do not send any more junk.
MacArthur and his surrogates never address the evidence. They mock and ridicule and often attack. They also excel at putting out disinformation. I pressed him.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, September 6, 2019 9:00 AM
To: Bill Shannon
Subject: RE: Together for the Gospel Severs All Ties With C.J. Mahaney, Bob Kauflin & Sovereign Grace Churches & Also With John MacArthur
The “junk” is fact. The evidence is overwhelming. The problem is your deceit and arrogance. Each day God’s opposition increases against you. You are a fool for being so unteachable. You should know better as “biblical” counselor but that is the problem. The hypocrisy at GCC [Grace Community Church] is so great it brings the woes of Christ upon you. Be a man of integrity and stand up to all the iniquity around you.
In predictable fashion he doesn’t address the facts. He just declares they are “not facts.” He also accuses me of being mean-spirited. What I wrote was the simple truth. God’s opposition has increased and so have the judgements of Christ. These men do not fear God.
From: Bill Shannon
Sent: Friday, September 6, 2019 10:15 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: RE: Together for the Gospel Severs All Ties With C.J. Mahaney, Bob Kauflin & Sovereign Grace Churches & Also With John MacArthur
I live here and your facts are not facts. Your mean spirit is classic.
Shannon is not going to address the evidence. He just tells me to bug off. His cowardice and corruption is classic MacArthurism.
In response, I cite other examples of MacArthur’s extraordinary deceit including his claim he went to Memphis, Tennessee with civil rights leaders Charles Evers and John Perkins the night Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated and stook on his blood.
I also address his bogus claims to have been recruited to play in the National Football League and was a Collegiate All-American football player. There is no evidence for any of the above. As a matter of fact the evidence exposes his legendary claims of greatness as nothing but lies. Go to my website and search MacArthur and Johnson. These men are serial liars.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, September 6, 2019 10:30 AM
To: Bill Shannon
Subject: RE: Together for the Gospel Severs All Ties With C.J. Mahaney, Bob Kauflin & Sovereign Grace Churches & Also With John MacArthur
They are facts. And for “mean spirit is classic” you employ Phil Johnson. He is a tyrant when called upon to do the dirty work and everyone knows it. You are full of hubris. Stop the deceit. MacArthur never went to Memphis with [Charles] Evers or [John] Perkins. Both are on the record.
And how about posting the [supposed] letters from the [Cleveland] Browns and [Washington] Redskins. That is easy to do. And also cite evidence of MacArthur being a collegiate All American. Of course, you can’t do so because it does not exist! “I live here & your facts are not facts” is just part of the con. There is no end to your lying. Throckmorton just posted about Perkins’ 1976 autobiography. Not even a passing referencing about any trip to Memphis, or standing on MLK’s blood, or being in boarding room with toilet. You men are deceivers.
Bill Shannon knows all I am saying is true. He knows the wretched truth about John MacArthur and Phil Johnson. Therefore, he doesn’t respond. That is typical. First mock and ridicule. Then intimidate and refuse to address the evidence. Finally go hide under a rock.
Here are a few articles that back up my assertions.
The Fifteen Audacious Lies Told by John MacArthur to Create His Legendary Tale About the Events of April 4, 1968 When Martin Luther King Jr. Was Assassinated
Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 2:11PM
Who Will Stand Up to Phil Johnson for His Vicious Verbal Attacks Upon Journalist Julie Roys? Certainly Not John MacArthur!
Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 6:47PM
Will Anyone Call John MacArthur to Account for His Deceit, Hypocrisy, Fake Legacy Building, & Abusive Leadership?
Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 7:15PM
Bill Shannon is one of the men who does John MacArthur’s dirty work. He too needs to be exposed. No one submitted to the word of God could possibly work for John MacArthur. Oh, they teach the Bible but they do not obey the Bible!