No One Vouched for C.J. Mahaney More Foolishly Than Mark Dever – Will He Ever Ask Forgiveness for the Destruction He Has Caused

Below is an excerpt from an important email I sent Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, and Al Mohler in April 2019. It can be read here in entirety. Mark Dever is the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC) and president of 9Marks in Washington D.C. He is one of the most influential evangelical leaders in America.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 12:00 PM
To: Mark Dever; Ligon Duncan; Albert Mohler
Subject: An Appeal to Reprove John MacArthur & Call for His Removal from Ministry in Keeping with Scripture
Importance: High
Dear Mark, Ligon and Al,
With regard to C.J. Mahaney, you men did great harm to the Body of Christ (and no little harm to me) by refusing to study the evidence I sent you beginning with The Documents [Parts 1-4] in July 2011. Ligon, you referred to those justly and kindly written documents as “the assaults of wounded people” and “spurious accusations.” Al, you said there was “nothing” in them that would give you “the slightest pause of confidence” in C.J. and that I had “an obvious vendetta” against him. Yet, neither of you had read The Documents before commenting. Instead, you joined with Sovereign Grace Ministries in a coordinated campaign to discredit me and my writings.
In like manner, you blindly justified C.J. in your May 23, 2013 statement on the T4G website without having read the Second Amended Complaint alleging a conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children in Sovereign Grace Ministries. Here is an excerpt from your statement of support.
“If a Christian leader is accused of any wrongdoing, those to whom he is accountable must investigate the charges and then deal responsibly with the evidence. If a criminal accusation is made, Christians have a fundamental duty to inform law enforcement officials. This does not, however, preclude or mitigate the church’s responsibility for biblical church discipline.
“A Christian leader, charged with any credible, serious, and direct wrongdoing, would usually be well advised to step down from public ministry. No such accusation of direct wrongdoing was ever made against C. J. Mahaney. Instead, he was charged with founding a ministry and for teaching doctrines and principles that are held to be true by vast millions of American evangelicals. For this reason, we, along with many others, refused to step away from C. J. in any way. We do not regret that decision. We are profoundly thankful for C. J. as friend, and we are equally thankful for the vast influence for good he has been among so many Gospel-minded people.”
You were later forced to edit the statement for your egregious error emphatically claiming there were no accusations of direct wrongdoing against C.J. in the lawsuit. You never told the public you did not read the Second Amended Complaint or inform the public you had to edit the statement when corrected.
These were grievous sins. In both cases, you acted with great partiality and favoritism. One day, I hope you confess these sins to the Body of Christ in humility and with integrity.
And finally, a word to you Mark. In July 2011, you welcomed C.J. at Capitol Hill Baptist Church when he angrily and abruptly fled Covenant Life Church. This was contrary to all your teaching on the role of elders and the necessity of discipline in a local church.
C.J. never even talked to the CLC elders (i.e., his pastors and friends) about his decision to unilaterally leave. It came as a complete shock to them. You should have required C.J. return to CLC. Instead, you sinfully undermined their authority and catered to his sinful whims. They wanted C.J. to remain at CLC.
I was working with the elders at the time (e.g. Joshua Harris) and they were finally addressing the long terms patterns of sin in C.J.’s life including his pride, anger, deceit, hypocrisy, and independence. He became offended at Josh and the other men when he felt slandered. He used it as an excuse to run from their discipline. This was in opposition to all he had taught for 32 years. The 4,000 members at Covenant Life Church were profoundly stumbled by his hypocrisy. He never returned to ask their forgiveness.
At the same time, you were rolling out the red carpet and commending C.J. to CHBC as a man of God. This too, was a great offense to the members of CLC. You should return to ask their forgiveness. Your accommodation of C.J. all these years has done extraordinary harm to him, CLC, victims of sexual abuse and their families, and the thousands of people who left SGM over the double standard applied to C.J.
One more thing. For the past six years, I have repeatedly asked to talk with you or meet with you men for two reasons. One, you sinned against me (Matt. 18:15). Two, I wanted to help you (Prov. 18:17). And yet, you were not willing (Matt. 5:23-24). Instead you believed the lies and slanders put forth by C.J. As a result, you were deceived by him. By the way, I’d still like to talk or meet with you.
Unquestionably, Mark Dever has done great evil in the sight of God. How? He has justified the wicked and condemned the righteous.
Proverbs 17:15 (ESV) He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the LORD.
One cannot overstate the destruction Dever has wrought. He, more than any other national leader, has been an apologist for evil in his unceasing defense of Mahaney. Let me illustrate.
When Mahaney fled to Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC) this is the welcome he received from Dever. It was posted on the SGMSurvivors blog. C.J. had just offended thousands of members at Covenant Life Church (CLC) and was in the process of dividing Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM).
CHBC Member
September 19th, 2011 at 9:06 am
I’m a member of CHBC and am fascinated by all this discussion ever since our pastor, Mark Dever, became so involved. I’m not interested in speculation about why Dever seems to be standing so strongly behind CJ, but I can report what is going on at CHBC. Dever announced yesterday that CJ will be preaching the morning sermon this coming Sunday. Also, he has twice defended CJ publicly during member meetings, voicing his opposition to Josh Harris’s decision to ask CJ to step down and telling the congregation that we shouldn’t read Brent’s expose because it is not “edifying.” He told us we needed to receive CJ and Carolyn with open arms and be continuously in prayer for them as they undergo what he sees as completely false accusations. When asked if this incident would have any impact on CJ’s involvement with T4G next year, he said “absolutely not.”
This account is accurate. Dever condemned Josh and me, and in an act of lording, told people not to read the “expose” (i.e., The Documents). He had C.J. preach on September 25, 2011. He made absolutely certain C.J. was a full participant at T4G (Together for the Gospel) in 2012.
A few months later, I received this email from Robert “Bo” Lotinksy. Bo was a friend, chairman of the board for Covenant Life Church, and a former executive director of Sovereign Grace Ministries (1990-2003). He knew all the players including Dever.
From: Robert Lotinsky
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 8:05 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Open Letter from Tomczak’s
One more thing. I meant to bring up in my last email.
Last week a former CHBC elder stopped me and said, “Hey, I heard the good news that CJ was exonerated from all charges.” I asked him what those charges were, he paused then laughed. Here lies the problem. Most people do not and will not take the time to fully examine everything. They take in sound bites.
Most people only digest so much at a time. The [SGM] board declares him fit to return. CJ writes his return speech. His daughters claim he is exonerated from all charges. These are the sound bites you are up against. When the board declares CJ fit to return to them Presidency [return to them as president] without any confession, without any recourse for bad behavior - wow. These are the sound bites that resonate.
Bo Lotinsky
I sent The Documents to the SGM pastors in July 2011. They were posted on the internet and went viral. These 600 pages of evidence laid out innumerable charges against C.J. As a result, C.J. took of leave of absence and stepped down as President of SGM. Six months later, the puppet board led by Dave Harvey reinstated him. As Bo points out, the former elder from CHBC never read the charges. He just believed the sound bites put out by SGM (and Dever).
In the first document, Response Regarding Friendship and Doctrine, I made this final point to C.J. in the introduction.
“Lastly and most importantly, I write because of my deep love for you and for Sovereign Grace Ministries. My greatest concern is for the increasing presence of deceit and hypocrisy rooted in self-preservation and the love of reputation.” (p. 3)
Together for the Gospel 2012
L-R Front Row: David Platt, John Piper, Ligon Duncan, C.J. Mahaney, Al Mohler. L-R Back Row: Thabiti Anyabwile, Mark Dever, Kevin DeYoung, Matt Chandler. (John MacArthur missing) – Together for the Gospel 2012
I proceeded to document “my greatest concern” in 600 pages of evidence. None of it matter to Mark Dever or any of the men above. He didn’t care about the evidence and he didn’t care about the havoc C.J. was wreaking. You can read more here.
In the same way, Dever did not read the thousands of pages of evidence I sent him documenting the conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children. Here’s the proof.
In March 2016, Rachael Denhollander first contacted investigative blogger Todd Wilhelm at Thou Art The Man to ask for help in gathering evidence against Sovereign Grace Ministries. Todd has done some extraordinary reporting over the years. She asked, “Is there anything documented that you would be able to send copies of, to substantiate the claims of the victims?”
He in turn directed her to me. I provided her extensive evidence and introduced her to key contacts including victims. Two years later, she spoke out about Mahaney and “the Sovereign Grace Ministries scandal” in an article with Christianity Today.
My purpose in writing this article now is to document the backstory regarding Mark Dever’s adamant refusal to study the evidence and his foolish determination to defend Mahaney’s innocence. Every step of the way he believed Mahaney’s insidious talking points and those of surrogates like Jared Mellinger.
Let me illustrate with Mellinger. He is the senior pastor of Covenant Fellowship Church outside of Philadelphia. I sent out The Documents in July 2011. In November 2011 (4 months later), Mellinger told the church in a sermon they were more dangerous than pornography. Here’s an excerpt. You can read more here.
“Words can do incredible damage. A question for the discerning. Which would be more dangerous for a Christian to be exposed to? A website devoted to sexually immoral images or a website devoted to sowing suspicion against leaders and tearing people down. Friends there is more than one way to ruin your soul. Avoid ungodly speech. Avoid speaking of it. Avoid listening to it. For the sake of the holiness of the church.”
Mellinger is the kind of Sovereign Grace leader Dever esteemed and looked to for counsel. Below is a photo of Mellinger with the bald head, glasses, and beard sitting across from Dever. He is Mark’s special guest “for ap grid lunch” along with Anthony Moore (front left). Moore turned out to be a predatory voyeur of men.
This lunch meeting was for the intended application of God’s Word. Dever tweeted it out. He was proud of his association with Mellinger. The truth be told, Mellinger specializes in lying and deceit. That includes the cover up of sexual abuse. Read here and here. See also this article on Marty Machowski but I digress. The point? Dever has walked in the counsel of the wicked (Ps. 1:1) for a long time with regard to Sovereign Grace Ministries, newly named Sovereign Grace Churches (SGC) in December 2015.
Dever also radicalized a host of national leaders like Ryan Fullerton and got them to believe in Mahaney’s innocence and then blindly defend him. Dever has been Mahaney’s point man. Everyone has fallen in line behind him.
Okay, here is the story. It starts with Rachael Denhollander contacting Todd Wilhelm. I’ve added NOTES in brackets [ ]. Some emails are excerpted in pertinent part for brevity.
From: Rachael Denhollander
Subject: SGM Lawsuit
Date: March 12, 2016 at 10:15:00 PM GMT+4
To: Todd Wilhelm
I am a congregant at a prominent church here in Louisville, KY. My church is actively participating in the rehabilitation of CJ Mahaney, Riccuci and the men Mahaney brought with him to begin this church. Mahaney contacted our church when he moved here, for the purpose of having assistance with rehabilitation. I am also an attorney, but not currently practicing as we have three young children.
[NOTE: C.J. Mahaney contacted Ryan Fullerton who is the lead pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church (IBC) in 2012. Fullerton had him preach at the church for the first time on October 1, 2013. Mahaney brought Gary Ricucci (brother-in-law), Brian Chesemore (son-in-law), Mike Bradshaw (son-in-law), Bob Kauflin, and Jeff Purswell to Louisville. Ricucci is accused of sex crimes and covering up crimes. “Rehabilitation” means restoring Mahaney’s ruined reputation and ministry.
See C.J.'s Sons-in Law Resign as Pastors at Covenant Life Church and Gary Ricucci & the Conspiracy Surrounding Convicted Felon, David Adams.]
My husband and I are devastated at our church’s support for Mahaney. We have met with our elder board and believe they are sincere men seeking to do what is right, but they have taken Mahaney’s private statements of repentance and Mark Dever’s assurances that Mahaney is humble and repentant, as truth, and have chosen to actively support Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville.
[NOTE: Mahaney made “private statements of repentance” to Mark Dever and Ben Hedrick, one of the elders. He preached four times at IBC from October 1, 2013 to May 29, 2016. These statements were bogus and manipulative. Here’s why.
During this time frame, C.J. and Sovereign Grace Ministries were denying all wrongdoing and condemning numerous victims in the lawsuit for making up their abuse and alleging a conspiracy.
In reality, Mahaney
1. Did not report abusers or alleged abusers to law enforcement.
2. Sought to stop families from reporting abuse to law enforcement.
3. Did not let churches or families at risk know of predators in their midst.
4. Let abusers leave churches for other churches or ministries without informing them.
5. Moved predators to other churches without telling the leaders.
6. Moved predators to other churches without telling the members.
7. Let predators start churches where they continued to abuse and assault.
This is all documented. As a result, children and young adults were constantly put at risk. Far worse, some were abused. Mahaney should be in jail.
Dever’s assertion that C.J. was “humble and repentant” is baseless. There is no record of C.J. ever humbling himself or turning from sin.]
Our elder board is closely tied in with Mark Dever and many of the professors at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, (where my husband is also a student) and we know several professors here very well. We want to do everything in our power to urge these men to step away from Mahaney, Riccuci and SGM – is there anything documented that you would be able to send copies of, to substantiate the claims of the victims?
I am an abuse survivor myself and I am heartbroken over our church’s support.
[NOTE: Rachael had not yet disclosed to the public her abuse at the hands of Larry Nassar. That came six months later. See Former USA Gymnastics doctor accused of abuse (]
I have read every publicly available document and witness statements, etc., but at the moment the feeling of the elder board is that these are allegations only, with no hard evidence to back anything up. Is there anything at all that could be sent to my husband and I – emails, financial records, anything, that we could bring to our elder board to emphasize the factually sound nature of these allegations?
[NOTE: By this time, I had posted 74 articles on my blog about the sex abuse scandal. She had read all of them. For example, Hush Fund Set Up by Top SGM Leaders to Meet the Demands of a SGM Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused (Mar. 30, 2015). They were full of evidence. She was asking Todd for more.]
As an attorney, I fully realize this is likely not possible, but I am pursuing every avenue available, if there is any help at all you could offer, we want to do everything we can with our church and SBTS to open their eyes to what has happened, the danger of continuing to support these men, and the desperate need for men in Mahaney’s life to confront him and urge repentance and restoration. If there is any help at all that you could offer, I would be most grateful, and do everything within my power to shine a light on this darkness.
[NOTE: SBTS is the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. Al Mohler is the president. For the previous five years, I’d been appealing to leaders throughout Sovereign Grace Ministries and around the nation to confront Mahaney and urge repentance and restoration. Todd Wilhelm had also been writing about Mahaney at Thou Art the Man since May 2012. We were glad for Rachael’s interest though she didn’t speak out until January 2018 (nearly two years later) in a Christianity Today article. See Rachael Denhollander Speaks Out Against C.J. Mahaney in Interview with Christianity Today – Predictably, Sovereign Grace Condemns Her “False Accusations”.]
Rachael Denhollander
From: Todd Wilhelm
Date: March 13, 2016 at 12:44:42 AM EST
To: Rachael Denhollander
Subject: Re: SGM Lawsuit
Hi Rachael,
Thank you for writing to me, I am always encouraged to hear from individuals who pursue the truth. At times it seems like a lonely place! Thanks also for sharing with me that you are an abuse survivor; my heart goes out to you. It is for people like you that I carry on with my blog.
I assume you are attending Clifton Baptist Church, but there is no need to confirm this. Obviously you have read my blog, so I assume you know that I have written about three of CBC’s elders, all SBTS staff, who have preached at Mahaney’s church.
You stated that you have read every publicly available document on the Sovereign Grace scandal; obviously you have come to the conclusion that the charges against Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries are legitimate. It is my belief that if a reasonable individual takes the time to read the documents they will be convinced of the validity of the claims made in the Second Amended Complaint ( I am convinced that the influential leaders backing Mahaney have never read the documents. I know this to be the case with two of the men who have chosen to preach at Mahaney’s church - Mack Stiles and Rick Holland. I spoke with both men, Mack face to face over breakfast and Rick via Skype. They both said they did not have the time to read all the documentation. Rick stated that he had spoken with some men who reassured him that there was nothing to the charges against Mahaney. When I asked him who these men were he told me Bob Kauflin and Jeff Purswell! My point to both men was that they were using their credibility to bolster Mahaney’s sagging credibility, therefore didn’t they owe it to themselves to do a minimal amount of research into the charges against Mahaney? …
[NOTE: Mack Stiles and Todd were part of the same church in Dubai, UAE for years. They were close friends. Stiles is tight with Dever and regularly featured on 9Marks. Rick Holland spoke to Bob Kauflin and Jeff Purswell who were (are) on Mahaney’s staff and at the center of the cover-up. Read here and here. Holland was also complicit with John MacArthur in the horrific handling of a rape victim. You can read about it here. Neither Stiles nor Holland did “a minimal amount of research into the charges against Mahaney.”]
You stated that Mahaney contacted your church when he moved to Louisville for the purpose of having assistance with rehabilitation, and that your church is actively participating in the rehabilitation of Mahaney and Riccuci. This sounds good, but do you have any idea what your church leaders are actually doing to assist in his rehabilitation? I would guess these are empty phrases. Mahaney is a master at dodging any type of personal accountability. He did so time after time while the chairman of SGM. At any rate, I assume your church leaders deem that Mahaney is now fully rehabilitated from the things they don’t believe he was guilty of in the first place, because he is slated to preach at the T4G [2016] conference in a few weeks!
There is a quote that says, “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” I believe this is the case with the Christian “leaders” supporting Mahaney. I do not think there is any evidence I can present that will convince your elders of the foolishness of supporting Mahaney. …
Thanks again for writing me Rachael. I am so thankful that you and your husband have raised your voices to support the victims of abuse. I am sorry I cannot be of more help. I believe our stance has been vindicated by the conviction of Morales and the testimony of Grant Layman in the trial. I pray for further vindication through the successful lawsuit Susan Burke will be bringing in Virginia.
One other option for further information is to write Brent Detwiler. ( He is a man of integrity who is intimately acquainted with all the facts of the case. I am sure he would be happy to help you.
Kind Regards,
Todd Wilhelm
[NOTE: Nathaniel Morales was sentenced to 40 years for the sexual abuse of four boys on August 15, 2014. During two trials, Grant Layman (C.J.’s brother-in-law and staff pastor) testified under oath that pastors at Covenant Life Church conspired not to report his crimes. Read here.]
From: Rachael Denhollander
Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Subject: Re: SGM Lawsuit
To: Todd Wilhelm
We actually are not attending Clifton Baptist, we are attending Immanuel Baptist Church (Ryan Fullerton is the primary teaching elder, Elder Ben Hedrick’s conducted the investigation to determine our support for Mahaney.) I give these names not to denounce, but in case that information is ever valuable to you or brings up any additional caution or information which I should be aware of.
[NOTE: Ben Hedrick was the executive pastor who did the investigation. He resigned 18 months later and went into property management.]
When I say our church is actively participating in Mahaney’s rehabilitation, what I mean is that our church actively participated (and participates) in raising him back up in the eyes of the public and giving the ministry and new church legitimacy. There was absolutely not even any consideration of providing some level of accountability or help, as our elders do not believe any is needed. Mahaney will be preaching (again) at our church in May, and we are deeply distraught.
[NOTE: Absolutely no “accountability or help” was needed. That’s because it was Dever’s role to provide it. Everyone believed whatever he told them. Mahaney launched Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville in September 2012. A year later, he preached at IBC on October 1, 2013. In turn, Fullerton preached at Mahaney’s SGCL on March 16, 2014. He preached there a second time on April 10, 2016.
Thereafter, Mahaney preached “again” at IBC for the fourth time on May 29, 2016. Ryan Fullerton, Ben Hedrick, Jeff King, and the lay elders were “raising him back up in the eyes of the public and giving the ministry and new church legitimacy.” Rachael and Jacob were “deeply distraught.”]
If you have a moment, I would like to explain the situation briefly but a little better, in case you think of anything that would assist. We met recently with Ben Hedrick’s and another elder to discuss, and were very surprised by several things. Most notably, Ben did not deny any of our assertions that the abuse happened, the cover-up happened, OR that Mahaney had to have known about it. In most instances regarding the abuse and handling thereof, he expressly agreed and stated it was a terrible way to handle it.
[NOTE: If Ben “expressly agreed” “in most instances” then he was fundamentally at odds with Mahaney, Dever, and Fullerton. He should not have “rehabilitated” Mahaney. Ben was the executive pastor. He resigned in October 2017, co-founded Launch Property Management, and was replaced by Jeff King. He has never spoken out. He was deceived into believing Mahaney repented.]
Rather, Ben (and consequently our elder board) views the situation as a horrible mistake that Mahaney has fully repented of and is now walking in humility, and will change. He bases this on personal conversations with Mahaney and especially Mark Dever’s assurances that Mahaney is submitting to counsel (but does not know at all what that “counsel” is.) He also relies on the dismissal of the lawsuit as an indication that the issue is dismissed (which is frankly a cop-out, for lack of a better term, as he does fully understand it was a dismal on the statute of limitations only.)
[NOTE: “A horrible mistake.” No, it was the willful and widescale cover up of sexual abuse by Mahaney, his pastoral staff, and his apostolic delegates! “Fully repented.” Of what? He has never acknowledged any wrong doing.
A Statement from C.J. Mahaney
May 22, 2014
Let me be clear about this: I have never conspired to protect a child predator, and I also deny all the claims made against me in the civil suit.
A few months later, Mark Prater, the executive director, on behalf of the denomination’s leadership, officially condemned all 11 plaintiffs for alleging a conspiracy to cover up their abuse. That remains their insolent position.
An Open Letter to Members of Sovereign Grace Churches
October 9, 2014
The specific allegations made against Sovereign Grace in this suit were those of conspiracy claiming that we covered up abuse. Let me be clear that we deny—in the strongest terms possible—that any Sovereign Grace leaders conspired to cover up abuse as alleged in this lawsuit.”
Ben says Mahaney is “now walking in humility, and will change.” Hardly! Two years after Ben’s statement to Rachael, two of his pastors, Bob Kauflin and Jeff Purswell, said of five plaintiffs in the lawsuit that their “allegations of abuse were sensational” and “we strongly believe them to be false” (Feb. 13, 2018).
Two of those plaintiffs/victims (Heather Thompson Bryant, Jessica Roberts Thomas), and a third victim who was not a plaintiff (Suzanne Truesdale), independently testified to crimes allegedly committed against them by Gary Ricucci, who is Kauflin and Purswell’s fellow pastor at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville. The testimony of three witnesses proves guilt in biblical terms. Their accounts were not sensational or false. See factual allegation 90 in the lawsuit.
Later on April 12, 2019, Kauflin and Purswell made this absurd claim along with the Sovereign Grace leadership team: “An independent investigation would ultimately dishonor Christ and harm the cause of the gospel.” That’s walking in humility, Mahaney style! As a result, eleven more churches left the denomination in protest and no one is joining SGC in North America. There has been a net increase of three churches over the past seven years.
Ben’s claim is based “especially [upon] Mark Dever’s assurances that Mahaney is submitting to counsel (but does not know at all what that “counsel” is.)” Of course, that is a reference to Dever’s counsel. It underscores his central role in protecting Mahaney. Dever should have counseled Mahaney to step down while an independent investigation was done but he wasn’t even willing to read the evidence against Mahaney. More later.
As Rachael points out, Ben thinks “the dismissal of the lawsuit” means Covenant Life Church and Sovereign Grace Ministries were innocent. This is the lie Mahaney and Dever were telling everyone including Al Mohler. The dismissal of the lawsuit by Judge Sharon V. Burrell on May 17, 2013 was due to the statute of limitations expiring for the MD plaintiffs and filing the suit in the wrong jurisdiction for the VA plaintiffs.]
That being said, while Ben has read the complaint and acknowledges that many things are proven, he also maintains that we can never “fully” know what happened and they are “allegations only”, and where there was error, it is repented of. (And states we are wrong for our belief that Mahaney’s repentance is not genuine given his public statements and treatment of the victims – we should not want Mahaney to repent “on our terms the way we want”, but accept Ben’s word and Dever’s representation that there is actual repentance.)
[NOTE:. The “complaint” is the Second Amended Complaint (i.e., lawsuit). “Many things are proven.” That’s true. Five of the abusers in the lawsuit are convicted felons. Everything else are “allegations only.” You can read the factual allegations here. “There was error” but not sin and not a criminal conspiracy. Therefore, the Denhollander’s were wrong “given his public statements and treatment of the victims.” What? C.J. made one self-vindicating public statement. SGM/SGC made many on his behalf. He (and his representatives) treatment of victims ranged from non-existent to horrific. Or in some cases, it included emotional manipulation (like setting up a “hush fund”) so victims would remain silent and not join the lawsuit or report crimes to law enforcement. For example, Chip Grange, one of C.J.’s lawyers, told victims to forgive and forget, not report to the authorities and prosecute. “Ben’s word” was based upon “Dever’s representation that there is actual repentance.” Dever was so deceived.]
Frankly, we don’t anticipate getting much farther with Ben, but we do have two very close friends on the elder board who we would like to approach and simply ask that they look at the evidence. None of the other elders have looked at any evidence because Ben conducted the investigation and they are relying on his representations and conclusions. I do believe there may at least be *some* hope that other elders, once presented with the facts, will become uneasy.
[NOTE: A single-man investigation is always suspect! If some of the lay elders became “uneasy” after looking at the evidence, none of them ever spoke out. That is typical. Elders or leaders often leave their church, denomination, or parachurch organization quietly fearing retribution if they speak out about abuse, corruption, or compromise.]
We are also pretty good friends with a professor here who is a supporter of Mahaney, and would like at some point to be able to request that he view the evidence as well.
Consequently, I am working on putting together a comprehensive summary that focuses on what is actually *known*. So I am looking, for example, to be able to say that I have spoken with people who have personally viewed records confirming XYZ allegation, that sort of thing. I have contacted Brent Detwiler and hope he may be able to confirm some things as well. …
[NOTE: Rachael had not contacted me. This was an untrue statement. I wrote her but did not bring it up to her.]
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 5:29 PM
To: Rachael Denhollander
Subject: Interest in Learning More
Hello Rachael,
Todd Wilhelm told me about your interest in learning more about the conspiracy to commit and cover up child sexual abuse in Sovereign Grace Ministries. I’d be glad to assist you in any way possible. Please feel free to contact me.
Thanks for researching the matter and for being willing to speak out as the Lord gives you opportunity.
Brent Detwiler
From: Rachael Denhollander
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 10:08 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: RE: Interest in Learning More
Thank you Brent,
Yes, I am seeking as much information as possible. I have already been through *everything* available online, including witness statements, everything on your website and Todd’s, and all press articles on the subject. I’ve also communicated with Tiffany, the journalist who wrote the excellent piece in the Washingtonian.
[NOTE: She read “everything” on my website. That amounted to 262 articles at the time. Unbeknown to Rachael, I worked with Tiffany Stanley behind the scenes for ten months. Read here.]
The situation I am in is that my husband and I are attending a church in Louisville, KY that is actively supporting Mahaney, including bringing him in repeatedly to preach at our church. We have discussed this with one of the elders [Ben] and this elder’s feeling at this point is that Mahaney is repentant (based on Mark Dever’s assertions, with whom our elders have talked at length, and based on Mahaney’s own conversations with them.)
[NOTE: The elders talked at length with Dever. They also talked to Mahaney. If Mahaney was repentant there would have been fruit. Instead, there was public denial and deception. I think C.J. feigned sorrow in these private conversations. He often did this with me and others when it served his purposes. I’ve also seen him pretend to be under the conviction of sin when in reality he was deeply offended by the correction he was receiving.]
You and I both know this is absolutely false. However, there are many other elders on our board, and some professors here at SBTS (where my husband attends) who we are very close friends with, who know no facts related to the case. We are preparing to make an appeal to these men who have never been confronted with the facts, and a final appeal to this elder [Ben] who conducted the “investigation” in the situation. …
[NOTE: The assertion Mahaney was repentant was absolutely false. Only Ben conducted the supposed investigation. The “many other elders” and “some professors” knew no facts about the case.]
If you have seen or know anyone who has seen, any records corroborating absolutely anything the victims allege, I would be so grateful to know it. And thank you for your work exposing this evil. My husband and I are so deeply grieved at what has happened, and at our church’s support for Mahaney.
Rachael Denhollander
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 1:51 PM
To: Rachael Denhollander
Subject: RE: Interest in Learning More
Good to hear from you. I’m working on some time sensitive issues. I should be back to you tomorrow or Friday in more detail.
Briefly, Todd tells me you are members at Immanuel Baptist with Ryan Fullerton and Ben Hedrick. Can you tell me more about their conversations with Dever and Mahaney per your comment below?
“We have discussed this with one of the elders and this elder’s feeling at this point is that Mahaney is repentant (based on Mark Dever’s assertions, with whom our elders have talked at length, and based on Mahaney’s own conversations with them.)”
Can you fill me in on what Mark told the elders? What C.J. told the elders? Put another way, do you know what Mahaney supposedly repented of and what fruits of repentance supposedly followed?
Here’s why I am asking. C.J. is masterful at pretending repentance when his back is against the wall and he has no other option. It makes him look humble. These confessions are partial and superficial compared to the facts of his sin and normally only done in private meetings where confidentiality is assured. That way his partial or superficial confessions never reach those against whom he has sinned and the people to whom he is confessing (e.g. your elders) have no idea the full extent of his sin. Therefore, the confessions are contained and cannot be evaluated in light of all the facts.
For example, he may say to Ben, “We should have reported Morales to the police.” That is basically meaningless, however. He will never tell them how his sin destroyed lives. For example, he will never get back to Morales’ wife, Marcia Griffith, or her two sons who were sexually abuse by their stepfather, and say “Forgive me for not reporting your stepfather to the police even though I knew he was a predator and that resulted in his predation upon you after he married your mother after he left CLC! I should go to jail for the conspiracy I headed and I should be sued for the harms done to you! Here is restitution in the form of help and assistance! Be merciful to me a sinner.”
C.J.’s “confessions” are strategic and give the impression of contrition and transformation. Yet, he doesn’t want these self-serving acknowledgements of wrong doing to reach those he has wronged be it an individual, group or church. For instance, if he feels he sinned against CLC, he will never return to CLC to ask forgiveness even though he might tell Ryan or Ben he didn’t leave on the best terms and regrets it.
Moreover, confessions are often reversed latter. I talk about these deceptive tactics in C.J.'s Foxhole Conversion (Oct. 13, 2011), A Few Bible Thoughts about Online Confessions (Nov. 23, 2011) and C.J.’s State of His Heart Message - Reflection on Personal Sins (Dec. 29, 2011).
In making a case to your elders against C.J., I’d recommend you include the whole package of his sins, not just the conspiracy to cover up child sex abuse. His cover up of spiritual abuse goes hand and hand with his cover up of sexual abuse. See Sovereign Grace Leaders Conceal Spiritual Abuse Like Penn State Leaders Concealed Sexual Abuse.
Well, thanks for taking the time to write. I respect what you are attempting to do and want to help. You are positioned by the Lord to speak truth in love for the good of his church.
From: Rachael Denhollander
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 9:29 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: RE: Interest in Learning More
Yes, we are indeed at IBC. Unfortunately, there is very little I can tell you about the conversations with Mahaney and Dever, as there were very little specifics provided. This is one thing we intend to dig into more when we meet again, as we never outright asked WHAT Mahaney repented of, exactly.
What we were told is that they had asked Mahaney many questions about the controversy as a whole, and he was very forthcoming over everything, acknowledged it all, didn’t hedge on or refuse to answer any questions, and recognized the issues and they believed he was putting things in place to change.
[NOTE: If Mahaney was “very forthcoming over everything” he would have acknowledged the conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children and the sexual assault of young men for over 35 years. It is all documented. Yet, he has denied all of it. Whatever he told the elders was superfluous. “Very little specifics” were provided. What a surprise!]
Regarding Dever, they went to him because Mahaney was “under his counsel”. We were told that as soon as the SGM lawsuit came into play (or perhaps as soon as the victims became more widely known, I am not sure of the exact time frame, but I believe they indicated it was in response to the lawsuit), Mahaney went to Dever to get counsel on how to respond and handle everything. Dever reported to our elders that Mahaney was accepting of counsel, was “walking in humility” and was repentant.
[NOTE: The Second Amended Complaint came out in May 2013. Long before that Mahaney fled to Dever’s church August 2011 “to receive care and counsel, to examine my life and leadership.” This is when key pastors at Covenant Life Church were addressing him on issues of sin. He was also dividing Sovereign Grace Ministries down the middle. Yet, he was defended by Dever back then too. He has been the primary source of all the bad counsel C.J. has received over the years.]
That is the full extent of what we were told. Our concerns regarding his “repentance” are precisely what yours are – even if we knew nothing of the other aspects of controversy surrounding Mahaney, the reality is that his public statements have been very clear that he believes he did nothing wrong and did not know of what happened. We pleaded with our elders to recognize that he could not, on one hand, be repentant privately, but on the other hand maintain no wrongdoing publicly. We were told we were simply wanting Mahaney to repent “our way”, and that was something that was wrong to demand.
Oddly, our elder [Ben] did NOT disagree with us that Mahaney had to have known about what was going on. Perhaps because he didn’t think it worth the arguing, but this is also something we want to ask about more in depth. We said several times that he had to have known, and received no argument.
[NOTE: I think Mahaney told Dever, Ben, and the elders there were occasions when his staff didn’t report allegations of abuse thinking they were protecting the victims, when in fact, they knowingly decided not to report the crimes in order to avoid lawsuits, reputational harm, loss of members, and loss of income.]
I do not anticipate getting much farther with this elder, but what we are intending to do is communicate with two of our very close friends who have just joined the elder board, and we hope for an open door with some professors with whom we are casual friends here at SBTS. They currently no [know] nothing at all of the facts surrounding Mahaney, but both are international students and have zero connections to him themselves that would lead them to be swayed the way so many others do. I know we will likely have one chance only to present them with the reality of what happened, and we want to start with the sexual abuse scandal, as I believe if they can see clearly there, we may have the ability to branch into the other issues with Mahaney and SGM. …
Thank you again for your work for the truth,
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 2:43 PM
To: Rachael Denhollander
Subject: Email Addresses
Hi Rachael,
Please check out Ryan’s latest support for C.J. on his Twitter account.
Could you send me the email addresses for the elders and men on staff. I’d like to write them. I will not reference you or our interaction.
[NOTE: Here are those tweets with my responses. Ryan had no idea what he was talking about. He comments were based upon his interaction with C.J., Ben’s investigation, and Dever’s assurances.]
Ryan Fullerton@RyanFullerton
When a friend is found godly by friends, exonerated by courts, and a blessing to those who hear him - U stand with them! #standwithCJ #T4G2016
April 11, 2016
Brent Detwiler @BrentDetwiler
@RyanFullerton The vast majority of CJ’s closest friends found him guilty & left SGM because of his abusive leadership as a matter of fact.
8:54 AM – 11 Apr 2016
Ryan Fullerton @RyanFullerton
My friend @CJMahaney has been repeatedly exonerated by godly leaders, mediators, courts, & Ch. boards! Can’t wait to hear him preach @ #T4G2016
April 11, 2016
Brent Detwiler @BrentDetwiler
No court exonerated him. This is a grave error on your part. The lawsuit was dismissed solely on technicalities.
8:55 AM – 11 Apr 2016
Brent Detwiler @BrentDetwiler
@RyanFullerton CJ was never exonerated by the courts. Lawsuit was dismissed solely on technicalities not merits. Your point is fallacious.
Brent Detwiler @BrentDetwiler
@RyanFullerton You are not a friend. You are an acquaintance. Those of us who worked with CJ for 20-30 years were friends. We know him.
9:09 AM – 11 Apr 2016
[NOTE: “Found godly by friends.” No, not by those who really knew him. Only by those without discernment like Mark Dever who refused to study the evidence or talk to people like me.
“Repeatedly exonerated by godly leaders, mediators, courts, & Ch. boards!” No he wasn’t. C.J. was exonerated by ungodly leaders who believed whatever he or Dever told them.
The foremost mediator between C.J. and I was Ken Sande of Peacemakers Ministries. He counseled C.J. to confess he was “so very guilty” of attacking and ambushing me. He was not found faultless and without blame. Read here.
Nor was he exonerated by any church board. In fact, the only church board involved was the board of elders at Covenant Life Church. They never vindicated him. Just the opposite, they found him guilty. The church left SGM in December 2012 over his abusive leadership. Read here.]
From: Rachael Denhollander
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 2:14 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: RE: Email Addresses
Yes. It was on Facebook too. My husband was the “Jacob Denhollander” who responded. This breaks my heart.
One thing I would say is that I know at least Ben Woodward [an elder at IBC at the time, different from exec. pastor Ben Hedrick] has read your blog and doesn’t like the “tone” (he didn’t reference you by name in that statement, but it was pretty clear what he meant). I do believe most men simply do not know what the facts really are (and Ben doesn’t either, honestly), but they will definitely shut down anything perceived as an attack on Ryan – anything they may be open to would be a letter that pleads with them to examine the evidence for themselves and consider the harm that is done to these victims and the culture for abuse that is created, by not honestly examining the evidence without regard to personal friendships.
[NOTE: Ben Woodward didn’t like my “tone.” This is the language used by SGM to dismiss witnesses against them. But strong language is needed when dealing with deceitful leaders who will even cover up sex crimes. The elders would “shut down anything perceived as an attack.” No doubt. They are unteachable. This is the same tactic used by SGM. Calling evil, “evil,” is considered an attack. Reproof, rebuke, and correction are viewed as an assault rather than a gift of grace. Have they ever read their Bible like Psalms 119 which is full of strong language for those who disobey God’s word? Or how about Jesus’s words in Matthew 23 for hypocrites? Consider A Tough Wedge & a Heavy Pike.]
I don’t believe Ryan knows any of the facts either (or very few of them). The general perception is simply that the court threw out his case and he’s been exonerated. Beyond that, they know very little. They have relied very heavily on Dever’s assertions of Mahaney’s repentance and haven’t seen a need to look much beyond that. Ben did say he had read the court documents, but those were “only allegations”, he didn’t seem to really grasp what we KNOW about what the pastors at the two churches did.
[NOTE: Ryan didn’t know any of the facts or few of them and yet he tweeted with such hubris. This “general perception” (i.e., deception) “that the court threw out his case” was promulgated by Mahaney and Dever. The two churches are Covenant Life Church and Sovereign Grace Church of Fairfax (aka Redeeming Grace Church). There is so much more to expose about the latter.]
We are preparing a final appeal to the elder board, to plead with them, this grieves us so, so deeply.
Thank you for your willingness to speak truth, I will be praying for a soft heart for any pastor that receives your correspondence.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 8:19 AM
To: Rachael Denhollander
Subject: RE: Email Addresses
I am so sorry to see you and Jacob go through this. I would not be surprised if the Sovereign Lord uses the support of C.J. to humble many men including Ryan in the future. By that I mean, more could come out of an incriminating nature. Then their blind support would be further exposed. If so, you will have opportunity to say more in the days to come. God grant you grace and wisdom in the doing of His will.
[NOTE: Over the past seven years so much more evidence of an incriminating nature has come out against C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches in the providence of God. The blind support of men like Ryan Fullerton and Mark Dever has been further exposed. I don’t know if either has severed ties but I do know there has been no public ministry or interaction with C.J. or SGM.]
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 6:34 PM
To: Rachael Denhollander
Subject: Email to Ryan & Ben
I just sent this email to Ryan and Ben.
April 12, 2016 at 6:30 PM
Hi Ryan (and Ben),
You made a serious mistake in saying C.J. and SGM were “exonerated by the courts” on Twitter and your Facebook page.
Here is what SGM said itself about the dismissal of the lawsuit. You should get back on social media and correct your mistake.
SGM Board: Update on the Amended Complaint
May 20, 2013
The following is an update from the Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM) Board on the civil lawsuit filed against SGM.
SGM’s motion to dismiss the suit was heard by Judge Sharon V. Burrell in Maryland’s Montgomery County Circuit Court on Friday, May 17, 2013. The following summarizes the results of the hearing we received from our attorneys:
Judge Burrell dismissed 9 of the 11 plaintiffs on the grounds that their claims fell outside of the statute of limitations. She also dismissed the claims of all 11 plaintiffs as to the Virginia-based defendants (for lack of jurisdiction) and as to Covenant Life School, Inc. (for being the incorrect corporate entity associated with the timeframe of the claims). With respect to the claims of the two remaining plaintiffs against the remaining defendants (including SGM), Judge Burrell dismissed the Second Amended Complaint. She allowed plaintiffs’ counsel 10 days to file a third amended complaint to attempt to clarify with specificity any allegations by the two remaining plaintiffs against each remaining defendant. The court indicated that plaintiff’s counsel may not add new claims or new parties to the third amended complaint.
Please note that this ruling does not specifically address the substance of the plaintiffs’ allegations.
You must also read “Hush Fund Set Up by Top SGM Leaders to Meet the Demands of a SGM Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused.”
This is but one example of corruption. It is far more serious than you realize. Please forward this email to all your elders and full-time staff.
I’d be glad to talk with you about these and other matters concerning C.J. if you are interested.
Brent Detwiler
[NOTE: Ryan did not correct his vindicating tweets. Nor did I hear back from them. Ryan is like C.J. in many respects.]
From: Rachael Denhollander
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 10:55 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: RE: Email to Ryan & Ben
I will be praying for open eyes, as we have been. . .thank you.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 12:51 AM
To: Rachael Denhollander
Subject: Re: Email to Ryan & Ben
They are more willful than blind. Pray for the conviction of sin. Do you still plan to confront their sin? Mohler’s honoring of CJ at T4G says it all!
[NOTE: Mohler honored C.J. and defamed the victims the day before at T4G 2016. C.J. preached on “Sustained in Suffering by the Saga of Job.” It was not lost on anyone that he was like Job in his present “sufferings.”]
From: Rachael Denhollander
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 12:24 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: RE: Email to Ryan & Ben
Yes, we are praying about the wisest way to proceed. So grievous, on every level. . .
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 8:07 AM
To: Rachael Denhollander
Subject: FW: Email to Ryan & Ben
Praying for you also.
[NOTE: Fast forward nearly two years. Larry Nassar was sentenced on January 24, 2018 after Rachael gave the final victim impact statement. I wrote her soon after.]
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 9:23 AM
To: Rachael Denhollander
Subject: Post on Mark Dever
Greetings Rachael,
With you, I am thanking the Lord for the favor he has shown you and all the victims in the Nassar case. As you well know, many victims never see justice, as in the case of Sovereign Grace Ministries. It is marvelous to see the display of God’s grace and power in your situation. And to that end, thank you for faithfully pursuing truth and justice as his servant despite the cost.
In the coming months, I plan to write an article about Mark Dever and his shameful defense of C.J. Mahaney. No national leader has done more to protect and promote C.J. I’ve said little about Mark in the past. Yet, he is the one who justified C.J. to Ryan [Fullerton] and Ben [Hedrick] and a host of national leaders. As you know, C.J. is speaking at T4G 2018. That is primarily due to Dever. Scores and scores of leaders have accepted his “verdict” on C.J. and not examined the evidence for themselves. This must be addressed. I plan to do so.
[NOTE: “The coming months” has turned into nearly 6 years. The email above was sent on January 28, 2018. C.J. was still slotted to speak at the April T4G but that would soon change. On February 14 and 15, I sent Rachael a transcript I made of a “Members Only” meeting at CLC that proved there was never an “independent” investigation of C.J., CLC, or SGM contrary to the bogus claim by C.J. Rachael gave this evidence to Al Mohler. Mohler realized he was totally duped by Mahaney. As a result, he severed all ties when C.J. refused to step down while a truly independent investigation was done. T4G 2018 was not told the real reason for his removal from the conference. See Together for the Gospel No More – A Photo History With Commentary.]
Of course, I’ve known about the rejection and resistance you experienced at Immanuel’s with the pastors. If I may ask, do you plan to speak out about it specifically? I think that is important and would help to expose the culture of covering up for fellow leaders when they are guilty of spiritual abuse, sexual abuse, or conspiring to conceal either or both.
Please take your time in responding. I can’t imagine the exhaustion (and demands) you have experienced. May God’s supernatural grace continue to strengthen your heart, soul, mind and body.
[NOTE: I did not hear back from Rachael. Instead, I heard from her husband Jacob via Twitter.]
From: Jacob Denhollander (via Twitter) []
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 6:22 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Jacob Denhollander (@JJ_Denhollander) has sent you a Direct Message on Twitter!
Brent, we appreciate your intentions on this matter, but we ask that you keep our name and experiences out of whatever you decide to post. We’ve got a lot on our plates right now and we need to be able to deal with issues on our own terms. Thanks for understanding.
January 29, 2018
I respect the fact you have a lot on your plate - I can’t imagine. And you do need to deal with the matter on your own terms though I think it would be beneficial to coordinate our efforts or at least help one another out. That’s fine if you differ. At some point, I will need to write about Dever, Fullerton, et al. as a matter of conscience. I won’t be able to abide by your request to keep you out of my post. I too ask for your understanding. I give thanks to God for you.
From: Jacob Denhollander (via Twitter) []
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 6:22 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Jacob Denhollander (@JJ_Denhollander) has sent you a Direct Message on Twitter!
I appreciate what you are trying to do, and I wouldn’t ask you to go against your conscience - what I am asking is that you respect that we have a path in mind with how we want to deal with things, and have our own reasons that we cannot share right now for not talking publicly. Surely you can write about Dever and Fullerton without involving us. Thanks.
January 30, 2018
I’m sure they are good reasons for not talking publicly. And I am confident the Lord has a path for each of us. He will guide you and me. Stay in touch if I can be of any help. I may send you information via Rachael’s email in the days to come.
[NOTE: Rachael’s book, What Is A Girl Worth? came out in September 2019. She talked about their experience with Fullerton, Hedrick, the elders, and the church but never by name. She also made a passing reference to Dever as “a prominent pastor who had supposedly looked into and then overseen the SGC pastor’s return to authority” (p. 142). That is all. She did not name him. Rachael and Jacob have never exposed Dever for his central role. To the best of my knowledge, this is the only time they have referenced him in any fashion. He is a powerful figure. In my opinion, they likely concealed his identity knowing they would lose tremendous favor with powerful leaders in Louisville and around the nation if they exposed him. I strongly disagree with their decision to conceal Dever’s identity.]
From: Jacob Denhollander (via Twitter) []
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 3:23 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Jacob Denhollander (@JJ_Denhollander) has sent you a Direct Message on Twitter!
Thank you.
[NOTE: Fast forward one year. On February 15, 2019, Al Mohler was compelled to make a public statement about severing his ties with Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches ten months earlier. I briefly recount the story in Together for the Gospel No More – A Photo History With Commentary. It is one of my most helpful and interesting articles. I wrote Rachael and Heather Thompson-Bryant. Heather is the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit.]
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 8:42 PM
To: Rachael Denhollander; Heather Thompson-Bryant
Subject: Widen the Circle of Evidence
It is clear C.J. deceived Al about a great many things. For example, the CLC investigation, the ruling of courts, C.J.’s unwillingness to participate, not interviewing the victims, etc. I imagine he deceived Mark Dever in the same way. That seemed apparent by what Ryan said were the reasons for his support of C.J. They came from Mark.
I’m sure you have this, but if not, here is C.J.’s wretched response to Al and Danny.
[NOTE: The link to “C.J.’s wretched response” above was removed around June 2023 when Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville redid and scrubbed their website. Dr. Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, also spoke out against SGC. In contrast, Dever and Ligon Duncan continued their silence.]
I think we need to widen the evidence against C.J. to include all issues of character in general, not just those related to his cover up sexual abuse. That is, all the other evidence I have documented related to his pride, deceit, hypocrisy, and abuse in other matters. The material found in The Documents and beyond.
I’d love to see Al and others come out and say C.J. was proud, stubborn, and deceptive about not stepping down or doing an investigation or whatever other personal experiences these men have with him.
So, lets widen the circle of evidence against him. He forsook his church, divided a movement, and stumbled thousands of dear souls.
[NOTE: Rachael did not answer and did not help to this end. Mohler has never spoken out about Mahaney’s “pride, deceit, hypocrisy, and abuse in other matters.” I continued to expose “all issues of character in general, not just those related to his cover up sexual abuse.”
Mohler and Akin were willing to accept fault and speak out about Mahaney’s handling of sexual abuse. Dever refused. He remained silent and accepted no blame though his guilt was far greater.
Marshall Albritton is a noted lawyer in Nashville, TN and a Board Member for the Southern Baptist Foundation. His inside scoop (below) on Mahaney and Dever is accurate. It elicited responses from Rachael and Jacob regarding Dever and other leaders.
Marshall Albritton
The outing of Mahaney and his current exile – T4G was forced. And you know what they say about forced conversions. Some were never converted. Dever for example, has never said Mahaney was wrong or that he was wrong to have uncritically supported him. Dever has been consistent.
12:55 PM Dec 9, 2019
[NOTE: It is December 2019. Mahaney went into exile after Mohler went public in February 2019. He remains in exile. He was “forced” out of T4G because he was “never converted” (i.e., he never turned from his sins).
The whole time Dever has enabled Mahaney. He has never said C.J. was wrong. He has never said he was wrong for his uncritical support of C.J. In other words, C.J. has done no wrong, and Dever has done no wrong. That has been Dever’s consistent position since I sent out The Documents in July 2011.]
Rachael Denhollander
Replying to @MAlbritton2016 @JJ_Denhollander and @warburgwatch
Not a single leader outside of Dr. Mohler has taken a stand or even engaged with the evidence. Their view towards abuse issues has been grievous for a long time however.
[NOTE: No national leader has taken a public stand. Many national leaders have engaged with the evidence (especially in recent years) but been silent. They have written me to express their appreciation. Some quietly withdrew from teaching in the Pastors College. But Rachael’s comment is almost universally true, “not a single leader…even engaged with the evidence.” It is certainly true of Dever.]
Jacob Denhollander
Replying to @MAlbritton2016 and @warburgwatch
The only public comments I’ve seen from Dever re: Mahaney is to recommend his book ‘Humility’.
[NOTE: C.J. wrote Humility: True Greatness in 2004 at the height of our correcting him on his pervasive pride (see Response Regarding Friendship & Doctrine, pp. 16-29). He doesn’t include this in the book. I kid you not. Joshua Harris wrote the original forward. Over the next ten years, he experienced great difficulty working with C.J. and severed ties. As a result, C.J. asked Dever to write a new forward in 2015.
What we are talking about is ever so serious! For example, consider Complaint 90 in the Second Amended Complaint (i.e. the 46-page lawsuit).
Victims: Jessica Roberts-Thomas, Suzanne Truesdale, Heather Thompson-Bryant
Complaint: 90
Location: Covenant Life School – Empty Room
Timeframe: 1985/1986
Ages: Jessica – age 7/8, Suzanne – 7/8, Heather – age 4/5
Alleged Abusers: John Loftness, Stephen Griney, Gary Ricucci
90. During the 1985/1986 school year, Defendant Loftness, Griney and Defendant Ricucci brought Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas into an empty room with two other girls. Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas recognized the girls, one of whom was Plaintiff Thompson. (The other [Suzanne Truesdale] is not being named here to protect her privacy.) Defendants directed the girls to strip off their underwear, and lay across desks. Defendant Loftness beat Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas on her bare buttocks. Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas heard the unnamed girl [Susanne Truesdale] crying, and saw Griney hitting her on her bare buttocks. Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas turned over her shoulder to look for Plaintiff Thompson, and realized Defendant Ricucci had taken her out of the room. Defendant Loftness continued to beat Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas’ bare buttocks, and then he inserted his fingers into her vagina.
These three women were little girls at the time of their abuse. I have carefully interviewed Heather and Jessica. I also did the same with Suzanne’s sister, Shannon Truesdale. Their accounts are unquestionably true in my opinion. There was no collaboration between them in joining the lawsuit. They independently told Susan Burke (the plaintiff’s lead lawyer) the same story.
Loftness was the principal of Covenant Life School. Griney was a teacher. Ricucci was a CLC pastor. They conspired to commit crimes according to the testimony of Heather, Jessica, and Suzanne. The SGC leadership team libeled their allegations “sensational” and “false” (Feb. 13, 2018). Dever did the same by supporting their wretched statement. Rachael obliterated it (Mar. 1, 2018).
After December 2019, I continued to send evidence to Dever and leaders around the nation.
UPDATED: Hush Fund Used by Top Sovereign Grace Leaders to Meet the Demands of a Sovereign Grace Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused
Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 8:13PM
The Conspiracy to Cover Up the Sexual Abuse of Children Under C.J. Mahaney Grows as Shannon Truesdale Comes Forward to Tell Story of Abuse by Her Father & Sister
Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 12:18PM
The Lars Liebeler “Independent” Investigation of Sexual Abuse at Covenant Life Church Finally Exposed as Utterly Corrupt Based on Never Seen Before Transcripts. C.J. Mahaney’s Claim of Vindication Another Great Deception.
Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 2:02PM
The Sexual Assault of Teenage Girl by Executive Pastor’s Son at Sovereign Grace Church of Marlton, NJ
Friday, August 25, 2023 at 3:33PM
The evidence is indisputable. C.J. and members of his inner circle at Covenant Life Church, Sovereign Grace Churches, and Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville have committed and covered up crimes. In some cases for decades. For example with homosexual predator Charles Schmitt in 1982 and the years following, and with convicted child molester Nathaniel Morales in 1991 and the years following. Those are the facts.
Mark Dever, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, and 9Marks should publicly call upon them to do an independent investigation.
More importantly, CHBC and 9Marks should call upon Dever to ask forgiveness for refusing to studying the evidence, leading thousands of leaders and pastors astray (e.g. at T4G), causing great harm to Covenant Life Church, and sinning against the victims of sexual abuse throughout Sovereign Grace churches.
The truth is no one vouched for C.J. Mahaney more foolishly than Mark Dever – will he ever ask forgiveness? It does not appear so.
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