Olivia Llewellyn “Recants” Story of Sexual Abuse by Father Under Extreme Duress to Save Her Life. Sovereign Grace Uses to Discredit Lawsuit & Call Victims Liars.

A few weeks ago (May 1), I talked to Jessica Roberts-Thomas for over two hours. She was the primary victim of John Loftness. He is the senior pastor of Living Hope Church and the Regional Leader for Sovereign Grace Churches in the Mid-Atlantic states. Read about him here.
During our conversation, Jessica told me she heard one of the Plaintiffs in the 46-page lawsuit recanted her account. She asked if that was true. She did not know any of the details.
This was not news to me but it troubled me. Therefore, this article (and three others in the making).
Charlie and Greer Llewellyn physically and sexually abused their nine children. Olivia was the only one willing to speak out about it in public. Soon after she suffered a breakdown, divorce, the loss of her children, etc.
In her extreme duress, and her life at risk, her evil parents offered to save her if she recanted her story. She did.
The Backstory
In May 2013, Olivia contacted me after the Second Amended Complaint (lawsuit) against C.J. Mahaney, Covenant Life Church (CLC), Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM), et al. was dismissed due to the statute of limitations running out in Maryland. The lead lawyer, Susan Burke had put forth a legal argument hoping to surmount the 7-year statute of limitations but it failed.
Olivia was one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit. She went by the pseudonym Grace Goe. At the time, she was married to Jeff Graham.
Olivia contacted me because she wanted me to tell her story. She asked me to do this without revealing her as my source. Later, she went public and told people she gave me permission when I came under fierce attack.
Here is my first email to her after we talked by phone.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:05 AM
To: jefandliv@gmail.com
Subject: Greetings
Hello Olivia,
It is good to connect. I want to do all I can to support you and the other victims. You have suffered great harm. I cannot imagine the horrors of living with a father that abused all his children. By the way, I believe your account and it’s good to know you have written a book. That is so needed. Not only for the good of CLC/SGM but for the entire Body of Christ. God is using these terrible circumstances to warn, educate, and protect others.
I’ll be emailing you some questions. Any information you provide will be kept in strict confidence [meaning I would not reference her as my source]. I will not quote you. I will not write the story in a way that gives anyone the impression I have talked to you.
As a former leader in SGM, I am so deeply sorry that your pleas were denied and the atrocities carried out by your father were covered up by pastors. That is betrayal of the worse kind.
I am tying up some loose ends right now. I’ll be back to you soon.
That evening I followed up with 42 questions about her allegations of fact in the lawsuit. The next morning we talked by phone again. Afterward, I sent this email.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 3:04 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE:
You have been through so many ordeals. Like Christ, I hope God will use your sufferings to benefit others. The lawsuit has put the evangelical world on notice. That good purpose, however, does not relieve you of the great horrors you have experienced. Your life has been torn asunder by brutal and deceitful men. I hope they see justice in this life, if not; they will surely meet it in the next life. In the meantime, we will work to protect the innocence and prosecute the guilty.
Thanks for your time this morning. It was an honor to talk with you. I now turn my attention back to writing. I hope to post your story for the weekend.
In my heart and prayers,
I sent her the article upon completion.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 5:12 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at Covenant Life Church
Dear Olivia,
You are the first to see this post. May God use it to bring about some measure of justice.
The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at Covenant Life Church
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 5:18PM
You are in my heart and prayers.
She wrote me back an hour later. Her response is tragic for what she feared might happen. The underlining is mine.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 6:21 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at Covenant Life Church
It’s right there and accurate.
My only fears are the reactions of people, because I am fragile at this time, and of my parents’ potential blackmail with last month’s issues with my husband (porn, and the mutual physical and verbal assault which led to a Ppo [personal protection order by court] – which was denied on both of our accounts). My parents were involved in April – and it was their first time in our eight years so there remains that vulnerability and fear of backfire when you know they have picked up recent ammunition. Moreover, I have siblings whose success may support a testimony on behalf of my father (two brothers [Chad, Vance] at West Point, a sister [Kiersten] on scholarship to UMD) [University of Maryland].
But, life is never uncomplicated.
Thank you for your write up.
There are several extremely important points to understand.
First, the evidence is “right there.” It is plan and evident.
Second, the article is “accurate.” It contains no error.
Third, Olivia is “fragile.” She’s mentally and emotionally vulnerable – close to breaking.
Fourth, she “fears” the reaction of her siblings and parents.
Fifth, she realizes two brothers (the 4th and 5th child) and a sister (the 7th child) “may support a testimony on behalf of my father” in order to protect their own “success.” In other words, they won’t want it known their wealthy and powerful father physically and sexually abused them. Therefore, they could cover it up with lies because it could affect their “success.” For instance, Chad and Vance at West Point Military Academy from which Charlie graduated.
The Llewellyn family is obsessed with their reputation. They put themselves forward as happy, well adjusted, and successful. That is the tactic they used with detectives in 1996 and 1997. “We’re a wonderful family! See our happy faces. We get along great. And we’re really nice! Here’s a gift basket for you!”
A picture is worth a thousand words. The three oldest children (Brieta, Olivia, and Margaret) are missing in the photo because they cut off relations with the family over Charlie and Greer’s abuse. The “All American” family photo was fake and phony. It contains two abusers, six victims.
Sixth, Olivia feared her parents’ “potential blackmail” and “fear of backfire.” In other words, they might go public with the “recent ammunition” they gathered in an attempt to discredit Olivia. This was not an irrational fear. It is how Charlie operates. He will stop at nothing to preserve his appearance of greatness. Even blackmailing his daughter who was on the verge of a break down.
The Llewellyn Family minus Brieta, Olivia, and Margaret.
Seventh, Olivia was very open with me about her life, sins, and addictions. She was at risk and a risk to others. Unfortunately, but necessarily, she was divorced and lost custody of her children. She made a lot of bad choices.
Eighth, she says, “Thank you for your write up.” She is the one who needs to be thanked.
I wrote her back.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 6:39 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Re: The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at Covenant Life Church
Your fears are understandable and I know you are fragile. I hope no harm is done to you.
In response Olivia wrote me saying C.J. Mahaney “knew everything” for my “peace of mind.” That's because I repeatedly made the charge C.J. knew about Llewellyn’s physical and sexual abuse in my article.
For example in this quote.
“Gary and Grant met with Mary Burcham [the housekeeper], Grace Goe [Olivia] and her sister [Brieta] in 1996. C.J. was the senior pastor. I guarantee that when Gary and Grant “learned of the ongoing abuse” so did C.J.!”
I’ve added notes below for clarity.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 11:12 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: CJ- for your peace of mind
I had a flashback when I was reading your post.
CJ was actually the one in the hall merging out of the [CLC] auditorium who asked my parents how it was going the week after Grant and Gary had visited.
[Note: Grant & Gary visited the home in 1996 or 1997 to tell Charlie & Greer about the report of abuse by the housekeeper, Olivia, and Brieta. It led to more abuse by Charlie.]
My parents hugged him and told him they were grateful for the care.
[Note: They were “grateful for the care” because the pastors did not report them to law enforcement for child abuse. As a result, Charlie sent them away on an all-expenses paid vacation to Kiawah Island, SC. He was a millionaire. Then they left the church to escape all accountability.]
The letter on rock music which my mom composed during the time frame (few weeks) they were under the “accountability” for harsh disciplining was solely addressed to CJ (detailing the “real” reasons they wanted to leave).
He knew everything.
[Note: The Llewellyn’s were devotees of Bill Gothard and his legalistic teaching on “rock music.” Greer used this as the pretended reason for her and Charlie leaving CLC. C.J. was in charge. Greer’s letter was addressed to him. “He knew everything” about the abuse.]
I don’t know why memories are locked up and then let out, but this is now certain. He knew when he hugged my parents in the hall because he asked about us, and I remember feeling awe that “CJ” knew about us and even cared.
[Note: Olivia was 12. This is a distinct memory. C.J.’s knowledge of her abuse is “now certain.” Her interpretation as a 12 year old was faulty but not her recollection of his knowledge.]
I wrote Olivia back.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 7:35 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: CJ- for your peace of mind
You were only 12 years old and experiencing all kinds of abuse. You were very brave to meet with the pastors and tell them what was happening in your home. It’s amazing you remember as much as you do but I am glad my post jogged your memory regarding C.J. That is a helpful piece of evidence and it also confirms C.J.’s involvement. Thanks for the “peace of mind.”
People are faulting me for “outing” you. That’s fine. Please be fully assured I will not tell anyone (except Heather) I had permission to write the blog. I’d much rather take some heat than put you in harm’s way.
People can say and think whatever they want about me. What’s important is your story. It is out now and hopefully that will bring about some justice.
A lot of people are now in a position where they have to give an account. They may continue to lie and hide but it will only work against them.
Grace to you.
And then this most surprising and meaningful reply from Olivia.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 8:12 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: CJ- for your peace of mind
I am sorry for that. Give me a little time to muster the courage and I will let it be known, which means, to my siblings, that it was my choice. It will make me alone forever. Sorry I am having a hard time right now. You are like Christ to bear it for me right now. I haven’t known such goodness ever in my life.
She wrote again a few hours later. Here are some excerpts. I was being viciously attacked on sites like SGMSurvivors for “outing” Olivia. Some people were advocating violence against me. She was concerned.
The most important paragraph is the one about “the CPS reports” in 1996 or 1997. That stands for Child Protective Services. The reports document physical and sexual abuse. Olivia adds, “there is no libel” in what I wrote. Charlie and Greer were reported to CPS by Olivia’s aunt.
Olivia offered to “upload the document” to clear me.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 10:31 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: worried for you
I am scared of what you’re going thru, and I am terrified of losing my siblings forever- which is what would happen if they knew I gave permission.
What do you want me to do? I am guessing you knew there would be heat on you beforehand? I didn’t think of that when I gave permission under the request that my siblings not know.
There is no libel here though, because I can furnish you a copy of the CPS reports, which although lacking the whole truth, do have both of my parents admitting to icing us in tubs and making us bleed. One brother also acknowledges being touched “until puberty.” And another sister confirming that. Having a copy of that document would clear everything up. …
Words cannot express the difficulty of children going against their parents, as there is an innate need for their nurture, regardless if they are abused.
Anyhow, would it be legal for me to just upload the [CPS] document? Is there a way to clear you without damning myself forever to my brothers and sisters?
The next day, Olivia wrote her mother. She sent a strong message that if Charlie and Greer sued me, she “would stand up and testify, not lie, that the lawsuit is true.”
She also made clear why she joined the lawsuit. She wanted “the truth to win the war” against defenseless children being beaten and sexual abused including her and her siblings. She is straight forwarded about “the abuse.” The underlining is mine.
Olivia Graham <jefandliv@gmail.com> wrote:
Lest you [Greer] think I am fine with everything, I actually had Jeff [her husband] take off from work to watch the kids. I am having a nervous breakdown. I wouldn’t have joined the lawsuit if I didn’t want the truth to win the war, and children- the defenseless to be recognized, but I wouldn’t have been under pseudonym if I wanted to hurt my siblings. … I have been shaking all day. I imagine if you are sorry over the abuse, you will muster enough love to mend the siblings back. I don’t know if you will ever see me. …
I don’t really know brent, feel like I saw him when I was young, and I think he is the opposite of cj, but I don’t want him to go down because of libel, so if that happened, I would stand up and testify, not lie, that the lawsuit is true.
Olivia hoped to get out the story of abuse by her father in the context of civil proceedings related to the lawsuit. She was not in it for the money. When the lawsuit was dismissed she contacted me to get out the truth about her family. That took great courage and sacrifice. She didn’t want to loose her family but she needed to stop her father’s sexual sadism.
Charlie was not the only evil parent, however. So was her mother, Greer. She sent this wretched letter to Olivia. Olivia asked for my feedback. It’s extremely revealing and proves their guilt. After family reputation, the Llewellyn’s are obsessed with preserving their fortune. The family farm is on 180 acres of beautiful land in Frederick County, Maryland.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2013 10:17 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Thoughts on Your Mother's Letter
Hi Olivia,
Here are my thoughts on your mother’s letter to you from two days ago.
From: greer.llewellyn@gmail.com
Date: June 6, 2013, 5:45:45 PM EDT
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Re:
Dear Olivia,
Just as you probably expected, there is little hope that we will have anything - income at all or ever, we will have to sell everything (farm, land, can’t even sell the company) if you continue to pursue the lawsuit.
This letter from your mother is full of manipulation and self-absorption. She starts off with “Dear Olivia” but then proceeds to her real reason for writing – money. She wants you to stop the lawsuit so they don’t lose their fortune. She is not concerned about you. She is concerned about preserving their wealth and maintaining their affluent life style.
Why does your mother say “there is little hope that we will have anything”? From my perspective, that is an admission of guilt. They won’t lose anything if they are innocent. But if they have physically and sexually abused you for over two decades then they may lose millions. There is no need for your mother’s craven fear if she has nothing to fear or hide.
Your family is publicly shamed. I find it hard to believe that this is what u intended.
After her concern for money, she is concerned for the family’s image. She still shows no concern for you. Of course, it is not your family that is shamed. It is your father that is shamed. The purpose for the lawsuit was not to shame your family. It was to hold your father accountable and protect others. There are still children at home and there are grandchildren.
Furthermore, your mother should be concerned about your shame. You are the one that is vulnerable to shame. You’ve had to tell the horrible story of suffering physical and sexual atrocities. That is so hard to do. That took great courage. Your mother should be commending you for your actions in the past and present.
I will love you always, but I’m not sure what you can expect from the rest of your family. I think you should stop this & not go forward with this any farther. We are already devastated, but at least may have some pieces to pick up.
This is one of the most manipulative statements I have ever read. Your mother doesn’t understand the nature of true love. Her letter is all about self-love. She is preoccupied with herself and what she craves.
Your mother knew all about your father’s alleged abuses. If they are true, she should have removed him from the home 20 years ago by turning him into the police. She did nothing of the kind. As a result, the ongoing abuses continued according to your factual allegations. Rather than protect you and her other children; she allowed all of you to be exploited and harmed by your father’s behavior. That is reprehensible.
If you take this further we will have nothing.
Once again your mother returns to the subject of money. She will have “nothing.” That means the loss of millions which means the evidence proving trauma of a severe nature over a long period of time is overwhelming. Those kinds of damages would never be awarded by a jury based upon flimsy or spurious evidence. It should be easy for your parents to prove you are a liar if they are innocent. In fact, they should be suing you. Of course, I don’t believe you are being untruthful for a second.
You are impacting Beau & Quentin’s future especially & you still have a choice. Please withdraw before this goes further.
You are not impacting the future of your youngest brothers unless they hoped for a career in Llewellyn Realtors and that assumes the appeal is successful and the case is won in your favor. Your mother is using every conceivable pressure point to get you to withdrawal the lawsuit.
What will you have gained - esp. if the appeal is lost that was worth this devastation to your siblings & me? Even if daddy & I deserved the shame, your siblings do not.
If the factual allegations are true, and your mother concealed or participated in similar crimes, they both deserve far more than shame. They should go to jail. Their pretense of being godly parents should be exposed. It sounds like the alleged physical abuse was all about controlling the children so their behavior appeared perfect in public.
Honestly, both your parents must end the façade and come clean. Your mother is concerned about all the wrong things. She and your dad should only be concerned about owing their own sin, humbling themselves in private and public, and taking complete responsibility for the destruction they have caused.
If the factual allegations are true, they should make a public confession of guilt, commend you and the others siblings who provided the evidence to the Covenant Life pastors, and then turn themselves into law enforcement. They should also provide you with monies to help make a full recovery from the trauma you have suffered.
Moreover, if they have been covering up crimes, you should proceed not only in civil court but in the criminal justice system. If your father (and mother) has physically and sexually abused their own children, they need to be stopped so grandchildren and others are not put at risk.
Your withdrawal [from the lawsuit] will not erase what has been done, but it could prevent more from happening. You still have a choice & can make a difference for your family.
This letter from your mother is psychologically abusive. I can’t imagine being exposed to this type of control, intimidation and guilt manipulation as a child and now into adulthood. She blames you for “what has been done.” This kind of treatment is destructive to the human soul. Whenever you have physical and sexual abuse you always have this kind of mental abuse. Your mother can make a difference by humbling herself and stop blaming you. Much more needs to happen but that starts with your mother telling the truth and taking responsibility rather than trying to silence you.
Many uninvolved people’s lives are also being affected & incomes are being threatened - not just ours. This is not right.
Other peoples’ lives and incomes are being affected but that is not your fault. Here’s the real question. If your father is guilty is [he] going to try and cover it up and throw you under the bus? Is he going to tell his employees and others, “Well, we were a little harsh with the kids and immodest about our conduct? We made some well-intentioned mistakes as parents. Don’t all of us? But we’ve only loved Olivia all her life. Poor Olivia, she’s a troubled soul and the real abuser for bringing this lawsuit!”
If your father is guilty he should ask forgiveness of every employee at Llewellyn Realtors and then take his millions to help them transition into new employment or start a new company.
Having the media involved to ruin reputations will not win your case in court. And you will have a lot of people that you will have done damage to wrongfully on your conscience. Wrong doing never brings proper justice - it just begets more evil. Please stop this now while there can be some recovery.
Involving the media is not about ruining reputations. It’s about reporting on a major sex abuse scandal that you and ten other Plaintiffs believe is true. The lawsuit is not about ruining reputations. It is about exposing evil of the worse kind. Don’t allow you mother to put a guilt trip on you. What you are doing is not wrong. It is just. What your mother is doing is wrong and begets more evil. She needs to stop so there can be some recovery. It is shocking to see her lecture you on morality.
Not for my sake, even, but for yourself, & for your siblings especially.
Of course, it is for her sake. She has said so repeatedly. Ending the lawsuit doesn’t serve you. It serves injustice and it may harm your siblings and their offspring.
There is ONLY ONE REASON for you to stop dead in your tracks and pull out of the civil suit but it is not a reason your mother even touches upon in passing. It is this. You are a liar and Complains 152-161 are evil fabrications! If that is true then you should stop. However, I believe you are telling the truth. I believe you have the evidence. I believe the Covenant Life pastors have the evidence. I believe your siblings have the evidence. Therefore, you must press ahead with the civil suit and I’d encourage you to involve law enforcement.
Your mother never once addresses any of your factual allegations. Never once does she defend your father. Never once does she deny you were physically and sexually abuse. Never once does she say you will lose in court because the allegations are fabrications. Why? Because she can’t in my opinion. I think your mother knows she and your father are guilty and her only hope is to manipulate you into silence. That is my opinion and you are welcome to share it with your family.
with love,
There is nothing about this letter that expresses love or motherhood.
In total, we interacted over seven months from May 2013 until January 2014. These last two emails give you a feel for the friendship we shared.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 12:28 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Checking In
Hi Olivia,
Just checking in to see how you’re doing and say hello. Not much new for me. We will be moving the end of this month into a smaller house. A major downsizing project is underway! Over half our possessions will be sold or donated. It kind of feels like children who have to sell off their parent’s estate when deceased. I guess the good thing is my kids will have a much easier time liquidating our possessions when we are gone! Ha.
I haven’t heard anything on if and how investigations are going forward. I hope someone, somewhere, is doing something to serve justice which certainly includes your case. Your father still needs to be held accountable. I pray authorities are honestly and earnestly pursuing the case against him.
Jenny is finishing up school this May. Then she does a three month internship. By September, she’ll be a certified medical assistant. I hope your last semester is going well. Doing school on top of the demands of being a housewife and mother is no easy undertaking! Graduation will be a great accomplishment.
Well, back to work. Next project – going through 35 years of [paper] files! There are a lot of sermons to throw out! Or maybe I’ll send them to SGM. I’m sure they are interested. :-)
Your friend
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 9:13 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Checking In
Thanks for checking in.
We had busy holidays with work (no family of course- holidays are tough).
Sounds like you guys are handling the challenges well. I am sorry for what you are going thru.
Good for Jenny!
I’ll try to call or email more when I can~
Sent from my iPhone
Tragically, I never heard from her again. That was January 2014.
By October 2014, her parents finally managed to silence her. She was in desperate circumstances. She had lost her husband and children and on the verge of destitution.
Charlie and Greer demanded she recant her story in exchange for help. She did and withfrew from the lawsuit. Soon after, she moved into her parents’ beautiful home on 180 acres of land.
At the same time, the Covenant Life pastors and Sovereign Grace leaders were labeling her a liar.
It is not an overstatement to call this demonic. I address the impossibility that Olivia made up her story in the article below. I also address the horrific way Olivia's abuse was covered up by C.J. Mahaney and his surrogates.
Never Released Before Correspondence with Olivia Llewellyn Provides Additional Evidence of Abuse by Her Parents & Its Cover-Up by C.J. Mahaney & Joshua Harris
Friday, June 4, 2021 at 4:49PM