Part 10: Victims React to Face-Saving Statement by the ARBCA General Assembly Admitting No Wrong Even After Conviction of “Pastor” Tom Chantry for Sexual Molestation & Their 18 Year Cover-Up

On August 21, 2018, a jury convicted Tom Chantry for the aggravated assault of Jane Walsh and Wayne Walsh (both pseudonyms). The crimes against them were covered up by a score of high ranking officials and pastors from the Association of Reformed Baptist Church of America (ARBCA) for 18 years. The same is true of Mark Jones (pseudonym) who won a conviction on Wednesday (May 8) on four counts of sexual molestation by Chantry. Read this article.
Part 9: Tom Chantry, Former ARBCA Pastor & Son of Walt Chantry, Found Guilty On All Four Counts of Sexual Molestation of a Child
Sunday, May 12, 2019 at 12:23AM
These three victims (and others) have NEVER been contacted by ARBCA leaders since the Informal Council from ARBCA interviewed them on December 13, 2000. They were abandoned thereafter and the crimes against them concealed.
After the guilty verdict for molestation on Wednesday, the ARBCA General Assembly put out a statement on Thursday (May 9). It was face-saving and acknowledged no wrong-doing for its defense of Chantry the last three years and its long term cover-up of Chantry’s crimes for 18 years. Even worse, the statement feigned compassion for the victims. ARBCA officials and pastors have never demonstrated care for the victims or their families. They have only cared for Tom Chantry’s advancement, Walt Chantry’s legacy, and the preservation of ARBCA by hook or crook. Here is their statement. I’ve added notes in brackets [ ] and underlining.
Statement of 2019 ARBCA General Assembly
May 9, 2019
We, the delegates of the 2019 General Assembly of the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America (ARBCA), having waited on the Lord and the completion of the legal proceedings, affirm the process of justice by which Thomas J. Chantry was found guilty of four counts of child molestation. This conviction follows a previous conviction of two counts of aggravated assault on a minor. Fair opportunity was given for a case to be made to a jury of Mr. Chantry’s peers either that he was guilty beyond reasonable doubt, or the opposite. The result of this process was a verdict of guilty beyond reasonable doubt. This process is in keeping with the Word of God and our confession of faith which both teach that crimes are to be prosecuted and punished by the civil magistrate (Rom. 13:3-4; 2LCF 24.1).
[Note: Representatives from ARBCA have deceitfully argued his innocence since the criminal investigation began in July 2015. At the first trial in July/August 2018, Judge Bradley Astrowsky openly stated that if ARBCA was on trial, they would be found guilty of conspiring to cover up Chantry’s crimes. The civil magistrate has “prosecuted and punished” but ARBCA has never confronted or excommunicated Chantry for his vile and unrepentant sins.]
In light of this process of justice and its result, and in light of the devastating and far-reaching effects of Mr. Chantry’s actions, we, the delegates of the 2019 General Assembly of ARBCA, express our sincere and profound sorrow and sympathy to the victims of this abuse, to the victims’ families, and to all affected. We pray for the healing and restoration of these image bearers. We also pray that the dishonor done to the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ, his gospel, and his churches may in time be overcome.
[Note: The “delegates” (ARBCA officials & pastors) have never done anything to express their “sorrow and sympathy” to the victims in the past. Furthermore, ARBCA (not just Chantry) is guilty for “the dishonor done to the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ, his gospel, and his churches.” If ARBCA had acted with integrity in 2000, none of this would be happening today. In this statement, they except NO responsibility for “the devasting and far-reaching effects.”]
Physical and especially sexual abuse of children are amongst the most heinous sins and despicable crimes that one can commit and must be condemned by all, especially those who follow Christ. This is in keeping with one of the most frequent themes in Scripture—God’s condemnation of the oppressor. We, the delegates of the 2019 General Assembly of ARBCA, condemn these sins and are committed to taking steps, within our power, to prevent this from happening again. And to that end, we, the delegates of the 2019 General Assembly of ARBCA, have passed several motions that had already been proposed prior to learning of the verdict in this case. These motions, among others passed, take steps toward implementing a policy on the reporting of child abuse; increasing education on mandatory reporting laws; and requiring transparency for any committee, council, or person acting in an official capacity on behalf of ARBCA.
[Note: “Physical and especially sexual abuse of children…must be condemned by all.” ARBCA did the exact opposite. They knew of Chantry’s physical abuse in 2000. They did not condemn it. In fact, Chantry negotiated a deal guaranteeing he would not be church disciplined. They also knew of his physical and sexual abuse in 2016 which was based on the testimony of multiple victims and numerous corroborating witnesses. They did not follow the teaching of Matthew 18:15-17. Just the opposite, ARBCA officials and pastors defended his innocence even after his arrest and incarceration in July 2016 on eight counts of aggravated assault and sexual molestation. ARBCA pronounces a woe of judgement upon itself when it talks about “God’s condemnation of the oppressor.” They have oppressed the victims for many years. Policy changes, education, and “transparency” mean nothing when dealing with corrupt leaders. I’ve seen plenty of churches, ministries, or organizations with good polity and doctrine not follow what they espouse and teach. When ARBCA calls Walt Chantry and a score of other leaders to account for conspiring to cover up Tom Chantry’s crimes, then you have reason to believe them.]
Furthermore, we have initiated discussions to examine and reconsider the organizational structure and documents of our association in order to ensure that the intent of our Confession of Faith is realized in practice, namely that it is the churches who possess and exercise associational power through their delegates at the General Assembly.
[Note: ARBCA deceived all the churches by putting out false information and withholding incriminating information from members and their delegates (i.e., many of the pastors). They were kept in the dark and misled in 2000-2002 and 2015 to the present.]
With broken hearts,
[Note: Really? You mean for covering up Chantry’s sins and crimes and defending his innocence?]
The Delegates of the 2019 General Assembly of ARBCA
Let me reiterate. The delegates to the General Assembly say they write “with broken hearts” to “express our sincere and profound sorrow and sympathy to the victims of this abuse, to the victims’ families, and to all affected” for “the devastating and far-reaching effects of Mr. Chantry’s actions.” Quite frankly, I find this repulsive!
The delegates include the very men in ARBCA who hid the evidence, lied about their knowledge of his crimes, abandoned the victims and their families, deceived ARBCA churches with false reports, did not cooperate with law enforcement, testified on Chantry’s behalf in court, violated the agreements laid down by the Informal Council, protected him from church discipline, covered up his abuse by using a compromised CCEF counselor who agreed not to investigate his sadism, argued his innocent before ARBCA churches, deceitfully claimed to have followed all mandatory reporting laws, made the victims out to be liars, financed his legal defense, excoriated those documenting the evidence of his crimes as false witnesses, repeatedly abused Scripture to keep church members from reading the evidence found on blogs, and withheld evidence of Chantry’s guilt from church members like that found in police reports.
These men include Earl Blackburn, David Dykstra, John Giarrizzo, Don Lindblad, Steve Martin, Dale Smith, Larry Vincent, Fred Pugh, Fred Malone, Douglas VanderMeulen, Tom Lyon, Steve Marquedant, Brandon Smith, Jeff Massey, Dale Crawford, Rob Cosby, Bob Curley, Jason Walter, Al Huber and Bill Halliburton.
It has been over 8 months since guilty verdicts were handed down in the case of Wayne Walsh and Jane Walsh and yet no one from ARBCA contacted them to congratulate them, commend them, or comfort them. In fact, the Administrative Council (below) didn’t even send the statement to any of victims or their families. They just posted it in an obscure place on the ARBCA website. The victims would never have known about it, if not brought to their attention.
Administrative Council (2018-2019)
1. Bob Adams
2. Rob Cosby (Treasurer)
3. Dale Crawford
4. Jack Daniels
5. David Dykstra
6. Al Huber
7. Steve Martin (Coordinator)
8. Steve Marquedant
9. Jeff Massey (Vice Chairman)
10. Jonathan Paul
11. Micah Renihan
12. Brandon Smith (Chairman)
13. Jason Walter (Secretary)
Take note, Al Huber is on the Administrative Council. He is Chantry’s father-in-law. He has bankrolled his legal expenses, put up his bond money, insisted upon his innocence, covered up his crimes, etc. What is Huber doing on the AC? And why is he a pastor with Dale Smith at Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Rockford, IL?
Furthermore, when will Huber express “profound sorrow and sympathy to the victims” for “the devastating and far-reaching effects” of the assaults and molestations by his son-in-law? And how about Huber’s daughter, Karen Chantry? I sat 10 feet away from her this week in the courtroom. She despises the victims and their families. She has called them all liars.
The same is true for David Dykstra. He knew all about the beatings of Jane and Wayne in 2000. He had all the evidence. He met with the Miller Valley Baptist Church elders in November 2000. He had their letter to Walt Chantry about Tom’s child abuse. He was on the Administrative Council in 2000-2001. He is still on the AC. And guess what? He was at the July/August 2018 trial supporting Chantry’s claim of innocence for his beating of Jane and Wayne. When is Dykstra going to repent?
And then you have Steve Martin, the 2018-2019 ARBCA Coordinator. He too has known about Chantry’s crimes from the beginning. He too met with the elders of Miller Valley Baptist Church. They apprised him of everything. He knew several children were abused. And yet, he brazenly lied to members of Chantry’s Christ Reformed Baptist Church (Hales Corners, WI) on January 29, 2017. He told members the investigation was witch hunt and defended Chantry’s innocence. Yea, he really cares about the victims. When will he contact all the victims and beg their forgiveness?
That is why the statement put out by the “delegates” on Thursday says absolutely nothing about the fact that ARBCA covered up Chantry’s crimes for 18 years and promoted his innocence for the past 3 years. That is why there is no acknowledgement of any wrong-doing by anyone at any time since the crimes were first discovered nearly two decades ago. No one is called to account. No one is reproved. No sorrow is expressed for sins committed. No confession is made for laws broken, heinous crimes covered up, or victims forsaken.
I wrote all the lead pastors before the General Assembly and implored them to take action against these corrupt leaders. See my letter in the article below. To date, I have no information anything of the kind transpired. Moreover, every delegate should have voted against the statement because it did not address any wrong-doing by ARBCA!
Part 8: The Illegal Cover-Up of Tom Chantry’s Crimes by Marcus “Mike” McKnight III (Prominent Lawyer), Tedd Tripp (Renowned Child Expert), Richard Jensen (Former Homicide Detective), & Bob Selph (the ARBCA Coordinator)
Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 4:03PM
As I’ve said, it doesn’t matter what changes ARBCA makes in their polity, structures or training. They have not repented and they have not confessed. They continue to cover up. They have not called for resignations of top leaders or the discipline of prominent pastors who have lied and deceived.
For example, men like Earl Blackburn knew all about Chantry’s crimes in 2000 because he had been given all the evidence. Yet he lied to the MVBC elders in a letter dated February 13, 2002 claiming he was in the “dark” and possessed none of it. He has been lying ever since. I exposed him in my Part 4 article using irrefutable primary sources (i.e. letters between him and Lindblad).
Or Don Lindblad, who has been Chantry’s “advocate” since 2000. He has repeatedly lied and perjured himself multiple times under oath at the July/August 2018 trial. The Judge had to admonish him to answer questions and stop being evasive. Not only should he be out of ministry, he should be in jail!
Or Tom Lyon, who took Chantry into his church in 2000, knowing he was a child abuser but allowed him to start preaching on a regular basis nine months later. Then two years later, Lyon sent Chantry out to be an elementary school teacher where his battery of children continued.
Or John Giarrizzo, who lied to all his elders, a pastoral intern, and the deacons claiming he had no knowledge of Chantry’s child abuse even though he knew all about it. He hid Chantry for two days in his home after he fled Miller Valley Baptist Church in 2000. All the elders and most of the deacons resigned after confronting Giarrizzo for his extraordinary deception. They also left the church along with most of the members who saw through Giarrizzo’s corruption. The attendance at Grace Covenant Church in Gilbert, AZ has gone from 230 to 80 people. Why is he a pastor in ARBCA? All these men should be church disciplined or their churches removed from ARBCA.
If ARBCA wanted to “express…sincere and profound sorrow and sympathy” to Jane Walsh and Wayne Walsh, they would have invited them to the General Assembly to beg their forgiveness, pray for their hearts and minds, commend their courage, ask how ARBCA can learn from its mistakes, and make restitution in whatever way possible. Remember, Chantry was found guilty over eight months ago for beating them. They never received a call or note from the “broken-hearted” Administrative Council.
Well, here is the response I received from Jane Walsh this past week. I’ve added notes in brackets [ ]. It will tear your heart out. Read carefully. I will be sending it and the one from Wayne Walsh that follows to all ARBCA officials and lead pastors.
Response by Jane Walsh
May 10, 2019
Upon reading ARBCA’s “Official Apology” posted yesterday, May 9th, I am at a loss of words.
These won't be kind words, in any shape or form. First, I would like to point out - as a victim in this case, I still have yet to receive any sort of personal apology whatsoever from the AC [Administrative Council] of ARBCA or its affiliates - if that doesn’t scream hypocrisy, I don’t know what else to say on that matter. In fact, I wasn’t aware there was an official apology released until it was brought to my attention by a trusted source. I found their statement repugnant, arrogant and self-righteous, which was expected.
I won’t accept this as a genuine apology. I honestly think it’s far too late to even receive or accept one at this point. The damage has been done, far beyond the lack of concern of these men in their high thrones of a close-minded, self-serving and fruitless association. They are only sorry that their reputation has been scathed, and have been publicly shamed for their involvement - as they should be! I hope that the awareness of their involvement grows rapidly, and to their own detriment. The high tower they dwell in needs to crumble down, unable to be built back up again. They harbored, protected, and provided many paths to a predator for years beyond the hurt that this monster inflicted on myself, my family, and the other families involved. These men should not be trusted, and I grieve for those who still blindly and faithfully follow their dark footsteps. They are far from men of God in my eyes. They fear men above Christ, and use His word for their own taking to mask over their faults. It’s repulsive at best.
Those of you who are reading have to keep in mind that these men did not vouch for us. Not once. Instead they mocked our parents and blamed them for entrusting us in Tom’s care. Our parents were broken and wrought over what Tom had done. They looked to these men for guidance and comfort. Instead it was met with condescending suggestions, and we were left without any sort of counseling. They swiftly hid this giant corruption under a rug and let it fester for nearly two decades. What I can only describe as mind-blowing is that these same men who not only had documentation of the accounts that took place at MVBC many years ago (which were used in both trials many times, all parties aware of the paper trail that was left of this matter) yet had the gall to call the victims and our families liars! They knew every detail and did absolutely nothing to resolve the major issue. Instead they chose to side with a child molester, a child abuser, a man who brought hell on earth to many. They praised his “doctrine", worshiping him much like a false idol. They lifted him and exalted him above innocent helpless children. They put his cares, desires and needs first.
We, the victims, suffered in silence for many years. We feebly tried to navigate through our individual lives coping with the pain and horror that we experienced. It has affected us all in countless ways. We are still coping, still trying to get by and live our lives without the presence of evil that lingered over all of us like a dark cloud. After many years we understood nothing would be resolved, and had to deal with it in our own ways, and still are dealing with it to this day. Despite their soggy and vapid excuse of “increasing education on mandatory reporting laws” and to “have initiated and reconsider the organizational structure and documents of our association” is a flippant and lousy lie in itself. They had documentation. They spoke to us, the victims, individually, in person. They saw the fear, the shame, and the guilt we all felt as young children. Yet they chose to “seal” all reports and kept the darkest of them from public eye and amongst each other, knowing truly that Tom was doing these abhorrent acts for his own pleasure.
Despite all of these facts, they still to this day deny involvement or admit any fault. As frustrating and angering this is to myself, and to others involved, I have peace in my heart knowing this is not the end. No stone will be left unturned. God has been faithful in shedding a broad light on this association, and I trust He will see that all nefarious acts this association harbors will be revealed. These men are not above reproach, no matter how many bible verses they will try to use in their favor or to place as a smokescreen to hide their wickedness - justice will prevail. It did prevail here on earth in Tom’s case, and I can only hope that the sick, destructive and hideous acts Tom committed towards us and others will be a testament to those who are still in support of him - God has your number, and there will be a reckoning.
I also received this response from Wayne Walsh.
Response by Wayne Walsh
May 10, 2019
This letter is to the men and women of ARBCA, especially to the leaders of the organization. After reading the “Apology Statement” released by the delegates of ARBCA, I can only laugh in bewilderment at the lies that spew from this wretched council [i.e., General Assembly]. As a victim of this case, I have never once been given a genuine apology, formal or informal by any member of ARBCA or its affiliates. This “apology” was sent to me by a trusted source, which I would’ve never received if this trusted individual hadn’t sent it to me in the first place.
The statement to no one’s surprise is arrogant, selfish and the words, hollow at best. I don’t accept this apology and I never will. The pain that I as a victim had to endure for nearly two decades shows you had no care to begin with. Tom is in jail for inflicting the physical, mental and emotional pain we had to endure and the men that covered it up, who helped in the conspiracy, should absolutely be in jail as well. Your crimes are just as heinous as his and you all know it.
The only reason for your “apology” is to save yourselves from what little reputation you have left in your self-righteous, loveless, hopeless and empty organization. And you should be apologizing! You should be begging for forgiveness not only from us but from our Creator, who is willing to let you roam the earth and feed fruitless words to sheep who are too afraid to leave this wretched organization.
The truth prevails always and for that I am thankful, because your lies and your deceitful ways are finally coming to light. To those who may be reading this, please keep in mind, the council and the leaders of this organization are not men of God, in my opinion. They corroborated [worked together] and covered for Tom, a pedophile, from the beginning because he was a “prodigy on the pulpit” in his teachings. His teachings were never of love or of grace by God or anything resembling nurturing to the soul. They were messages of fear, anger and to be obedient or eternal damnation was your only fate. And those messages continued more so in secret under Tom’s “care” for us kids.
Can you imagine, being afraid to tell your parents of being beaten so hard by your pastor? To be so afraid because he said your parents wouldn’t believe you and that he was the only one who could protect you after beating you so hard you could barely sit? And then to “comfort” you by forcing you to hug him with his legs spread open after rubbing your beaten bare bottom.
I have news for you, God is loving, God is forgiving but God is also just. And His justice shall rain down on the men and women who helped cover for this arrogant, deceitful and wicked monster they call a friend. In fact, the letter [i.e. statement above] they posted recently reads almost exactly as it felt nearly twenty years ago; hollow and condescending. A pat on the back to each of you, for literally doing the absolutely least amount of effort for all to see!
When the informal council [i.e., Marcus “Mike” McKnight, Tedd Tripp, Rich Jensen] came to receive our statements of what happened in 2000 after Tom ran away into the night [to John Giarrizzo’s house and then to Don Lindblad’s church], they gave us “their most sincere apologies” and “would never let Tom be brought back to the pulpit.” They fooled us children and our parents after we had put our faith into men that had no intention of sparing us victims of the grief and pain of Tom’s actions. In fact they belittled and mocked our parents for letting us be in Tom’s care. No form of counseling, no reassurance of anything and they sealed away any evidence they could of the situation altogether. And with that evidence they tried to hide, they also helped Tom regain his power back to the pulpit. They exalted a man, over the God they claim to praise first.
When the evidence was brought into court, they thought they so slyly hid from anyone, they proceeded to call us liars [e.g. Don Lindblad on the stand]! They knew of every action Tom did and proceeded to call us, the victims, liars. It’s laughable, really, because these wolves have unveiled the actual liars and wickedness they so fondly preach about. And to think those men who teach God’s Word would rather side with a child molester, an abuser, a foul monster should come as a surprise, but not to me.
With time our wounds have slowly healed, but with healing it never covers the wounds. They will always leave a scar, which makes us stronger in the end. Each of us victims have made our own paths and have worked through the pain within ourselves and with our families. It has not been an easy road leading up to this moment, but through the pain, suffering, tears shed and heartache we have finally seen the justice we hoped for.
We are strong, we are resilient and we will see through that our stories and the truth are told, forever. You men lied and continue to do so by not taking any of the responsibility for covering up for Tom. Walt [Chantry] is probably so proud of your help to cover for that [his] prodigal son. Kudos to you all who deny helping out a pedophile. Your work is truly courageous. I hope the outcome of this case made it all worth the work you did to protect someone as vile as he, instead of believing the victims and the families that had to suffer.
My heart is so broken and hurts because I trusted you. I trusted you, Bob Selph [his former pastor & the ARBCA Coordinator in 2000]. I trusted the men [McKnight, Tripp, Jensen] you said were going to help protect us kids from harm. You told me over the phone that they’d help us, don’t you remember? Have you no shame? And John Giarrizzo, you were a part of my life in my teen years. You knew the entire time what happened to us as kids and you continued to stand up for a known pedophile after? We loved you and your family and thought of you all as our own. It disgusts me knowing you’d rather lay your life down for a child abuser and molester rather than report him to the authorities from the beginning. In fact, you sheltered him after he fled [Miller Valley Baptist Church on Nov. 8, 2000]. Each of you men, truly disgust me. You’re not men, but cowards.
I hope those reading this need to know I still have work to do in my own heart about this situation. I may never come to peace with this. Do you blame me, though? Those men used scripture as a smoke screen to protect themselves from being questioned about their involvement with Tom. And they used scripture to attack us victims, who they once claimed to have loved and cared for. It’s truly despicable, but I have faith that God has shed light on it all and their selfish and arrogant acts will not go unseen. They are not above the laws here on earth, and they will never be above the laws of heaven, no matter what their status may be in the church.
I hope and pray those who are still members of ARBCA, protect yourselves and your children from these men. They have no interest for your well-being on earth and never will. Believe what us victims have said, for it is the truth and the truth will always prevail.
To the men of ARBCA who helped Tom callously and without shame, may your days be short in number and the night be long. For the Lord comes swiftly and He will not take lightly the acts you helped create.
The Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America is just like Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. They will do anything to save-face and preserve their image. But Jane and Wayne are right. God Almighty has seen fit to expose them.
Finally, I received this email from one of the mother’s whose son was physically assaulted and sexually molested by Chantry.
From: [Redacted]
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2019 8:23 PM
Subject: Statement
I’m not impressed with the statement that came out from ARBCA. They send their sympathy? Where have they been the last 20 years? Sending money to defend a child molester, side stepping questions, and “standing by their man”
Chantry forever changed the course of these young men’s lives at a point in time when they should have been learning about how a Godly man should live. But instead they were cast out into the world with nothing to guide them and no hope for their future. Chantry abused the children, his position, and the trust and love of the people at Miller Valley Baptist Church.
It’s all okay now though, ARBCA sent their sympathies.
When ARBCA rebukes Walt Chantry, disciplines its corrupt leaders, acknowledges the long standing conspiracy, delineates its faults in writing, asks forgiveness of the victims and families in person, and restitutes them for harms done; then and only then, have they “sent their sympathies.”
Finally, here is an excellent statement of support for the victims and their families that was written by Anthony and Candy Battaglia at ARBCA Awareness. Anthony was a deacon at First Baptist Church in Clinton, Louisiana (an ARBCA church). The lead pastor, Fred Malone, was a close friend of Walt Chantry’s and covered up Tom’s crimes. Anthony confronted him. You can read about it here.
Please read and consider signing the following petition here. You can also find more information on their Facebook page and website.
ARBCA Awareness
To the victims, families of the victims, and all affected by Tom Chantry and ARBCA
May 10, 2019
In direct response to the delegates of the 2019 ARBCA (The Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America) General Assembly:
We, the supporters of the victims of Tom Chantry and the victims of ARBCA (The Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America), continuing to wait on the Lord (and are still waiting on the completion of legal proceedings as there are nine more criminal counts still to be tried) as well as do our due diligence to stand with the victims and the families against evil and those who have oppressed and continue to oppress them, also affirm the process of justice by which Thomas J. Chantry was found guilty of four counts of child molestation and two counts of aggravated assault on a minor.
We further affirm that this process was SEVERELY IMPEDED by the willful, sinful and criminal cover up by ARBCA representatives. We also affirm this willful, sinful and criminal behavior by ARBCA officials resulted in almost 20 years of pain, anguish, heartache and emotional distress among other things that simply cannot be conveyed or understood by those who have never been victims themselves.
Fair opportunity should have been afforded some twenty years ago for a case to be made to a jury of Mr. Chantry’s peers. However, ARBCA representatives purposefully, maliciously and sinfully delayed due process until this time. This impeding of the law is contrary to the Word of God and the confession the delegates claim to believe and in turn requires prosecution and punishment by the civil magistrate (Rom. 13:3-4; 2LCF 24.1).
In light of this process of justice and its result, and in light of the devastating and far-reaching effects of Mr. Chantry’s criminally sinful actions as well as the criminal cover up of his actions by ARBCA representatives, we, the supporters of the victims express our sincere correction and rebuke of the 2019 ARBCA General Assembly delegates. Furthermore, we affirm the ARBCA 2019 General Assembly delegates statement on this matter falls woefully short of genuine love, compassion and repentance according to the very bible and confession of faith the delegates claim to believe.
We further acknowledge that the delegate’s statement on this matter cannot by itself convey any sincere or profound sorrow or sympathy to the victims of this abuse, to the victim’s families, or to all affected. We pray for salvation and sincere repentance of specific sins specifically by the below named ARBCA representatives past or present.
Thomas Chantry, Robert Selph, Tedd Tripp, Marcus “Mike” McKnight, Richard Jensen, Walter Chantry, Tom Lyon, Don Lindblad, Fred Malone, Earl Blackburn, David Dykstra, Fred Pugh, Larry Vincent, Steve Martin, Brandon Smith, Douglas VanderMeulen, John Giarrizzo, Rob Cosby, Steve Marquedant, Dale Crawford, Jeff Massey, Bob Curley Al Huber, Dale Smith, Bill Halliburton.
We pray for repentance for those who still remain in ARBCA, but are not named above.
We pray for biblical fruit bearing in keeping with repentance and that those who have disqualified themselves for ministry would remove themselves or be removed by the biblical process of church discipline.
We pray for the salvation and repentance of these who profess the Name of Christ, but deny Him with their heart actions. We also pray that the dishonor done to the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ, His gospel, and His Church may in time be overcome. Physical and especially sexual abuse of children are amongst the most heinous sins and despicable crimes that one can commit and must be condemned by all, especially those who follow Christ. Covering up for those who commit such crimes is equally as despicable and must be condemned by all, especially those who name the Name of Christ. This is in keeping with one of the most frequent themes in Scripture —God’s condemnation of the oppressor and those who give hardy approval to acts of oppression or stand idly by and do nothing while others are being oppressed.
We, the supporters of the victims of Tom Chantry and the victims of ARBCA condemn his and your sins and are committed to taking steps, within our power, to prevent all of you from harming anyone again. And to that end, we, the supporters of the victims of Tom Chantry and the victims of ARBCA openly reject your motions, implementation of policy, increased education and transparency requirements as completely, spiritually bankrupt works unless specific repentance of specific sins takes place concerning this matter.
Furthermore, we affirm your initiated discussions of examination and reconsideration of your organizational structure and associational documents are spiritually worthless without biblical repentance. As long as the same willfully sinful, unrepentant representatives remain in ARBCA leadership or as member church leaders you will continue to reap what you sow – corruption.
With broken hearts,
The supporters of the victims of Tom Chantry and the victims of ARBCA.