P.J. Smyth Steps Down as Lead Pastor of Monument Church & Lead Apostle of Advance During Investigation Concerning His Cover Up of Sexual Sadism by His Famous Father

P.J. Symth replaced Joshua Harris as the lead pastor at Covenant Life Church on January 31, 2017. P.J. was recommended to Harris by Terry Virgo – lead apostle for New Frontiers International.
P.J. Smyth Preaching at CLC
The next day, P.J.’s famous father John Smyth was exposed in the British Press for being a sexual sadist in England and Zimbabwe over decades. John was a barrister (lawyer) and Queens Counsel. He was also the leading evangelical voice for Christian ethics in the UK.
P.J. immediately lied to the pastors and church claiming he knew absolutely NOTHING about his father’s crimes. I provided coverage and documented the blatant lies and vicious crimes from primary source material provided me by victims and investigators. I suffered great harms as a result.
Thereafter, the Covenant Life pastors covered up for P.J. and condemned me. People in the church were likewise furious. Their “messiah,” who was supposed to return the church to greatness, was exposed as a deceiver just like his father. Even loved ones cut off their relationship with me for exposing P.J. whom they defended.
I also sent all this information to the leaders of New Frontiers and Advance including Terry Virgo who used to be a friend. They too defended P.J. despite the incontrovertible evidence.
My Letters to the Apostolic Leaders of Advance and Newfrontiers Asking Them to Remove P.J. Smyth from Leadership in Their Global Ministries
Friday, April 20, 2018 at 1:47PM
Four years later, that same evidence has forced them to do an investigation because crucial witnesses in my account have come forward and some additional evidence has been acquired.
As a result, P.J. Smyth has been forced to step down as the lead pastor of Monument Church (the website has been scrubbed) which meets 1.7 miles from Covenant Life Church. He has also been directed to step down as the top apostolic leader of Advance, an international church planting ministry. He has also shut down his website.
It is yet to be seen whether it will be truly independent and external investigation and whether the results will be published. I have my doubts for good reason.
In the first edition of their public statement about P.J. stepping down the leaders of Advance announced the following. Notice my underlining.
Update on PJ Smyth
Advance June 4, 2021 News
Public Statement to Advance Partner Churches: June 4, 2021
To our Advance Family, as well as to interested members of the public:
Allegations have recently been raised about the accuracy of statements made by PJ Smyth in 2017 relating to his father, and associated issues. We are also aware that P.J. is freshly dealing with personal memories of trauma at the hands of his father. In light of these allegations PJ has willingly stepped down from all Advance movement leadership responsibilities and the leadership of Monument Church, until both the investigation can be concluded, and thorough assessments can be made. The Advance global leadership team is now engaged in a process of drawing up terms of reference for an independent and external review of the accusations and evidence. We ask that you please keep all related parties in your prayers.
In the second edition, they removed the sentence, “We are also aware that P.J. is freshly dealing with personal memories of trauma at the hands of his father.”
This is the same lame excuse P.J. used in 2017 when he had to change his story after I exposed him for his duplicity. He tried to play the amnesia card and repressed memories defense. It was lie upon lie upon lie.
Under pressure, the Advance leaders removed the sentence. Their bias is obvious. They have covered up for four years. And it is plain as day what card P.J. is going to play in the investigation.
One other note. P.J. has always adamantly denied his father ever abused him. I bet he suddenly remembers being abused in the days to come to conceal his past lies under the guise of trauma.
The revised statement read as follows. The underlining is mine.
Update on PJ Smyth
Advance June 4, 2021 News
Public Statement to Advance Partner Churches: June 4, 2021
To our Advance Family, as well as to interested members of the public:
Allegations have recently been raised about the accuracy of statements made by PJ Smyth in 2017 relating to his father, and associated issues. In light of these allegations PJ has willingly stepped down from all Advance movement leadership responsibilities and the leadership of Monument Church, until both the investigation can be concluded, and thorough assessments can be made. The Advance global leadership team is now engaged in a process of drawing up terms of reference for an independent and external review of the accusations and evidence. We ask that you please keep all related parties in your prayers.
The Advance leaders also claim, “Allegations have recently been raised about the accuracy of statements made by PJ Smyth in 2017.” No. They are not being honest. The allegations are the same. Moreover, the allegations were not about the “accuracy of statements” but about their truthfulness.
They also say “P.J. has willingly stepped down.” “Willingly” is a euphemism. He had no choice given the new circumstances.
And if a truly “independent and external review of the accusations and evidence” is done, I’m sure they will be in contact with me.
More will be coming out in the British press. Stay tuned.
The Telegraph is a major online new service in the United Kingdom. Here are some excerpts from their article.
Son of ‘sadomasochistic’ QC John Smyth suspended from US church
PJ Smyth has been accused of misrepresenting what he knew about his father's abuse against young boys
6 June 2021 • 8:37pm
The son of a “sadomasochistic” QC who beat young boys until they bled has been suspended from ministry amid allegations he misrepresented what he knew about his father, The Telegraph can reveal. ...
It has now emerged the barrister’s son PJ Smyth, a church leader in the US, has been suspended from ministry.
Action was taken amid allegations he misrepresented himself and knowledge of his father’s abuse before taking up his role as a pastor at Monument Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland, US.
The Telegraph has seen documents detailing the circumstances surrounding PJ Smyth agreeing to stand down from his church in America as of last month amid questions about his conduct.
The move followed his removal from leading the Advance Movement - a collection of more than 115 evangelical churches around the world - as well as his leadership role within Newfrontiers - a wider coalition of almost 800 churches. ...
The Telegraph contacted PJ Smyth for comment but he declined to respond.
Instead, Erik Santiago, operations director for Advance Global and North America, offered a comment “on behalf of Advance”, saying “we are working together with PJ on the investigation into these allegations”.
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