Ray Ortlund Severs Ties with C.J. Mahaney & Sovereign Grace Churches

No one has defended C.J. Mahaney’s innocence in recent years more than Ray Ortlund. That has changed. Ortlund finally severed ties with Mahaney in July over his refusal to do an independent investigation of the allegations against him concerning the coverup of sexual abuse.
Ray Ortlund Jr.
I’ve been sending Ortlund evidence proving the widespread conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children in Sovereign Grace Churches for eight years. I’ve repeatedly asked to talk with him or meet with him. He has always refused.
Mahaney and Ortlund have been best of friends. In April, Ortlund did a week long course for the Pastors College which is based in Mahaney’s church. It was the premier event for the school year and highly publicized by Jeff Purswell. Ray and his wife Jani stayed through the weekend and Ray preached on Sunday morning at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville.
Here is a transcript of the introduction by Mahaney along with Ortlund’s response. You can watch it here to observe their mannerisms. Brian Chesemore is C.J.’s son-in-law and executive pastor.
Chesemore: I’ve asked C.J. to come to introduce our friend and guest speaker.
Mahaney: Ray and Jani, we are so glad that you are here with us. Particularly glad that Jani is at your side this morning Ray.
There are, when you have the privilege, the honor really of introducing Ray Ortlund, you have numerous options that vie for your attention. So this morning I could introduce Ray as a careful scholar. I could introduce him as a faithful pastor. I could introduce him as an exemplary husband and father. The list goes on.
But I’d like to introduce him as a genuine friend to Sovereign Grace pastors and churches. Proverbs 17:17 informs us that a friend, a true friend, loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity. And this man has been a living illustration of a true and genuine friend to us for years. He has given us the gift of his friendship in public and in private.
That was on display, full display, this past week as he devoted an entire week teaching not only our Pastors College but a number of visiting pastors in Sovereign Grace. And then his entire week was also filled with one meal after another where he was giving personal care and attention to pastors in Sovereign Grace.
So I am very grateful personally for the gift of your friendship. Let’s welcome Ray as he comes.
Ortlund: Thank you. It is a joy to be with C.J. and Carolyn and all our friends at Sovereign Grace Louisville. We love you. You are precious.
We also bring you greetings from Immanuel Church in Nashville. If you’re in Nashville on a Sunday morning come worship the Lord with us. We love Jesus the way you love Jesus. And when I go to church at Immanuel the same thing happens to me there that happens to me here already, my heart gets lifted up and refilled. So we would love to have you there.
How did this radical change come about? Here’s the story.
After Russell Moore left the Southern Baptist Convention he joined Ortlund’s church on June 1 as a Minister in Residence. Moore has considered Ortlund a heroic figure for a long time.
Russell MooreVerified account @drmoore
Looking forward to preaching tomorrow on the gospel, orphans, and our adoption in Christ at Immanuel Church in Nashville, pastored by the heroic @rayortlund. Hope to see some of y’all there!
1:10 PM - 20 Oct 2018
Immanuel Church is an Acts 29 church. It was announced by T.J. Tims on June 1. He is the lead pastor.
Immanuel Nashville
Immanuel Family,
Here is a special announcement from @tjtims.
We’re thrilled to welcome @drmoore to Immanuel as Minister in Residence. https://twitter.com/ImmanuelNash/status/1399873007129083912?s=20
4:38 PM · Jun 1, 2021
Victims of abuse who have appreciated Moore’s support immediately took notice. They wanted to know how Moore could join a church with Ortlund since he’s played a central role in defending Mahaney. Seven persons did a public protest in front of the church building on Sunday morning, June 13. It was headed by Emily Joy Allison.
Follow the Twitter thread.
Emily Joy Allison
It’s been a month since the leadership of Immanuel Nashville told me they were contacting G.R.A.C.E. and had scheduled a board meeting to talk about Ortlund, Mahaney and SGM after our in-person protest. I followed up today to see if they will share any info.
Quote Tweet
Emily Joy Allison
@emilyjoypoetry · Jun 16
I have complicated feelings about their response, but they did let me know that they had put in a request for the services of @netgrace_org (as opposed to Ministry Safe) and that they scheduled a church board meeting to talk about CJ Mahaney and Sovereign Grace. #ChurchToo
7:30 AM · Jul 13, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
Hi friends—by way of update:
Scott Thomas of Immanuel Nashville has informed me of the following:
—They’ve instituted a policy that no pastor or staff member of Immanuel is to participate in any activities with/relating to Sovereign Grace Ministries
7:47 AM · Jul 14, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
—They are still pursuing contracting the services of G.R.A.C.E. but G.R.A.C.E. had initial hesitancy about working with them given the history with SGM/CJ Mahaney (understandably so!!)
7:47 AM · Jul 14, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
As far as I am aware there has unfortunately not been a public-facing statement by the leadership of Immanuel regarding any of this—this was all told to me in a private email only after I followed up—though I don’t know if there have been in-church announcements etc.
7:47 AM · Jul 14, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
On the one hand we know it’s not enough to quietly change policies internally without acknowledging publicly the gut-wrenching harm that has been wrought by CJ Mahaney & his supporters. He is still out there “in ministry” specifically because people look the other way.
7:47 AM · Jul 14, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
On the other hand, seven of us stood outside Immanuel Nashville with signs last month and produced a policy change, a board meeting, and some uncomfortable conversations with G.R.A.C.E. Seven. The next one will be bigger. Badder. Just imagine what we can do.
7:47 AM · Jul 14, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
My heart aches for the survivors of Sovereign Grace Ministries’ violence who still don’t have justice, and for the children and young folks in congregations like Immanuel all over the country who are being inundated with purity culture and left unprotected from abuse.
7:55 AM · Jul 14, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
AND ALSO, I’m very proud of myself and the folks that showed up and the folks that shared the protest and gassed us up on social media and the #ChurchToo community more broadly. We are doing a holy thing and it is translating off of our computers & onto our sidewalks.
7:55 AM · Jul 14, 2021
This public protest, and the threat of bigger and badder protests, got Ortlund’s attention. According to Scott Thomas, the executive pastor, Ortlund asked the Board of Elders to pass a resolution that required staff members to sever ties with Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches unless they agreed to an investigation. This was Ortlund’s way out of his relationship with Mahaney. Once passed, he’d have to abide by it.
Ortlund called Mahaney and broke the news. Mahaney refused to do an independent investigation. Ties were severed. None of the staff is permitted to do anything with him or SGC. For example, Ortlund has taught in the Pastors College for many years. No longer. He is out as a teacher.
Other guest teachers have also pulled out of teaching in the Pastors College. However, the following men remain or been added (cf. schedule). It is shameful. This year the PC is down to eight students. They are trying hard to recruit men in the churches but they are not interested (see "Being Multigenerational," Sep. 21, 2020).
Brad Green, Union University, Franklin, TN
Steve Wellum, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
Shawn Wright – Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
Ray Van Neste – Union University, Franklin, TN
Scott Manetsch – Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL
Mike Bullmore – CrossWay Community Church, Bristol, WI
James Anderson – Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC
John Woodbridge - Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL
Ortlund should have severed ties with Mahaney long ago. The evidence against him is overwhelming. It was only the threat of public humiliation that changed Ortlund’s mind. I have little respect for the man. He should have taken a stand long ago based on principal, now he is taking a stand based on expedience. It is self-serving.
Last year, I contacted Immanuel Church to see it they were a Southern Baptist Church. It led to a lengthy conversation with Scott Thomas, the executive pastor, on December 22. Thomas was the President of Acts 29 for six years and a close friend and colleague of Mark Driscoll. He also became a close friend of Dave Harvey when Harvey left Sovereign Grace Churches and his church under discipline.
I’ve interacted with Thomas at some length since then. Unfortunately, he, T.J. Tims, Ray Ortlund, and the Board of Elders have refused to put out a public statement about the severing of ties with Mahaney and SGC. I’ve appealed several times. That is one reason for this article.
The following correspondence supplies the documentation for my statements above.
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 1:24 PM
To: Scott Thomas scott@immanuelnashville.com
Cc: T.J. Tims tjtims@immanuelnashville.com
Subject: The “Pastor to Pastors” In Need of Pastoring
Hi Scott,
I am following up since I’ve not heard back from you regarding my email from January 4. It has been a month.
When we talked on December 22, you claimed Ray “doesn’t speak of C.J. in either a disparaging or a supporting way.” I disagreed. He has been extremely supportive.
Here are few ways Ray has publicly defended C.J. and Sovereign Grace Ministries (aka Sovereign Grace Churches) over the last ten years. I have repeatedly questioned and challenged him but he has refused to change his position. Here is his vindication of C.J. in 2011 when C.J. practically destroyed Sovereign Grace Ministries and devastated Covenant Life Church.
July 27, 2011
Here is our conclusion: We do not believe C.J. Mahaney’s confessed sins have disqualified him from Christian ministry. … We believe his Christian walk, though flawed (as is the case with all Christians), is still a model for others to follow. … We affirm that C.J. Mahaney has not disqualified himself from ministry.
Kevin DeYoung
Ray Ortlund Jr.
Carl Trueman
Based upon this pronouncement, I wrote Ray and the others with 15 questions about their corrupt investigation. He refused to answer them. An excerpt follows.
Conclusive Evidence the Investigation of C.J. Mahaney’s Confessed Sins by Kevin DeYoung, Ray Ortlund, & Carl Trueman Was Thoroughly Corrupt
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 12:54 PM
Though asked in a respectful manner, none of these men were willing to answer or interact over the questions. I sincerely hoped at least one of them would be open, honest and humble.
A few months later Ray wrote a major article for The Gospel Coalition. It was a wretched defense of the indefensible. An excerpt follows.
C. J. Mahaney
OCTOBER 14, 2011 | Ray Ortlund
I have grieved for C. J. Mahaney in recent months, as he has been openly spoken against. I have never in my life witnessed a campaign of slander on such a scale as that aimed at C. J. This behavior is clearly unbiblical and therefore self-discrediting. To those few criticisms which rightly struck home to C. J.’s conscience, he has responded humbly.
Fast forward. The Leadership Team of Sovereign Grace Churches (Mark Prater, Bob Kauflin, Jeff Purswell, et al.) condemned Rachael Denhollander for “false accusations” and five victims of sexual abuse as “liars” in their February 13, 2018 statement. Ray whole-heartedly commended their condemnation. He was supporting evil. Rachael responded to SGC on March 1 obliterating their statement with the facts. Ray never retracted his commendation.
Ray Ortlund @rayortlund
To be received and respected as a statement of careful integrity and forthright humility: A Response to Allegations Against Sovereign Grace Churches
4:24 PM · Feb 13, 2018
A few months later, Ray claimed “the allegations have been fully investigated.” That is the allegations concerning the cover up of child sex abuse by C.J. Mahaney in Covenant Life Church and in Sovereign Grace Ministries going back to 1991. Nothing could be further from the truth! Mahaney was not investigated. He refused to participate. Leaders in Sovereign Grace Churches were not investigated. They too refused. The only thing that transpired was a limited and fraudulent internal review (not independent investigation) at Covenant Life Church by a lawyer retained by the pastors who had no experience investigating sex crimes or working with victims. Ray was totally duped by C.J.
Ray Ortlund @rayortlund 16h16 hours ago
The allegations have been fully investigated. Thanks.
5:28 PM - 23 May 2018
I tweeted Ray. Of course, he did not reply or relent.
Brent Detwiler @BrentDetwiler now
Replying to @rayortlund
The “Independent” Investigation of Sexual Abuse at Covenant Life Church Didn’t Include Talking to the Victims of Abuse – Incredulously, Executive Pastor Mark Mitchell Says Exclusion Was Due to “Limited Finances” at http://abrentdetwiler.squarespace.com/brentdetwilercom/the-independent-investigation-of-sexual-abuse-at-covenant-li.html …
5:51 PM - 26 May 2018
Brent Detwiler @BrentDetwiler 3m3 minutes ago
Replying to @rayortlund
The “independent investigation” of CLC was neither. CLC retained a lawyer to do partial internal review that w/held incriminating evidence. Didn’t even talk to victims. It was NOT “fully investigated.” It was a cover up. SGC never investigated. Those are the indisputable facts.
5:46 PM - 26 May 2018
Nine months later, Al Mohler severed his ties with C.J. and SGC because of his deceit and refusal to do an independent investigation.
Statement From R. Albert Mohler Jr. on Sovereign Grace Churches
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
February 15, 2019
Ray chastised Al and other friends of C.J. for “distancing themselves from those falsely accused.” Ray also referred to “false accusations of horrible sins of abuse.” In context, this is a reference to victims in CLC and SGC.
Ray Ortlund @rayortlund
We’re wading together through cross-currents of deep trouble: (1) horrible sins of abuse, (2) false accusations of horrible sins of abuse, (3) friends distancing themselves from those falsely accused. Let’s be careful at every step, lest *all of us together* be overwhelmed.
12:09 PM - 28 Feb 2019
Later in the fall of 2019, Ray preached at C.J.’s church. More public support and acclaim. An excerpt follows.
Your Wardrobe Into the Narnia of God's Love | Ray Ortlund | Romans 8:38-39
September 29, 2019
Speaker: Ray Ortlund Series: Guest Speakers
Scripture: Romans 8:38–8:39
What a privilege and honor to be with you and with my friend C.J. We in Nashville are so thankful for what you and Louisville are doing for the glory of Christ. We are stronger over there because you are strong here. You just keep going guys.
And finally, Ray is slotted to teach in the Pastors College as you know. For this reason, I asked you and T.J. to take action.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2020 3:20 PM
To: Scott Thomas
Subject: Follow Up to Conversation re: Ray
Hey Scott,
Here is the email Jeff Purswell sent out to all the pastors in Sovereign Grace Churches. Ray’s week in the Pastors College is being put forth as the premier event of the year for the pastors, et al. to attend. This is a “special course” “to serve and equip our pastors” as Jeff states. You should listen to the short video. Jeff refers to Ray as a “dear friend of Sovereign Grace.” You will also notice it is being held at Highview Baptist Church in Louisville so “Guests will be able to attend this course in person.”
Ray Ortlund teaching at the Pastors College
By Staff on Dec 21, 2020 03:45 pm
We’re thrilled to have Dr. Ray Ortlund, Jr. join us at the Pastors College this upcoming April. Take a moment to watch this invitation from Jeff Purswell.
Interpreting and Preaching the Psalms
Dr. Ray Ortlund, Jr.
April 6-9, 2021
Highview Baptist Church, Louisville, KY*
Register here.
As an aside, I know Jeff well. In the providence of God, I founded, built and led the Pastors College until I turned it over to Jeff whom I asked C.J. to help recruit.
As I explained on the phone, Ray has protected, promoted and defended C.J. and Sovereign Grace Churches since I sent out The Documents in July 2011. At the time, he did a corrupt investigation along with Kevin DeYoung and Carl Trueman. None of these men have ever responded to me. Please read this article.
Conclusive Evidence the Investigation of C.J. Mahaney’s Confessed Sins by Kevin DeYoung, Ray Ortlund, & Carl Trueman Was Thoroughly Corrupt
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 12:54 PM
As I also explained, Ray has been a staunch defender of C.J. and SGC leaders’ innocence as it pertains to the conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children. As a matter of fact, no one is presently supporting C.J., the Pastors College, Sovereign Grace Churches, etc. more than Ray. Yet, the circle of support for them continues to decline. For example, there are very few SBC leaders that vouch for them any longer. Certainly not J.D. Greear, Ronnie Floyd, Rolland Slade, Russell Moore, Al Mohler, Danny Akin, et al. Why? They have finally read the evidence, seen through the deception, and observed the arrogance seen in their refusal to do an independent investigation.
The same is true from within Sovereign Grace. More and more have left the denomination.
Therefore, I respectfully ask that you and T.J. appeal to Ray not to teach in the Pastors College and encourage him to read the salient evidence I’ve sent him over the past ten years. I’d be glad to help him know what is of greatest importance and where to begin.
Further, I am willing to talk to all of you by phone or even fly to Nashville. While in Nashville, I’d be happy to meet with you, T.J., C.J. and his representatives to discuss the matter. Why? One, Ray must stop supporting C.J. & SGC. Two, in the hope Ray will help them come to repentance. That would be a great service to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Body of Christ.
Please talk with T.J. and let me know your thoughts about these matters. Thank you, Scott. It was a delight talking with you yesterday. May the Holy Spirit bless you and your family as you celebrate the Incarnation of God in the person of Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas,
You wrote back but simply suggested I write Ray. You said nothing about appealing to Ray or talking by phone or meeting in person.
From: Scott Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2020 5:36 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: T.J.’s Email
Hannah forwarded this email to me.
I take care of all of the external ministry of Immanuel. You and I spoke on the phone and TJ is aware of your concerns about Ray’s involvement with CJ and Sovereign Grace. His wife just had a baby today.
I would suggest either sending a personal note to Ray through his website or writing a physical letter to Ray:
Renewal Ministries
PO Box 682491
Franklin, TN 37068
Thanks, Brent.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2020 5:42 PM
To: Scott Thomas
Subject: RE: T.J.’s Email
Congratulations to T.J. and his wife! I look forward to hearing back from the two of you on appealing to Ray, coming to Nashville, etc. Is it possible to get T.J.’s email address?
I wrote again when I did not hear back from you.
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021 7:22 PM
To: Scott Thomas scott@immanuelnashville.com
Cc: T.J. Tims tjtims@immanuelnashville.com
Subject: Follow Up on My Requests
Hi Scott,
I did as you suggested and wrote Ray. He did not respond except with a form letter that promised a personal response. Maybe he hasn’t had time to read and review my message.
December 30, 2020
Hello Ray,
Could you please provide me an email address so I can write you in private? I am concerned about your on-going support of C.J. and Sovereign Grace Churches. I’d also like to set up a call with you, T.J. and Scott to talk about this matter. I’d even fly to Nashville to meet in person. You are welcome to invite C.J. or Jeff or whomever to join us.
So whether by phone or in person, I’d like to present evidence and answer questions in hopes you will then appeal to C.J. to do an independent investigation of the charges against him and others alleging a conspiracy to commit and cover-up the sexual abuse of children. No such investigation has ever been done despite the appeal of leaders from around the country.
From: Ray & Jani Ortlund | Renewal Ministries renewalministries@renewalministries.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2020 2:32 PM
To: abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Subject: Thank you!
Hi Brent,
Thank you so much for sending us a personal note from our Renewal Ministries website. We will get back to you once we have had time to read and review your message.
We want to serve Jesus well by serving you well.
For His glory,
Ray and Jani
As is plain, I asked to set up a phone call with him, you, and T.J. or come to Nashville to meet in person. That remains my sincere and earnest request.
Previously, I also asked that you and T.J. appeal to Ray not to teach in the Pastors College and encourage him to read the salient evidence I’ve sent over the past 10 years. Then I asked you both to “let me know your thoughts about these matters.” You suggested I write a personal note. That is all. Otherwise, I did hear back from you regarding my questions. Our emails are below for your review.
I am therefore at a loss. Can we talk by phone or meet as a group? Did you appeal to Ray not to teach? Is he willing to read the evidence? I’d appreciate candid answers. I’d also appreciate if you asked Ray to provide me his email address.
Thank you, Scott and God’s grace to you in the New Year!
I have not heard from you and it’s been four weeks. Here are some additional concerns I’d like to register.
When we talked on December 22 you made the follow comments about Ray’s neutrality towards C.J.
BD: I wasn’t intending to bring this up, and obviously you are not the one that would be culpable, maybe that is too strong a word, but needless to say I have been sorely disappointed with Ray over these many years, in not taking a stand as it pertains to C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches.
ST: He doesn’t speak of C.J. in either a disparaging or a supporting way. Ray is not firsthand; he doesn’t know the truth if you will. I know you are seeking that and have been for a number of years. I am friends with Dave Harvey as well.
BD: Oh my!
ST: When Dave was over Sovereign Grace, after that took place for a time, Dave and I stayed in contact real closely, and you know he was under quite a bit of stress, trying to handle that as well.
BD: Oh yes.
ST: I don’t know that Ray has done anything, and I am not trying to defend him because I don’t know, he has not done anything publicly or otherwise to support C.J. or defend him, he has simply been a friend to him in that everybody needs a friend like that, even one who speaks truth in your life.
BD: Yes [we need friends], although I would have to differ. Ray has actually defended C.J. in public.
ST: And yea, that may well be true. I’ve not personally seen or heard that.
BD: How long have you been at Immanuel’s Scott?
ST: About 8 years.
BD: Okay. Ray is going to be teaching in the Pastors College for a week in January on Psalms. And Jeff Purswell just sent out an email to everybody who is on the Pastors College email list applauding the fact that “Ray Ortlund” is going to be coming and doing a weeklong series on the Psalms & Homiletics so Sovereign Grace certainly uses Ray, which they have consistently done from the beginning, as someone who advocates for them and supports them and is willing to minister to them and is even teaching in the Pastors College. So they leverage that for all it is worth.
[Correction: Ray taught on Psalms in April. Jeff sent the email in January.]
ST: Yea, yea, I understand.
BD: Well, Scott thank you so much. We may in the days ahead have occasion to talk again, I would enjoy that very much.
ST: Okay. Well if I could answer anything. I suppose you are reaching out on behalf of what Ray was doing.
BD: Yes. I will probably write Ray again in the days to come because I continue to garner evidence, and process evidence I already have [of sexual abuse in Sovereign Grace]. So anyway, there is much more to it. I have written him many times [asking] that he study the evidence, which he has typically labeled as slander and gossip, and that is the way he has referred to me, and I have been sending him the evidence since 2013, but is not apparent to me that he has read any of it. And has tended instead to label it something it isn’t, and that is a real disservice, and so he has written extensively about the Ninth Commandment as it pertains to my writings, and yet in fact, every time he has defended C.J. and spoken against me, he is in fact breaking the Ninth Commandment and bearing false witness.
ST: Yea.
BD: I’m afraid he is oblivious to it [his false witness]. And that may be by choice, i.e. , not reading the evidence, because C.J. has labeled that evidence “gossip and slander,” when in fact, I make every effort, every effort to talk to people in person, meet with them. I’ve appealed to Ray to that end but he has never been responsive. So I didn’t intend to bring all of that up to you Scott. I really did not.
ST: Well, it is good to be aware of it. And I appreciate you letting me know for sure.
BD: Well Scott, once again, I really appreciate your generosity, your attitude, the ease with which we are able to converse. I really thank you for that.
ST: Yea. Well I appreciate that. Brent, if I can do anything let me know.
A few observations and questions.
First, you were in close contact with Dave Harvey as a friend. You knew about C.J.’s abusive, deceitful, and hypocritical leadership but you didn’t tell Ray. As a result, you claim he was ignorant. “Ray is not firsthand; he doesn’t know the truth if you will.” If he didn’t know the truth, and you did, why didn’t you tell him?
Second, you say Ray “has not done anything publicly or otherwise to support C.J. or defend him.” That conclusion is shocking! It means you’ve had no idea what Ray has been saying or doing in relation to C.J. and Sovereign Grace Ministries over the past ten years. And yet you have been the executive pastor for 8 years.
Furthermore, evangelical and Reformed leaders around the nation know of Ray’s staunch defense of C.J. going back to July 2011. How can that be lost upon you? What am I to conclude?
Does this mean you don’t know what is going on in his life? Does this mean he tells you little to nothing about what he is doing or saying of major import? Do you not follow him on Twitter? Do you not read his blog articles? Do you not know where he preaches? Does he not tell you about correction he receives?
Ray claims to be a “Pastor to Pastors” on the church website but it appears no one is pastoring him. For example, he did not make you aware of my important letter to him in May 2016. Here’s an excerpt.
May 10, 2016
Hello Ray,
Six months ago, I called your office hoping I could get your email address so I could write you in private. I didn’t want to use the general address given the important matters about which I wanted to write you. I left a voice mail message to that effect when no one answered the phone. …
Ray, I’ve been meaning to write you for several years regarding the work you did on the Preliminary Panel for Sovereign Grace Ministries with Kevin DeYoung and Carl Trueman but I have been providentially hindered. Now, in the sovereignty of God, the Lord has enabled me to write you in a thoughtful manner.
And did he not make you aware of my article that followed in November 2016? He should have brought it your and T.J.’s attention. It was read by leaders throughout the nation. Was it read by you? Did you talk to Ray about it? Did he bring it to your attention?
Conclusive Evidence the Investigation of C.J. Mahaney’s Confessed Sins by Kevin DeYoung, Ray Ortlund, & Carl Trueman Was Thoroughly Corrupt
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 12:54 PM
I am at a loss. It appears he has no accountability. If he did, he would be willing to pull back from teaching in the Pastors College and talk or meet.
I am also concerned his Board of Directors for Renewal Ministries provides little accountability. It is comprised of Ray and Jani and four other married couples – two from Immanuel’s. Further, Ray is the President and Jani is the Executive Vice-President. One of the other couples are Vice-President and Secretary. That is a bad arrangement. There is no independence.
Furthermore, Howard and Dawn Varnedoe are on the board. Howard is a pastor in Redeeming Grace Church in Franklin, TN. It is a Sovereign Grace Church. I know him well and taught him Systematic Theology in the Pastors College. He “sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil” of C.J. I imagine he has been a source for Ray – that is, feeding Ray the talking points he receives from SGC. Did you know about this connection? Ray has never been neutral toward C.J. or SGC. This is another example. He has an avid defender of C.J on his board.
You were the President of Acts 29 for six years and worked closely with Mark Driscoll. Yet, he was permitted to get away with so much for so long. I’m sure you regret it. Ray is not Mark but I am concerned Ray has as little accountability as Mark.
Therefore, I appeal that you and T.J. hold him accountable in relation to C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches. It is evil for him to defend C. J. as innocent. And he should not be teaching in the Pastors College. Instead, he should be willing to talk or meet with me to discuss the evidence regarding C.J.’s disqualification from ministry and his cover up of child sexual abuse. What harm does that present? None, if you’re interested in the truth.
This in turn should cause Ray to call for an independent investigation like other leaders have around the nation instead of promoting the lie that “the allegations have been fully investigated.” That is a frighteningly false! He is speaking out of abject ignorance. This must be corrected by you and T.J.
To reiterate and conclude: the “pastor to pastors” needs pastoring. Therefore, you should admonish Ray not to teach in the Pastors College, exhort him to read the salient evidence, and request he talk by phone or meet in person. If he refuses, it proves my point. He is accountable to no one if he is not accountable to you as his pastors. I trust you will care for his soul without fear or partiality.
I hope to hear from you in a meaningful way.
The lengthy email above was written on February 1, 2021. Six months later, I finally had opportunity to follow up with Scott. It led to another phone call.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2021 3:38 PM
To: Scott Thomas
Subject: Severing Ties with SGC
Hi Scott,
I’ve been meaning to write an article about Ray’s ongoing support and promotion of C.J., SGCL, and SGC for several months but been delayed by other articles, developments, and undertakings.
This morning, I read the tweets below by Emily. Could you update me on the latest? It will have a bearing on what I write in my article about Ray and Immanuel. By the way, I am still glad to talk with you, Ray, and T.J.
First, have you “instituted a policy that no pastor or staff member of Immanuel is to participate in any activities with/relating to Sovereign Grace Ministries”? Is it limited to ministry ties (“activities”) but not relational ties?
Ray is still listed on staff as the “Pastor to Pastors” but maybe he is no longer considered a staff member at Immanuel since becoming a Catechist and Canon Theologian in the Anglican Church in North America on June 4? Could you clarify? Is he still a pastor or staff member at Immanuel? If so, has agree to abide by the new policy?
Russell joined your staff on June 1. He pulled away from C.J. long ago. Did he have role or say in the change of policy regarding C.J. and SGC? If so, thanks for listening to him.
Could you also fill me in on the latest regarding GRACE [i.e., Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment]? Did you contract their services? Did you asked them to do an investigation of the allegations against C.J. and SGC? Where do things stand?
Emily also says a board meeting was scheduled to talk about Ray, C.J., and SGC? Did that happen? What came from it?
In particular, does Ray agree it was right and necessary for Immanuel staff to separate from C.J. and SGC? Will he be making a public statement like Al Mohler regarding his past support of C.J.?
As you know he taught in the Pastors College on April 6-9 and preached at SGCL on April 11. C.J. showered him with praise. Has Ray informed C.J. of the change in relationship and why it is necessary?
Lastly, will you be making a “public-facing statement” about cutting ties with C.J. and SGC? In the same vein, have you made an announcement to church members?
As I pointed out in our Dec. 22 conversation and subsequent emails; no one has defended C.J. more ardently over the past decade than Ray. He has justified him at every point.
Therefore, will he be asking forgiveness of the victims and the body of Christ whom he misled? Will he publicly call for C.J.’s repentance and an independent investigation now? Or is he blind to his sins and opposed to the Board’s decision?
Thanks for helping me to understand where you, T.J. and the Board stand on these issues. I want to represent you accurately and I want to commend your decision to separate if that is the case.
Because of the cross,
Emily Joy Allison
It’s been a month since the leadership of Immanuel Nashville told me they were contacting G.R.A.C.E. and had scheduled a board meeting to talk about Ortlund, Mahaney and SGM after our in-person protest. I followed up today to see if they will share any info.
Quote Tweet
Emily Joy Allison
@emilyjoypoetry · Jun 16
I have complicated feelings about their response, but they did let me know that they had put in a request for the services of @netgrace_org (as opposed to Ministry Safe) and that they scheduled a church board meeting to talk about CJ Mahaney and Sovereign Grace. #ChurchToo
7:30 AM · Jul 13, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
Hi friends—by way of update:
Scott Thomas of Immanuel Nashville has informed me of the following:
—They’ve instituted a policy that no pastor or staff member of Immanuel is to participate in any activities with/relating to Sovereign Grace Ministries
7:47 AM · Jul 14, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
—They are still pursuing contracting the services of G.R.A.C.E. but G.R.A.C.E. had initial hesitancy about working with them given the history with SGM/CJ Mahaney (understandably so!!)
7:47 AM · Jul 14, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
As far as I am aware there has unfortunately not been a public-facing statement by the leadership of Immanuel regarding any of this—this was all told to me in a private email only after I followed up—though I don’t know if there have been in-church announcements etc.
7:47 AM · Jul 14, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
On the one hand we know it’s not enough to quietly change policies internally without acknowledging publicly the gut-wrenching harm that has been wrought by CJ Mahaney & his supporters. He is still out there “in ministry” specifically because people look the other way.
7:47 AM · Jul 14, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
On the other hand, seven of us stood outside Immanuel Nashville with signs last month and produced a policy change, a board meeting, and some uncomfortable conversations with G.R.A.C.E. Seven. The next one will be bigger. Badder. Just imagine what we can do.
7:47 AM · Jul 14, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
My heart aches for the survivors of Sovereign Grace Ministries’ violence who still don’t have justice, and for the children and young folks in congregations like Immanuel all over the country who are being inundated with purity culture and left unprotected from abuse.
7:55 AM · Jul 14, 2021
Emily Joy Allison
Replying to @emilyjoypoetry
AND ALSO, I’m very proud of myself and the folks that showed up and the folks that shared the protest and gassed us up on social media and the #ChurchToo community more broadly. We are doing a holy thing and it is translating off of our computers & onto our sidewalks.
7:55 AM · Jul 14, 2021
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 11:32 AM
To: Scott Thomas
Subject: RE: Severing Ties with SGC
Hey Scott,
I’d appreciate if you got back to me this week. Also glad to talk by phone.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 2:39 PM
To: Scott Thomas
Subject: RE: Severing Ties with SGC
Could we set up a call to talk about these new developments? That would be most helpful. (704) 497-7986. Please let me know.
From: Scott Thomas
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 8:43 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Severing Ties with SGC
Let’s chat by phone. What do you have available?
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 10:12 AM
To: Scott Thomas
Subject: RE: Severing Ties with SGC
Great. Sometime today is fine. I’m tied up tomorrow from 10:00-1:00. Mon. or Tues. okay.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 12:52 PM
To: Scott Thomas
Subject: RE: Severing Ties with SGC
Hey Scott,
What happened to our phone call? I never heard back. I’m available this week except for Tuesday AM and Thursday PM. Let me know what works for you.
Upon receiving my email, Scott called me. Here are some of my notes from the conversation.
Phone Call
August 2, 2021
- Question to Scott: “First, have you instituted a policy that no pastor or staff member of Immanuel is to participate in any activities with/relating to Sovereign Grace Ministries?”
- Answer: “Yes.”
- Scott said Ray told C.J. he could not “participate” with SGC until he agrees to do an independent investigation.
- T.J. Tims, the lead pastor, has been “cold with SGC.”
- Ray “affirms” the decision of the Board.
- Ray initiated it.
- The protestors got Ray’s attention. He didn’t want harm to Immanuel. It was detrimental to Immanuel.
- Ray changed his mind.
- Scott listened to Ray’s message at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville in April 2021.
- Scott was “Not comfortable with the banter.”
- Scott said C.J./SGC “never opened door for investigation.”
- Said can’t relate to them “until they open the door and let others peer in,” “until they are transparent about everything.”
- I told him about Rachael Denhollander laying out a plan for an independent investigation.
- Told him about Paul Buckley, Phil Sasser, and 11 churches leaving SGC in 2019-2020 over the arrogant refusal to do an investigation.
- Told him SGC said it was “impossible” and would “harm the gospel” if they did an investigation. Told him they won’t do because of guilt – overwhelming evidence. It would be the end of SGC.
- I asked, “Why were the protesters there?”
- Scott said they tracked Russell Moore coming to Immanuel. He was their “hero.”
- Told him I was disappointed with Russell for never speaking out in public about C.J. and SGC.
- Protestors wanted to know “how could he [Russell] become part of church with Ortlund.” They said Immanuel, “supported the cover up.”
- Scott agreed with the protestors. He talked to Emily. Said, “She did us a favor.”
- Ray asked the Board to make the decision for him not to relate with C.J. and tell him what to do.
- I asked Scott to ask the Board to make a statement about the severing that I could use in an article. He thought it was a good idea. Said he would ask them the next evening at meeting.
- I asked how Ray could be Catechist and Cannon Theologian with the Anglican Church in North America given their practice of baptism for the dead, infant baptism, the Lord’s Supper to children, etc.
- Scott said he was hired as a consultant.
- Scott said an investigation needed to be done of C.J. to determine if the accusations were true.
- I challenged him and said the evidence is overwhelming. There is no question C.J. & SGC are guilty of a cover up. That’s why they adamantly oppose it.
After the conversation I sent this email given the upcoming Board meeting.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 2:21 PM
To: Scott Thomas
Subject: RE: Severing Ties with SGC
Please re-read the article below and bring it to the attention of the Board tomorrow night. I’d appreciate if the Board read it and reproved Ray for how he did the review and for never responding to my questions.
Conclusive Evidence the Investigation of C.J. Mahaney’s Confessed Sins by Kevin DeYoung, Ray Ortlund, & Carl Trueman Was Thoroughly Corrupt
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 12:54PM
Clearly, Ray sin [sinned] against God. His vindication of C.J. was unjust. He acquitted a guilty man by corrupt means. This was used by C.J. and SGM to vindicate themselves before the Body of Christ. As a result, the proud, abusive, deceitful, and hypocritical leadership continued.
If Ray sees his sin against the Lord, I have no doubt he will see his sin against me and return to ask forgiveness.
Thanks for the conversation.
Ten days later I wrote again. I received no response.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2021 4:30 PM
To: Scott Thomas
Subject: RE: Severing Ties with SGC
Hey Scott,
What the latest? Did the Board approve a statement about C.J./SGC? Can you send it to me? What were their thoughts on the article I wrote about the investigation? Do you think I’ll hear back from Ray?
Last week I wrote Scott a final time. No reply.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, October 2, 2021 10:10 AM
To: Scott Thomas
Subject: Statement About Severing Ties with C.J.
Hi Scott,
A quick note.
I’ve been tied up researching and writing articles about Ed Litton’s plagiarism and Josh Harris's interview with Mike Cosper. That’s why I haven’t written about Ray’s severing ties with C.J. I plan to start on an article in the coming week. I’d like to include any statement or announcement you made to the church regarding the same. I’ve asked for this before. I hope you will provide it. It would serve Ray and Immanuel well.
Please get back to me.
Ortlund's Defense of Mahaney in 2011
This is what Ortlund wrote about me in 2011 after I sent out The Documents which contained 600 hundred pages of carefully presented facts about C.J. after a decade of trying to address him in private. Ortlund abuses the teaching of Scripture to protect Mahaney in his sin. He continued this approach the last ten years. My writing is nothing but slander. The link to the article has been removed.
C. J. Mahaney
OCTOBER 14, 2011 | Ray Ortlund
The ninth commandment confronts our use of words when it says, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16). The Heidelberg Catechism explains:
“Q. What is God’s will for us in the ninth commandment?
A. God’s will is that I never give false testimony against anyone, twist no one’s words, not gossip or slander, nor join in condemning anyone without a hearing or without a just cause. Rather, in court and everywhere else, I should avoid lying and deceit of every kind; these are devices the devil himself uses, and they would call down on me God’s intense anger. I should love the truth, speak it candidly, and openly acknowledge it. And I should do what I can to guard and advance my neighbor’s good name.”
The Bible has a lot to say about how we use words, because God himself uses words. He is careful with his words; we tend not to grasp how significant our words are. That’s why the Bible says, for starters:
You shall not go about as a slanderer among your people. Leviticus 19:16
O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill? . . . He who does not take up a reproach against his friend. Psalm 15:1, 3
The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life. Proverbs 10:11
There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18
An evildoer listens to wicked lips, and a liar gives ear to a mischievous tongue. Proverbs 17:4
Whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends. Proverbs 17:9
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21
God gave them up to a debased mind . . . . They are gossips. Romans 1:28-29
Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. James 4:11
One of my commentaries on the book of Proverbs lists around 90 proverbs counseling us in our use of words. Proverbs has more to say about our words than about money or family or even death. Not surprisingly. I recently read that the average American speaks about 700 times per day. That number sounds high to me. If we cut it in half to 350 times per day, then cut it in half again to 175 times a day, still, there are few things we do 175 times a day. The Bible says, “Glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:20). That starts with our tongues.
We Americans have the right of free speech. In our political culture we have the right – if it’s a right, nobody can stop us – to blurt out whatever we feel. But when we become Christians, we moderate our use of that right in order to build a new culture of grace. So we bring our words under the judgment of God’s Word. We bring our blogs and tweets and emails under his judgment. We want to embody together the beauty of the gospel, especially in how we speak to and about one another.
It’s easy to justify spreading a negative report about someone, if we believe it to be true. But even if it is true – not an opinion, not an accusation, not a rumor, but a properly established fact – that does not justify passing it along. The Bible says, “A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back” (Proverbs 29:11). The Bible says, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29). Whatever we might feel like saying or posting, however intensely we might feel it, the gospel simply changes the subject. Three times the risen Jesus greeted his disciples this way: “Peace be with you” (John 20:19, 21, 26). If we will bring our tongues under the control of his peace, our churches will be safe places where more people can meet Christ. And no grievance is worth disturbing that blood-bought peace.
A pastor’s high visibility makes him especially vulnerable to destructive talk. We pastors have no coercive power, and we don’t want any. We want winsome influence, as we preach the message of Christ and bear the image of Christ. But to serve people effectively in that way, all we pastors have going for us is our reputations, our public acceptability. That is why it is a sin of special seriousness to injure the reputation of a gospel-preaching, godly pastor. He is not the only one who suffers. The cause of Christ suffers.
I have grieved for C. J. Mahaney in recent months, as he has been openly spoken against. I have never in my life witnessed a campaign of slander on such a scale as that aimed at C. J. This behavior is clearly unbiblical and therefore self-discrediting. To those few criticisms which rightly struck home to C. J.’s conscience, he has responded humbly. He has taken those accusations before the Lord, in community with other responsible men, and has received them as he believes is right in the Lord’s sight, with repeated attempts to reconcile with his accusers. No one could reasonably ask for more. Personally, it appears to me that C. J. has even over-confessed to his critics.
Many others, like me, distant in location but close in sympathy, hope that C. J. will return to his full ministry soon. We will rejoice to see it. In the meantime, and at all times, every one of us can only benefit from Jonathan Edwards’ wise counsel:
“Spiritual pride is very apt to suspect others, whereas a humble saint is most jealous of himself. He is so suspicious of nothing in the world as he is of his own heart. The spiritually proud person is apt to find fault with other saints . . . and to be quick to discern and take note of their deficiencies. But the eminently humble Christian has so much to do at home, and sees so much evil in his own heart, and is so concerned about it, that he is not apt to be very busy with others’ hearts.”
Final Thoughts
I received no replies from Thomas to my August 12 and October 2 inquiries and the Board has chosen silence. Immanuel Church may not even know about the requirement of staff to not participate in anything related to Sovereign Grace.
Furthermore, Ortlund has not contacted me to ask forgiveness for his corrupt actions and slander over the years. Nor has he expressed any public sorrow for his long term support of Mahaney. Lastly, he has yet to call for an independent investigation or make a statement about severing ties with C.J., the Pastors College, and the denomination.
I don’t know how men continue in ministry with guilty consciences. Ortlund and Immanuel don’t want people to know about the change with Mahaney because they’d have to explain their past support.
The same is true with other national leaders. They have likewise severed ties but remain silent. They keep it secret. These are men from Together for the Gospel, The Gospel Coalition, and beyond. All men who radically defended Mahaney for many years.
Only Al Mohler spoke out but it was under duress. Robert Downen of the Houston Chronicle was about to write about his support of Mahaney based upon his interaction with me. None of these men have the integrity or humility to acknowledge their wrong doing. Men like Mark Dever, John Piper, D.A. Carson, Justin Taylor, and Kevin DeYoung.
And then there are those leaders who still support Mahaney. Men like John MacArthur, Josh Buice, Voddie Baucham, Wayne Grudem, and Denny Burke.
For example, Jeff Purswell remains on the Board of Directors for the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW). Bob Kauflin just led worship at the G3 Conference in Atlanta with MacArthur. And yet, Jeff and Bob have been at the center of covering up for C.J. and have publicly condemn multiple victims of sexual abuse labelling them liars. They are strenuously opposed to an independent investigation.
It is incredulous that anyone who claims Christ as Lord would advance Mahaney, Purswell, Kauflin, or Sovereign Grace Churches. The charges against them are so serious and they are indisputable. That’s why they refuse an investigation. That is all you need to know.
Well, I plan to call Emily and her friends and set up a bigger and badder protest in front of Immanuel Church Nashville! This time for transparency. Kidding.