Retired Homicide Detective from Washington D.C. Contacts Me Regarding Evidence Against Charlie Llewellyn After Personal Encounter. Breaks Off Real Estate Deal to Buy 10 Acres of Land.

Charlie and Greer Llewellyn are very wealthy. Charlie was President and owner of Llewellyn Real Estate in Rockville, MD for 28 years. Over 80 agents worked for him. In June 2014, he was forced to quickly sell the real estate company because of accusations he physically and sexually abused his children.
The Llewellyn’s have lived in a beautiful farmhouse on 180 acres of land in idyllic Frederick County, Maryland for many years. They are now in the process of selling off 80 acres in 10 acre plots. They plan to continue living in the farmhouse.
On October 20, 2020, I received a call from a retired homicide detective in Washington D.C. I will call him John (not real name). He was now a small business owner in Frederick, Maryland and in the process of buying ten acres of land from Charlie.
Charlie was working through his agent which appears was longtime friend and lawyer, Chip Grange. John mentioned his name to me when talking about the potential purchase.
I’ve written about Grange and his alleged role in covering up sexual abuse in Covenant Life Church and Sovereign Grace Ministries here and here. I told John I did not trust Grange and that he was a close friend of Charlie’s.
During this process of negotiation, John’s real estate agent only referred to Charlie and Greer by their first names. That was intentional. She knew Charlie was accused of crimes but concealed if from her client. Only when documents were exchanged did John learn their last name.
He did a search and my articles came up. He was “very angry” with the agent for not telling him about the allegations of abuse. When confronted she said the allegations were not true according to Charlie. Therefore, she did not bring them up to John.
Several years of work had been done by Llewellyn to create the eight 10-acre lots for sale. Other wealthy people were also in the process of buying parcels. John had done a considerable amount of work on arrangements. It was a beautiful plot of land. A great place to build their house.
Though apprehensive, John, his wife, and children visited the property and met Charlie and Greer. He told me Charlie came “across strangely” to his children.
He also told me Charlie was extremely boastful and presented the Llewellyn family as a model of virtue and achievement. He boasted that “all nine kids are doing great” and they have a “great relationship with all of them.” This was necessary because Charlie knew the former detective was aware of the allegations of abuse.
I told John his claims of family harmony were untrue. I explained the oldest child Brieta and third child Margaret did not associate with Charlie and Greer and both had told their stories of physical and sexual abuse to law enforcement.
I also told John about my face to face confrontation of Charlie & Greer during which they did not deny charges of abuse and effectively admitted guilt. I further told him about my communication with Olivia and how her mother never challenged the truthfulness of the lawsuit in her correspondence with Olivia. She was only concerned about losing their farmhouse and property in settlement damages.
Lastly, Charlie told John three of the nine kids were living at home including Olivia. He also said that Olivia was “bi-polar” and “made up the accounts.” Typical statements to discredit her. Charlie and Greer have always been willing to damn Brieta, Olivia, and Margaret to others in order to cover up their abuse.
This is the follow up correspondence I sent “John” after our phone call.
From: Brent Detwiler
Date: October 20, 2020 at 2:50:48 PM MST
To: [John]
Subject: Charlie Llewellyn
Good talking. I’m glad you called. I’ve written three articles to date (below). It sounds like you have read the first two.
The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at Covenant Life Church
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 5:18PM
Charlie Llewellyn, Alleged Child Abuser, Sells Llewellyn Realtors to Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 11:47AM
The third article concerns statements by Brieta. She is the oldest child. Her husband Drew heads up the SWAT team in Longview, Texas. I’ve also included a secular article about him.
Brieta Llewellyn-Allison Calls Out Joshua Harris for Covering Up the Sexual Abuse of Children at Covenant Life Church Based on First-Hand Knowledge
Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 2:02PM
Drew Allison
Longview Police Department, Texas
Sgt. on SWAT team
Below is some of my correspondence with Sarah from New Hampshire. She contacted me out of the blue. It will sound very familiar. She too is Catholic.
[Note: I’ve added bold italics for emphasis and notes or corrections in brackets below.]
Weds, Aug 3, 2017, 10:00AM
Hello Brent. You don’t know me. And it’s probably weird for you to get a message from someone in NH but I am reaching out to you to because of Charlie Llewelyn. My family has had the unfortunate opportunity to meet him in our quaint little town. There was something about him that just did not sit with me. He keep telling me that his past was dark and he was bad. I just didn’t want to be around him. I decided to google him and the first thing I saw was an article you wrote about the allegations made by his daughters. It makes me sick. Now my dilemma. I am not a member of the church he is trying to get involved with here. But I know [a] member there along with the head pastor. Do you have any advise [advice] as to how I bring this information to them? I know their children and I care for these people. I feel it might damage my relationship with them by [but] I don’t think I should keep this to myself. Thank you Sarah
Thanks for contacting me Sarah. I agree with you. They need to know about Charlie. He will deny the criminal allegations but they are true from my perspective. He is a master manipulator in my opinion. He will tell you that he and his wife, Greer, may have used excessive discipline but never physically or sexually abused their children. The three oldest children [Brieta, Olivia, Margaret] have testified that the exact opposite is true. Maybe I could send my article on Charlie to the head pastor but not tell him about our contact. I’d only say that I have heard Charlie has been attending his church and wanted to make him aware of his background. Will that work? Or will the pastor and Charlie connect the dots to you?
I think that would be great actually. Let me find his contact info for you. His name is Justin Marbury. The church is called Calvary Wolfeboro in Wolfeboro, NH. I don’t think they will connect the dots and frankly I don’t care. This is too important. I really appreciate you [your] help with this. My community is so important to me and we just can’t have this sort of thing happening.
Great. If you’d like, friend me on FB. How did you meet Charlie? What did he tell you? Have they moved to Wolfeboro?
Charlie approached my husband on the tennis courts to coach his son [Quentin] and wife. He started out with a very aggressive. Asking me about my faith, my family, my son and my husband’s former job. It all made me quite uneasy. He made comments about how cute I was and my son was. It was just odd and he was soooo pushing about faith even after I told him I’m a practicing catholic. Then something weird complicated happened. My husband coaches at a prep school here. Charlie asked about this [the] facilities and [my husband] told him that the public is allowed to join the gym to work out. So he went and joined. He proceeded to approach everyone in the gym and facility and talk to them about pray [prayer] and God. Which made everyone at this very liberal institution very uneasy. So I guess someone reported him and they proceeded to google him. Charlie was asked to not return to the campus. Charlie then called my husband to deny all of the allegations but by this time I had already gone with my guy [gut] and done a lot of research. He swears his daughters are liars and that the one that pressed charges is an alcoholic and bulimic. And that is why she said he did the things he did. But I do not believe anything the man says. They have not moved here. They have come here for about 3-4 years in the summers. But he did indicate that he is looking for a home here
Yikes. Sorry for all the typos there.
No problem with typos. Been there, done that (all the time).
Charlie is one of the most deceitful, aggressive and arrogant people you will ever meet. He intimidates or cons anyone he needs to for his own purpose (including tennis lessons). He will employ flattery or threats. Gifts or punishments. Two of his three oldest daughters are well. One is the wife of a policeman. The one who pressed charges is in a bad way but that is largely due to his alleged physical and sexual abuse of her. Her name is Olivia and I helped and counseled her for 7 months. I don’t doubt her story at all. Charlie is also a hypocrite. Instructing others how to believe and live when he has done what he has done. He has no moral high ground. He prides himself in being a graduate of West Point and a real estate tycoon in Montgomery County MD. He sold his business, Llewellyn Realtors at the time I exposed him. I think the two were connected. Anyway, I’m glad you are protecting your family, church(es), and community.
Thank you confirming his [this] for me. I never felt he was genuine. I feel just awful for his youngest son. He is a gentle sweet soul. He flat out told us he had to sell his business because of the allegations. The pastor at Calvary Wolfeboro is Justin Marbury. I think his email address is [redacted]. I have known the marburry family for almost 30 years. We all happened to move to Wolfeboro within the last few years. They are fantastic, genuine people. Thank you so much for helping with this and protecting all the other victims. These kinds of crimes are the worst and have to be stopped and exposed.
Charlie Llewellyn, Alleged Child Abuser, Sells Llewellyn Realtors to Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 11:47AM
I will contact Justin tomorrow. You are so right. The crimes are the worse and need to be stopped.
I will get involved with talking to the Marbury’s if I have to but I appreciate not having to for now. Thank you!
I hope to have more articles out in the next month or two. I’ll make a note to send them on to you.
What is your last name if you don’t mind me asking?
I’m very sorry for your disappointment.
Here is the letter I wrote Justin Marbury. I did not send it to John but want to include it as an addendum.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2017 12:15 PM
To: Justin Marbury
Subject: Charlie Llewellyn
Hello Justin,
I took some time to read over the church website. It looks like you are doing a great job. As you well know, New England desperately needs the gospel. I almost planted a church in Boston in 1991 but ended up doing so in Charlotte, NC.
I’m originally from southeast PA and as a family we often vacationed in New England. The Green Mountains and Lake Winnipesauke were some of our favorite destinations. My younger sister lived in Burlington, VT for many years. My older brother has lived in Lake Placid for 40 years. I remember well attending the Winter Olympics there in 1980.
I’ve been in ministry for a long time and was part of Sovereign Grace Ministries until 2009 when I had to leave as a matter of conscience. In May 2013, a lawsuit was filed against SGM by 11 plaintiffs alleging a conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children. Unfortunately, it was dismissed on technicalities (e.g. the statute of limitations had expired). Therefore, the merits of the lawsuit were never heard in court. A great injustice indeed. Thankfully, the statute of limitation was just extended from age 25 to age 38 in Maryland but unfortunately not made retroactive. Here is a link to the lawsuit.
It is a horrifying account that includes the story of Olivia Llewellyn (aka Grace Goe, pseudonym). She is the second oldest daughter of Charlie and Greer Llewellyn. I provided pastoral care and counseling to Olivia for seven months. I believe her account is true. She is not doing well but that is largely due to the physical and sexual abuse she alleges in my opinion.
I’ve been made aware that Charlie and Greer have been visiting your church. I’ve written two articles about Charlie. I’d encourage you to read them.
The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at Covenant Life Church
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 5:18PM
Charlie Llewellyn, Alleged Child Abuser, Sells Llewellyn Realtors to Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 11:47AM
Since June 2013, what I have learned only confirms what I have written. I would exercise care in how you relate to Charlie and Greer and how they relate to the church.
Feel free to write if you have any questions.
Praying for God’s grace and wisdom to rest upon you.
When John called me eight months ago, he was also “investigating” me. He wanted to interact on a personal level to feel me out and see if I was of sound mind and disposition. Our conversation went well. I was able to tell him about my role and history in Sovereign Grace and my purpose in writing.
I took notes during the conversation. What I have written above is according to my best accounting and recollection.
Afterward, John broke off the land transaction. The retired homicide detective did not want his children anywhere near Charlie and Greer Llewellyn.
In contrast, C.J. Mahaney, his pastoral staff, and the Global Leadership Team of Sovereign Grace have joined arms with Charlie and Greer Lewellyn by defending their innocence and labeling Olivia a liar along with her sisters. That’s because they covered up Llewellyn’s crimes in 1997, 2008, 2010, 2014, and 2019.
Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville and Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. will never allow for an independent investigation because investigators would quickly come to the same conclusion as Detective John. That is why they hide in secret, answer to no one, and readily condemn the victims of abuse.
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