Russell Tusing, Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in LaGrange, GA, Arrested for Sexual Battery & Child Molestation

Russell Jon Tusing II
The LaGrange Daily News broke the story Monday evening (Mar. 18). It has been picked up by other news outlets and news stations throughout the region including Atlanta News First.
Local minister arrested in child molestation investigation
Published 6:02 pm Monday, March 18, 2024
By Tommy Murphy
LaGrange police have arrested the pastor of a local church who is facing allegations of child molestation.
Russell Jon Tusing II, 44, was arrested and charged with sexual battery (FVA) and child molestation (FVA). According to Troup County Jail records, Tusing was booked into the jail on Friday.
According to LaGrange Police Public Information Officer Lt. Chris Pritchett, the charges stem back to a report made in February with allegations dating back to 2022 in regard to a 13-year-old female victim.
Pritchett confirmed that Tusing was the pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange, though his name appears to have been removed from the staff leadership on the church’s website.
Multiple calls to the church went directly to voicemail. Tusing was named pastor of the church in August 2011, according to the church’s Facebook page.
Todd Wilhelm also wrote an article on Wednesday (Mar. 20). See Sovereign Grace Pastor Arrested For Sexual Battery & Child Molestation of 13-Year-Old Girl. He includes photos and unique information.
Tusing was incarcerated in the Troup County Jail last Friday (Mar. 15). He is “Non- Bondable” meaning he can’t secure a bond and be let out of jail because he poses a risk. He may flee, intimidate witnesses, destroy evidence, or harm others.
It is likely the police secured a warrant to retrieve his cell phone and computer if they have probable cause it contains evidence. They will be looking for evidence of other crimes as well.
Here is the basic information about Russel Jon Tusing from the LaGrange Police Department.
Note the two charge descriptions. Sexual Battery (FVA) 16-6-221 and Child Molestation (FVA) 16-6-4. We don’t know how many counts there are in each category. This is important because each act of battery and molestation carries its own punishment.
It appears the crimes were committed over the past two years. In my experience, these type of crimes never occur one time but many times over years until caught. There are likely multiple counts against Tusing in each category.
Here are the mandated sentencing guidelines for Sexual Battery (FVA) 16-6-22.1 and Child Molestation (FVA) 16-6-4.
A person convicted of the offense of sexual battery against any child under the age of 16 years shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years.
A person convicted of a first offense of child molestation shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years.
That means Tusing is looking at up to 25 years if found guilty on only two counts.
You’ll notice (FVA) after each charge description. That is an abbreviation for Family Violence Act. It means the crimes were committed against a family member. Lt. Chris Pritchett told the public the alleged crimes are in relation to a 13-year-old female victim.
This could be considered an “aggravated circumstance” (a legal term) which means the judge could be more severe in his sentencing if found guilty.
Tusing is 6 foot tall, 190 lbs., with a muscular physique of which he is quite proud.
Tusing & his wife Sarah
This is evident in his social profile where photos abound of him in tight shirts, tee shirts, and pants.
Tusing – Preaching
He even wears a strap shirt for his mugshot.
I tried calling Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange yesterday. Their phone service has been disconnected. That is not surprising. They are following denominational procedure and the advice of lawyers. You never answer questions unless strictly controlled. You never admit fault.
Every day since the arrest they have been altering and scrubbing information on the website.
Officer Lt. Chris Pritchett also told the public “the charges stem back to a report made in February with allegations dating back to 2022.” It is a very important piece of information.
The allegations of sexual battery and child molestation go back to 2022. That is upwards of two years ago. We are not told who made the allegations. Nor are we told to whom the allegations were made. This much we do know. Nothing was done about the gross allegations until they were reported to the LaGrange Police Department on February 24.
Whoever knew about the allegations is a crucial piece of evidence in the prosecution of the case. It means the young girl told people. They will corroborate her story. It could be family, relatives, friends, school teachers, church leaders, etc.
They arrested Tusing three weeks after the report on March 15. It was not a hard case to make. They must have considerable evidence. It will all come out in court documents, news coverage, and during the trial unless he pleads guilty.
I wrote the LaGrange Police Department this morning.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2024 10:47 AM
To: Chief Garrett Fiveash; Lt. Chris Pritchett
Subject: Tusing Is Part of Sovereign Grace Churches & Its Long History of Child Abuse & Cover-Up
Chief Garrett Fiveash and Lt. Chris Pritchett,
Below are a handful of articles I and others have written over the past 13 years regarding the conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children in Sovereign Grace Churches (SGC). That is the name of the denomination to which Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange belongs.
I was one of its founders, served on the Board of Directors for 25 years, and was the #2 leader most of those years. I left as a matter of conscience and have been exposing the organization the past 13 years. It has been a national story all that time. The latest with Russell Tusing comes as no surprise.
Scores of pastors, leaders, and people in the organization have been accused, charged, and found guilty of sex crimes. Those crimes were covered up on a systemic basis. Top Christian leaders like Rachael Denhollander and Dr. Albert Mohler Jr. have spoken out about these atrocities.
Pastors have also been exposed for adultery, voyeurism, sexual assault, and solicitation of prostitution. I have not included that evidence below.
I’ve worked closely with law enforcement and the national press which has highlighted the issue of abuse in Bible believing churches like Sovereign Grace Churches for over a decade.
I realize your investigation is focused on Russell Tusing but I thought it proper to alert you to the larger story. I also know you are well aware of most, if not all of the details below.
Here is the statement the church gave Atlanta News First on Thursday (Mar. 21).
“We are both shocked and grieved by the nature of these charges. Upon learning of the allegations, we immediately suspended Russell Tusing from his duties as pastor. He is not permitted to attend meetings, functions, or gatherings of the church during the pending judicial process and investigation.
We have been and are actively working and complying with the authorities. We would ask that if anyone has any knowledge or information related to these charges that they please report them to authorities.”
The “leadership team” included Sarah Tusing until Wednesday (Mar. 20) when her profile was removed. I assume she knew about the allegations but could be wrong. The leadership team, minus Sarah, made their statement of denial after she was removed.
Sarah Tusing
Kings Kids ‘Buddies’ Director
Sarah loves being a wife (to Russell since 2002) and a mother to their 4 children. Sarah has a Bachelor’s Degree in Practical Theology. Her heart for the special needs community emerged from her own experience of growing up with her youngest sibling, Tommy, having autism. She loves coffee and her Dallas Cowboys.
The leadership team is currently made up of four couples who are volunteers. None are employed by the church and none are pastors or elders. Two are new additions. None of these people would have been told about the allegations but that doesn’t mean no one knew.
The former associate pastor (Eddie Wood) and worship leader (Zach Hall) may have known. They went off staff not long ago. They should be contacted for comment. They both live in LaGrange.
I’d also suggest you interview Keith Collins. He is the senior pastor of Lakeview Christian Center in New Orleans and the regional leader over the church since 2014. He may have knowledge.
I cannot overstate the pervasive corruption that exists in Sovereign Grace Churches and their local churches. They also know how to put on the pretensions of godliness. Beware.
Thank you for the tireless service you and your officers provide to the LaGrange community.
Brent Detwiler
My Story - Resume - (
[a biographical sketch & overview of my work]
second+amended+sgm+lawsuit.pdf (
May 14, 2013
[the horrific 46-page lawsuit brought against Sovereign Grace Churches by 11 plaintiffs/victims]
John Loftness in Focus – Former Chairman of the SGM Board & Alleged Sexual Sadist
Sunday, July 14, 2013 at 5:32PM
Gary Ricucci & the Conspiracy Surrounding Convicted Felon, David Adams
Friday, August 2, 2013 at 8:11PM
Gene Emerson, Former Regional Leader for SGM, Found Guilty for Solicitation of Prostitution
Saturday, August 22, 2015 at 9:06AM
The Sex-Abuse Scandal That Devastated a Suburban Megachurch - Washingtonian
Inside the rise and fall of Sovereign Grace Ministries.
By Tiffany Stanley
February 14, 2016
Rachael Denhollander Speaks Out Against C.J. Mahaney in Interview with Christianity Today – Predictably, Sovereign Grace Condemns Her “False Accusations”
Saturday, February 3, 2018 at 6:15PM
Denhollander Speaks Out Again in Response to Condemnation by Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. – I’ve Added Background Commentary
Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 4:16PM
C.J. Mahaney, Covenant Life Church & the Conspiracy to Cover-up the Sexual Abuse of Children
Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 12:42PM
Mark Galli, Editor in Chief of Christianity Today, Calls for a Fresh & Thorough Independent Investigation of Sovereign Grace Ministries
Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 4:56PM
Christianity Today Interview with Rachael Denhollander Including Condemnation of C.J. Mahaney & Sovereign Grace Ministries for Covering Up Child Abuse Was Second Most-Read Article in 2018
Monday, December 31, 2018 at 7:55PM
100 Articles from 2012-2018 on the Conspiracy to Commit & Cover Up the Sexual Abuse of Children in Sovereign Grace Ministries
Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 11:05AM
Statement from R. Albert Mohler Jr. on Sovereign Grace Churches | News - SBTSR. Albert Mohler, Jr.
February 15, 2019
Seven More Churches Leave Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. Over Prideful Refusal to Do an Independent Investigation of 35-Year History of Sexual Abuse & Assault
Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 11:59AM
UPDATED: Hush Fund Used by Top Sovereign Grace Leaders to Meet the Demands of a Sovereign Grace Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused
Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 8:13PM
The Conspiracy to Cover Up the Sexual Abuse of Children Under C.J. Mahaney Grows as Shannon Truesdale Comes Forward to Tell Story of Abuse by Her Father & Sister
Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 12:18PM
Keith Collins has been the regional leader over the churches in Georgia, Louisiana, and Florida since 2014. That is the same year Sovereign Grace Church was adopted into Sovereign Grace Churches (see article at end).
Keith is also the senior pastor of Lakeview Christian Center in New Orleans. The local leaders in LaGrange would have contacted him first about any allegations. But Keith is not reliable. He has been covering up for C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches since 2011.
I have literally sent him thousands of pages of evidence proving the conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual of children among many other things.
Recently someone wrote me about Lakeview.
“I have friends in the New Orleans church and I can’t mention your name or they go ballistic. So, don’t visit there anytime soon! Such hypocrisy I can’t handle. Too many sour memories are coming to my mind now so I’ll taper my thoughts on all this. You’re in my prayers, Brent. You have as many enemies, it seems, as David did and he spent many sleepless nights pondering his dilemma.”
I responded.
“I loved Lakeview Christian Center (and they loved me). Keith and Gina were dear to Jenny and me. During Katrina I did everything possible to help them. People even relocated to Charlotte where I was leading a church.
When I sent out The Documents Keith turned against me. He is now one of 9 regional leaders (along with C.J.) for SGC. He oversees the churches in LA, GA, and FL. Climbing the ladder was more important than the truth or justice. The story and Psalms of David have been a great consolation. I appreciate your prayers!
Sovereign Grace Churches has a long history of not reporting child sexual abuse despite its denials.
“Let me be clear about this: I have never conspired to protect a child predator, and I also deny all the claims made against me in the civil suit.” --C.J. Mahaney, May 22, 2014
“I am innocent of the allegations that have been made against me personally, and the recent, public characterizations of Sovereign Grace as a whole are absolutely false. I categorically reject the suggestion that I have ever conspired to cover up sexual abuse or other wrong-doing.” --C.J. Mahaney, March 7, 2018
It doesn’t matter what Sovereign Grace Churches says in their Book of Church Order about having to report. They selectively follow the polity it contains.
For example, they have never allowed the victims of sexual abuse to testify against their pastor pedophiles before one of their tribunals. And of course, SGC has adamantly refused to allow an independent investigation. They actually said it would dishonor Christ and harm the gospel. That is nuts!
“We believe this course, the theological capitulation it would represent, and the precedent it would set, would ultimately dishonor Christ and harm the cause of the gospel.” --The SGC Leadership Team, April 12, 2019
They also say in the same statement.
“We made our decision [to reject an independent investigation] based upon principles that were theological, ethical, and practical in nature. Practical matters alone make this option impossible….We remain persuaded that an investigation is inappropriate, impractical, unjust.”
Last year, Mark Prater, the executive director for SGC, had Kyler Huber on his podcast with host Ben Kreps to talk about Building Safe Churches. Huber is on the Response Committee for Sexual Abuse. Kreps is a friend of Tusing.
This what Huber said in pertinent part.
“The purpose of the Response Committee for Sexual Misconduct is first of all, that we’re ensuring that all of our churches understand what reporting is required. That every Sovereign Grace pastor is a mandatory reporter, and that reporting is not held off for when you think you see a picture fully and clearly, and you know what has happened. Reporting begins with any sense or suspicion that there may be sexual misconduct taking place. So helping pastors have the confidence to move forward quickly and directly.” (July 24, 2023)
Prater adds.
“That’s excellent. And the requirement that every elder, every pastor in Sovereign Grace is a mandatory reporter is not just because the state law may require it where their church is located, but it’s also now a BCO requirement.”
This is laughable. The BCO is the Book of Church Order. They need to add another requirement. “Every elder, every pastor in Sovereign Grace swears not to sexually batter and molest children.”
But it is meaningless. Satan has a profound hold on the organization. This is the judgement of God. That is why the widespread deception and perversity continues. The lustful corruption in hearts and the activity of demons is surely God’s opposition to bring them low once again.
No one with any integrity could possibly remain in the denomination. But people in the churches will never know about Russell Tusing unless they hear it through blogs or the news media.
Sovereign Grace Churches is a disgrace in North America where people have ready access to news and the internet. That is why there has been a net increase of three churches (67 to 70) over the past eight years. And top leaders across the nation who once supported Mahaney have severed ties with him and the ministry.
It is also why only six students attend the Pastors College despite the constant branding and recruiting. Another reason is the five point Calvinism all pastors must adhere to. That means you can’t be a pastor in SGC if you believe Jesus died for the sins of the world. It is not permitted. Four point Calvinists need not apply.
The Reformed faith is one the things Tusing exalted in when he joined SGC in 2014. His was the only church in LaGrange that believed rightly.
“The gospel-centered culture and enthusiastic worship is so refreshing to be a part of. Having been independent for so many years, thinking that our local theology and practice was peculiar or unique, only to find that there was a larger body of believers just as peculiar or unique as us, was refreshing. Confusingly refreshing, albeit. I mean, Evangelicals who are passionately Reformed Continuationists? Really? How can this be? Someone pinch me! How could we not partner?”
He is also well known in SGC. Here is what he said in 2014 when they were adopted into the movement.
“We began pursuing relationship and association with Sovereign Grace approximately 6 years ago. During that time, we have developed many meaningful connections and friendships—brotherly and sisterly bonds that we hold very near and dear. This holds true even beyond our Southeast Region.”
Tusing is also well-known at large. For example, his church is listed on The Gospel Coalition (TGC) website. It should be removed immediately. It says in part.
The Gospel Coalition
Church Directory
sovereign grace church of lagrange
885 Callaway church rd
lagrange, Georgia, 30241
United States
Pastor: Russell Tusing
Tusing and his family are also extremely well-known in LaGrange with a population of 32,000. His two sons were stand out scholar-athletes at Lafayette Christian School with an enrollment of 493 students. The oldest left for college the fall of 2022. The second left the fall of 2023. He was the school valedictorian.
They may have been off at college when their father committed the alleged crimes.
Russell Tusing has no humility or integrity. And yet, one would think he will plead guilty rather than put his family through hell if he defends himself.
Welcome to the Family, Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange
September 24, 2014 by Mark Prater
I am deeply honored to announce that Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange, Georgia is now part of Sovereign Grace Churches!
They have pursued a relationship and affiliation with Sovereign Grace for the past several years. After much prayer, discussion, and assessment, the Southeast Region voted unanimously to adopt Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange a couple of weeks ago. We asked their senior pastor, Russell Tusing, why they wanted to join our family of churches:
We began pursuing relationship and association with Sovereign Grace approximately 6 years ago. During that time, we have developed many meaningful connections and friendships—brotherly and sisterly bonds that we hold very near and dear. This holds true even beyond our Southeast Region. The times our leaders have spent with others at the Sovereign Grace Pastors Conferences (and beyond these), both corporately and privately, have been excellent and necessary for our relationship. This time, for us, has been nothing but a display of a gospel-saturated culture. After all, Christ has not only cared for His church, but He continues caring for His church! Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange has experienced this in profound ways. The church being the church is an astonishing display of Christ in us. Sovereign Grace has shown this beyond dispute.
My fellow regional pastors have shown such interest and care for Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange. These men and their wives have extended themselves to my wife and me, as well as to the rest of our church in so many ways. For instance, they returned a phone call at 4:30 AM (on a Sunday morning!), they joined us for a local leaders outing, they ministered at our leaders seminar, they included us at a Regional Retreat, and so on. I could go on. These guys and their wives are great!
We are excited about being a part of Sovereign Grace. Our church is looking forward to the many ways and opportunities that this partnership will allow us to minister to and serve others within our family of churches. The gospel-centered culture and enthusiastic worship is so refreshing to be a part of. Having been independent for so many years, thinking that our local theology and practice was peculiar or unique, only to find that there was a larger body of believers just as peculiar or unique as us, was refreshing. Confusingly refreshing, albeit. I mean, Evangelicals who are passionately Reformed Continuationists? Really? How can this be? Someone pinch me! How could we not partner?
I’m so glad Russell, his pastoral team, and their church are now a part of the Sovereign Grace family. Please join me in thanking God for this new partnership, and pray that much gospel fruit will be produced through our labors together.
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