The False Prophets & Prophesy Surrounding the Reelection of Donald Trump to a Second-Term

Throughout 2020, “prophets,” “prophetesses,” and pastors throughout America declared President Trump would be reelected on November 3, 2021. He lost by 7 million votes. It was a decisive defeat.
After the loss, these same leaders declared Trump would still become a second-term President because the election was “stolen” due to widespread fraud. No systemic fraud occurred. Tragically, President Trump’s advanced this lie. His “stop the steal” message on January 6 incited the illegal and riotous entry of the Capitol resulting in deaths, injuries, and national disgrace.
For the most, these same “seers” continue to maintain God will “part the Red Sea” and Trump, not Biden, will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021. One exception is Jeremiah Johnson. He is considered a leading “prophet” in America. I found his confession heartening. It is substantial and appears sincere. I hope others like Paula White (Trump’s spiritual advisor who wildly declared his reelection) will follow Johnson’s example, not out of expedience to save their ministry, but out of profound sorrow for misleading millions including the President.
Throughout Scripture false prophets prophesy “peace and prosperity.” Whereas, true prophets prophesy judgement and hope if people will repent and turn from their idols. In our hour, a true prophet would have declared God’s removal of President Trump for his fierce pride and the giving over of our nation to an evil administration due to our unrepentant sins of idolatry.