The “One Minute Apologist” Condemns as “Slander” My Article Exposing Bryan Loritts. I Confront Bobby Conway & His Assistant, Tim Hull.

Bobby Conway is the One Minute Apologist. I know Bobby. He and I led churches ten minutes apart north of Charlotte. After I left Sovereign Grace Ministries in 2009, I attended his church, Life Fellowship, on several occasions. A number people who left SGM attended and joined. We talked on multiple occasions.
On Sunday, I sent this article to national leaders around the country including Conway.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2020 6:07 PM
To: National Leaders
Subject: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
Sunday, June 14, 2020 at 8:21PM
Investigative journalist, Julie Roys at The Roys Report has done an incredible job reporting on Bryan Loritts’ fake doctorate, his cover up of sexual abuse by his brother-in-law, and his incomprehensible hiring by J.D. Greear as an executive pastor at the Summit Church in North Carolina.
This is a major story. J.D. Greear is the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. During his tenure, he has spoken out on behalf of victims but he is not applying what he has taught in his hiring of Bryan Loritts, nor in his handling of victim, Jennifer Baker, and witness, Greg Selby.
Greear called for the Caring Well Conference: Equipping the Church to Confront the Abuse Crisis (October 2019) but he and his staff are not caring well now; except for their own interests. Ask Baker and Selby. Here are a few comments they made during a podcast interview with Roys on June 11. This was after their conversation with Dave Thompson (lead pastor) and Todd Unzicker (an associate pastor) from The Summit Church which occurred the last week in May. Rachael Denhollander set up and participated in that phone call.
Read more by clicking on the link below.
Here is the response I received from Conway’s assistant, Tim Hull. It speaks for itself - not interested in evidence, stop slandering, Loritts is a great friend.
From: One Minute Apologist <>
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 6:30 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
I don’t know who you are, but please please take this email off of your list.
Your slander of Bryan Loritts is too far. Bryan is a great friend of this ministry.
Thank You,
Tim Hull
Become a Supporting Team Member at for exclusive content from the One Minute Apolotgist.
I wrote Hull back.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 2:06 PM
To: One Minute Apologist
Subject: RE: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
Say hello to Bobby for me. You shouldn’t be answering for him. You can find out who I am at It includes my resume.
It is not too far. It is based on the evidence put forward by Roys, Denhollander, Baker, & Selby. Do your homework! And stop playing the slander card! That is the lowest form of debate. It is a means of silencing and intimidating when you should be studying the evidence. You are being foolish in the full biblical sense. Far from being an “apologist.”
He doesn’t respond to my charges. He avoids them. Hull is the one slandering. Hundreds of times over the last ten years, I’ve seen national leaders label as slander well documented evidence against them or their crony friends. It is an appalling use of Scripture. They knowingly slander the truth and those bringing the truth whenever it jeopardizes their income, numbers, or notoriety. It is vile.
From: One Minute Apologist
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 2:22 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
I am not answering for him. I get these emails, he doesn’t. If you have his email, then you can add him to your list, but please take info@ off your list.
Thank You,
Tim Hull
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 2:23 PM
To: One Minute Apologist
Subject: RE: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
What is his email address?
From: One Minute Apologist
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 2:24 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
I am not at liberty to give it out. If you are friends or close, you can ask him or reach out to him for it.
Thank You,
Tim Hull
At this point, I appealed to Conway. I hoped he would address Hull for calling my article slander, etc.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 2:28 PM
To: One Minute Apologist
Subject: RE: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
Please forward all our emails to Bobby and ask his permission for you to share his address with me. He needs to review your work and see how you are answering for him.
Now Hull resorts to deceit and promotes Loritts. He is clueless. Conway should take down the video conversation with Loritts on “E-Racism and the Current Racial Tension in Culture” from May 29. Not because it is about racism but because Loritts conspired to destroy evidence of crimes, obstructed justice, did not care for the victims, covered up for his brother-in-law, and is guilty of serial lying to this very day.
Conway refers to Loritts as his “dear friends.” There you go. Celebrity leaders like Conway cover up for celebrity leaders like Loritts. It is a repeat of C.J. Mahaney. Everything written against him was labeled gossip, gossip, gossip and slander, slander, slander by Together for the Gospel, The Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, Grace to You and countless other ministries. One problem, though. Mahaney’s guilt has been proven! This sin of partiality is pandemic in evangelicalism!
From: One Minute Apologist
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 2:29 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
I am answering on behalf of the organization One Minute Apologist. Loritts was on our show a few weeks ago.
Thank You,
Tim Hull
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 2:34 PM
To: One Minute Apologist
Subject: RE: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
Why are you being deceitful? When you answer for the organization you are de facto answering for Bobby. Send him the article and our emails and ask him permission to give me his address.
If you are a friend of “Doctor” Loritts you will study the evidence, confront him, and call for an independent investigation. You should no longer have him on your program unless it is to correct him.
Loritts’ claim he has a doctorate is a total con job. Hull now attempts to sidetrack the conversation to an irrelevant matter. He wants to know how I got the generic email address This is a diversionary tactic. He’s avoiding the real issues.
From: One Minute Apologist
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 2:36 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
With respect, Brent, how did this email address get on your list in the first place?
You sent your first email to this address April 2019. I am asking you to please take it off your list.
Thank You,
Tim Hull
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 2:41 PM
To: One Minute Apologist
Subject: RE: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
I knew Bobby in NC. I had his personal addresses. He moved back to CA. Addresses no longer worked. I started using this generic address. All emails to from me are for Bobby. Start forwarding them. Stop blocking them.
From: info Account
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 2:54 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
I just spoke with and he agreed with me, please remove OMA [One Minute Apologist] from your list.
Thank you,
Conway was now complicit. He didn’t correct Hull and made clear his is not interested in the evidence against his “dear friend.” If Conway looks into the evidence (rather than put his head in a hole), he will be convinced and the video conversation will be removed. Moreover, he will exhort Loritts to repent and appeal that he step down from ministry.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 3:04 PM
To: info Account
Subject: RE: Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
Hey Bobby,
You should be willing to engage me personally not through Tim.
You are making a big mistake. You need to research Loritts and take a stand. I’ll will still be writing you. That is my duty before God. If you want to ignore evidence of corruption in the evangelical church, etc. that is your choice, but of course, you will be accountable to God.
Please read this article and study the links.
Julie Roys & Rachael Denhollander Speak Out Against Hiring of Bryan Loritts by J.D Greear & The Summit Church
Sunday, June 14, 2020 at 8:21PM
I enjoyed our times together and appreciate your work.
In the Savior.
The One Minute Apologist is not willing to defend the truth (i.e., the victims, the witnesses, Roys, Denhollander, et al.) and expose error. He is going to defend his corrupt friend. I expect most celebrity leaders will do the same.
And let me add this addendum. It is an excerpt from an article written by David Bonner. I’d commend it to you. It is shocking to discover that Loritts played the gossip card in covering up for C.J. Mahaney. Of course, I’m kidding.
Of all the Scandals Written About at The Wondering Eagle, Bryan Loritts Was The Most Disturbing. Here’s Why
May 19, 2020
Looking Up to Bryan Loritts and Having an Exchange with him on Email
In 2009 I descended into a faith crisis that lasted for about five years. As I dealt with the situation I was bothered by the corruption I was seeing in evangelical ministries. The Sovereign Grace Ministry network was exploding and I was clashing with someone who tried to get me involved in the last SGM church plant in the Washington, D.C area before the scandal broke. It was during this time that I stumbled across something that impressed me. At his blog Bryan Loritts took on Douglas Wilson and his comments on racism. Even in the midst of a faith crisis and working through it I recalled Bryan Loritts preaching. I had a deep amount of respect for him and I reached out to him at Fellowship Memphis. I asked him in an email exchange why are so many evangelical pastors and more tolerating sex abuse and other scandals? I asked him in an email will he speak out about the Sovereign Grace Ministry scandal? Shortly afterward Bryan Loritts wrote me back. In the note back he accused me of engaging in gossip. This occurred in March of 2013. When I got that response I was disillusioned. It made no sense. It confused me. Is this the same Bryan Loritts I interacted with and heard him preach? You can see that email exchange in, “An Email Exchange with Bryan Loritts in March of 2013 Helps Shine Light on the Alleged Cover Up of Rick Trotter’s Voyeurism in Fellowship Memphis.” But I was baffled. Why would Bryan Loritts be silent about sex crimes in a church? Why wouldn’t he speak out? Well three years later I would learn why. It was because Bryan Loritts was involved in covering up sex crimes in Fellowship Memphis.
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2237 E. Bel Air Lane
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