The Parents of Plaintiffs-Victims Karl Koe & Karen Koe Rebut C.J. Mahaney’s Statement of Innocence

The parents have chosen to remain anonymous in this communication. They go by the pseudonyms Wallace and Happymom on the blog, SGMSurviovrs.
Their two children also go by the pseudonyms Karl Koe and Karen Koe in the Second Amended Complaint (i.e., lawsuit) filed against C.J. Mahaney, Sovereign Grace Ministries, Covenant Life Church, Sovereign Grace Church of Fairfax, et al.
Factual allegations 11, 107, 182 in the lawsuit concern Karl Koe.
Factual allegations 10, 162-165 in the lawsuit concern Karen Koe.
A Victim’s Family Provides a Startling Counterpoint to C.J. Mahaney’s Statement
Dee Parsons
The Wartburg Watch
May 22, 2014
On May 22, 2014, CJ Mahaney released a statement about the pending civil lawsuit brought against him and others. This statement was made following the reports of the testimony given by his brother in law, Grant Layman, during the Nate Morales trial.
In his statement, Mahaney said the following:
I’m saddened, too, by the confusion and damage that has resulted from public comments and speculation about these events.
It is the opinion of TWW that damage has also occurred to the victims and their families as the numerous allegations of child sex abuse and cover up within Sovereign Grace Ministries has been met with apparent disdain by some religious leaders. For those readers who are not aware of the details of this controversy, we heartily recommend that you visit the well written SGM Crisis Timeline at this link.
Also, in the subsequent statement from the family, you will read of Wallace’s Story and Noel’s Story. At the request of the family, we direct you to this link at Sovereign Grace Survivors. You will be able to read those stories along others.
It is the hope of TWW that the full truth in this matter will be brought to light. Today, TWW was apprised that documentation, along with a statement by a victim’s family, was available to provide a counterpoint to the statement made by CJ Mahaney.
It is our hope that the evidence, on both sides, will one day be presented before an objective audience. It would seem to us that all parties of good faith and conscience would desire the same.
TWW believes that celebrity Christian leaders have the backing of other well known leaders. Furthermore, these personalities have a plethora of grass roots fans. Who provides a voice for the victims and their families who are often marginalized and/or shunned by the very churches in which they sought hope and comfort? We believe that blogs are providing information that might have been ignored those who control the microphones. Within these blogs, supportive communities have arisen to support those who have struggled.
As always, TWW stands with the victims of child sex abuse and their families. Please join us in daily praying those who have been abused, let down and left hurting. May the God of all comfort be with them.
A Statement by Wallace and Happymom
I have never conspired to protect a child predator, and I also deny all the claims made against me in the civil suit”. CJ Mahaney
In response to CJ Mahaney’s recent statement, we offer this rebuttal.
- We met with CJ in January 2009 to discuss our daughter’s molestation and how Sovereign Grace Church of Fairfax had handled it.
- There were 3 meetings with CJ and we have emails to verify this.
- He also sent us an article, When Child Sex Abuse Occurs: Considerations for Pastors.
- Details of our family’s meetings are in “Wallace’s Story” April 8, 2011.
- CJ mentioned in one of his emails that he found Noel’s story “heartbreaking”. Her story was made public on December 31, 2008.
- Kenneth Maresco (CLC pastor) was also involved with 2 separate meetings that we had with Sovereign Grace Church of Fairfax.
- Both men were well informed on the situation regarding the Fairfax church.
- Please keep victim’s and victim’s families in your prayers.
Wallace & Happymom