The Sexual Assault of Teenage Girl by Executive Pastor’s Son at Sovereign Grace Church of Marlton, NJ

Jason Reyes was the senior pastor at Covenant of Grace Church now located in Copley, OH. Randy Stewart was his associate pastor. Reyes’ son repeatedly sodomized Stewart’s son who was a young boy. The church was never told.
Instead, C.J. Mahaney relocated Reyes and his family to Sovereign Grace Church now located in Abingdon, Maryland and then to Sovereign Grace Church now located in Marlton, New Jersey. A bogus explanation was given for why he was stepping down and moving.
Neither church in MD nor NJ was informed that their children and teens were in “harm’s way.” I wrote about this horrid account at length. There is no question as to the facts.
UPDATED: Hush Fund Used by Top Sovereign Grace Leaders to Meet the Demands of a Sovereign Grace Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused
Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 8:13PM
Four months after I published the article, a young lady I’ll call Mary, contacted me to say thank you and alleged she had been sexually assaulted as an older teenager. Her letter is below. I’ve removed identifying details.
Let me add that Jason Reyes is the executive pastor at SGC in Marton, NJ. Warren Boettcher is the senior pastor. Reyes was never removed from ministry and no church was ever told about his son’s perverse and predatory behavior. It was all covered up by C.J. Mahaney and his surrogates.
Jason Reyes, Executive Pastor
From: Mary
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2021 2:50 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Victim of Reyes Assault
Hi Brent,
I recently discovered your page from a friend of mine. I am so thankful I found it. ...
When I read your article about the Reyes family I was deeply saddened for the [Stewart] boy. And have a connection with this story because that family in “harm’s way” from the Reyes’ son that you described was me.
I was assaulted by the Reyes son for two years. 2014-2016 It breaks my heart as an adult…to know my younger self could have been protected from abuse if it wasn’t for these righteous [sic] leaders at sgc. But I’m glad to be getting answers.
This is the tip of the iceberg for the NJ sgc church. Warren even to this day is letting men of rape and sexual assault live and have access to leadership roles in his church. Will defend these men and tell the woman that they are interpreting things wrong. It is disturbing.
Thank you for bringing these things to light. I really felt like there was hope finding your website. Would love to share my story more.
God Bless,
I know Warren and I know his personal history in terms of sexual impurity.
Warren Boetcher, Senior Pastor
He is also one of the men that framed me in December 2011 after I sent out The Documents. He is a C.J. clone.
Panel Report on Brent Detwiler’s Dismissal from Grace Community Church
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 6:03PM
Therefore, it is no surprise to hear Mary allege he is “letting men of rape and sexual assault” be in the church and in leadership. Her assault is just “the tip of the iceberg.”
This is another reason why Mahaney and the denomination will never allow for an independent investigation. It would result in their great guilt being exposed to their utter shame.