Together for the Gospel No More – A Photo History With Commentary

Together for the Gospel began in April 2006 in Louisville, Kentucky. We met in the Grand Ballroom of the Galt Hotel. Mark Dever, Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, and C.J. Mahaney had become friends. Three thousand attended that first year. Other headliners included R.C. Sproul, John Piper, and John MacArthur.
It was wonderful to see these men Together for the Gospel.
T4G 2006
L-R: Moher, Piper, Dever, Sproul, Duncan, MacArthur, Mahaney
C.J. wanted Mark Driscoll to be invited to T4G 2006, not John MacArthur, for two reasons. Driscoll was reaching a younger generation. MacArthur was a fundamentalist. He was concerned he’d cause division. Dever wanted MacArthur over Driscoll. C.J. shared this with me. I was his closest confidante in Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM).
At this time I was addressing the most serious of issues in C.J.’s life and involving the top leaders in SGM (Dave Harvey, Steve, Shank, Pat Ennis) and top pastors in C.J.’s Covenant Life Church (Josh Harris, Bob Kauflin, Grant Layman, Kenneth Maresco). It was not going well.
L-R: Detwiler, Shank, Mahaney, Harvey, Ennis
During the conference, C.J. drew inordinate attention to himself especially during the panel discussions. I asked Bob to address him along with Josh. Bob led worship at T4G from 2006 until 2016. He helped me plant a church in Charlotte in 1991 and was my associate for the next six years. Then we sent him out to start Sovereign Grace Music with C.J. in Gaithersburg, MD. We were close friends.
In 2006, C.J. gave Al (i.e., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) a gift of 200k from Sovereign Grace Ministries. This was done secretly. It was never approved by me or the other board members. He also gave him money from Covenant Life Church. Mohler made him a prestigious President Council’s member which was highlighted in the SBTS donor magazine.
T4G 2008
L-R Back Row: Piper, Duncan, Mahaney, Dever, MacArthur. L-R Front Row: Sproul, Anyabwile, Mohler
C.J. was largely the relational glue for this group. He knew how to draw them out and get them laughing. He was the center of attention during their times together. C.J. would tell me how most of these men did not have close friends and experienced little fellowship. The T4G comradery was new for them.
Thabitti Anyabwile (aka Ken Burns) was added to the group as a featured speaker. Thabitti was originally from the Cayman Islands and a practicing Muslim before converting. He was well regarded for his commitment to the gospel and expository preaching among African-Americans.
T4G 2010
L-R: Piper, Duncan, Anyabwile, Dever, MacArthur, Mohler, Mahaney
The group is the same in 2010 except for the absence of R.C. Sproul. His doctor advised him not to attend due to health concerns.
In March 2010, I sent C.J. my first document, Response Regarding Friendship & Doctrine. I hoped it would serve his soul.
T4G 2012
L-R Front Row: Platt, Piper, Duncan, Mahaney, Mohler. L-R Back Row: Anyabwile, Dever, DeYoung, Chandler. (MacArthur missing)
In 2012, three younger evangelical celebrities were added. David Platt, Kevin DeYoung, and Matt Chandler. MacArthur did not attended the conference. “Wokeness” was becoming an issue. Sproul’s health continued to decline. Over 8,000 attended the fourth biennial conference.
Nine months earlier (July 2011), I was compelled to send out The Documents (Parts 1-4) to all the pastors in SGM when C.J. lied about his reason for taking a six month leave of absence as President of SGM. Someone posted them on the internet and they went viral. They contained 600 pages of evidentiary appeals to C.J. to repent. They were read by 100,000 people over the next 12 months.
I sent The Documents to the T4G leaders above. They all blindly defended C.J. For example, Kevin DeYoung did a behind the scenes assessment for SGM with Carl Trueman and Ray Ortlund Jr. They reviewed written confessions by C.J. of sins primarily committed against me. Yet, they never contacted me to talk about them. Instead they declared C.J. “fit to be a minister” and “a model for others to follow” without any interaction.
At the same time, Mohler publicly condemned me for having “an obvious vendetta against C.J.” Duncan did the same. He condemned The Documents as nothing but “assaults” and “spurious accusations.” I came to learn neither of the men read The Documents.
At the time, I was working with the Covenant Life Church pastors. They were beginning to address C.J. As a result, he abruptly and angrily left the church without ever talking to Josh Harris or the pastors about his unilateral decision. This was contrary to everything C.J. taught on how to leave a church. It was pure hypocrisy. It offended the members of CLC.
C.J. fled to Capitol Hills Baptist Church with Mark Dever in August 2011. Dever received him like an angel of God. He commended C.J. to the church and had him preach. This was contrary to Dever’s teaching on eldership and church membership. C.J. was a fugitive on the run. Dever harbored him.
T4G 2014
L-R Back Row: Anyabwile, DeYoung, Chandler, Duncan, Dever. L-R Front Row: Platt, Piper, MacArthur, Mohler. (Mahaney missing)
It is now April 2014. Eleven months earlier a 46-page lawsuit was filed on May 14, 2013 against C.J., Covenant Life Church, Sovereign Grace Ministries, et al. by eleven victims of sexual abuse – five of whom already had convictions. They all alleged a conspiracy to cover up their abuse by Mahaney and other pastors in SGM. I knew most of the victims’ parents. I did not know their children were abused. C.J. hid that information from me.
The lawsuit was dismissed by a Maryland judge on May 17, 2013 because the statute of limitations for sexual abuse had expired in MD and the VA plaintiffs should have filed their complaints in VA. The merits of the case were never adjudicated.
Six days later, Dever, Duncan, and Mohler radically defended C.J. as an innocent man in a statement published on the T4G website. It read in part:
“We are friends who have been brought together for the gospel. Over the last several months, we have wanted to speak publicly to the issues that have related to our friend C.J. Mahaney. … We have stood beside our friend, C. J. Mahaney, and we can speak to his personal integrity. … A Christian leader, charged with any credible, serious, and direct wrongdoing, would usually be well advised to step down from public ministry. No such accusation of direct wrongdoing was ever made against C. J. Mahaney. Instead, he was charged with founding a ministry and for teaching doctrines and principles that are held to be true by vast millions of American evangelicals. For this reason, we, along with many others, refused to step away from C. J. in any way. We do not regret that decision. We are profoundly thankful for C. J. as friend, and we are equally thankful for the vast influence for good he has been among so many Gospel-minded people.” (May 23, 2013)
After the lawsuit was dismissed it was appealed. There was a lot of news coverage. As a result, C.J. put out this humble sounding statement with T4G 2014 approaching nine months later.
“After much prayer, reflection and counsel I have decided to withdraw from participation in the 2014 Together for the Gospel conference. My reason for doing so is simple: I love these men and this conference and I desire to do all I possibly can to serve the ongoing fruitfulness of T4G. … I believe the most effective way I can serve my friends who have supported me, and continue to support me, is by not participating in the 2014 conference.” (July 1, 2013)
C.J. didn’t preach or participate but he did sit in the front row with his friends.
L-R: Mohler, MacArthur, Anyabwile, Piper, Mahaney, DeYoung
After T4G 2014, C.J. put out this statement on his Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville website denying every single claim against him in the lawsuit. The enormity of his lie cannot be overstated.
“For nearly two years now, I have remained silent about a civil lawsuit brought against various parties including myself. During that time, many have urged me to respond publicly and address the accusations against me. These pleas have only intensified over the last week in light of reports of testimony in a recent trial. I look forward to the day when I can speak freely. For now, the simple and extraordinarily unsatisfying reality—for myself and others—is that in the face of an ongoing civil lawsuit, I simply cannot speak publicly to the specifics of these events. Even with those constraints, however, let me be clear about this: I have never conspired to protect a child predator, and I also deny all the claims made against me in the civil suit.” (May 22, 2014)
Upon appeal, the lawsuit was closed on September 22, 2014 due to legal technicalities but not due to the merits of the case which were never heard by a judge or jury.
The reference to “a recent trial” was the trial of Nathaniel “Nate” Morales in May 2014. He was sentenced to 40 years in prison. C.J.’s brother-in-law, Grant Layman testified under oath that none of the pastors, including himself and C.J., reported Morales’ wretched crimes to law enforcement. Grant confessed to a conspiracy under the law.
In December 2014, Sovereign Grace Ministries changed its name to Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. (SGC).
T4G 2016
L-R Back Row: Chandler, Mahaney, Mohler, Duncan, Dever. L-R Front Row: Platt, MacArthur, Piper, DeYoung, Anyabwile.
Leading up to the conference, Washingtonian magazine published The Sex-Abuse Scandal That Devastated a Suburban Megachurch - Washingtonian on February 14, 2016. Tiffany Stanley, the author of the longform article, contacted me in April 2015 and asked for an interview. I put her in contact with victims and worked with her and editors over the next ten months. The article was read by hundreds of thousands of people.
Regardless, C.J. resurfaced in April 2016. He spoke on the sufferings of righteous Job. It was not lost on anyone that he was drawing a comparison to his own “sufferings.” The truth about C.J. did not matter to these men. They continued to idolize him and treat him as though a martyr.
I sent them thousands of pages of evidence proving the conspiracy starting in February 2013. Dever was working especially hard to defend C.J. at every turn. Dever, Duncan, and Mohler refused to talk or meet with me despite many appeals.
Just before T4G 2016, Rachael Denhollander contacted me (excerpt below). She had read everything I’d written. I put her in contact with victims, provided ongoing evidence, and interacted with her at length.
From: Rachael Denhollander
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 10:08 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: RE: Interest in Learning More
If you have seen or know anyone who has seen, any records corroborating absolutely anything the victims allege, I would be so grateful to know it. And thank you for your work exposing this evil. My husband and I are so deeply grieved at what has happened, and at our church’s support for Mahaney.
Her church was Immanuel Baptist Church of Louisville. Ryan Fullerton was, and is, the lead pastor. Ben Hedrick was his executive pastor at the time. They were radical defenders of Mahaney at the encouragement of Dever.
At T4G 2016 a group of individuals supporting SGC victims protested in front of the KFC YUM Center. That included Pam Palmer. Her daughter was raped at a young age in Covenant Life Church. John Loftness, her pastor, instructed them not to report the crimes to police. John was on C.J.’s staff and a close friend. He is also an alleged sexual sadist.
Sovereign Grace was the main attraction at T4G 2016. C.J. was speaking and doing panels. Bob Kauflin was leading worship. Sovereign Grace had a exhibitor’s booth headed by executive director Mark Prater, who was recruiting church planters and students for the Pastors College.
In Mohler’s introduction of C.J. he made a joke about what he learned about C.J. from people on twitter. This was a slander of the victims and those of us making the truth known.
In August 2016, Rachael went public with her story about being sexually abused by Larry Nassar, a doctor for Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics. He had sexually abused hundreds of female athletes. Rachael was the first to go public. She told Todd Wilhelm and I about the possibility back in March.
In January 2018, she spoke out against C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. (SGC) in an interview with Morgan Lee from Christianity Today. Two months later on March 22, Mark Galli and the editorial board of Christianity Today called for an independent investigation of Mahaney and SGC based upon Rachael and my work.
T4G 2018
L-R: Platt, Dever, Chandler, Mohler, MacArthur, Duncan, Anyabwile, DeYoung, Charles, Piper. (Mahaney not in photo)
T4G 2018 remembered the death of R.C. Sproul and celebrated his life. He went home to be with the Lord on December 14, 2017. He was 78 and died of complications due to emphysema.
The biennial conference continued to grow with approximately 12,500 in attendance. The theme was "Distinct from the World." Oh, the irony.
Leading up to it, Mohler, Dever, and Duncan were unreservedly endorsing Mahaney. They allowed him to post “A Letter from C.J. Mahaney” on the T4G website on March 7, 2018 putting himself forward as a humble, innocent, and selfless servant. It is one of C.J.’s most deplorable displays of deceit and manipulation. You can find it here.
Soon after this, Mohler’s relationship with Mahaney would radically change. Here’s how.
On February 14, I sent Rachael Denhollander a transcript I made from recordings of two “Members Only” meetings held at Covenant Life Church (CLC). At those meetings, lawyer Lars Liebeler gave two oral reports of his findings regarding the conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children in CLC. He was retained as their lawyer to do the bogus investigation. In other words, he could not report on findings of guilt that would incriminate his client. That included C.J. His investigation was corrupt. I exposed it and sent an overview of my observations to Rachael on February 15.
Thereafter, Rachael and her husband Jacob met with Mohler in late March or early April. They shared my information with him. He quickly realized he had been duped by C.J. He asked C.J. to step down from ministry and do an independent investigation. He refused. As a result, Al severed his friendship with C.J. and his ties to SGC. This action was not made public until ten months later.
The severing, however, made no difference in terms of T4G 2018. Dever was in charge and he had the support of Ligon Duncan, the third man on the steering committee. As a result, Bob Kauflin led worship (and produced a live album on the Sovereign Grace Music label). He also spoke. In addition, top SGC leaders like Mark Prater recruited men to the Pastors College and churches to the denomination. The only change was Mahaney not speaking. It was meaningless. Read more here.

Gatherings 2018
L-R: Keith Getty, H.B. Charles, Matt Boswell, Matthew Westerholm, Bob Kafulin
Mohler was not pleased. The following month he implicitly, not explicitly, called for an independent investigation of Mahaney and SGM though he did not refer to them by name. I wrote about it here. Dever and Duncan remained silent.
Fast forward.
Ten months after T4G 2018, Mohler was compelled to explain his reasons for cutting ties with Mahaney. Read here for the complete story. Here’s a brief summary
On February 10, 2019, I wrote Robert Downen and his colleagues from The Houston Chronicle. I told him about Mohler’s radical support of Mahaney over the years despite the evidence. Robert and his team of investigative journalists were doing groundbreaking reporting on sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention.
During an interview with Mohler on February 14, Downen asked him about his defense of Mahaney regarding the cover up of sexual abuse in Sovereign Grace Churches. Mohler was forced to acknowledge his egregious error and reveal he had privately severed ties ten months earlier. Mohler had been silent about his actions. Now he was forced to make them known. The Lord reigns!
On February 15, he issued a statement on the official website for The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. It was titled Statement from R. Albert Mohler Jr. on Sovereign Grace Churches. In general terms, it exposed C.J.’s corruption.
That same day, I did a lengthy interview with Downen. As a result, he updated his explosive article, Leading Southern Baptist apologizes for supporting leader, church at center of sex abuse scandal.
Two months later in response to the call for an independent investigation by many national leaders, the Leadership Team of Sovereign Grace Churches comprised of Mark Prater, Mickey Connolly, Tommy Hill, Bob Kauflin, Ian McConnell, Jeff Purswell and Rich Richardson put out this emphatic statement regarding their decision not to do an independent investigation by a firm like Guidepost Solutions. It was demoniac in my estimation. Of course, they could easily have done an ethical investigation for the honor of Christ and the good of the gospel! And oh, for the victims too!
“We made our decision based upon principles that were theological, ethical, and practical in nature. Practical matters alone make this option impossible. … We remain persuaded that an investigation of the sort we’ve been challenged to authorize—both in good faith and otherwise—is inappropriate, impractical, unjust, and finally would be unsatisfactory to all interested parties. Most importantly, as far as we’re able to discern, we believe this course, the theological capitulation it would represent, and the precedent it would set, would ultimately dishonor Christ and harm the cause of the gospel.” (The Leadership Team, “Thoughts on the Call for an ‘Independent Investigation’ of Sovereign Grace Churches,” April 12, 2019)
T4G 2020
Unfortunately, there is no photo for 2020 because the live gathering at the KFC YUM Center was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead recordings were posted online.
David Platt, Mark Dever, Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Kevin DeYoung, H.B. Charles, and John Piper were back as main session speakers but there had been a major fallout since 2018. Matt Chandler, John MacArthur, and Thabiti Anyabwile were gone.
Lesser lights were added: Richard Chin, Greg Gilbert, Trip Lee, and Ed Moore.
There is no sign of C.J. or Sovereign Grace Churches. They are persona non grata.
T4G 2022
Thus far I’ve not seen a collective photo of the main session speakers. Here’s a funny one from 2012. The man who wrote the book on humility is being humble by blotting out his face and wearing a 00 jersey. Clearly, he wants no attention drawn to himself! As he often noted, he’s the chief of sinners.
Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, John Piper, David Platt, Kevin DeYoung, H.B. Charles, John Piper, and Greg Gilbert are back for the final T4G. Al Mohler is gone.
Alistair Begg, Sinclair Ferguson, Shai Linne, Bobby Scott, and Christian Lwanda are added. Begg and Ferguson are big draws. Approximately 14,000 are in attendance.
Once again, there is no sign of C.J. or Sovereign Grace Churches. They don’t even have an exhibitor's booth like 84 other ministries participating in the massive event.
The biggest development was Mohler not participating in the final Together for the Gospel. This is inexplicable! He lives in Louisville. He could roll out of bed and walk over to the KFC YUM Center to give a message in his sleep. This requires little to no work for him. He could also have been on a panel and shared his personal thoughts about being together for the gospel past, present, and future. Something is not right!
On October 25, 2021, Dever sent out a notice to every one of the T4G mailing list. It said in part.
We wanted you to know some big changes are ahead for April at our next Together for the Gospel conference in Louisville, KY.
We’ve decided to make 2022 the final gathering of T4G.
This is it! The last T4G conference.
Along with this decision we have other news: …
Albert Mohler will not be joining us in order to focus on other priorities and ventures at this point in his ministry. This has been an ongoing discussion for many months. Dr. Mohler called a few weeks ago and said, “I love you brothers, but it’s time.”
The email also provided a link to a “Video from Mark Dever and Ligon Duncan.” That link has been removed. I remember Duncan saying Mohler was starting WORLD Opinions under the WORLD News Group. Duncan also said he was occupied with happenings in the Southern Baptist Convention.
Still that was six months before the final T4G conference. If he was pressed for time, Mohler could have suspended his daily podcast, The Briefing, for one or two days. Everyone would understand. Personally, I don’t think Mohler pulled out because he was too busy as Dever and Duncan would like you to believe.
Eight years ago C.J. made his emphatic statement about speaking freely and publicly about all the specifics in the lawsuit. I knew at the time it was an empty boast to give the appearance of innocence.
“I look forward to the day when I can speak freely. For now, the simple and extraordinarily unsatisfying reality—for myself and others—is that in the face of an ongoing civil lawsuit, I simply cannot speak publicly to the specifics of these events.” (May 22, 2014)
C.J. has never spoken in public or answered any questions about his role in the cover up of sexual assault starting in 1980 with Charles Schmitt and sexual abuse starting in 1991 with Nate Morales.
In like fashion, Sovereign Grace Churches has adamantly refused to do an outside independent investigation by a law firm like Guidepost Solutions. That’s because their guilt is pervasive. It would be the absolute end of them.
Instead C.J. continues to play the victim card. Recently, he taught on Our Prowling Adversary at the Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference. He claimed he was the object of a “slander storm,” “storms of destruction,” and a vicious satanic attack to devour him. Here is a relevant excerpt.
“But as I grew in those essential [Reformed] doctrines the less I thought about Satan and his strategies to oppose me and those I loved and served. … Graham Cole describes the plight of many Christians in the West when he writes, “So many Christians in the West live as though the story of Creation involved in the main just two characters, God and ourselves.” Well slowly and imperceptivity I became one of those Christians and didn’t realize it until some ten plus years ago when I was enduring what my wife Carolyn identifies as a “slander storm.” What David in Psalm 57 describes as “storms of destruction that pass by.” … It was during this time that I came to realize I essentially ignored Satan’s activity in my life. … And her concern was that in the midst of suffering I had forgotten there was another character involved with evil intent.” (Nov. 10, 2021)
The reference to the “slander storm” “some ten plus years ago” is a reference to The Documents I sent the SGM pastors in July 2011. It is tragic to watch C.J. indoctrinate the next generation of leaders in SGC with a legendary rewriting of history that denies his sins and extols his “enduring” and “suffering."
C.J. was never a recipient of slander. He was the recipient of grace and truth which he spurned. The slander storm was directed at me and it continues. “Satan’s activity” and “evil intent” is attributed to me as his agent.
Consider this article.
Eight Reasons Why Sending Out "The Documents" Was Not Slanderous but Necessary
Wednesday, January 4, 2012 at 10:07AM
Together for the Gospel has born a lot of gospel fruit and gospel relationships. Yet, those once exalting in their togetherness are no longer together. Many of their relationships have been ruptured.
This is not primarily due to differences on race, social justice, police funding, politics, or the pandemic. It is due to a lack of Christian character – particularly humility and integrity. For example with John MacArthur and Thabiti Anyabwile who went on the warpath.
No one has acknowledged any sin for these divisions. No one has asked forgiveness for defending C.J. Mahaney for over a decade including Mohler. You cannot support such a man and his ministry and not experience the opposition of God. They are guilty of a great injustice that harmed many victims of spiritual and sexual abuse.
From my perspective, man’s pride and God’s discipline has made an end of T4G and I wish that were not the case. I hope a new generation of cross-sectional leaders come together for the gospel (not glory) and stay together for the gospel in a similar format.
And let’s remember the gospel is not simply a soteriological doctrine. It is the good news concerning Jesus Christ and his holy history. That is, his extraordinary birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. It is our passionate love for him and what he has done that brings us together and keeps us together.
Finally, here is a link to a message I recently preached on Getting the Gospel Right. If asked, most Christians can't answer the question, "What is the gospel?" They can't explain the central message of the Bible. That is largely because they have not been taught it. This teaching gives a clear definition of what the gospel is and what the gospel is not. I hope you find it helpful.