Who Will Stand Up to Phil Johnson for His Vicious Verbal Attacks Upon Journalist Julie Roys? Certainly Not John MacArthur!

Phil Johnson has always done John MacArthur’s dirty work!
That was true when journalist Paige Rogers exposed MacArthur for his false narrative about standing on the blood of Martin Luther King, Jr. on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis within hours of the assassination and then standing on the toilet in boarding house bathroom used by James Earl Ray across the street to fire the fatal shot out the window. These were grandiose lies designed to make himself a legend in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s!
I further exposed these horrendous lies (and much more) in the article below. If you want to know the truth about MacArthur and Johnson it is a must read. If you want to blissfully follow them, ignore it (or dam it without reading it)!
Therefore it is not at all surprising to see Johnson attack journalist Julie Roys in the same manner. This is a long term pattern of predictable and reprehensible behavior (he even uses favorite words over and over in his diatribes – hit piece, scandalmonger, twaddle, screed, busybodies, gossip mongers, etc.).
As I pointed out in a recent article, he made this comment five years ago to the “swarm of rancor monsters” at The Wartburg Watch. So blinded by his arrogance and self-righteousness, he fails to realize he is describing himself. He is the consummate bully.
Phil Johnson The problem with this particular swarm of rancor monsters is that there are lots of people who self-identify as victims of “abuse” when in reality they just despise all authority, starting with the authority of Scripture. They profess to hate bullying, but their actions betray an eagerness to berate, accuse, and impute the worse possible motives to anyone who fails to affirm their omni-directional resentment. It is a potent flavor of spiritual abuse all its own, and it is as sick as any other form of spiritual abuse.
My heart goes out to *real* victims, but the survivor-blog community is heavily populated with people who are the Bruce Jenners of spiritual abuse. I’m not inclined to legitimizes their resentment, any more than I’m inclined to lend Bruce the artificial “dignity” of calling him a “she.”
I did not know who Phil Johnson was until he began to rant against me on his Facebook page in April 2016. His behavior was shocking. Yet, the whole experience was arranged by God in his sovereignty. You can read about here.
Phil Johnson & Tom Chantry Charge Me with a “Hit & Run” for Not Answering the Question, “Did You Know about Sexual Abuse in SGM?”
Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 4:49 PM
I contacted John MacArthur via his personal assistant, Paul Twiss. I also contacted the Board of Directors at Grace Community Church. That led to a phone call with Chris Hamilton, the Chairman of the Elder Board. He attempted to silence me and made light of Johnson’s behavior. It was then I began to realize the seriousness of MacArthur’s hypocrisy and corruption. This too was providential. You can read about it here.
John MacArthur Refuses to Follow His Own Teaching in Dealing with Phil Johnson’s Egregious Sins
Friday, June 30, 2017 at 3:54 PM
Since then I have interacted with various individuals who know MacArthur, Johnson, and others in the church, ministry, university and seminary. And of course, C.J. Mahaney told me a lot about the serious issues with MacArthur when they were close friends. Men like Lance Quinn, Dan Dumas, and Rick Holland left because they were exasperated by MacArthur’s impersonal and unaccountable leadership.
On another side note. In a recent article, I pointed out Bob Kauflin was leading worship at The Shepherds’ Conference (Mar. 3-5) for MacArthur.
Josh Buice & G3 Ministries Advertise Live Interview with John MacArthur but All a Ploy! Then Cover Up with Lies When Exposed!
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 7:19PM
These men are staunch defenders and unabashed promoters of John MacArthur. It includes Bob Kauflin and his son Devon. They will lead worship for the event.
Bob was a dear friend. We planted a church in Charlotte, North Carolina. He served as my associate and led worship. Then we sent him out to be with C.J. Mahaney in Gaithersburg, Maryland to head up Sovereign Grace Music. Bob has been at the center of the corruption surrounding Mahaney and the child sexual abuse coverup in Sovereign Grace Churches.
Together for the Gospel severed ties with Kauflin in 2020, the same year they severed ties with Mahaney and John MacArthur. I can’t believe Bob is identifying with MacArthur now. So many doors have closed to Sovereign Grace since their adamant refusal to do an independent investigation of the widespread abuse in their churches. They’re desperate to accept invitations for the revenue that results from music sales. Bob is also leading worship at the MacArthur’s Shepherds’ Conference in March. It breaks my heart.
So many doors have closed to Sovereign Grace since their adamant refusal to do an independent investigation of the widespread abuse in their churches. They’re desperate to accept invitations for the revenue that results from music sales. Bob is also leading worship at the MacArthur’s Shepherds’ Conference in March. It breaks my heart.
Well this past Sunday, I noticed Kauflin was removed from the list of speakers. It seems to me there are three possible reasons. It is probably #3.
1. MacArthur pulled the plug on him participating because he “has been at the center of the corruption surrounding Mahaney and the child sexual abuse coverup in Sovereign Grace Churches” per my article.
2. Kauflin pulled out because MacArthur and Johnson are being exposed on many serious fronts.
3. Kauflin pulled out because the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on Friday, February 5 that California’s ban on singing and chanting was constitutional. They also ruled seating capacity could be limited to 25% for indoor worship in Los Angeles County which is in a high risk category for spreading COVID-19.
By the way, wearing masks at The Shepherd’s Conference are optional per Phil Johnson.
Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981)
Replying to @Phil_Johnson_
I’m looking forward to the upcoming SC [Shepherds' Conference]. It would be such a blessing for a wretch like me to shake the hands of you and JM [John MacArthur]. Do we need to wear masks at SC? I’ve actually already had C19 [COVID-19].
12:24 PM · Feb 9, 2021
Phil Johnson
@Phil_Johnson_· 29m
Replying to @5212cor
Masks optional.
Three thousand men have registered for the conference. You can still pull out and get a refund up until February 21.
Here’s is an excerpt from my article last Friday.
Thoughts on Julie Roy’s Excellent Article “The Prosperous Lifestyle of America’s Anti-Prosperity Gospel Preacher” – John MacArthur
Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 4:20PM
Julie Roys at The Roys Report has done a great service for the Body of Christ. She has further exposed the nepotism, cronyism, and corruption that has characterized MacArthur’s ministry for decades. I’ve written about it at great length. Read here for starters.
Of course, she will be condemned for slander but it is never slander when hypocrisy of this magnitude is exposed.
I must be a prophet – lol. No, I just know Johnson. Therefore, it was unsurprising he immediately sought to injure Roys with horrific attacks upon her character and reporting. Johnson is a snake in shepherd’s clothing! He is venomous like the devil whose name means “slanderer” (Gr. diabolos). I think Paul’s words in the book of Romans apply to him.
Romans 3:13-18 13 “Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive.” “The venom of asps is under their lips.” 14 “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.” 15 “Their feet are swift to shed blood; 16 in their paths are ruin and misery, 17 and the way of peace they have not known.” 18 “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
Here is what he wrote.
Phil Johnson
Some well-meaning people have urged me to reply to a certain hit piece that’s currently making the rounds that a self-styled “journalist” put online. I’m not going to drive traffic by linking to it, but here are some of the reasons I haven’t bothered to reply:
12:54 PM · Feb 5, 2021
Phil Johnson
1/5 Ms. Roys does not want me to read or reply to her Twitter feed; she blocked me months ago. As I’ve said before, I’m very happy not to have to read her scandalmongering twaddle, and I rarely do, even when someone sends me a link.
12:54 PM · Feb 5, 2021
Phil Johnson
Replying to @Phil_Johnson_
2/5 Others have already pointed out the shoddy features of her latest screed. It frankly doesn’t warrant much of a response. Ms. Roys’s unhealthy, longstanding fixation with trying to discredit JM is too obvious anyway. However—
12:54 PM · Feb 5, 2021
Phil Johnson
Replying to @Phil_Johnson_
3/5 Apparently she quoted from me in this latest eruption of her monomania, but she didn’t link to full versions of the documents she cherry-picked quotes from. Perhaps it’s because these include data that don’t fit her narrative:
http://romans45.org/misc/JFM%20and%20stewardship.pdf… http://romans45.org/misc/roys.pdf
12:54 PM · Feb 5, 2021
Phil Johnson
Replying to @Phil_Johnson_
4/5 Since those documents (both more than a year old) already answered several of her main accusations, I’m not going to waste time saying more. As I told her directly, I don’t consider her a legitimate journalist. And she seems bent on proving me right.
12:54 PM · Feb 5, 2021
Phil Johnson
Replying to @Phil_Johnson_
5/5 That’s really all I have to say. Though I’m willing to answer honest questions from fair-minded people, it is my general policy not to reply (especially on Twitter) to relentless busybodies and gossipmongers who appear to have malicious intent.
12:54 PM · Feb 5, 2021
This is the way Johnson attacks those who say or write the truth about John MacArthur. He lies, mocks, and slanders Roys but he does not address the issues or the evidence in her article! She is a consummate professional. Rather, he diverts people away from the article which he will not link because he fears the truth it contains.
Who will stand up to Phil Johnson? Certainly not John MacArthur! MacArthur has used Johnson as his “hit man” for decades. He pays him to do his dirty work. That is a well known fact.
Remember, Johnson is the Executive Director of Grace to You (the media ministry) and a pastor in Grace Community Church. If MacArthur practiced what he preached, he would fire Johnson and remove him from ministry.
Steven Lawson preached at MacArthur’s Grace Community Church on January 3. Here is some of what he said about MacArthur in his introduction.
“Well what a glorious Sunday morning this is at Grace Community Church and what a great worship service. This has been, and as I step into this pulpit, the Bible says to give honor to whom honor is due. And the Bible says to esteem your leaders. And I just want to say I love John MacArthur [applause]. You have the greatest pastor on planet earth [applause].”
John MacArthur is not a pastor. No shepherd of Christ’s sheep would ever allow Phil Johnson to devour and brutalize sheep the way he does!
Furthermore, if the elders at Grace Community Church obeyed the Bible, Johnson would be under church discipline for his ongoing unrepentant sin. No church member could ever get away with this kind of lying and abusive speech. It is pure hypocrisy!
Julie Roys wrote an excellent response to Johnson’s deceitful, hateful, and illegal attack. Here is an excerpt. It should be read in entirety.
Director of John MacArthur’s Broadcast Ministry Doxes Julie Roys & Defends It
By Julie Roys
Phil Johnson, the director of John MacArthur’s broadcast ministry, Grace to You, doxed me yesterday in a document he posted online. When confronted, Johnson defended what he did.
To dox someone is to publish private or identifying information about that person, especially as a form of punishment or revenge. Doxing is illegal in California and punishable up to one year in jail or a fine of $1,000.
In my case, Johnson published my home address. This was in response to an article I posted this week about the salaries, secrecy, and lifestyle of Johnson’s boss, John MacArthur. My article also noted that Grace to You (GTY) paid Johnson a $230K+ salary and a sizeable loan, which was fully forgiven. …
In response, I tweeted out this message.
Brent Detwiler
IMO doxing is not his worst sin. His lying, deceit, arrogance & abusive speech are worse. Johnson is a stray & rebellious sheep but MacArthur is his shepherd. What do we learn? MacArthur is no shepherd! He is behind & supportive of all Johnson’s evil. Shepherds' Conf. = hypocrisy!
Quote Tweet
Julie Roys
@reachjulieroys· 22h
.@Phil_Johnson_, the director of @johnmacarthur's broadcast ministry @gracetoyou, doxed me by publishing my home address in a doc he posted Fri online. When confronted, Johnson blurred my address but defended what he did. Doxing is unethical & illegal. https://julieroys.com/director-of-john-macarthurs-broadcast-ministry-doxes-julie-roys-defends-it/…
1:47 PM · Feb 7, 2021
To close. Here is what six distinguished academic leaders from the Western Association of Schools & Colleges (the regional accrediting agency) reported in March 2019 after their investigation of The Master’s University & Seminary. As a result of their findings, the schools were put on probation. The "toxic environment" was "unmatched" in their professional experience. MacArthur told TMU&S students at the time, it was a satanic attack because of their stand for Christ. Here are some excerpts from their report.
Report of the WSCUC Team
For Reaffirmation of Accreditation
To the Master’s University and Seminary
March 21-23, 2019
Team Roster
- Team Chair: John Jackson, President, William Jessup University
- Assistant Chair: Anita Henck, Dean, School of Education, Azusa Pacific University
- Kevin Grant, Director of Student Affairs Assessment & Research, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
- Kimberly Renna, Vice President for Finance & Business Operations, Franciscan School of Theology
- Mark Riddle, Director of Educational Effectiveness, West Coast University
- Tamela Hawley, Vice President and Liaison, WSCUC
The finding of a pervasive culture and climate of fear, intimidation, bullying, and uncertainty … the fear of speaking up … management overriding or circumventing controls … the appearance of conflicts of interest … the cacophony [outcry] of concerns about the current culture of the institution … specific reports of unethical behavior by key leaders and fear of reprisal were consistent and corroborated through multiple sources … the related reports of lack of leadership ethics and accountability that emerged was unmatched for members of this review team … it seems this has been part of the operation for so long that it is practiced without question … the pervasive belief that long-time employees have been dismissed for speaking up, has resulted in a toxic environment that must be immediately addressed.
In response to this finding I wrote in part:
“This is not the “Master’s” university and seminary. This is MacArthur’s university and seminary. All of this is due to his abusive leadership and appointment of men who act in like manner. It is no wonder MacArthur covered up for C.J. Mahaney and his abusive leadership including the conspiracy to cover up the sexual abuse of children. In like manner, MacArthur has covered up sexual assault and rape for years by refusing to report it to law enforcement or follow The Clery Act and other federal guidelines.”
Of course, the real question is not who will stand up to Phil Johnson. The real question is who will stand up to John MacArthur!
Certainly, none of the men surrounding him on staff like Abner Chou, Austin Duncan, Nathan Busenitz, Michael Riccardi, or Paul Twiss. All speakers at The Shepherds’ Conference. Nor outside “friends” like Steven Lawson, H.B. Charles, Voddie Baucham or Bob Kauflin. All these enable his evil! There is no other word for it.
On the other hand, I hope fellow journalists at WORLD, Christianity Today, The Christan Post, Religion New Service, and many other media outlets cover the story and commend her work.