Will Anyone Call John MacArthur to Account for His Deceit, Hypocrisy, Fake Legacy Building, & Abusive Leadership?

The Roys Report just posted, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Shamed, Excommunicated Mother for Refusing to Take Back Child Abuser. It is another sordid example of MacArthur’s abusive leadership. It doesn’t surprise anyone who has covered him.
I’ve written numerous articles about John MacArthur, Phil Johnson, and their evil ways over the past five years. Here are the most important ones.
Phil Johnson & Tom Chantry Charge Me with a “Hit & Run” for Not Answering the Question, “Did You Know about Sexual Abuse in SGM?”
Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 4:49 PM
John MacArthur Refuses to Follow His Own Teaching in Dealing with Phil Johnson’s Egregious Sins
Friday, June 30, 2017 at 3:54 PM
My Most Important Article Ever! John MacArthur’s Renowned Story He Stood on the Blood of Martin Luther King Jr. with Iconic Civil Rights Leaders Within Hours of Assassination in 1968 a Complete Hoax! Phil Johnson, MacArthur’s Executive Director, Verbally Assails Reporter Who Broke Story in Attempted Cover-Up! And Much More!
Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at 9:23PM
The Account of John MacArthur & Rick Holland’s Horrific Handling of “Jane’s” Rape in Conjunction with Officials from The Master’s University
Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 8:02PM
My Work the Last Ten Years Best Described in Letter to Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan & Al Mohler Regarding John MacArthur
Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at 6:16PM
Will Voddie Baucham Answer My Questions & Call John MacArthur & Phil Johnson to Repentance for Their Audacious Lying & Bullying or Cover Up with Silence?
Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 11:02AM
Josh Buice & G3 Ministries Advertise Live Interview with John MacArthur but All a Ploy! Then Cover Up with Lies When Exposed!
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 7:19PM
Thoughts on Julie Roy’s Excellent Article “The Prosperous Lifestyle of America’s Anti-Prosperity Gospel Preacher” – John MacArthur
Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 4:20PM
Who Will Stand Up to Phil Johnson for His Vicious Verbal Attacks Upon Journalist Julie Roys? Certainly Not John MacArthur!
Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 6:47PM
Phil Johnson Covers Up John MacArthur’s Extraordinary Compensation & Lifestyle in Devious Statement to The Christian Post & Interview with Justin Peters
Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 8:16AM
Exposing the Hellacious Lies Advanced by Phil Johnson’s in Interview with Justin Peters about John MacArthur’s Trip to Assassination Site of Martin Luther King Jr.
Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 3:04PM
David Nicholas Blows Up John MacArthur’s Account about When, Where, & With Whom He Heard Martin Luther King Jr. Was Assassinated. Also Exposes MacArthur’s Lie He Went to Assassination Site with Charles Evers & John Perkins.
Friday, March 12, 2021 at 3:59PM
The Fifteen Audacious Lies Told by John MacArthur to Create His Legendary Tale About the Events of April 4, 1968 When Martin Luther King Jr. Was Assassinated
Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 2:11PM
Exposing John MacArthur’s Sociopathic Lies & Blasphemous Claims He Is Suffering for Christ
Friday, March 26, 2021 at 4:33PM
No one submitted to the authority of Scripture could possibly support John MacArthur in ministry. And no one submitted to the authority of Scripture could possibly stay silent about his unrepentant long-term sin of a serious nature.
Julie Roys’ article is just another example of his abusive leadership. It is nothing new and it is nothing surprising. You can read her past articles about MacArthur here.
Roys put out these tweets today.
Julie Roys
In 2001, the wife of a child abuser went to @johnmacarthur's @GraceComChurch for help. But instead of protecting her family, she says GCC subjected her to spiritually abusive counseling & tried to coerce her to take her husband back into family’s home 1/3
EXCLUSIVE: MacArthur Shamed, Excommunicated Wife of Child Abuser
In 2001, the wife of a child abuser went to the leaders of John MacArthur's church for help. Instead, she was shamed & excommunicated.
5:40 PM · Mar 8, 2022
Julie Roys
When the woman refused to take her abusive husband back, @johnmacarthur publicly shamed & excommunicated her in front of his 8,000-member congregation at @GraceComChurch. Exclusive video of that shaming is the article linked in this thread. 2/3
5:40 PM · Mar 8, 2022
Julie Roys
Today, Eileen’s frmr husband is serving 21 yrs to life in a CA prison for aggravated child molestation, corporal injury to a child, and child abuse. But the story of what Eileen suffered at the hands of @johnmacarthur & @GraceComChurch has never before been told—until now. 3/3
5:41 PM · Mar 8, 2022
I replied with this tweet.
Brent Detwiler
Replying to @reachjulieroys @johnmacarthur and @GraceComChurch
John MacArthur is one of the great hypocrites in our day. He does not live what he teaches. He has a proven record of ldr. abuse, covering up crimes, lying, & building a fake legacy. He should be under church discipline. Instead ldrs. enable him. None speak out against his evil!
12:15 PM · Mar 9, 2022
Roys also tweeted about the speakers at the Shepherds’ Conference that began today. All the speakers know of MacArthur’s and Johnson’s transgressions. For example, Voddie Baucham. I appealed to him to speak out in the past but he did nothing. I don’t care how great a preacher he is when he does not have the integrity to do what is right!
Will Voddie Baucham Answer My Questions & Call John MacArthur & Phil Johnson to Repentance for Their Audacious Lying & Bullying or Cover Up with Silence?
Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 11:02AM
Here’s is Roys’ tweet and my response.
Julie Roys
Today @shepconf begins. And these men & others are set to take the stage, affirming @johnmacarthur’s ministry. Given what I’ve reported, none can claim ignorance. 1 of these men was even on @GraceComChurch staff in 2002--and likely an elder as well, approving Eileen’s shaming.
12:06 PM · Mar 9, 2022
Brent Detwiler
Replying to @reachjulieroys @shepconf and 2 others
And you’ll notice Bob Kauflin in photos. He is on CJ Mahaney’s staff in Louisville. I’ve sent Bob my articles on MacArthur yet he leads “worship” at Shepherds Conf. Was a friend. Lost his integrity. Covered up crimes in Sov. Grace. Supports MacArthur. Enables Mahaney. All sinful.
12:54 PM · Mar 9, 2022
Will anyone call John MacArthur to account for his longtime deceit, hypocrisy, fake legacy building, and abusive leadership? No. This is a repeat of C.J. Mahaney. Only Al Mohler spoke out against Mahaney but that was under duress. Everyone else quietly severed ties with Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc.
MacArthur and Mahaney are alike in their patterns of sin. That is why they support each other to the present day. And their surrogates are alike. They work to cover up for them and their respective churches and organizations. That is how they curry favor and advance. None are willing to confront evil.
Below is the list of speakers at the Shepherd’s Conference. They all know about the transgressions of John MacArthur and Phil Johnson. But these men are not shepherds. A true shepherd would refuse to speak and confront the situation at hand. That is, John MacArthur, Carey Hardy and Bill Shannon’s horrific treatment of Eileen Gray.
MacArthur should be approached, corrected, and called to repentance at the conference. If he does not respond, the process of church discipline should begin. But this will not happened except by a remarkable providence of God.
Instead, MacArthur and his staff will do what they always do. Attack and disparage the messenger. Put out disinformation. Or go silent and say it doesn’t even deserve a response. All so wicked but that is their standard operating procedure.
They only reason Julie Roys is speaking out is because no national leaders have the integrity or courage to do so. We should be grateful for her service. She has been viciously attacked by Phil Johnson, et al.
Who Will Stand Up to Phil Johnson for His Vicious Verbal Attacks Upon Journalist Julie Roys? Certainly Not John MacArthur!
Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 6:47PM
Finally, thank you Eileen Gray for telling your story! It is hard but necessary or men like MacArthur continue to do evil. You have our respect! And thanks to others that provided evidence.
Take note of the men speaking at the conference.
Shepherds’ Conference 2022
March 9-11
John MacArthur
Grace Community Church
Voddie Baucham
Dean of Theology
African Christian University
Steve Lawson
OnePassion Ministries
H.B. Charles Jr.
Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church
Abner Chou
John F. MacArthur Endowed Fellow
The Master's University
Austin Duncan
Grace Community Church
Phil Johnson
Executive Director
Grace to You
Nathan Busenitz
Dean of Faculty and Professor of Theology
The Master's Seminary
Mike Riccardi
Grace Community Church
Paul Twiss
Instructor of Bible Exposition
The Master's Seminary
Bob Kauflin
Sovereign Grace Music
Jason Beals
Bible Professor
The Master’s University
Vlad Burlaka
City Bible Church
Hohn Cho
Grace Community Church
Luis Contreras
Seminario Bíblico Palabra de Gracia
George Crawford
Grace Community Church
Josiah Grauman
Dean of Spanish Education
The Master's Seminary
Carl Hargrove
Dean of Students
The Master's Seminary
Brad Klassen
Director of Th.M. Studies
The Master’s Seminary
Alexey Kolomiytsev
Word of Grace Bible Church
Jay Lennington
Junior High Ministry Pastor
Grace Community Church
Alex Montoya
Senior Pastor
First Fundamental Bible Church
Chris Mueller
Faith Bible Church
Josh Petras
High School Ministry Pastor
Grace Community Church
Todd Sorrell
Biblical Counselor
Mark Tatlock
The Master’s Academy International
William Varner
The Master’s University
Harry Walls
Campus Pastor
The Master's University
Paul Washer
HeartCry Missionary Society
Joseph Zhakevich
Professor of Old Testament
The Master’s Seminary
Mark Zhakevich
Professor of Bible Exposition
The Master’s Seminary